/* Copyright 2020 Google LLC Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package warn import "testing" func TestUnnamedMacroNoReaderSameFile(t *testing.T) { checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` load(":foo.bzl", "foo") my_rule = rule() def macro(x): foo() my_rule(name = x) def not_macro(x): foo() native.glob() native.existing_rule() native.existing_rules() native.package_name() native.repository_name() native.exports_files() return my_rule def another_macro(x): foo() [native.cc_library() for i in x] `, []string{ `5: The macro "macro" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "my_rule" on line 7.`, `19: The macro "another_macro" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "native.cc_library" on line 21.`, }, scopeBzl) checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` my_rule = rule() def macro1(foo, name, bar): my_rule() def macro2(foo, *, name): my_rule() def macro3(foo, *args, **kwargs): my_rule() `, []string{}, scopeBzl) checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` my_rule = rule() def macro(name): my_rule(name = name) alias = macro def bad_macro(): for x in y: alias(x) `, []string{ `8: The macro "bad_macro" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "alias" on line 10.`, }, scopeBzl) checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` my_rule = rule() def macro1(): my_rule(name = x) def macro2(): macro1() def macro3(): macro2() def macro4(): my_rule() `, []string{ `3: The macro "macro1" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "my_rule" on line 4.`, `6: The macro "macro2" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "macro1" on line 7`, `9: The macro "macro3" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "macro2" on line 10.`, `12: The macro "macro4" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "my_rule" on line 13.`, }, scopeBzl) } func TestUnnamedMacroRecursion(t *testing.T) { // Recursion is not allowed in Bazel, but shouldn't cause Buildifier to crash checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` my_rule = rule() def macro(): macro() `, []string{}, scopeBzl) checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` my_rule = rule() def macro(): macro() `, []string{}, scopeBzl) checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` my_rule = rule() def macro1(): macro2() def macro2(): macro3() def macro3(): macro1() `, []string{}, scopeBzl) checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` my_rule = rule() def foo(): bar() def bar(): foo() my_rule() `, []string{ `3: The macro "foo" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "bar" on line 4.`, `6: The macro "bar" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "my_rule" on line 8.`, }, scopeBzl) } func TestUnnamedMacroWithReader(t *testing.T) { defer setUpFileReader(map[string]string{ "test/package/subdir1/foo.bzl": ` def foo(): native.foo_binary() def bar(): foo() my_rule = rule() `, "test/package/subdir2/baz.bzl": ` load(":subdir1/foo.bzl", "bar", your_rule = "my_rule") load("//does/not:exist.bzl", "something") def baz(): if False: bar() def qux(): your_rule() def f(): something() `, })() checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` load("//test/package:subdir1/foo.bzl", abc = "bar") load(":subdir2/baz.bzl", "baz", "qux", "f") def macro1(surname): abc() def macro2(surname): baz() def macro3(surname): qux() def not_macro(x): f() `, []string{ `4: The macro "macro1" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "abc" on line 5. By convention, every public macro needs a "name" argument (even if it doesn't use it). This is important for tooling and automation. * If this function is a helper function that's not supposed to be used outside of this file, please make it private (e.g. rename it to "_macro1"). * Otherwise, add a "name" argument. If possible, use that name when calling other macros/rules.`, `7: The macro "macro2" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "baz" on line 8. By convention, every public macro needs a "name" argument (even if it doesn't use it). This is important for tooling and automation. * If this function is a helper function that's not supposed to be used outside of this file, please make it private (e.g. rename it to "_macro2"). * Otherwise, add a "name" argument. If possible, use that name when calling other macros/rules.`, `10: The macro "macro3" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "qux" on line 11. By convention, every public macro needs a "name" argument (even if it doesn't use it). This is important for tooling and automation. * If this function is a helper function that's not supposed to be used outside of this file, please make it private (e.g. rename it to "_macro3"). * Otherwise, add a "name" argument. If possible, use that name when calling other macros/rules.`, }, scopeBzl) } func TestUnnamedMacroRecursionWithReader(t *testing.T) { // Recursion is not allowed in Bazel, but shouldn't cause Buildifier to crash defer setUpFileReader(map[string]string{ "test/package/foo.bzl": ` load(":bar.bzl", "bar") def foo(): foo() def baz(): bar() def qux(): native.cc_library() `, "test/package/bar.bzl": ` load(":foo.bzl", "foo", "baz", quuux = "qux") def bar(): baz() def qux(): foo() baz() quuux() `, })() checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` load(":foo.bzl", "foo", "baz") load(":bar.bzl", quux = "qux") def macro(): foo() baz() quux() `, []string{ `4: The macro "macro" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "quux" on line 7.`, }, scopeBzl) } func TestUnnamedMacroLoadCycle(t *testing.T) { defer setUpFileReader(map[string]string{ "test/package/foo.bzl": ` load(":test_file.bzl", some_rule = "my_rule") def foo(): some_rule() `, })() checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` load(":foo.bzl", bar = "foo") my_rule = rule() def macro(): bar() `, []string{ `5: The macro "macro" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "bar" on line 6.`, }, scopeBzl) } func TestUnnamedMacroLoadedFiles(t *testing.T) { // Test that not necessary files are not loaded defer setUpFileReader(map[string]string{ "a.bzl": "a = rule()", "b.bzl": "b = rule()", "c.bzl": "c = rule()", "d.bzl": "d = rule()", })() checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` load("//:a.bzl", "a") load("//:b.bzl", "b") load("//:c.bzl", "c") load("//:d.bzl", "d") def macro1(): a() # has to load a.bzl to analyze def macro2(): b() # can skip b.bzl because there's a native rule native.cc_library() def macro3(): c() # can skip c.bzl because a.bzl has already been loaded a() def macro4(): d() # can skip d.bzl because there's a rule or another macro defined in the same file r() r = rule() `, []string{ `6: The macro "macro1" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "a" on line 7.`, `9: The macro "macro2" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "native.cc_library" on line 11.`, `13: The macro "macro3" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "a" on line 15.`, `17: The macro "macro4" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "r" on line 19.`, }, scopeBzl) if len(fileReaderRequests) == 1 && fileReaderRequests[0] == "a.bzl" { return } t.Errorf("expected to load only a.bzl, instead loaded %d files: %v", len(fileReaderRequests), fileReaderRequests) } func TestUnnamedMacroAliases(t *testing.T) { defer setUpFileReader(map[string]string{ "test/package/foo.bzl": ` load(":bar.bzl", _bar = "bar") bar = _bar`, "test/package/bar.bzl": ` my_rule = rule() bar = my_rule`, })() checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` load(":bar.bzl", "bar") baz = bar def macro1(): baz() def macro2(name): baz() `, []string{ `5: The macro "macro1" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "baz" on line 6.`, }, scopeBzl) } func TestUnnamedMacroPrivate(t *testing.T) { checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` my_rule = rule() def _not_macro(x): my_rule(name = x) def macro(x): _not_macro(x) `, []string{ `6: The macro "macro" should have a keyword argument called "name". It is considered a macro because it calls a rule or another macro "_not_macro" on line 7.`, }, scopeBzl) } func TestUnnamedMacroTypeAnnotation(t *testing.T) { checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` my_rule = rule() def macro(name: string): my_rule(name) `, []string{}, scopeBzl) checkFindings(t, "unnamed-macro", ` my_rule = rule() def macro(name: string = "default"): my_rule(name) `, []string{}, scopeBzl) }