
Text file src/github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/warn/docs/warnings.textproto

Documentation: github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/warn/docs

     1# proto-file: warn/docs/docs.proto
     2# proto-message: Warnings
     3# After modifying this file, run `bazel build //warn/docs:warnings_docs && cp bazel-bin/warn/docs/WARNINGS.md .`
     5warnings: {
     6  name: "attr-cfg"
     7  header: "`cfg = \"data\"` for attr definitions has no effect"
     8  description:
     9    "The [Configuration](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/rules.html#configurations)\n"
    10    "`cfg = \"data\"` is deprecated and has no effect. Consider removing it.\n"
    11    "The [Configuration](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/rules.html#configurations)\n"
    12    "`cfg = \"host\"` is deprecated. Consider replacing it with `cfg = \"exec\"`."
    13  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_disallow_data_transition"
    14  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/6153"
    15  autofix: true
    18warnings: {
    19  name: "attr-license"
    20  header: "`attr.license()` is deprecated and shouldn't be used"
    21  description: "The `attr.license()` method is almost never used and being deprecated."
    22  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_no_attr_license"
    23  autofix: false
    26warnings: {
    27  name: "attr-licenses"
    28  header: "Do not use `licenses` as an attribute name."
    29  description: "Using licenses as an attribute name may cause unexpected behavior."
    30  autofix: false
    33warnings: {
    34  name: "attr-applicable_licenses"
    35  header: "Do not use `applicable_licenses` as an attribute name."
    36  description: "Using `applicable_licenses` as an attribute name may cause unexpected behavior. Its use may be prohibited in future Bazel releases."
    37  autofix: false
    40warnings: {
    41  name: "attr-package-metadata"
    42  header: "Do not use `package_metadata` as an attribute name."
    43  description: "Using `package_metadata` as an attribute name may cause unexpected behavior. Its use may be prohibited in future Bazel releases."
    44  autofix: false
    47warnings: {
    48  name: "attr-non-empty"
    49  header: "`non_empty` attribute for attr definitions is deprecated"
    50  description:
    51    "The `non_empty` [attribute](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/attr.html)\n"
    52    "for attr definitions is deprecated, please use `allow_empty` with an opposite value instead."
    53  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_disable_deprecated_attr_params"
    54  autofix: true
    57warnings: {
    58  name: "attr-output-default"
    59  header: "The `default` parameter for `attr.output()`is deprecated"
    60  description:
    61    "The `default` parameter of `attr.output()` is bug-prone, as two targets of the same rule would be\n"
    62    "unable to exist in the same package under default behavior. Use Starlark macros to specify defaults\n"
    63    "for these attributes instead."
    64  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_no_output_attr_default"
    65  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7950"
    66  autofix: false
    69warnings: {
    70  name: "attr-single-file"
    71  header: "`single_file` is deprecated"
    72  description:
    73    "The `single_file` [attribute](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/attr.html)\n"
    74    "is deprecated, please use `allow_single_file` instead."
    75  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_disable_deprecated_attr_params"
    76  autofix: true
    79warnings: {
    80  name: "build-args-kwargs"
    81  header: "`*args` and `**kwargs` are not allowed in BUILD files"
    82  description:
    83    "Having `*args` or `**kwargs` makes BUILD files hard to read and manipulate. The list of\n"
    84    "arguments should be explicit."
    85  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_no_kwargs_in_build_files"
    86  autofix: false
    88warnings: {
    89  name: "bzl-visibility"
    90  header: "Module shouldn't be used directly"
    91  description:
    92    "If a directory `foo` contains a subdirectory `internal` or `private`, only files located under `foo`\n"
    93    "can access it.\n\n"
    94    "For example, `dir/rules_mockascript/private/foo.bzl` can be loaded from\n"
    95    "`dir/rules_mockascript/private/bar.bzl` or `dir/rules_mockascript/sub/public.bzl`,\n"
    96    "but not from `dir/other_rule/file.bzl`."
    97  autofix: false
   100warnings: {
   101  name: "confusing-name"
   102  header: "Never use `l`, `I`, or `O` as names"
   103  description: "The names `l`, `I`, or `O` can be easily confused with `I`, `l`, or `0` correspondingly."
   104  autofix: false
   107warnings: {
   108  name: "constant-glob"
   109  header: "Glob pattern has no wildcard ('*')"
   110  description:
   111    "[Glob function](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/be/functions.html#glob)\n"
   112    "is used to get a list of files from the depot. The patterns (the first argument)\n"
   113    "typically include a wildcard (* character). A pattern without a wildcard is\n"
   114    "often useless and sometimes harmful.\n\n"
   115    "To fix the warning, move the string out of the glob:\n\n"
   116    "```diff\n"
   117    "- glob([\"*.cc\", \"test.cpp\"])\n"
   118    "+ glob([\"*.cc\"]) + [\"test.cpp\"]\n"
   119    "```\n\n"
   120    "**There’s one important difference**: before the change, Bazel would silently\n"
   121    "ignore test.cpp if file is missing; after the change, Bazel will throw an error\n"
   122    "if file is missing.\n\n"
   123    "If `test.cpp` doesn’t exist, the fix becomes:\n\n"
   124    "```diff\n"
   125    "- glob([\"*.cc\", \"test.cpp\"])\n"
   126    "+ glob([\"*.cc\"])\n"
   127    "```\n\n"
   128    "which improves maintenance and readability.\n\n"
   129    "If no pattern has a wildcard, just remove the glob. It will also improve build\n"
   130    "performance (glob can be relatively slow):\n\n"
   131    "```diff\n"
   132    "- glob([\"test.cpp\"])\n"
   133    "+ [\"test.cpp\"]\n"
   134    "```"
   137warnings: {
   138  name: "ctx-actions"
   139  header: "`ctx.{action_name}` is deprecated"
   140  description:
   141    "The following [actions](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/actions.html)\n"
   142    "are deprecated, please use the new API:\n\n"
   143    "  * [`ctx.new_file`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/ctx.html#new_file) → [`ctx.actions.declare_file`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/actions.html#declare_file)\n"
   144    "  * `ctx.experimental_new_directory` → [`ctx.actions.declare_directory`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/actions.html#declare_directory)\n"
   145    "  * [`ctx.file_action`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/ctx.html#file_action) → [`ctx.actions.write`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/actions.html#write)\n"
   146    "  * [`ctx.action(command = \"...\")`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/ctx.html#action) → [`ctx.actions.run_shell`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/actions.html#run_shell)\n"
   147    "  * [`ctx.action(executable = \"...\")`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/ctx.html#action) → [`ctx.actions.run`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/actions.html#run)\n"
   148    "  * [`ctx.empty_action`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/ctx.html#empty_action) → [`ctx.actions.do_nothing`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/actions.html#do_nothing)\n"
   149    "  * [`ctx.template_action`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/ctx.html#template_action) → [`ctx.actions.expand_template`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/actions.html#expand_template)"
   150  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_new_actions_api"
   151  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5825"
   152  autofix: true
   155warnings: {
   156  name: "ctx-args"
   157  header: "`ctx.actions.args().add()` for multiple arguments is deprecated"
   158  description:
   159    "It's deprecated to use the [`add`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/Args.html#add)\n"
   160    "method of `ctx.actions.args()` to add a list (or a depset) of variables. Please use either\n"
   161    "[`add_all`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/Args.html#add_all) or\n"
   162    "[`add_joined`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/Args.html#add_joined),\n"
   163    "depending on the desired behavior."
   164  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_disallow_old_style_args_add"
   165  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5822"
   166  autofix: true
   169warnings: {
   170  name: "deprecated-function"
   171  header: "The function is deprecated"
   172  description:
   173    "The function defined in another .bzl file has a docstring stating that it's deprecated, i.e. it\n"
   174    "contains a `Deprecated:` section. The convention for function docstrings is described by\n"
   175    "the [`function-docstring`](#function-docstring) warning."
   178warnings: {
   179  name: "depset-items"
   180  header: "Depset's \"items\" parameter is deprecated"
   181  description:
   182    "The `items` parameter for [`depset`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/globals.html#depset)\n"
   183    "is deprecated. In its old form it's either a list of direct elements to be\n"
   184    "added (use the `direct` or unnamed first parameter instead) or a depset that\n"
   185    "becomes a transitive element of the new depset (use the `transitive` parameter\n"
   186    "instead)."
   187  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_disable_depset_items"
   188  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/9017"
   191warnings: {
   192  name: "depset-iteration"
   193  header: "Depset iteration is deprecated"
   194  description:
   195    "Depsets are complex structures, iterations over them and lookups require flattening them to\n"
   196    "a list which may be a heavy operation. To make it more obvious it's now required to call\n"
   197    "the `.to_list()` method on them in order to be able to iterate their items:\n\n"
   198    "```python\n"
   199    "deps = depset()\n"
   200    "[x.path for x in deps]  # deprecated\n"
   201    "[x.path for x in deps.to_list()]  # recommended\n"
   202    "```"
   203  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_depset_is_not_iterable"
   204  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5816"
   205  autofix: true
   208warnings: {
   209  name: "depset-union"
   210  header: "Depsets should be joined using the depset constructor"
   211  description:
   212    "The following ways to merge two depsets are deprecated:\n\n"
   213    "```python\n"
   214    "depset1 + depset2\n"
   215    "depset1 | depset2\n"
   216    "depset1.union(depset2)\n"
   217    "```\n\n"
   218    "Please use the [depset](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/depset.html) constructor\n"
   219    "instead:\n\n"
   220    "```python\n"
   221    "depset(transitive = [depset1, depset2])\n"
   222    "```\n\n"
   223    "When fixing this issue, make sure you\n"
   224    "[understand depsets](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/depsets.html)\n"
   225    "and try to\n"
   226    "[reduce the number of calls to depset](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/performance.html#reduce-the-number-of-calls-to-depset)."
   227  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_depset_union"
   228  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5817"
   231warnings: {
   232  name: "dict-concatenation"
   233  header: "Dictionary concatenation is deprecated"
   234  description:
   235    "The `+` operator to concatenate dicts is deprecated. The operator used to create a new dict and\n"
   236    "copy the data to it. There are several ways to avoid it, for example, instead of `d = d1 + d2 + d3`\n"
   237    "you can use one of the following:\n\n"
   238    "  * Use [Skylib](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-skylib):\n\n"
   239    "```python\n"
   240    "load(\"@bazel_skylib//lib:dicts.bzl\", \"dicts\")\n\n"
   241    "d = dicts.add(d1, d2, d3)\n"
   242    "```\n\n"
   243    "  * The same if you don't want to use Skylib:\n\n"
   244    "```python\n"
   245    "d = dict(d1.items() + d2.items() + d3.items())\n"
   246    "```\n\n"
   247    "  * The same in several steps:\n\n"
   248    "```python\n"
   249    "d = dict(d1)  # If you don't want `d1` to be mutated\n"
   250    "d.update(d2)\n"
   251    "d.update(d3)\n"
   252    "```"
   253  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_disallow_dict_plus"
   254  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/6461"
   257warnings: {
   258  name: "dict-method-named-arg"
   259  header: "Dict methods do not have a named argument `default`"
   260  description:
   261    "Dict methods `get`, `pop` and `setdefault` do not accept a named argument\n"
   262    "called `default`. Due to a bug, Bazel currently accepts that named argument.\n"
   263    "It is better to use a positional argument instead:\n\n"
   264    "```diff\n"
   265    "- mydict.get(5, default = 0)\n"
   266    "+ mydict.get(5, 0)\n"
   267    "```"
   270warnings: {
   271  name: "duplicated-name"
   272  header: "A rule with name `foo` was already found on line"
   273  description:
   274    "Each label in Bazel has a unique name, and Bazel doesn’t allow two rules to have\n"
   275    "the same name. With macros, this may be accepted by Bazel (if each macro\n"
   276    "generates different rules):\n\n"
   277    "```python\n"
   278    "my_first_macro(name = \"foo\")\n"
   279    "my_other_macro(name = \"foo\")\n"
   280    "```\n\n"
   281    "Although the build may work, this code can be very confusing. It can confuse\n"
   282    "users reading a BUILD file (if they look for the rule “foo”, they may read see\n"
   283    "only one of the macros). It will also confuse tools that edit BUILD files.\n\n"
   284    "To fix the issue just change the name attribute of one rule/macro."
   287warnings: {
   288  name: "filetype"
   289  header: "The `FileType` function is deprecated"
   290  description:
   291    "The function `FileType` is deprecated. Instead of using it as an argument to the\n"
   292    "[`rule` function](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/globals.html#rule)\n"
   293    "just use a list of strings."
   294  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_disallow_filetype"
   295  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5831"
   298warnings: {
   299  name: "function-docstring"
   300  name: "function-docstring-header"
   301  name: "function-docstring-args"
   302  name: "function-docstring-return"
   303  header: "Function docstring"
   304  description:
   305    "Public functions should have docstrings describing functions and their signatures.\n"
   306    "A docstring is a string literal (not a comment) which should be the first statement\n"
   307    "of a function (it may follow comment lines). Function docstrings are expected to be\n"
   308    "formatted in the following way:\n\n"
   309    "```python\n"
   310    "\"\"\"One-line summary: must be followed and may be preceded by a blank line.\n"
   311    "\n"
   312    "Optional additional description like this.\n"
   313    "\n"
   314    "If it's a function docstring and the function has more than one argument, the docstring has\n"
   315    "to document these parameters as follows:\n"
   316    "\n"
   317    "Args:\n"
   318    "  parameter1: description of the first parameter. Each parameter line\n"
   319    "    should be indented by one, preferably two, spaces (as here).\n"
   320    "  parameter2: description of the second\n"
   321    "    parameter that spans two lines. Each additional line should have a\n"
   322    "    hanging indentation of at least one, preferably two, additional spaces (as here).\n"
   323    "  another_parameter (unused, mutable): a parameter may be followed\n"
   324    "    by additional attributes in parentheses\n"
   325    "\n"
   326    "Returns:\n"
   327    "  Description of the return value.\n"
   328    "  Should be indented by at least one, preferably two spaces (as here)\n"
   329    "  Can span multiple lines.\n"
   330    "\n"
   331    "Deprecated:\n"
   332    "  Optional, description of why the function is deprecated and what should be used instead.\n"
   333    "\"\"\"\n"
   334    "```\n\n"
   335    "Docstrings are required for all public functions with at least 5 statements. If a docstring exists\n"
   336    "it should start with a one-line summary line followed by an empty line. If a docstring is required\n"
   337    "or it describes some arguments, it should describe all of them. If a docstring is required and\n"
   338    "the function returns a value, it should be described."
   341warnings: {
   342  name: "git-repository"
   343  header: "Function `git_repository` is not global anymore"
   344  description:
   345    "Native `git_repository` and `new_git_repository` functions are removed.\n"
   346    "Please use the Starlark version instead:\n\n"
   347    "```python\n"
   348    "load(\"@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl\", \"git_repository\")\n"
   349    "```"
   350  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_remove_native_git_repository"
   351  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/6569"
   352  autofix: true
   355warnings: {
   356  name: "http-archive"
   357  header: "Function `http_archive` is not global anymore"
   358  description:
   359    "Native `http_archive` function is removed.\n"
   360    "Please use the Starlark version instead:\n\n"
   361    "```python\n"
   362    "load(\"@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl\", \"http_archive\")\n"
   363    "```"
   364  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_remove_native_http_archive"
   365  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/6570"
   366  autofix: true
   369warnings: {
   370  name: "integer-division"
   371  header: "The `/` operator for integer division is deprecated"
   372  description:
   373    "The `/` operator is deprecated in favor of `//`, please use the latter for\n"
   374    "integer division:\n\n"
   375    "```python\n"
   376    "a = b // c\n"
   377    "d //= e\n"
   378    "```"
   379  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_disallow_slash_operator"
   380  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5823"
   381  autofix: true
   384warnings: {
   385  name: "keyword-positional-params"
   386  header: "Keyword parameter should be positional"
   387  description:
   388    "Some parameters for builtin functions in Starlark are keyword for legacy reasons;\n"
   389    "their names are not meaningful (e.g. `x`). Making them positional-only will improve\n"
   390    "the readability."
   391  autofix: true
   394warnings: {
   395  name: "list-append"
   396  header: "Prefer using `.append()` to adding a single element list"
   397  description: "Transforming `x += [expr]` to `x.append(expr)` avoids a list allocation."
   398  autofix: true
   401warnings: {
   402  name: "load"
   403  header: "Loaded symbol is unused"
   404  description:
   405    "### Background\n\n"
   406    "[load](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/concepts.html#loading-an-extension)\n"
   407    "is used to import definitions in a BUILD file. If the definition is not used in\n"
   408    "the file, the load can be safely removed. If a symbol is loaded two times, you\n"
   409    "will get a warning on the second occurrence.\n\n"
   410    "### How to fix it\n\n"
   411    "Delete the line. When load is used to import multiple symbols, you can remove\n"
   412    "the unused symbols from the list. To fix your BUILD files automatically, try\n"
   413    "this command:\n\n"
   414    "```bash\n"
   415    "$ buildozer 'fix unusedLoads' path/to/BUILD\n"
   416    "```\n\n"
   417    "If you want to keep the load, you can disable the warning by adding a comment\n"
   418    "`# @unused`."
   419  autofix: true
   422warnings: {
   423  name: "load-on-top"
   424  header: "Load statements should be at the top of the file"
   425  description:
   426    "Obsolete; the warning has been implemented in the formatter and the fix "
   427    "is now automatically applied to all files except `WORKSPACE` files "
   428    "(unless suppressed).\n\n"
   429    "Load statements should be first statements (with the exception of `WORKSPACE` files),\n"
   430    "they can follow only comments and docstrings."
   431  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_bzl_disallow_load_after_statement"
   432  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5815"
   433  autofix: true
   436warnings: {
   437  name: "module-docstring"
   438  header: "The file has no module docstring"
   439  description:
   440    "`.bzl` files should have docstrings on top of them. A docstring is a string literal\n"
   441    "(not a comment) which should be the first statement of the file (it may follow\n"
   442    "comment lines). For example:\n\n"
   443    "```python\n"
   444    "\"\"\"\n"
   445    "This module contains build rules for my project.\n"
   446    "\"\"\"\n"
   447    "\n"
   448    "...\n"
   449    "```"
   452warnings: {
   453  name: "name-conventions"
   454  header: "Name conventions"
   455  description:
   456    "By convention, all variables should be lower_snake_case, constant should be\n"
   457    "UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, and providers should be UpperCamelCase ending with `Info`."
   460warnings: {
   461  name: "native-android"
   462  header: "All Android build rules should be loaded from Starlark"
   463  description:
   464    "The Android build rules should be loaded from Starlark.\n\n"
   465    "Update: the plans for disabling native rules\n"
   466    "[have been postponed](https://groups.google.com/g/bazel-discuss/c/XNvpWcge4AE/m/aJ-aQzszAwAJ),\n"
   467    "at the moment it's not required to load Starlark rules."
   468  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_disable_native_android_rules"
   469  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/8391"
   470  autofix: true
   473warnings: {
   474  name: "native-build"
   475  header: "The `native` module shouldn't be used in BUILD files"
   476  description:
   477    "There's no need in using `native.` in BUILD files, its members are available\n"
   478    "as global symbols there."
   479  autofix: true
   482warnings: {
   483  name: "native-cc"
   484  header: "All C++ build rules should be loaded from Starlark"
   485  description:
   486    "The CC build rules should be loaded from Starlark.\n\n"
   487    "Update: the plans for disabling native rules\n"
   488    "[have been postponed](https://groups.google.com/g/bazel-discuss/c/XNvpWcge4AE/m/aJ-aQzszAwAJ),\n"
   489    "at the moment it's not required to load Starlark rules."
   490  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_load_cc_rules_from_bzl"
   491  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/8743"
   492  autofix: true
   495warnings: {
   496  name: "native-java"
   497  header: "All Java build rules should be loaded from Starlark"
   498  description:
   499    "The Java build rules should be loaded from Starlark.\n\n"
   500    "Update: the plans for disabling native rules\n"
   501    "[have been postponed](https://groups.google.com/g/bazel-discuss/c/XNvpWcge4AE/m/aJ-aQzszAwAJ),\n"
   502    "at the moment it's not required to load Starlark rules."
   503  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_load_java_rules_from_bzl"
   504  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/8746"
   505  autofix: true
   508warnings: {
   509  name: "native-package"
   510  header: "`native.package()` shouldn't be used in .bzl files"
   511  description:
   512    "It's discouraged and will be disallowed to use `native.package()` in .bzl files.\n"
   513    "It can silently modify the semantics of a BUILD file and makes it hard to maintain."
   516warnings: {
   517  name: "native-proto"
   518  header: "All Proto build rules and symbols should be loaded from Starlark"
   519  description:
   520    "The Proto build rules should be loaded from Starlark.\n\n"
   521    "Update: the plans for disabling native rules\n"
   522    "[have been postponed](https://groups.google.com/g/bazel-discuss/c/XNvpWcge4AE/m/aJ-aQzszAwAJ),\n"
   523    "at the moment it's not required to load Starlark rules."
   524  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_load_proto_rules_from_bzl"
   525  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/8922"
   526  autofix: true
   529warnings: {
   530  name: "native-py"
   531  header: "All Python build rules should be loaded from Starlark"
   532  description:
   533    "The Python build rules should be loaded from Starlark.\n\n"
   534    "Update: the plans for disabling native rules\n"
   535    "[have been postponed](https://groups.google.com/g/bazel-discuss/c/XNvpWcge4AE/m/aJ-aQzszAwAJ),\n"
   536    "at the moment it's not required to load Starlark rules."
   537  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_load_python_rules_from_bzl"
   538  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/9006"
   539  autofix: true
   542warnings: {
   543  name: "no-effect"
   544  header: "Expression result is not used"
   545  description: "The statement has no effect. Consider removing it or storing its result in a variable."
   548warnings: {
   549  name: "out-of-order-load"
   550  header: "Load statements should be ordered by their labels"
   551  description:
   552    "Obsolete; the warning has been implemented in the formatter and the fix "
   553    "is now automatically applied to all files (unless suppressed).\n\n"
   554    "Load statements should be ordered by their first argument - extension file label.\n"
   555    "This makes it easier to developers to locate loads of interest and reduces chances\n"
   556    "for conflicts when performing large-scale automated refactoring.\n\n"
   557    "When applying automated fixes, it's highly recommended to also use\n"
   558    "[`load-on-top`](#load-on-top) fixes, since otherwise the relative order\n"
   559    "of a symbol load and its usage can change resulting in runtime error."
   560  autofix: true
   563warnings: {
   564  name: "output-group"
   565  header: "`ctx.attr.dep.output_group` is deprecated"
   566  description:
   567    "The `output_group` field of a target is deprecated in favor of the\n"
   568    "[`OutputGroupInfo` provider](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/OutputGroupInfo.html)."
   569  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_no_target_output_group"
   570  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7949"
   571  autofix: true
   574warnings: {
   575  name: "overly-nested-depset"
   576  header: "The depset is potentially overly nested"
   577  description:
   578    "If a depset is iteratively chained in a for loop, e.g. the following pattern is used:\n\n"
   579    "```python\n"
   580    "for ...:\n"
   581    "    x = depset(..., transitive = [..., x, ...])\n"
   582    "```\n\n"
   583    "this can result in an overly nested depset with a long chain of transitive elements. Such patterns\n"
   584    "can lead to performance problems, consider refactoring the code to create a flat list of transitive\n"
   585    "elements and call the depset constructor just once:\n\n"
   586    "```python\n"
   587    "transitive = []\n"
   588    "\n"
   589    "for ...:\n"
   590    "    transitive += ...\n"
   591    "\n"
   592    "x = depset(..., transitive = transitive)\n"
   593    "```\n\n"
   594    "Or in simple cases you can use list comprehensions instead:\n\n"
   595    "```python\n"
   596    "x = depset(..., transitive = [y.deps for y in ...])\n"
   597    "```\n\n"
   598    "For more information, read Bazel documentation about\n"
   599    "[depsets](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/depsets.html)\n"
   600    "and\n"
   601    "[reducing the number of calls to depset](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/performance.html#reduce-the-number-of-calls-to-depset)."
   604warnings: {
   605  name: "package-name"
   606  header: "Global variable `PACKAGE_NAME` is deprecated"
   607  description:
   608    "The global variable `PACKAGE_NAME` is deprecated, please use\n"
   609    "[`native.package_name()`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/native.html#package_name)\n"
   610    "instead."
   611  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_package_name_is_a_function"
   612  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5827"
   613  autofix: true
   616warnings: {
   617  name: "package-on-top"
   618  header: "Package declaration should be at the top of the file"
   619  description:
   620    "Here is a typical structure of a BUILD file:\n\n"
   621    "  * `load()` statements\n"
   622    "  * `package()`\n"
   623    "  * calls to rules, macros\n\n"
   624    "Instantiating a rule and setting the package defaults later can be very\n"
   625    "confusing, and has been a source of bugs (tools and humans sometimes believe\n"
   626    "package applies to everything in a BUILD file). This might become an error in\n"
   627    "the future.\n\n"
   628    "### What can be used before package()?\n\n"
   629    "The linter allows the following to be before `package()`:\n\n"
   630    "  * comments\n"
   631    "  * `load()`\n"
   632    "  * variable declarations\n"
   633    "  * `package_group()`\n"
   634    "  * `licenses()`"
   637warnings: {
   638  name: "positional-args"
   639  header: "Keyword arguments should be used over positional arguments"
   640  description:
   641    "All top level calls (except for some built-ins) should use keyword args over\n"
   642    "positional arguments. Positional arguments can cause subtle errors if the order\n"
   643    "is switched or if an argument is removed. Keyword args also greatly improve\n"
   644    "readability.\n\n"
   645    "```diff\n"
   646    "- my_macro(\"foo\", \"bar\")\n"
   647    "+ my_macro(name = \"foo\", env = \"bar\")\n"
   648    "```\n\n"
   649    "The linter allows the following functions to be called with positional arguments:\n\n"
   650    "  * `load()`\n"
   651    "  * `vardef()`\n"
   652    "  * `export_files()`\n"
   653    "  * `licenses()`\n"
   654    "  * `print()`"
   657warnings: {
   658  name: "print"
   659  header: "`print()` is a debug function and shouldn't be submitted"
   660  description:
   661    "Using the `print()` function for warnings is discouraged: they are often spammy and\n"
   662    "non actionable, the people who see the warning are usually not the people who can\n"
   663    "fix the code to make the warning disappear, and the actual maintainers of the code\n"
   664    "may never see the warning."
   667warnings: {
   668  name: "provider-params"
   669  header: "Calls to `provider` should specify a list of fields and a documentation"
   670  description:
   671    "Calls to `provider` should specify a documentation string and a list of fields:\n\n"
   672    "```python\n"
   673    "ServerAddressInfo = provider(\n"
   674    "    \"The address of an HTTP server. Fields are host (string) and port (int).\",\n"
   675    "    fields = [\"host\", \"port\"]\n"
   676    ")\n"
   677    "```\n\n"
   678    "Fields should also be documented when needed:\n\n"
   679    "```python\n"
   680    "ServerAddressInfo = provider(\n"
   681    "    \"The address of an HTTP server.\",\n"
   682    "    fields = {\n"
   683    "        \"host\": \"string, e.g. 'example.com'\",\n"
   684    "        \"port\": \"int, a TCP port number\",\n"
   685    "    }\n"
   686    ")\n"
   687    "```\n\n"
   688    "Note that specifying a list of fields is a breaking change. It is an error if a\n"
   689    "call to the provider uses undeclared fields. If you cannot declare the list of\n"
   690    "fields, you may explicitly set it to None (and explain why in a comment).\n\n"
   691    "```python\n"
   692    "AllInfo = provider(\"This provider accepts any field.\", fields = None)\n"
   693    "\n"
   694    "NoneInfo = provider(\"This provider cannot have fields.\", fields = [])\n"
   695    "```\n\n"
   696    "See the [documentation for providers](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/globals.html#provider)."
   699warnings: {
   700  name: "redefined-variable"
   701  header: "Variable has already been defined"
   702  description:
   703    "### Background\n\n"
   704    "In .bzl files, redefining a global variable is already forbidden. This helps\n"
   705    "both humans and tools reason about the code. For consistency, we want to bring\n"
   706    "this restriction also to BUILD files.\n\n"
   707    "### How to fix it\n\n"
   708    "Rename one of the variables.\n\n"
   709    "Note that the content of lists and dictionaries can still be modified. We will\n"
   710    "forbid reassignment, but not every side-effect."
   713warnings: {
   714  name: "repository-name"
   715  header: "Global variable `REPOSITORY_NAME` is deprecated"
   716  description:
   717    "The global variable `REPOSITORY_NAME` is deprecated, please use\n"
   718    "[`native.repository_name()`](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/native.html#repository_name)\n"
   719    "instead."
   720  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_package_name_is_a_function"
   721  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5827"
   722  autofix: true
   725warnings: {
   726  name: "return-value"
   727  header: "Some but not all execution paths of a function return a value"
   728  description:
   729    "Some but not all execution paths of a function return a value. Either there's\n"
   730    "an explicit empty `return` statement, or an implicit return in the end of a\n"
   731    "function. If it is intentional, make it explicit using `return None`. If you\n"
   732    "know certain parts of the code cannot be reached, add the statement\n"
   733    "`fail(\"unreachable\")` to them."
   736warnings: {
   737  name: "rule-impl-return"
   738  header: "Avoid using the legacy provider syntax"
   739  description:
   740    "Returning structs from rule implementation functions is\n"
   741    "[deprecated](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/rules.html#migrating-from-legacy-providers),\n"
   742    "consider using\n"
   743    "[providers](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/rules.html#providers)\n"
   744    "or lists of providers instead."
   747warnings: {
   748  name: "same-origin-load"
   749  header: "Same label is used for multiple loads"
   750  description:
   751    "Obsolete; the warning has been implemented in the formatter and the fix "
   752    "is now automatically applied to all files except `WORKSPACE` files "
   753    "(unless suppressed).\n\n"
   754    "### Background\n\n"
   755    "[load](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/concepts.html#loading-an-extension)\n"
   756    "is used to import definitions in a BUILD file. If the same label is used for loading\n"
   757    "symbols more the ones, all such loads can be merged into a single one.\n\n"
   758    "### How to fix it\n\n"
   759    "Merge all loads into a single one. For example,\n\n"
   760    "```python\n"
   761    "load(\":f.bzl\", \"s1\")\n"
   762    "load(\":f.bzl\", \"s2\")\n"
   763    "```\n\n"
   764    "can be written more compactly as\n\n"
   765    "```python\n"
   766    "load(\":f.bzl\", \"s1\", \"s2\")\n"
   767    "```"
   768  autofix: true
   771warnings: {
   772  name: "skylark-comment"
   773  name: "skylark-docstring"
   774  header: "\"Skylark\" is an outdated name of the language, please use \"starlark\" instead"
   775  description:
   776    "The configuration language for Bazel is called \"Starlark\" now, the name \"Skylark\" is\n"
   777    "outdated and shouldn't be used."
   778  autofix: true
   781warnings: {
   782  name: "string-iteration"
   783  header: "String iteration is deprecated"
   784  description:
   785    "Iteration over strings often leads to confusion with iteration over a sequence of strings,\n"
   786    "therefore strings won't be recognized as sequences of 1-element strings (like in Python).\n"
   787    "Use string indexing and `len` instead:\n\n"
   788    "```python\n"
   789    "my_string = \"hello world\"\n"
   790    "for i in range(len(my_string)):\n"
   791    "    char = my_string[i]\n"
   792    "    # do something with char\n"
   793    "```"
   794  bazel_flag: "--incompatible_string_is_not_iterable"
   795  bazel_flag_link: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5830"
   798warnings: {
   799  name: "uninitialized"
   800  header: "Variable may not have been initialized"
   801  description:
   802    "The local value can be not initialized at the time of execution. It may happen if it's\n"
   803    "initialized in one of the if-else clauses but not in all of them, or in a for-loop which\n"
   804    "can potentially be empty."
   807warnings: {
   808  name: "unnamed-macro"
   809  header: "The macro should have a keyword argument called \"name\""
   810  description:
   811    "By convention all macro functions should have a keyword argument called `name`\n"
   812    "(even if they don't use it). This is important for tooling and automation.\n\n"
   813    "A macro is a function that calls a rule (either directly or indirectly by calling other\n"
   814    "macros).\n\n"
   815    "If this function is a helper function that's not supposed to be used outside of its file,\n"
   816    "please make it private (rename it so that the name starts with `_`), this will\n"
   817    "prevent loading the function from BUILD files and suppress the warning."
   820warnings: {
   821  name: "unreachable"
   822  header: "The statement is unreachable"
   823  description:
   824    "The statement is unreachable because it follows a `return`, `break`, `continue`,\n"
   825    "or `fail()` statement."
   828warnings: {
   829  name: "unsorted-dict-items"
   830  header: "Dictionary items should be ordered by their keys"
   831  description:
   832    "Dictionary items should be sorted lexicographically by their keys. This makes\n"
   833    "it easier to find the item of interest and reduces chances of conflicts when\n"
   834    "performing large-scale automated refactoring.\n\n"
   835    "The order is affected by `NamePriority` dictionary passed using `-tables` or\n"
   836    "`-add_tables` flags.\n\n"
   837    "If you want to preserve the original dictionary items order, you can disable\n"
   838    "the warning by adding a comment `# @unsorted-dict-items` to the dictionary\n"
   839    "expression or any of its enclosing expressions (binary, if etc). For example,\n\n"
   840    "```python\n"
   841    "# @unsorted-dict-items\n"
   842    "d = {\n"
   843    "    \"b\": \"bvalue\",\n"
   844    "    \"a\": \"avalue\",\n"
   845    "}\n"
   846    "```\n\n"
   847    "will not be reported as an issue because the assignment operation that uses\n"
   848    "the dictionary with unsorted items has a comment disabling this warning."
   849  autofix: true
   852warnings: {
   853  name: "unused-variable"
   854  header: "Variable is unused"
   855  description:
   856    "This happens when a variable or function is set but not used in the file, e.g.\n\n"
   857    "```python\n"
   858    "x = [1, 2]\n"
   859    "```\n\n"
   860    "The line can often be safely removed.\n\n"
   861    "If you want to keep the variable, you can disable the warning by adding a\n"
   862    "comment `# @unused`.\n\n"
   863    "```python\n"
   864    "x = [1, 2] # @unused\n"
   865    "\n"
   866    "# @unused\n"
   867    "def f(\n"
   868    "        x,\n"
   869    "        y,  # @unused\n"
   870    "):\n"
   871    "    pass\n"
   872    "```\n\n"
   873    "If an unused variable is used for partially unpacking tuples, just prefix\n"
   874    "its name with an underscore to suppress the warning:\n\n"
   875    "```python\n"
   876    "x, _y = foo()\n"
   877    "for _, (a, _b) in iterable:\n"
   878    "    print(a + x)\n"
   879    "```\n\n"
   880    "The same applies for function arguments that are not used by design:\n\n"
   881    "```python\n"
   882    "def foo(a, _b, *_args):\n"
   883    "    return bar(a)\n"
   884    "```\n\n"
   885    "If a tuple is unpacked not in a for-loop and all variables are unused,\n"
   886    "it'll still trigger a warning, even if all variables are underscored:\n\n"
   887    "```python\n"
   888    "_a, _b = pair\n"
   889    "_unused = 3\n"
   890    "```"

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