19 package main
21 import (
22 "flag"
23 "fmt"
24 "os"
25 "strings"
27 "github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/build"
28 "github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/edit"
29 "github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tables"
30 )
32 type flagArray []string
34 func (i *flagArray) String() string { return strings.Join(*i, ",") }
35 func (i *flagArray) Set(value string) error {
36 *i = append(*i, value)
37 return nil
38 }
40 var (
41 buildVersion = "redacted"
42 buildScmRevision = "redacted"
44 commandsFiles flagArray
46 version = flag.Bool("version", false, "Print the version of buildozer")
47 stdout = flag.Bool("stdout", false, "write changed BUILD file to stdout")
48 buildifier = flag.String("buildifier", "", "format output using a specific buildifier binary. If empty, use built-in formatter")
49 parallelism = flag.Int("P", 0, "number of cores to use for concurrent actions")
50 numio = flag.Int("numio", 200, "number of concurrent actions")
51 keepGoing = flag.Bool("k", false, "apply all commands, even if there are failures")
52 filterRuleTypes = stringList("types", "comma-separated list of rule types to change, the default empty list means all rules")
53 preferEOLComments = flag.Bool("eol-comments", true, "when adding a new comment, put it on the same line if possible")
54 rootDir = flag.String("root_dir", "", "If present, use this folder rather than $PWD to find the root directory.")
55 quiet = flag.Bool("quiet", false, "suppress informational messages")
56 editVariables = flag.Bool("edit-variables", false, "For attributes that simply assign a variable (e.g. hdrs = LIB_HDRS), edit the build variable instead of appending to the attribute.")
57 isPrintingProto = flag.Bool("output_proto", false, "output serialized devtools.buildozer.Output protos instead of human-readable strings.")
58 isPrintingJSON = flag.Bool("output_json", false, "output serialized devtools.buildozer.Output json instead of human-readable strings.")
59 tablesPath = flag.String("tables", "", "path to JSON file with custom table definitions which will replace the built-in tables")
60 addTablesPath = flag.String("add_tables", "", "path to JSON file with custom table definitions which will be merged with the built-in tables")
62 shortenLabelsFlag = flag.Bool("shorten_labels", true, "convert added labels to short form, e.g. //foo:bar => :bar")
63 deleteWithComments = flag.Bool("delete_with_comments", true, "If a list attribute should be deleted even if there is a comment attached to it")
64 )
66 func stringList(name, help string) func() []string {
67 f := flag.String(name, "", help)
68 return func() []string {
69 if *f == "" {
70 return nil
71 }
72 res := strings.Split(*f, ",")
73 for i := range res {
74 res[i] = strings.TrimSpace(res[i])
75 }
76 return res
77 }
78 }
80 func main() {
81 flag.Var(&commandsFiles, "f", "file name(s) to read commands from, use '-' for stdin (format:|-separated command line arguments to buildozer, excluding flags)")
82 flag.Parse()
84 if *version {
85 fmt.Printf("buildozer version: %s \n", buildVersion)
86 fmt.Printf("buildozer scm revision: %s \n", buildScmRevision)
87 os.Exit(0)
88 }
90 if *tablesPath != "" {
91 if err := tables.ParseAndUpdateJSONDefinitions(*tablesPath, false); err != nil {
92 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "buildifier: failed to parse %s for -tables: %s\n", *tablesPath, err)
93 os.Exit(2)
94 }
95 }
97 if *addTablesPath != "" {
98 if err := tables.ParseAndUpdateJSONDefinitions(*addTablesPath, true); err != nil {
99 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "buildifier: failed to parse %s for -add_tables: %s\n", *addTablesPath, err)
100 os.Exit(2)
101 }
102 }
104 if !(*shortenLabelsFlag) {
105 build.DisableRewrites = []string{"label"}
106 }
107 edit.ShortenLabelsFlag = *shortenLabelsFlag
108 edit.DeleteWithComments = *deleteWithComments
109 opts := &edit.Options{
110 Stdout: *stdout,
111 Buildifier: *buildifier,
112 Parallelism: *parallelism,
113 NumIO: *numio,
114 CommandsFiles: commandsFiles,
115 KeepGoing: *keepGoing,
116 FilterRuleTypes: filterRuleTypes(),
117 PreferEOLComments: *preferEOLComments,
118 RootDir: *rootDir,
119 Quiet: *quiet,
120 EditVariables: *editVariables,
121 IsPrintingProto: *isPrintingProto,
122 IsPrintingJSON: *isPrintingJSON,
123 }
124 os.Exit(edit.Buildozer(opts, flag.Args()))
125 }
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