/* Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package walk import ( "flag" "path" "path/filepath" "testing" "github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/config" "github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/rule" "github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/testtools" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" ) func TestConfigureCallbackOrder(t *testing.T) { dir, cleanup := testtools.CreateFiles(t, []testtools.FileSpec{{Path: "a/b/"}}) defer cleanup() var configureRels, callbackRels []string c, cexts := testConfig(t, dir) cexts = append(cexts, &testConfigurer{func(_ *config.Config, rel string, _ *rule.File) { configureRels = append(configureRels, rel) }}) Walk(c, cexts, []string{dir}, VisitAllUpdateSubdirsMode, func(_ string, rel string, _ *config.Config, _ bool, _ *rule.File, _, _, _ []string) { callbackRels = append(callbackRels, rel) }) configureWant := []string{"", "a", "a/b"} if diff := cmp.Diff(configureWant, configureRels); diff != "" { t.Errorf("configure order (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } callbackWant := []string{"a/b", "a", ""} if diff := cmp.Diff(callbackWant, callbackRels); diff != "" { t.Errorf("callback order (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } } func TestUpdateDirs(t *testing.T) { dir, cleanup := testtools.CreateFiles(t, []testtools.FileSpec{ {Path: "update/sub/"}, {Path: "update/sub/sub/"}, { Path: "update/ignore/BUILD.bazel", Content: "# gazelle:ignore", }, {Path: "update/ignore/sub/"}, { Path: "update/error/BUILD.bazel", Content: "(", }, {Path: "update/error/sub/"}, }) defer cleanup() type visitSpec struct { Rel string Update bool } for _, tc := range []struct { desc string rels []string mode Mode want []visitSpec }{ { desc: "visit_all_update_subdirs", rels: []string{"update"}, mode: VisitAllUpdateSubdirsMode, want: []visitSpec{ {"update/error/sub", true}, {"update/error", false}, {"update/ignore/sub", true}, {"update/ignore", false}, {"update/sub/sub", true}, {"update/sub", true}, {"update", true}, {"", false}, }, }, { desc: "visit_all_update_dirs", rels: []string{"update", "update/ignore/sub"}, mode: VisitAllUpdateDirsMode, want: []visitSpec{ {"update/error/sub", false}, {"update/error", false}, {"update/ignore/sub", true}, {"update/ignore", false}, {"update/sub/sub", false}, {"update/sub", false}, {"update", true}, {"", false}, }, }, { desc: "update_dirs", rels: []string{"update", "update/ignore/sub"}, mode: UpdateDirsMode, want: []visitSpec{ {"update/ignore/sub", true}, {"update", true}, }, }, { desc: "update_subdirs", rels: []string{"update/ignore", "update/sub"}, mode: UpdateSubdirsMode, want: []visitSpec{ {"update/ignore/sub", true}, {"update/ignore", false}, {"update/sub/sub", true}, {"update/sub", true}, }, }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { c, cexts := testConfig(t, dir) dirs := make([]string, len(tc.rels)) for i, rel := range tc.rels { dirs[i] = filepath.Join(dir, filepath.FromSlash(rel)) } var visits []visitSpec Walk(c, cexts, dirs, tc.mode, func(_ string, rel string, _ *config.Config, update bool, _ *rule.File, _, _, _ []string) { visits = append(visits, visitSpec{rel, update}) }) if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.want, visits); diff != "" { t.Errorf("Walk visits (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } }) } } func TestCustomBuildName(t *testing.T) { dir, cleanup := testtools.CreateFiles(t, []testtools.FileSpec{ { Path: "BUILD.bazel", Content: "# gazelle:build_file_name BUILD.test", }, { Path: "BUILD", }, { Path: "sub/BUILD.test", }, { Path: "sub/BUILD.bazel", }, }) defer cleanup() c, cexts := testConfig(t, dir) var rels []string Walk(c, cexts, []string{dir}, VisitAllUpdateSubdirsMode, func(_ string, _ string, _ *config.Config, _ bool, f *rule.File, _, _, _ []string) { rel, err := filepath.Rel(c.RepoRoot, f.Path) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } else { rels = append(rels, filepath.ToSlash(rel)) } }) want := []string{ "sub/BUILD.test", "BUILD.bazel", } if diff := cmp.Diff(want, rels); diff != "" { t.Errorf("Walk relative paths (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } } func TestExcludeFiles(t *testing.T) { dir, cleanup := testtools.CreateFiles(t, []testtools.FileSpec{ { Path: "BUILD.bazel", Content: ` # gazelle:exclude **/*.pb.go # gazelle:exclude *.gen.go # gazelle:exclude a.go # gazelle:exclude c/**/b # gazelle:exclude gen # gazelle:exclude ign # gazelle:exclude sub/b.go gen( name = "x", out = "gen", )`, }, { Path: ".bazelignore", Content: ` dir dir2/a/b dir3/ # Globs are not allowed in .bazelignore so this will not be ignored foo/* # Random comment followed by a line a.file `, }, {Path: ".dot"}, // not ignored {Path: "_blank"}, // not ignored {Path: "a/a.proto"}, // not ignored {Path: "a/b.gen.go"}, // not ignored {Path: "dir2/a/c"}, // not ignored {Path: "foo/a/c"}, // not ignored {Path: "a.gen.go"}, // ignored by '*.gen.go' {Path: "a.go"}, // ignored by 'a.go' {Path: "a.pb.go"}, // ignored by '**/*.pb.go' {Path: "a/a.pb.go"}, // ignored by '**/*.pb.go' {Path: "a/b/a.pb.go"}, // ignored by '**/*.pb.go' {Path: "c/x/b/foo"}, // ignored by 'c/**/b' {Path: "c/x/y/b/bar"}, // ignored by 'c/**/b' {Path: "c/x/y/b/foo/bar"}, // ignored by 'c/**/b' {Path: "ign/bad"}, // ignored by 'ign' {Path: "sub/b.go"}, // ignored by 'sub/b.go' {Path: "dir/contents"}, // ignored by .bazelignore 'dir' {Path: "dir2/a/b"}, // ignored by .bazelignore 'dir2/a/b' {Path: "dir3/g/h"}, // ignored by .bazelignore 'dir3/' {Path: "a.file"}, // ignored by .bazelignore 'a.file' }) defer cleanup() c, cexts := testConfig(t, dir) var files []string Walk(c, cexts, []string{dir}, VisitAllUpdateSubdirsMode, func(_ string, rel string, _ *config.Config, _ bool, _ *rule.File, _, regularFiles, genFiles []string) { for _, f := range regularFiles { files = append(files, path.Join(rel, f)) } for _, f := range genFiles { files = append(files, path.Join(rel, f)) } }) want := []string{"a/a.proto", "a/b.gen.go", "dir2/a/c", "foo/a/c", ".bazelignore", ".dot", "BUILD.bazel", "_blank"} if diff := cmp.Diff(want, files); diff != "" { t.Errorf("Walk files (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } } func TestExcludeSelf(t *testing.T) { dir, cleanup := testtools.CreateFiles(t, []testtools.FileSpec{ { Path: "BUILD.bazel", }, { Path: "sub/BUILD.bazel", Content: "# gazelle:exclude .", }, { Path: "sub/below/BUILD.bazel", }, }) defer cleanup() c, cexts := testConfig(t, dir) var rels []string Walk(c, cexts, []string{dir}, VisitAllUpdateDirsMode, func(_ string, rel string, _ *config.Config, _ bool, f *rule.File, _, _, _ []string) { rels = append(rels, rel) }) want := []string{""} if diff := cmp.Diff(want, rels); diff != "" { t.Errorf("Walk relative paths (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } } func TestGeneratedFiles(t *testing.T) { dir, cleanup := testtools.CreateFiles(t, []testtools.FileSpec{ { Path: "BUILD.bazel", Content: ` unknown_rule( name = "blah1", out = "gen1", ) unknown_rule( name = "blah2", outs = [ "gen2", "gen-and-static", ], ) `, }, {Path: "gen-and-static"}, {Path: "static"}, }) defer cleanup() c, cexts := testConfig(t, dir) var regularFiles, genFiles []string Walk(c, cexts, []string{dir}, VisitAllUpdateSubdirsMode, func(_ string, rel string, _ *config.Config, _ bool, _ *rule.File, _, reg, gen []string) { for _, f := range reg { regularFiles = append(regularFiles, path.Join(rel, f)) } for _, f := range gen { genFiles = append(genFiles, path.Join(rel, f)) } }) regWant := []string{"BUILD.bazel", "gen-and-static", "static"} if diff := cmp.Diff(regWant, regularFiles); diff != "" { t.Errorf("Walk regularFiles (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } genWant := []string{"gen1", "gen2", "gen-and-static"} if diff := cmp.Diff(genWant, genFiles); diff != "" { t.Errorf("Walk genFiles (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } } func testConfig(t *testing.T, dir string) (*config.Config, []config.Configurer) { args := []string{"-repo_root", dir} cexts := []config.Configurer{&config.CommonConfigurer{}, &Configurer{}} c := testtools.NewTestConfig(t, cexts, nil, args) return c, cexts } type testConfigurer struct { configure func(c *config.Config, rel string, f *rule.File) } func (*testConfigurer) RegisterFlags(_ *flag.FlagSet, _ string, _ *config.Config) {} func (*testConfigurer) CheckFlags(_ *flag.FlagSet, _ *config.Config) error { return nil } func (*testConfigurer) KnownDirectives() []string { return nil } func (tc *testConfigurer) Configure(c *config.Config, rel string, f *rule.File) { tc.configure(c, rel, f) }