/* Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package rule import ( "fmt" "log" "reflect" "sort" bzl "github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/build" ) // KeyValue represents a key-value pair. This gets converted into a // rule attribute, i.e., a Skylark keyword argument. type KeyValue struct { Key string Value interface{} } // GlobValue represents a Bazel glob expression. type GlobValue struct { Patterns []string Excludes []string } func (g GlobValue) BzlExpr() bzl.Expr { patternsValue := ExprFromValue(g.Patterns) globArgs := []bzl.Expr{patternsValue} if len(g.Excludes) > 0 { excludesValue := ExprFromValue(g.Excludes) globArgs = append(globArgs, &bzl.AssignExpr{ LHS: &bzl.LiteralExpr{Token: "exclude"}, Op: "=", RHS: excludesValue, }) } return &bzl.CallExpr{ X: &bzl.LiteralExpr{Token: "glob"}, List: globArgs, } } // BzlExprValue is implemented by types that have custom translations // to Starlark values. type BzlExprValue interface { BzlExpr() bzl.Expr } // Merger is implemented by types that can merge their data into an // existing Starlark expression. // // When Merge is invoked, it is responsible for returning a Starlark expression that contains the // result of merging its data into the previously-existing expression provided as other. // Note that other can be nil, if no previous attr with this name existed. type Merger interface { Merge(other bzl.Expr) bzl.Expr } type SortedStrings []string func (s SortedStrings) BzlExpr() bzl.Expr { list := make([]bzl.Expr, len(s)) for i, v := range s { list[i] = &bzl.StringExpr{Value: v} } listExpr := &bzl.ListExpr{List: list} sortExprLabels(listExpr, []bzl.Expr{}) return listExpr } func (s SortedStrings) Merge(other bzl.Expr) bzl.Expr { if other == nil { return s.BzlExpr() } merged := MergeList(s.BzlExpr(), other) sortExprLabels(merged, []bzl.Expr{}) return merged } type UnsortedStrings []string func (s UnsortedStrings) Merge(other bzl.Expr) bzl.Expr { if other == nil { return ExprFromValue(s) } return MergeList(ExprFromValue(s), other) } // SelectStringListValue is a value that can be translated to a Bazel // select expression that picks a string list based on a string condition. type SelectStringListValue map[string][]string func (s SelectStringListValue) BzlExpr() bzl.Expr { defaultKey := "//conditions:default" keys := make([]string, 0, len(s)) haveDefaultKey := false for key := range s { if key == defaultKey { haveDefaultKey = true } else { keys = append(keys, key) } } sort.Strings(keys) if haveDefaultKey { keys = append(keys, defaultKey) } args := make([]*bzl.KeyValueExpr, 0, len(s)) for _, key := range keys { value := ExprFromValue(s[key]) if key != defaultKey { value.(*bzl.ListExpr).ForceMultiLine = true } args = append(args, &bzl.KeyValueExpr{ Key: &bzl.StringExpr{Value: key}, Value: value, }) } sel := &bzl.CallExpr{ X: &bzl.Ident{Name: "select"}, List: []bzl.Expr{&bzl.DictExpr{List: args, ForceMultiLine: true}}, } return sel } // ExprFromValue converts a value into an expression that can be written into // a Bazel build file. The following types of values can be converted: // // * bools, integers, floats, strings. // * labels (converted to strings). // * slices, arrays (converted to lists). // * maps (converted to select expressions; keys must be rules in // @io_bazel_rules_go//go/platform). // * GlobValue (converted to glob expressions). // * PlatformStrings (converted to a concatenation of a list and selects). // // Converting unsupported types will cause a panic. func ExprFromValue(val interface{}) bzl.Expr { if e, ok := val.(bzl.Expr); ok { return e } if be, ok := val.(BzlExprValue); ok { return be.BzlExpr() } rv := reflect.ValueOf(val) switch rv.Kind() { case reflect.Bool: tok := "False" if rv.Bool() { tok = "True" } return &bzl.LiteralExpr{Token: tok} case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: return &bzl.LiteralExpr{Token: fmt.Sprintf("%d", val)} case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: return &bzl.LiteralExpr{Token: fmt.Sprintf("%f", val)} case reflect.String: return &bzl.StringExpr{Value: val.(string)} case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: var list []bzl.Expr for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ { elem := ExprFromValue(rv.Index(i).Interface()) list = append(list, elem) } return &bzl.ListExpr{List: list} case reflect.Map: rkeys := rv.MapKeys() sort.Sort(byString(rkeys)) args := make([]*bzl.KeyValueExpr, len(rkeys)) for i, rk := range rkeys { k := &bzl.StringExpr{Value: mapKeyString(rk)} v := ExprFromValue(rv.MapIndex(rk).Interface()) if l, ok := v.(*bzl.ListExpr); ok { l.ForceMultiLine = true } args[i] = &bzl.KeyValueExpr{Key: k, Value: v} } return &bzl.DictExpr{List: args, ForceMultiLine: true} } log.Panicf("type not supported: %T", val) return nil } func mapKeyString(k reflect.Value) string { switch s := k.Interface().(type) { case string: return s default: log.Panicf("unexpected map key: %v", k) return "" } } type byString []reflect.Value var _ sort.Interface = byString{} func (s byString) Len() int { return len(s) } func (s byString) Less(i, j int) bool { return mapKeyString(s[i]) < mapKeyString(s[j]) } func (s byString) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }