/* Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package repo import ( "errors" "os" "path/filepath" "testing" "golang.org/x/tools/go/vcs" ) func TestRootSpecialCases(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { in, wantRoot, wantName string repos []Repo wantError bool }{ {in: "golang.org/x/net/context", wantRoot: "golang.org/x/net", wantName: "org_golang_x_net"}, {in: "golang.org/x/tools/go/vcs", wantRoot: "golang.org/x/tools", wantName: "org_golang_x_tools"}, {in: "golang.org/x/goimports", wantRoot: "golang.org/x/goimports", wantName: "org_golang_x_goimports"}, {in: "cloud.google.com/fashion/industry", wantRoot: "cloud.google.com/fashion", wantName: "com_google_cloud_fashion"}, {in: "github.com/foo", wantError: true}, {in: "github.com/foo/bar", wantRoot: "github.com/foo/bar", wantName: "com_github_foo_bar"}, {in: "github.com/foo/bar/baz", wantRoot: "github.com/foo/bar", wantName: "com_github_foo_bar"}, {in: "gopkg.in/yaml.v2", wantRoot: "gopkg.in/yaml.v2", wantName: "in_gopkg_yaml_v2"}, {in: "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4", wantRoot: "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4", wantName: "in_gopkg_src_d_go_git_v4"}, {in: "unsupported.org/x/net/context", wantError: true}, { in: "private.com/my/repo/package/path", repos: []Repo{ { Name: "com_other_host_repo", GoPrefix: "other-host.com/repo", }, { Name: "com_private_my_repo", GoPrefix: "private.com/my/repo", }, }, wantRoot: "private.com/my/repo", wantName: "com_private_my_repo", }, { in: "unsupported.org/x/net/context", repos: []Repo{ { Name: "com_private_my_repo", GoPrefix: "private.com/my/repo", }, }, wantError: true, }, { in: "github.com/foo/bar", repos: []Repo{{ Name: "custom_repo", GoPrefix: "github.com/foo/bar", }}, wantRoot: "github.com/foo/bar", wantName: "custom_repo", }, } { t.Run(tc.in, func(t *testing.T) { rc := NewStubRemoteCache(tc.repos) if gotRoot, gotName, err := rc.Root(tc.in); err != nil { if !tc.wantError { t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err) } } else if tc.wantError { t.Errorf("unexpected success: %v", tc.in) } else if gotRoot != tc.wantRoot { t.Errorf("root for %q: got %q; want %q", tc.in, gotRoot, tc.wantRoot) } else if gotName != tc.wantName { t.Errorf("name for %q: got %q; want %q", tc.in, gotName, tc.wantName) } }) } } func TestRootStatic(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { in, wantRoot, wantName string repos []Repo }{ { in: "private.com/my/repo/package/path", repos: []Repo{ { Name: "com_other_host_repo", GoPrefix: "other-host.com/repo", }, { Name: "com_private_my_repo", GoPrefix: "private.com/my/repo", }, }, wantRoot: "private.com/my/repo", wantName: "com_private_my_repo", }, { in: "unsupported.org/x/net/context", repos: []Repo{ { Name: "com_private_my_repo", GoPrefix: "private.com/my/repo", }, }, wantRoot: "", wantName: "", }, } { t.Run(tc.in, func(t *testing.T) { rc := NewStubRemoteCache(tc.repos) if gotRoot, gotName, err := rc.RootStatic(tc.in); err != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err) } else if gotRoot != tc.wantRoot { t.Errorf("root for %q: got %q; want %q", tc.in, gotRoot, tc.wantRoot) } else if gotName != tc.wantName { t.Errorf("name for %q: got %q; want %q", tc.in, gotName, tc.wantName) } }) } } func TestRootPopulatedFromGoMod(t *testing.T) { tmpDir := t.TempDir() goModPath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "go.mod") goModData := []byte(` module example.com/use go 1.19 require example.com/good v1.0.0 `) if err := os.WriteFile(goModPath, goModData, 0666); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } rc := NewStubRemoteCache(nil) if err := rc.PopulateFromGoMod(goModPath); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } errResolve := errors.New("test cannot lookup external package") rc.RepoRootForImportPath = func(string, bool) (*vcs.RepoRoot, error) { return nil, errResolve } // Resolving golang.org/x/mod/module from go.mod should work. goodPkgPath := "example.com/good/pkg" wantRoot := "example.com/good" wantName := "com_example_good" root, name, err := rc.Root(goodPkgPath) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not resolve %q from go.mod: %v", goodPkgPath, err) } if root != wantRoot { t.Errorf("got root %q; want %q", root, wantRoot) } if name != wantName { t.Errorf("got name %q; want %q", root, wantName) } // Resolving another module should fail because RepoRootForImportPath // is stubbed out. badPkgPath := "example.com/bad/pkg" if _, _, err := rc.Root(badPkgPath); err == nil { t.Errorf("resolving %q: unexpected success", badPkgPath) } else if !errors.Is(err, errResolve) { t.Errorf("resolving %q: got error %v, want %v", badPkgPath, err, errResolve) } } func TestRemote(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { desc, root string repos []Repo wantRemote, wantVCS string wantError bool }{ { desc: "unstubbed_remote", root: "github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle", wantError: true, // stub should return an error }, { desc: "known_repo", root: "github.com/example/project", repos: []Repo{{ Name: "com_github_example_project", GoPrefix: "github.com/example/project", Remote: "https://private.com/example/project", VCS: "git", }}, wantRemote: "https://private.com/example/project", wantVCS: "git", }, { desc: "git_repo", root: "example.com/repo", // stub knows this wantRemote: "https://example.com/repo.git", wantVCS: "git", }, { desc: "local_repo", root: "github.com/example/project", repos: []Repo{{ Name: "com_github_example_project", GoPrefix: "github.com/example/project", Remote: "/home/joebob/go/src/github.com/example/project", VCS: "local", }}, wantRemote: "/home/joebob/go/src/github.com/example/project", wantVCS: "local", }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { rc := NewStubRemoteCache(tc.repos) if gotRemote, gotVCS, err := rc.Remote(tc.root); err != nil { if !tc.wantError { t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err) } } else if tc.wantError { t.Errorf("unexpected success") } else if gotRemote != tc.wantRemote { t.Errorf("remote for %q: got %q ; want %q", tc.root, gotRemote, tc.wantRemote) } else if gotVCS != tc.wantVCS { t.Errorf("vcs for %q: got %q ; want %q", tc.root, gotVCS, tc.wantVCS) } }) } } func TestHead(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { desc, remote, vcs string wantCommit, wantTag string wantError bool }{ { desc: "unstubbed_remote", remote: "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle", vcs: "git", wantError: true, // stub should return an error }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { rc := NewStubRemoteCache(nil) if gotCommit, gotTag, err := rc.Head(tc.remote, tc.vcs); err != nil { if !tc.wantError { t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err) } } else if tc.wantError { t.Errorf("unexpected success") } else if gotCommit != tc.wantCommit { t.Errorf("commit for %q: got %q ; want %q", tc.remote, gotCommit, tc.wantCommit) } else if gotTag != tc.wantTag { t.Errorf("tag for %q: got %q ; want %q", tc.remote, gotTag, tc.wantTag) } }) } } func TestMod(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { desc, importPath string repos []Repo wantModPath, wantName string wantErr bool }{ { desc: "no_special_cases", importPath: "golang.org/x/exp", wantErr: true, }, { desc: "known", importPath: "example.com/known/v2/foo", repos: []Repo{{ Name: "known", GoPrefix: "example.com/known", }}, wantModPath: "example.com/known", wantName: "known", }, { desc: "semver_less_path_is_safe", importPath: "example.com/known/internal/endpoints", repos: []Repo{{ Name: "known", GoPrefix: "example.com/known", }, { Name: "known_internal_endpoints_v2", GoPrefix: "example.com/known/internal/endpoints/v2", }}, wantModPath: "example.com/known", wantName: "known", }, { desc: "lookup", importPath: "example.com/stub/v2/foo", wantModPath: "example.com/stub/v2", wantName: "com_example_stub_v2", }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { rc := NewStubRemoteCache(tc.repos) modPath, name, err := rc.Mod(tc.importPath) if err != nil && tc.wantErr { return } else if err == nil && tc.wantErr { t.Error("want error; got success") } else if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if modPath != tc.wantModPath { t.Errorf("modPath: got %s; want %s", modPath, tc.wantModPath) } if name != tc.wantName { t.Errorf("name: got %s; want %s", name, tc.wantName) } }) } } func TestModVersion(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { desc, modPath, query string repos []Repo wantName, wantVersion, wantSum string }{ { desc: "known", modPath: "example.com/known", query: "latest", repos: []Repo{{ Name: "known", GoPrefix: "example.com/known", }}, wantName: "known", wantVersion: "v1.2.3", wantSum: "h1:abcdef", }, { desc: "unknown", modPath: "example.com/unknown", query: "latest", wantName: "com_example_unknown", wantVersion: "v1.2.3", wantSum: "h1:abcdef", }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { rc := NewStubRemoteCache(tc.repos) name, version, sum, err := rc.ModVersion(tc.modPath, tc.query) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if name != tc.wantName { t.Errorf("name: got %q; want %q", name, tc.wantName) } if version != tc.wantVersion { t.Errorf("version: got %q; want %q", version, tc.wantVersion) } if sum != tc.wantSum { t.Errorf("sum: got %q; want %q", sum, tc.wantSum) } }) } }