package json import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "math/big" "reflect" "" "" ) // DecoderOptions is the set of options that can be configured for a Decoder. type DecoderOptions struct{} // Decoder is a Smithy document decoder for JSON based protocols. type Decoder struct { options DecoderOptions } // DecodeJSONInterface decodes the supported JSON input types and stores the result in the value pointed by toValue. // // If toValue is not a compatible type, or an error occurs while decoding DecodeJSONInterface will return an error. // // The supported input JSON types are: // bool -> JSON boolean // float64 -> JSON number // json.Number -> JSON number // string -> JSON string // []interface{} -> JSON array // map[string]interface{} -> JSON object // nil -> JSON null // func (d *Decoder) DecodeJSONInterface(input interface{}, toValue interface{}) error { if document.IsNoSerde(toValue) { return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type: %T", toValue) } v := reflect.ValueOf(toValue) if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || v.IsNil() || !v.IsValid() { return &document.InvalidUnmarshalError{Type: reflect.TypeOf(toValue)} } return d.decode(input, v, serde.Tag{}) } func (d *Decoder) decode(jv interface{}, rv reflect.Value, tag serde.Tag) error { if jv == nil { rv := serde.Indirect(rv, true) return d.decodeJSONNull(rv) } rv = serde.Indirect(rv, false) if err := d.unsupportedType(jv, rv); err != nil { return err } switch tv := jv.(type) { case bool: return d.decodeJSONBoolean(tv, rv) case json.Number: return d.decodeJSONNumber(tv, rv) case float64: return d.decodeJSONFloat64(tv, rv) case string: return d.decodeJSONString(tv, rv) case []interface{}: return d.decodeJSONArray(tv, rv) case map[string]interface{}: return d.decodeJSONObject(tv, rv) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported json type, %T", tv) } } func (d *Decoder) decodeJSONNull(rv reflect.Value) error { if rv.IsValid() && rv.CanSet() { rv.Set(reflect.Zero(rv.Type())) } return nil } func (d *Decoder) decodeJSONBoolean(tv bool, rv reflect.Value) error { switch rv.Kind() { case reflect.Bool, reflect.Interface: rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(tv).Convert(rv.Type())) default: return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{Value: "bool", Type: rv.Type()} } return nil } func (d *Decoder) decodeJSONNumber(tv json.Number, rv reflect.Value) error { switch rv.Kind() { case reflect.Interface: rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(document.Number(tv))) case reflect.String: // covers document.Number rv.SetString(tv.String()) case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: i, err := tv.Int64() if err != nil { return err } if rv.OverflowInt(i) { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{ Value: fmt.Sprintf("number overflow, %s", tv.String()), Type: rv.Type(), } } rv.SetInt(i) case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: u, err := document.Number(tv).Uint64() if err != nil { return err } if rv.OverflowUint(u) { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{ Value: fmt.Sprintf("number overflow, %s", tv.String()), Type: rv.Type(), } } rv.SetUint(u) case reflect.Float32: f, err := document.Number(tv).Float32() if err != nil { return err } if rv.OverflowFloat(f) { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{ Value: fmt.Sprintf("float overflow, %s", tv.String()), Type: rv.Type(), } } rv.SetFloat(f) case reflect.Float64: f, err := document.Number(tv).Float64() if err != nil { return err } if rv.OverflowFloat(f) { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{ Value: fmt.Sprintf("float overflow, %s", tv.String()), Type: rv.Type(), } } rv.SetFloat(f) default: rvt := rv.Type() switch { case rvt.ConvertibleTo(serde.ReflectTypeOf.BigFloat): sv := tv.String() f, ok := (&big.Float{}).SetString(sv) if !ok { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{ Value: fmt.Sprintf("invalid number format, %s", sv), Type: rv.Type(), } } rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(*f).Convert(rvt)) case rvt.ConvertibleTo(serde.ReflectTypeOf.BigInt): sv := tv.String() i, ok := (&big.Int{}).SetString(sv, 10) if !ok { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{ Value: fmt.Sprintf("invalid number format, %s", sv), Type: rv.Type(), } } rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(*i).Convert(rvt)) default: return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{Value: "number", Type: rv.Type()} } } return nil } func (d *Decoder) decodeJSONFloat64(tv float64, rv reflect.Value) error { switch rv.Kind() { case reflect.Interface: rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(tv)) case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: i, accuracy := big.NewFloat(tv).Int64() if accuracy != big.Exact || rv.OverflowInt(i) { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{ Value: fmt.Sprintf("number overflow, %e", tv), Type: rv.Type(), } } rv.SetInt(i) case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: u, accuracy := big.NewFloat(tv).Uint64() if accuracy != big.Exact || rv.OverflowUint(u) { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{ Value: fmt.Sprintf("number overflow, %e", tv), Type: rv.Type(), } } rv.SetUint(u) case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: if rv.OverflowFloat(tv) { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{ Value: fmt.Sprintf("float overflow, %e", tv), Type: rv.Type(), } } rv.SetFloat(tv) default: rvt := rv.Type() switch { case rvt.ConvertibleTo(serde.ReflectTypeOf.BigFloat): f := big.NewFloat(tv) rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(*f).Convert(rvt)) case rvt.ConvertibleTo(serde.ReflectTypeOf.BigInt): i, accuracy := big.NewFloat(tv).Int(nil) if accuracy != big.Exact { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{ Value: fmt.Sprintf("int overflow, %e", tv), Type: rv.Type(), } } rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(*i).Convert(rvt)) default: return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{Value: "number", Type: rv.Type()} } } return nil } func (d *Decoder) decodeJSONArray(tv []interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error { var isArray bool switch rv.Kind() { case reflect.Slice: // Make room for the slice elements if needed if rv.IsNil() || rv.Cap() < len(tv) { rv.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(rv.Type(), 0, len(tv))) } case reflect.Array: // Limited to capacity of existing array. isArray = true case reflect.Interface: s := make([]interface{}, len(tv)) for i, av := range tv { if err := d.decode(av, reflect.ValueOf(&s[i]).Elem(), serde.Tag{}); err != nil { return err } } rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(s)) return nil default: return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{Value: "list", Type: rv.Type()} } // If rv is not a slice, array for i := 0; i < rv.Cap() && i < len(tv); i++ { if !isArray { rv.SetLen(i + 1) } if err := d.decode(tv[i], rv.Index(i), serde.Tag{}); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (d *Decoder) decodeJSONString(tv string, rv reflect.Value) error { switch rv.Kind() { case reflect.String: rv.SetString(tv) case reflect.Interface: // Ensure type aliasing is handled properly rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(tv).Convert(rv.Type())) default: return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{Value: "string", Type: rv.Type()} } return nil } func (d *Decoder) decodeJSONObject(tv map[string]interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error { switch rv.Kind() { case reflect.Map: t := rv.Type() if t.Key().Kind() != reflect.String { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{Value: "map string key", Type: t.Key()} } if rv.IsNil() { rv.Set(reflect.MakeMap(t)) } case reflect.Struct: if rv.CanInterface() && document.IsNoSerde(rv.Interface()) { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{ Value: fmt.Sprintf("unsupported type"), Type: rv.Type(), } } case reflect.Interface: rv.Set(reflect.MakeMap(serde.ReflectTypeOf.MapStringToInterface)) rv = rv.Elem() default: return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{Value: "map", Type: rv.Type()} } if rv.Kind() == reflect.Map { for k, kv := range tv { key := reflect.New(rv.Type().Key()).Elem() key.SetString(k) elem := reflect.New(rv.Type().Elem()).Elem() if err := d.decode(kv, elem, serde.Tag{}); err != nil { return err } rv.SetMapIndex(key, elem) } } else if rv.Kind() == reflect.Struct { fields := serde.GetStructFields(rv.Type()) for k, kv := range tv { if f, ok := fields.FieldByName(k); ok { fv := serde.DecoderFieldByIndex(rv, f.Index) if err := d.decode(kv, fv, f.Tag); err != nil { return err } } } } return nil } func (d *Decoder) unsupportedType(jv interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error { if rv.Kind() == reflect.Interface && rv.NumMethod() != 0 { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{Value: "non-empty interface", Type: rv.Type()} } if rv.Type().ConvertibleTo(serde.ReflectTypeOf.Time) { return &document.UnmarshalTypeError{ Type: rv.Type(), Value: fmt.Sprintf("time value: %v", jv), } } return nil }