1 package imds
3 import (
4 "bytes"
5 "context"
6 "encoding/hex"
7 "io/ioutil"
8 "net/http/httptest"
9 "testing"
10 "time"
11 )
13 func TestGetMetadata(t *testing.T) {
14 cases := map[string]struct {
15 Path string
16 ExpectPath string
17 ExpectContent []byte
18 ExpectTrace []string
19 }{
20 "empty path": {
21 ExpectPath: getMetadataPath,
22 ExpectContent: []byte("success"),
23 ExpectTrace: []string{
24 getTokenPath,
25 getMetadataPath,
26 },
27 },
28 "with path no leading slash": {
29 Path: "abc",
30 ExpectPath: getMetadataPath + "/abc",
31 ExpectContent: []byte("success"),
32 ExpectTrace: []string{
33 getTokenPath,
34 getMetadataPath + "/abc",
35 },
36 },
37 "with path": {
38 Path: "/abc",
39 ExpectPath: getMetadataPath + "/abc",
40 ExpectContent: []byte("success"),
41 ExpectTrace: []string{
42 getTokenPath,
43 getMetadataPath + "/abc",
44 },
45 },
46 "with path trailing slash": {
47 Path: "/abc/",
48 ExpectPath: getMetadataPath + "/abc/",
49 ExpectContent: []byte("success"),
50 ExpectTrace: []string{
51 getTokenPath,
52 getMetadataPath + "/abc/",
53 },
54 },
55 }
57 ctx := context.Background()
59 for name, c := range cases {
60 t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
61 trace := newRequestTrace()
62 server := httptest.NewServer(trace.WrapHandler(
63 newTestServeMux(t,
64 newSecureAPIHandler(t,
65 []string{"tokenA"},
66 5*time.Minute,
67 &successAPIResponseHandler{t: t,
68 path: c.ExpectPath,
69 method: "GET",
70 body: append([]byte{}, c.ExpectContent...),
71 },
72 ))))
73 defer server.Close()
76 client := New(Options{
77 Endpoint: server.URL,
78 })
80 resp, err := client.GetMetadata(ctx, &GetMetadataInput{
81 Path: c.Path,
82 })
83 if err != nil {
84 t.Fatalf("expect no error, got %v", err)
85 }
86 if resp == nil {
87 t.Fatalf("expect resp, got none")
88 }
90 actualContent, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Content)
91 if err != nil {
92 t.Fatalf("expect to read content, got %v", err)
93 }
95 if e, a := c.ExpectContent, actualContent; !bytes.Equal(e, a) {
96 t.Errorf("expect content to be equal\nexpect:\n%s\nactual:\n%s",
97 hex.Dump(e), hex.Dump(a))
98 }
100 if diff := cmpDiff(c.ExpectTrace, trace.requests); len(diff) != 0 {
101 t.Errorf("expect trace to match\n%s", diff)
102 }
103 })
104 }
105 }
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