
Source file src/github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/writer_properties.go

Documentation: github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet

     1  // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
     2  // or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
     3  // distributed with this work for additional information
     4  // regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
     5  // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
     6  // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
     7  // with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8  //
     9  // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  //
    11  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15  // limitations under the License.
    17  package parquet
    19  import (
    20  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/arrow/memory"
    21  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/compress"
    22  )
    24  // Constants for default property values used for the default reader, writer and column props.
    25  const (
    26  	// Default Buffer size used for the Reader
    27  	DefaultBufSize int64 = 4096 * 4
    28  	// Default data page size limit is 1K it's not guaranteed, but we will try to
    29  	// cut data pages off at this size where possible.
    30  	DefaultDataPageSize int64 = 1024 * 1024
    31  	// Default is for dictionary encoding to be turned on, use WithDictionaryDefault
    32  	// writer property to change that.
    33  	DefaultDictionaryEnabled = true
    34  	// If the dictionary reaches the size of this limitation, the writer will use
    35  	// the fallback encoding (usually plain) instead of continuing to build the
    36  	// dictionary index.
    37  	DefaultDictionaryPageSizeLimit = DefaultDataPageSize
    38  	// In order to attempt to facilitate data page size limits for writing,
    39  	// data is written in batches. Increasing the batch size may improve performance
    40  	// but the larger the batch size, the easier it is to overshoot the datapage limit.
    41  	DefaultWriteBatchSize int64 = 1024
    42  	// Default maximum number of rows for a single row group
    43  	DefaultMaxRowGroupLen int64 = 64 * 1024 * 1024
    44  	// Default is to have stats enabled for all columns, use writer properties to
    45  	// change the default, or to enable/disable for specific columns.
    46  	DefaultStatsEnabled = true
    47  	// If the stats are larger than 4K the writer will skip writing them out anyways.
    48  	DefaultMaxStatsSize int64 = 4096
    49  	DefaultCreatedBy          = "parquet-go version 15.0.2"
    50  	DefaultRootName           = "schema"
    51  )
    53  // ColumnProperties defines the encoding, codec, and so on for a given column.
    54  type ColumnProperties struct {
    55  	Encoding          Encoding
    56  	Codec             compress.Compression
    57  	DictionaryEnabled bool
    58  	StatsEnabled      bool
    59  	MaxStatsSize      int64
    60  	CompressionLevel  int
    61  }
    63  // DefaultColumnProperties returns the default properties which get utilized for writing.
    64  //
    65  // The default column properties are the following constants:
    66  //
    67  //	Encoding:						Encodings.Plain
    68  //	Codec:							compress.Codecs.Uncompressed
    69  //	DictionaryEnabled:	DefaultDictionaryEnabled
    70  //	StatsEnabled:				DefaultStatsEnabled
    71  //	MaxStatsSize:				DefaultMaxStatsSize
    72  //	CompressionLevel:		compress.DefaultCompressionLevel
    73  func DefaultColumnProperties() ColumnProperties {
    74  	return ColumnProperties{
    75  		Encoding:          Encodings.Plain,
    76  		Codec:             compress.Codecs.Uncompressed,
    77  		DictionaryEnabled: DefaultDictionaryEnabled,
    78  		StatsEnabled:      DefaultStatsEnabled,
    79  		MaxStatsSize:      DefaultMaxStatsSize,
    80  		CompressionLevel:  compress.DefaultCompressionLevel,
    81  	}
    82  }
    84  type writerPropConfig struct {
    85  	wr            *WriterProperties
    86  	encodings     map[string]Encoding
    87  	codecs        map[string]compress.Compression
    88  	compressLevel map[string]int
    89  	dictEnabled   map[string]bool
    90  	statsEnabled  map[string]bool
    91  }
    93  // WriterProperty is used as the options for building a writer properties instance
    94  type WriterProperty func(*writerPropConfig)
    96  // WithAllocator specifies the writer to use the given allocator
    97  func WithAllocator(mem memory.Allocator) WriterProperty {
    98  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
    99  		cfg.wr.mem = mem
   100  	}
   101  }
   103  // WithDictionaryDefault sets the default value for whether to enable dictionary encoding
   104  func WithDictionaryDefault(dict bool) WriterProperty {
   105  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   106  		cfg.wr.defColumnProps.DictionaryEnabled = dict
   107  	}
   108  }
   110  // WithDictionaryFor allows enabling or disabling dictionary encoding for a given column path string
   111  func WithDictionaryFor(path string, dict bool) WriterProperty {
   112  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   113  		cfg.dictEnabled[path] = dict
   114  	}
   115  }
   117  // WithDictionaryPath is like WithDictionaryFor, but takes a ColumnPath type
   118  func WithDictionaryPath(path ColumnPath, dict bool) WriterProperty {
   119  	return WithDictionaryFor(path.String(), dict)
   120  }
   122  // WithDictionaryPageSizeLimit is the limit of the dictionary at which the writer
   123  // will fallback to plain encoding instead
   124  func WithDictionaryPageSizeLimit(limit int64) WriterProperty {
   125  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   126  		cfg.wr.dictPagesize = limit
   127  	}
   128  }
   130  // WithBatchSize specifies the number of rows to use for batch writes to columns
   131  func WithBatchSize(batch int64) WriterProperty {
   132  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   133  		cfg.wr.batchSize = batch
   134  	}
   135  }
   137  // WithMaxRowGroupLength specifies the number of rows as the maximum number of rows for a given row group in the writer.
   138  func WithMaxRowGroupLength(nrows int64) WriterProperty {
   139  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   140  		cfg.wr.maxRowGroupLen = nrows
   141  	}
   142  }
   144  // WithDataPageSize specifies the size to use for splitting data pages for column writing.
   145  func WithDataPageSize(pgsize int64) WriterProperty {
   146  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   147  		cfg.wr.pageSize = pgsize
   148  	}
   149  }
   151  // WithDataPageVersion specifies whether to use Version 1 or Version 2 of the DataPage spec
   152  func WithDataPageVersion(version DataPageVersion) WriterProperty {
   153  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   154  		cfg.wr.dataPageVersion = version
   155  	}
   156  }
   158  // WithVersion specifies which Parquet Spec version to utilize for writing.
   159  func WithVersion(version Version) WriterProperty {
   160  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   161  		cfg.wr.parquetVersion = version
   162  	}
   163  }
   165  // WithCreatedBy specifies the "created by" string to use for the writer
   166  func WithCreatedBy(createdby string) WriterProperty {
   167  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   168  		cfg.wr.createdBy = createdby
   169  	}
   170  }
   172  // WithRootName enables customization of the name used for the root schema node. This is required
   173  // to maintain compatibility with other tools.
   174  func WithRootName(name string) WriterProperty {
   175  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   176  		cfg.wr.rootName = name
   177  	}
   178  }
   180  // WithRootRepetition enables customization of the repetition used for the root schema node.
   181  // This is required to maintain compatibility with other tools.
   182  func WithRootRepetition(repetition Repetition) WriterProperty {
   183  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   184  		cfg.wr.rootRepetition = repetition
   185  	}
   186  }
   188  // WithEncoding defines the encoding that is used when we aren't using dictionary encoding.
   189  //
   190  // This is either applied if dictionary encoding is disabled, or if we fallback if the dictionary
   191  // grew too large.
   192  func WithEncoding(encoding Encoding) WriterProperty {
   193  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   194  		if encoding == Encodings.PlainDict || encoding == Encodings.RLEDict {
   195  			panic("parquet: can't use dictionary encoding as fallback encoding")
   196  		}
   197  		cfg.wr.defColumnProps.Encoding = encoding
   198  	}
   199  }
   201  // WithEncodingFor is for defining the encoding only for a specific column path. This encoding will be used
   202  // if dictionary encoding is disabled for the column or if we fallback because the dictionary grew too large
   203  func WithEncodingFor(path string, encoding Encoding) WriterProperty {
   204  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   205  		if encoding == Encodings.PlainDict || encoding == Encodings.RLEDict {
   206  			panic("parquet: can't use dictionary encoding as fallback encoding")
   207  		}
   208  		cfg.encodings[path] = encoding
   209  	}
   210  }
   212  // WithEncodingPath is the same as WithEncodingFor but takes a ColumnPath directly.
   213  func WithEncodingPath(path ColumnPath, encoding Encoding) WriterProperty {
   214  	return WithEncodingFor(path.String(), encoding)
   215  }
   217  // WithCompression specifies the default compression type to use for column writing.
   218  func WithCompression(codec compress.Compression) WriterProperty {
   219  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   220  		cfg.wr.defColumnProps.Codec = codec
   221  	}
   222  }
   224  // WithCompressionFor specifies the compression type for the given column.
   225  func WithCompressionFor(path string, codec compress.Compression) WriterProperty {
   226  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   227  		cfg.codecs[path] = codec
   228  	}
   229  }
   231  // WithCompressionPath is the same as WithCompressionFor but takes a ColumnPath directly.
   232  func WithCompressionPath(path ColumnPath, codec compress.Compression) WriterProperty {
   233  	return WithCompressionFor(path.String(), codec)
   234  }
   236  // WithMaxStatsSize sets a maximum size for the statistics before we decide not to include them.
   237  func WithMaxStatsSize(maxStatsSize int64) WriterProperty {
   238  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   239  		cfg.wr.defColumnProps.MaxStatsSize = maxStatsSize
   240  	}
   241  }
   243  // WithCompressionLevel specifies the default compression level for the compressor in every column.
   244  //
   245  // The provided compression level is compressor specific. The user would have to know what the available
   246  // levels are for the selected compressor. If the compressor does not allow for selecting different
   247  // compression levels, then this function will have no effect. Parquet and Arrow will not validate the
   248  // passed compression level. If no level is selected by the user or if the special compress.DefaultCompressionLevel
   249  // value is used, then parquet will select the compression level.
   250  func WithCompressionLevel(level int) WriterProperty {
   251  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   252  		cfg.wr.defColumnProps.CompressionLevel = level
   253  	}
   254  }
   256  // WithCompressionLevelFor is like WithCompressionLevel but only for the given column path.
   257  func WithCompressionLevelFor(path string, level int) WriterProperty {
   258  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   259  		cfg.compressLevel[path] = level
   260  	}
   261  }
   263  // WithCompressionLevelPath is the same as WithCompressionLevelFor but takes a ColumnPath
   264  func WithCompressionLevelPath(path ColumnPath, level int) WriterProperty {
   265  	return WithCompressionLevelFor(path.String(), level)
   266  }
   268  // WithStats specifies a default for whether or not to enable column statistics.
   269  func WithStats(enabled bool) WriterProperty {
   270  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   271  		cfg.wr.defColumnProps.StatsEnabled = enabled
   272  	}
   273  }
   275  // WithStatsFor specifies a per column value as to enable or disable statistics in the resulting file.
   276  func WithStatsFor(path string, enabled bool) WriterProperty {
   277  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   278  		cfg.statsEnabled[path] = enabled
   279  	}
   280  }
   282  // WithStatsPath is the same as WithStatsFor but takes a ColumnPath
   283  func WithStatsPath(path ColumnPath, enabled bool) WriterProperty {
   284  	return WithStatsFor(path.String(), enabled)
   285  }
   287  // WithEncryptionProperties specifies the file level encryption handling for writing the file.
   288  func WithEncryptionProperties(props *FileEncryptionProperties) WriterProperty {
   289  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   290  		cfg.wr.encryptionProps = props
   291  	}
   292  }
   294  // WithStoreDecimalAsInteger specifies whether to try using an int32/int64 for storing
   295  // decimal data rather than fixed len byte arrays if the precision is low enough.
   296  func WithStoreDecimalAsInteger(enabled bool) WriterProperty {
   297  	return func(cfg *writerPropConfig) {
   298  		cfg.wr.storeDecimalAsInt = enabled
   299  	}
   300  }
   302  // WriterProperties is the collection of properties to use for writing a parquet file. The values are
   303  // read only once it has been constructed.
   304  type WriterProperties struct {
   305  	mem               memory.Allocator
   306  	dictPagesize      int64
   307  	batchSize         int64
   308  	maxRowGroupLen    int64
   309  	pageSize          int64
   310  	parquetVersion    Version
   311  	createdBy         string
   312  	dataPageVersion   DataPageVersion
   313  	rootName          string
   314  	rootRepetition    Repetition
   315  	storeDecimalAsInt bool
   317  	defColumnProps  ColumnProperties
   318  	columnProps     map[string]*ColumnProperties
   319  	encryptionProps *FileEncryptionProperties
   320  }
   322  func defaultWriterProperties() *WriterProperties {
   323  	return &WriterProperties{
   324  		mem:             memory.DefaultAllocator,
   325  		dictPagesize:    DefaultDictionaryPageSizeLimit,
   326  		batchSize:       DefaultWriteBatchSize,
   327  		maxRowGroupLen:  DefaultMaxRowGroupLen,
   328  		pageSize:        DefaultDataPageSize,
   329  		parquetVersion:  V2_LATEST,
   330  		dataPageVersion: DataPageV1,
   331  		createdBy:       DefaultCreatedBy,
   332  		rootName:        DefaultRootName,
   333  		rootRepetition:  Repetitions.Repeated,
   334  		defColumnProps:  DefaultColumnProperties(),
   335  	}
   336  }
   338  // NewWriterProperties takes a list of options for building the properties. If multiple options are used which conflict
   339  // then the last option is the one which will take effect. If no WriterProperty options are provided, then the default
   340  // properties will be utilized for writing.
   341  //
   342  // The Default properties use the following constants:
   343  //
   344  //	Allocator:					memory.DefaultAllocator
   345  //	DictionaryPageSize: DefaultDictionaryPageSizeLimit
   346  //	BatchSize:					DefaultWriteBatchSize
   347  //	MaxRowGroupLength:	DefaultMaxRowGroupLen
   348  //	PageSize:						DefaultDataPageSize
   349  //	ParquetVersion:			V1
   350  //	DataPageVersion:		DataPageV1
   351  //	CreatedBy:					DefaultCreatedBy
   352  func NewWriterProperties(opts ...WriterProperty) *WriterProperties {
   353  	cfg := writerPropConfig{
   354  		wr:            defaultWriterProperties(),
   355  		encodings:     make(map[string]Encoding),
   356  		codecs:        make(map[string]compress.Compression),
   357  		compressLevel: make(map[string]int),
   358  		dictEnabled:   make(map[string]bool),
   359  		statsEnabled:  make(map[string]bool),
   360  	}
   361  	for _, o := range opts {
   362  		o(&cfg)
   363  	}
   365  	cfg.wr.columnProps = make(map[string]*ColumnProperties)
   366  	get := func(key string) *ColumnProperties {
   367  		if p, ok := cfg.wr.columnProps[key]; ok {
   368  			return p
   369  		}
   370  		cfg.wr.columnProps[key] = new(ColumnProperties)
   371  		*cfg.wr.columnProps[key] = cfg.wr.defColumnProps
   372  		return cfg.wr.columnProps[key]
   373  	}
   375  	for key, value := range cfg.encodings {
   376  		get(key).Encoding = value
   377  	}
   379  	for key, value := range cfg.codecs {
   380  		get(key).Codec = value
   381  	}
   383  	for key, value := range cfg.compressLevel {
   384  		get(key).CompressionLevel = value
   385  	}
   387  	for key, value := range cfg.dictEnabled {
   388  		get(key).DictionaryEnabled = value
   389  	}
   391  	for key, value := range cfg.statsEnabled {
   392  		get(key).StatsEnabled = value
   393  	}
   394  	return cfg.wr
   395  }
   397  // FileEncryptionProperties returns the current encryption properties that were
   398  // used to create the writer properties.
   399  func (w *WriterProperties) FileEncryptionProperties() *FileEncryptionProperties {
   400  	return w.encryptionProps
   401  }
   403  func (w *WriterProperties) Allocator() memory.Allocator      { return w.mem }
   404  func (w *WriterProperties) CreatedBy() string                { return w.createdBy }
   405  func (w *WriterProperties) RootName() string                 { return w.rootName }
   406  func (w *WriterProperties) RootRepetition() Repetition       { return w.rootRepetition }
   407  func (w *WriterProperties) WriteBatchSize() int64            { return w.batchSize }
   408  func (w *WriterProperties) DataPageSize() int64              { return w.pageSize }
   409  func (w *WriterProperties) DictionaryPageSizeLimit() int64   { return w.dictPagesize }
   410  func (w *WriterProperties) Version() Version                 { return w.parquetVersion }
   411  func (w *WriterProperties) DataPageVersion() DataPageVersion { return w.dataPageVersion }
   412  func (w *WriterProperties) MaxRowGroupLength() int64         { return w.maxRowGroupLen }
   414  // Compression returns the default compression type that will be used for any columns that don't
   415  // have a specific compression defined.
   416  func (w *WriterProperties) Compression() compress.Compression { return w.defColumnProps.Codec }
   418  // CompressionFor will return the compression type that is specified for the given column path, or
   419  // the default compression codec if there isn't one specific to this column.
   420  func (w *WriterProperties) CompressionFor(path string) compress.Compression {
   421  	if p, ok := w.columnProps[path]; ok {
   422  		return p.Codec
   423  	}
   424  	return w.defColumnProps.Codec
   425  }
   427  // CompressionPath is the same as CompressionFor but takes a ColumnPath
   428  func (w *WriterProperties) CompressionPath(path ColumnPath) compress.Compression {
   429  	return w.CompressionFor(path.String())
   430  }
   432  // CompressionLevel returns the default compression level that will be used for any column
   433  // that doesn't have a compression level specified for it.
   434  func (w *WriterProperties) CompressionLevel() int { return w.defColumnProps.CompressionLevel }
   436  // CompressionLevelFor returns the compression level that will be utilized for the given column,
   437  // or the default compression level if the column doesn't have a specific level specified.
   438  func (w *WriterProperties) CompressionLevelFor(path string) int {
   439  	if p, ok := w.columnProps[path]; ok {
   440  		return p.CompressionLevel
   441  	}
   442  	return w.defColumnProps.CompressionLevel
   443  }
   445  // CompressionLevelPath is the same as CompressionLevelFor but takes a ColumnPath object
   446  func (w *WriterProperties) CompressionLevelPath(path ColumnPath) int {
   447  	return w.CompressionLevelFor(path.String())
   448  }
   450  // Encoding returns the default encoding that will be utilized for any columns which don't have a different value
   451  // specified.
   452  func (w *WriterProperties) Encoding() Encoding { return w.defColumnProps.Encoding }
   454  // EncodingFor returns the encoding that will be used for the given column path, or the default encoding if there
   455  // isn't one specified for this column.
   456  func (w *WriterProperties) EncodingFor(path string) Encoding {
   457  	if p, ok := w.columnProps[path]; ok {
   458  		return p.Encoding
   459  	}
   460  	return w.defColumnProps.Encoding
   461  }
   463  // EncodingPath is the same as EncodingFor but takes a ColumnPath object
   464  func (w *WriterProperties) EncodingPath(path ColumnPath) Encoding {
   465  	return w.EncodingFor(path.String())
   466  }
   468  // DictionaryIndexEncoding returns which encoding will be used for the Dictionary Index values based on the
   469  // parquet version. V1 uses PlainDict and V2 uses RLEDict
   470  func (w *WriterProperties) DictionaryIndexEncoding() Encoding {
   471  	if w.parquetVersion == V1_0 {
   472  		return Encodings.PlainDict
   473  	}
   474  	return Encodings.RLEDict
   475  }
   477  // DictionaryPageEncoding returns the encoding that will be utilized for the DictionaryPage itself based on the parquet
   478  // version. V1 uses PlainDict, v2 uses Plain
   479  func (w *WriterProperties) DictionaryPageEncoding() Encoding {
   480  	if w.parquetVersion == V1_0 {
   481  		return Encodings.PlainDict
   482  	}
   483  	return Encodings.Plain
   484  }
   486  // DictionaryEnabled returns the default value as for whether or not dictionary encoding will be utilized for columns
   487  // that aren't separately specified.
   488  func (w *WriterProperties) DictionaryEnabled() bool { return w.defColumnProps.DictionaryEnabled }
   490  // DictionaryEnabledFor returns whether or not dictionary encoding will be used for the specified column when writing
   491  // or the default value if the column was not separately specified.
   492  func (w *WriterProperties) DictionaryEnabledFor(path string) bool {
   493  	if p, ok := w.columnProps[path]; ok {
   494  		return p.DictionaryEnabled
   495  	}
   496  	return w.defColumnProps.DictionaryEnabled
   497  }
   499  // DictionaryEnabledPath is the same as DictionaryEnabledFor but takes a ColumnPath object.
   500  func (w *WriterProperties) DictionaryEnabledPath(path ColumnPath) bool {
   501  	return w.DictionaryEnabledFor(path.String())
   502  }
   504  // StatisticsEnabled returns the default value for whether or not stats are enabled to be written for columns
   505  // that aren't separately specified.
   506  func (w *WriterProperties) StatisticsEnabled() bool { return w.defColumnProps.StatsEnabled }
   508  // StatisticsEnabledFor returns whether stats will be written for the given column path, or the default value if
   509  // it wasn't separately specified.
   510  func (w *WriterProperties) StatisticsEnabledFor(path string) bool {
   511  	if p, ok := w.columnProps[path]; ok {
   512  		return p.StatsEnabled
   513  	}
   514  	return w.defColumnProps.StatsEnabled
   515  }
   517  // StatisticsEnabledPath is the same as StatisticsEnabledFor but takes a ColumnPath object.
   518  func (w *WriterProperties) StatisticsEnabledPath(path ColumnPath) bool {
   519  	return w.StatisticsEnabledFor(path.String())
   520  }
   522  // MaxStatsSize returns the default maximum size for stats
   523  func (w *WriterProperties) MaxStatsSize() int64 { return w.defColumnProps.MaxStatsSize }
   525  // MaxStatsSizeFor returns the maximum stat size for the given column path
   526  func (w *WriterProperties) MaxStatsSizeFor(path string) int64 {
   527  	if p, ok := w.columnProps[path]; ok {
   528  		return p.MaxStatsSize
   529  	}
   530  	return w.defColumnProps.MaxStatsSize
   531  }
   533  // MaxStatsSizePath is the same as MaxStatsSizeFor but takes a ColumnPath
   534  func (w *WriterProperties) MaxStatsSizePath(path ColumnPath) int64 {
   535  	return w.MaxStatsSizeFor(path.String())
   536  }
   538  // ColumnEncryptionProperties returns the specific properties for encryption that will be used for the given column path
   539  func (w *WriterProperties) ColumnEncryptionProperties(path string) *ColumnEncryptionProperties {
   540  	if w.encryptionProps != nil {
   541  		return w.encryptionProps.ColumnEncryptionProperties(path)
   542  	}
   543  	return nil
   544  }
   546  // StoreDecimalAsInteger returns the config option controlling whether or not
   547  // to try storing decimal data as an integer type if the precision is low enough
   548  // (1 <= prec <= 18 can be stored as an int), otherwise it will be stored as
   549  // a fixed len byte array.
   550  func (w *WriterProperties) StoreDecimalAsInteger() bool {
   551  	return w.storeDecimalAsInt
   552  }

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