
Source file src/github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/pqarrow/path_builder.go

Documentation: github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/pqarrow

     1  // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
     2  // or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
     3  // distributed with this work for additional information
     4  // regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
     5  // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
     6  // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
     7  // with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8  //
     9  // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  //
    11  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15  // limitations under the License.
    17  package pqarrow
    19  import (
    20  	"fmt"
    21  	"sync/atomic"
    22  	"unsafe"
    24  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/arrow"
    25  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/arrow/array"
    26  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/arrow/memory"
    27  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/internal/bitutils"
    28  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/internal/encoding"
    29  	"golang.org/x/xerrors"
    30  )
    32  type iterResult int8
    34  const (
    35  	iterDone iterResult = -1
    36  	iterNext iterResult = 1
    37  )
    39  type elemRange struct {
    40  	start int64
    41  	end   int64
    42  }
    44  func (e elemRange) empty() bool { return e.start == e.end }
    45  func (e elemRange) size() int64 { return e.end - e.start }
    47  type rangeSelector interface {
    48  	GetRange(idx int64) elemRange
    49  }
    51  type varRangeSelector struct {
    52  	offsets []int32
    53  }
    55  func (v varRangeSelector) GetRange(idx int64) elemRange {
    56  	return elemRange{int64(v.offsets[idx]), int64(v.offsets[idx+1])}
    57  }
    59  type fixedSizeRangeSelector struct {
    60  	listSize int32
    61  }
    63  func (f fixedSizeRangeSelector) GetRange(idx int64) elemRange {
    64  	start := idx * int64(f.listSize)
    65  	return elemRange{start, start + int64(f.listSize)}
    66  }
    68  type pathNode interface {
    69  	clone() pathNode
    70  }
    72  type allPresentTerminalNode struct {
    73  	defLevel int16
    74  }
    76  func (n *allPresentTerminalNode) clone() pathNode {
    77  	ret := *n
    78  	return &ret
    79  }
    81  func (n *allPresentTerminalNode) run(rng elemRange, ctx *pathWriteCtx) iterResult {
    82  	return ctx.AppendDefLevels(int(rng.size()), n.defLevel)
    83  }
    85  type allNullsTerminalNode struct {
    86  	defLevel int16
    87  	repLevel int16
    88  }
    90  func (n *allNullsTerminalNode) clone() pathNode {
    91  	ret := *n
    92  	return &ret
    93  }
    95  func (n *allNullsTerminalNode) run(rng elemRange, ctx *pathWriteCtx) iterResult {
    96  	fillRepLevels(int(rng.size()), n.repLevel, ctx)
    97  	return ctx.AppendDefLevels(int(rng.size()), n.defLevel)
    98  }
   100  type nullableTerminalNode struct {
   101  	bitmap            []byte
   102  	elemOffset        int64
   103  	defLevelIfPresent int16
   104  	defLevelIfNull    int16
   105  }
   107  func (n *nullableTerminalNode) clone() pathNode {
   108  	ret := *n
   109  	return &ret
   110  }
   112  func (n *nullableTerminalNode) run(rng elemRange, ctx *pathWriteCtx) iterResult {
   113  	elems := rng.size()
   114  	ctx.ReserveDefLevels(int(elems))
   116  	var (
   117  		present = (*(*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&n.defLevelIfPresent)))[:]
   118  		null    = (*(*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&n.defLevelIfNull)))[:]
   119  	)
   120  	rdr := bitutils.NewBitRunReader(n.bitmap, n.elemOffset+rng.start, elems)
   121  	for {
   122  		run := rdr.NextRun()
   123  		if run.Len == 0 {
   124  			break
   125  		}
   126  		if run.Set {
   127  			ctx.defLevels.UnsafeWriteCopy(int(run.Len), present)
   128  		} else {
   129  			ctx.defLevels.UnsafeWriteCopy(int(run.Len), null)
   130  		}
   131  	}
   132  	return iterDone
   133  }
   135  type listNode struct {
   136  	selector        rangeSelector
   137  	prevRepLevel    int16
   138  	repLevel        int16
   139  	defLevelIfEmpty int16
   140  	isLast          bool
   141  }
   143  func (n *listNode) clone() pathNode {
   144  	ret := *n
   145  	return &ret
   146  }
   148  func (n *listNode) run(rng, childRng *elemRange, ctx *pathWriteCtx) iterResult {
   149  	if rng.empty() {
   150  		return iterDone
   151  	}
   153  	// find the first non-empty list (skipping a run of empties)
   154  	start := rng.start
   155  	for {
   156  		// retrieve the range of elements that this list contains
   157  		*childRng = n.selector.GetRange(rng.start)
   158  		if !childRng.empty() {
   159  			break
   160  		}
   161  		rng.start++
   162  		if rng.empty() {
   163  			break
   164  		}
   165  	}
   167  	// loops post-condition:
   168  	// * rng is either empty (we're done processing this node)
   169  	//     or start corresponds to a non-empty list
   170  	// * if rng is non-empty, childRng contains the bounds of the non-empty list
   172  	// handle any skipped over empty lists
   173  	emptyElems := rng.start - start
   174  	if emptyElems > 0 {
   175  		fillRepLevels(int(emptyElems), n.prevRepLevel, ctx)
   176  		ctx.AppendDefLevels(int(emptyElems), n.defLevelIfEmpty)
   177  	}
   179  	// start of a new list, note that for nested lists adding the element
   180  	// here effectively suppresses this code until we either encounter null
   181  	// elements or empty lists between here and the innermost list (since we
   182  	// make the rep levels repetition and definition levels unequal).
   183  	// similarly when we are backtracking up the stack, the repetition
   184  	// and definition levels are again equal so if we encounter an intermediate
   185  	// list, with more elements, this will detect it as a new list
   186  	if ctx.equalRepDeflevlsLen() && !rng.empty() {
   187  		ctx.AppendRepLevel(n.prevRepLevel)
   188  	}
   190  	if rng.empty() {
   191  		return iterDone
   192  	}
   194  	rng.start++
   195  	if n.isLast {
   196  		// if this is the last repeated node, we can try
   197  		// to extend the child range as wide as possible,
   198  		// before continuing to the next node
   199  		return n.fillForLast(rng, childRng, ctx)
   200  	}
   202  	return iterNext
   203  }
   205  func (n *listNode) fillForLast(rng, childRng *elemRange, ctx *pathWriteCtx) iterResult {
   206  	fillRepLevels(int(childRng.size()), n.repLevel, ctx)
   207  	// once we've reached this point the following preconditions should hold:
   208  	// 1. there are no more repeated path nodes to deal with
   209  	// 2. all elements in |range| represent contiguous elements in the child
   210  	//    array (null values would have shortened the range to ensure all
   211  	//    remaining list elements are present, though they may be empty)
   212  	// 3. no element of range spans a parent list (intermediate list nodes
   213  	//    only handle one list entry at a time)
   214  	//
   215  	// given these preconditions, it should be safe to fill runs on non-empty lists
   216  	// here and expand the range in the child node accordingly
   217  	for !rng.empty() {
   218  		sizeCheck := n.selector.GetRange(rng.start)
   219  		if sizeCheck.empty() {
   220  			// the empty range will need to be handled after we pass down the accumulated
   221  			// range because it affects def level placement and we need to get the children
   222  			// def levels entered first
   223  			break
   224  		}
   226  		// this is the start of a new list. we can be sure that it only applies to the
   227  		// previous list (and doesn't jump to the start of any list further up in nesting
   228  		// due to the constraints mentioned earlier)
   229  		ctx.AppendRepLevel(n.prevRepLevel)
   230  		ctx.AppendRepLevels(int(sizeCheck.size())-1, n.repLevel)
   231  		childRng.end = sizeCheck.end
   232  		rng.start++
   233  	}
   235  	// do book-keeping to track the elements of the arrays that are actually visited
   236  	// beyond this point. this is necessary to identify "gaps" in values that should
   237  	// not be processed (written out to parquet)
   238  	ctx.recordPostListVisit(*childRng)
   239  	return iterNext
   240  }
   242  type nullableNode struct {
   243  	bitmap         []byte
   244  	entryOffset    int64
   245  	repLevelIfNull int16
   246  	defLevelIfNull int16
   248  	validBitsReader bitutils.BitRunReader
   249  	newRange        bool
   250  }
   252  func (n *nullableNode) clone() pathNode {
   253  	var ret nullableNode = *n
   254  	return &ret
   255  }
   257  func (n *nullableNode) run(rng, childRng *elemRange, ctx *pathWriteCtx) iterResult {
   258  	if n.newRange {
   259  		n.validBitsReader = bitutils.NewBitRunReader(n.bitmap, n.entryOffset+rng.start, rng.size())
   260  	}
   261  	childRng.start = rng.start
   262  	run := n.validBitsReader.NextRun()
   263  	if !run.Set {
   264  		rng.start += run.Len
   265  		fillRepLevels(int(run.Len), n.repLevelIfNull, ctx)
   266  		ctx.AppendDefLevels(int(run.Len), n.defLevelIfNull)
   267  		run = n.validBitsReader.NextRun()
   268  	}
   270  	if rng.empty() {
   271  		n.newRange = true
   272  		return iterDone
   273  	}
   274  	childRng.start = rng.start
   275  	childRng.end = childRng.start
   276  	childRng.end += run.Len
   277  	rng.start += childRng.size()
   278  	n.newRange = false
   279  	return iterNext
   280  }
   282  type pathInfo struct {
   283  	path           []pathNode
   284  	primitiveArr   arrow.Array
   285  	maxDefLevel    int16
   286  	maxRepLevel    int16
   287  	leafIsNullable bool
   288  }
   290  func (p pathInfo) clone() pathInfo {
   291  	ret := p
   292  	ret.path = make([]pathNode, len(p.path))
   293  	for idx, n := range p.path {
   294  		ret.path[idx] = n.clone()
   295  	}
   296  	return ret
   297  }
   299  type pathBuilder struct {
   300  	info             pathInfo
   301  	paths            []pathInfo
   302  	nullableInParent bool
   304  	refCount int64
   305  }
   307  func (p *pathBuilder) Retain() {
   308  	atomic.AddInt64(&p.refCount, 1)
   309  }
   311  func (p *pathBuilder) Release() {
   312  	if atomic.AddInt64(&p.refCount, -1) == 0 {
   313  		for idx := range p.paths {
   314  			p.paths[idx].primitiveArr.Release()
   315  			p.paths[idx].primitiveArr = nil
   316  		}
   317  	}
   318  }
   320  // calling NullN on the arr directly will compute the nulls
   321  // if we have "UnknownNullCount", calling NullN on the data
   322  // object directly will just return the value the data has.
   323  // thus we might bet array.UnknownNullCount as the result here.
   324  func lazyNullCount(arr arrow.Array) int64 {
   325  	return int64(arr.Data().NullN())
   326  }
   328  func lazyNoNulls(arr arrow.Array) bool {
   329  	nulls := lazyNullCount(arr)
   330  	return nulls == 0 || (nulls == array.UnknownNullCount && arr.NullBitmapBytes() == nil)
   331  }
   333  type fixupVisitor struct {
   334  	maxRepLevel    int
   335  	repLevelIfNull int16
   336  }
   338  func (f *fixupVisitor) visit(n pathNode) {
   339  	switch n := n.(type) {
   340  	case *listNode:
   341  		if n.repLevel == int16(f.maxRepLevel) {
   342  			n.isLast = true
   343  			f.repLevelIfNull = -1
   344  		} else {
   345  			f.repLevelIfNull = n.repLevel
   346  		}
   347  	case *nullableTerminalNode:
   348  	case *allPresentTerminalNode:
   349  	case *allNullsTerminalNode:
   350  		if f.repLevelIfNull != -1 {
   351  			n.repLevel = f.repLevelIfNull
   352  		}
   353  	case *nullableNode:
   354  		if f.repLevelIfNull != -1 {
   355  			n.repLevelIfNull = f.repLevelIfNull
   356  		}
   357  	}
   358  }
   360  func fixup(info pathInfo) pathInfo {
   361  	// we only need to fixup the path if there were repeated elems
   362  	if info.maxRepLevel == 0 {
   363  		return info
   364  	}
   366  	visitor := fixupVisitor{maxRepLevel: int(info.maxRepLevel)}
   367  	if visitor.maxRepLevel > 0 {
   368  		visitor.repLevelIfNull = 0
   369  	} else {
   370  		visitor.repLevelIfNull = -1
   371  	}
   373  	for _, p := range info.path {
   374  		visitor.visit(p)
   375  	}
   376  	return info
   377  }
   379  func (p *pathBuilder) Visit(arr arrow.Array) error {
   380  	switch arr.DataType().ID() {
   381  	case arrow.LIST, arrow.MAP:
   382  		p.maybeAddNullable(arr)
   383  		// increment necessary due to empty lists
   384  		p.info.maxDefLevel++
   385  		p.info.maxRepLevel++
   386  		larr, ok := arr.(*array.List)
   387  		if !ok {
   388  			larr = arr.(*array.Map).List
   389  		}
   391  		p.info.path = append(p.info.path, &listNode{
   392  			selector:        varRangeSelector{larr.Offsets()[larr.Data().Offset():]},
   393  			prevRepLevel:    p.info.maxRepLevel - 1,
   394  			repLevel:        p.info.maxRepLevel,
   395  			defLevelIfEmpty: p.info.maxDefLevel - 1,
   396  		})
   397  		p.nullableInParent = ok
   398  		return p.Visit(larr.ListValues())
   399  	case arrow.FIXED_SIZE_LIST:
   400  		p.maybeAddNullable(arr)
   401  		larr := arr.(*array.FixedSizeList)
   402  		listSize := larr.DataType().(*arrow.FixedSizeListType).Len()
   403  		// technically we could encode fixed sized lists with two level encodings
   404  		// but we always use 3 level encoding, so we increment def levels as well
   405  		p.info.maxDefLevel++
   406  		p.info.maxRepLevel++
   407  		p.info.path = append(p.info.path, &listNode{
   408  			selector:        fixedSizeRangeSelector{listSize},
   409  			prevRepLevel:    p.info.maxRepLevel - 1,
   410  			repLevel:        p.info.maxRepLevel,
   411  			defLevelIfEmpty: p.info.maxDefLevel,
   412  		})
   413  		// if arr.data.offset > 0, slice?
   414  		return p.Visit(larr.ListValues())
   415  	case arrow.DICTIONARY:
   416  		// only currently handle dictionaryarray where the dictionary
   417  		// is a primitive type
   418  		dictArr := arr.(*array.Dictionary)
   419  		valType := dictArr.DataType().(*arrow.DictionaryType).ValueType
   420  		if _, ok := valType.(arrow.NestedType); ok {
   421  			return fmt.Errorf("%w: writing DictionaryArray with nested dictionary type not yet supported",
   422  				arrow.ErrNotImplemented)
   423  		}
   424  		if dictArr.Dictionary().NullN() > 0 {
   425  			return fmt.Errorf("%w: writing DictionaryArray with null encoded in dictionary not yet supported",
   426  				arrow.ErrNotImplemented)
   427  		}
   428  		p.addTerminalInfo(arr)
   429  		return nil
   430  	case arrow.STRUCT:
   431  		p.maybeAddNullable(arr)
   432  		infoBackup := p.info
   433  		dt := arr.DataType().(*arrow.StructType)
   434  		for idx, f := range dt.Fields() {
   435  			p.nullableInParent = f.Nullable
   436  			if err := p.Visit(arr.(*array.Struct).Field(idx)); err != nil {
   437  				return err
   438  			}
   439  			p.info = infoBackup
   440  		}
   441  		return nil
   442  	case arrow.EXTENSION:
   443  		return p.Visit(arr.(array.ExtensionArray).Storage())
   444  	case arrow.SPARSE_UNION, arrow.DENSE_UNION:
   445  		return xerrors.New("union types aren't supported in parquet")
   446  	default:
   447  		p.addTerminalInfo(arr)
   448  		return nil
   449  	}
   450  }
   452  func (p *pathBuilder) addTerminalInfo(arr arrow.Array) {
   453  	p.info.leafIsNullable = p.nullableInParent
   454  	if p.nullableInParent {
   455  		p.info.maxDefLevel++
   456  	}
   458  	// we don't use null_count because if the null_count isn't known
   459  	// and the array does in fact contain nulls, we will end up traversing
   460  	// the null bitmap twice.
   461  	if lazyNoNulls(arr) {
   462  		p.info.path = append(p.info.path, &allPresentTerminalNode{p.info.maxDefLevel})
   463  		p.info.leafIsNullable = false
   464  	} else if lazyNullCount(arr) == int64(arr.Len()) {
   465  		p.info.path = append(p.info.path, &allNullsTerminalNode{p.info.maxDefLevel - 1, -1})
   466  	} else {
   467  		p.info.path = append(p.info.path, &nullableTerminalNode{bitmap: arr.NullBitmapBytes(), elemOffset: int64(arr.Data().Offset()), defLevelIfPresent: p.info.maxDefLevel, defLevelIfNull: p.info.maxDefLevel - 1})
   468  	}
   469  	arr.Retain()
   470  	p.info.primitiveArr = arr
   471  	p.paths = append(p.paths, fixup(p.info.clone()))
   472  }
   474  func (p *pathBuilder) maybeAddNullable(arr arrow.Array) {
   475  	if !p.nullableInParent {
   476  		return
   477  	}
   479  	p.info.maxDefLevel++
   480  	if lazyNoNulls(arr) {
   481  		return
   482  	}
   484  	if lazyNullCount(arr) == int64(arr.Len()) {
   485  		p.info.path = append(p.info.path, &allNullsTerminalNode{p.info.maxDefLevel - 1, -1})
   486  		return
   487  	}
   489  	p.info.path = append(p.info.path, &nullableNode{
   490  		bitmap: arr.NullBitmapBytes(), entryOffset: int64(arr.Data().Offset()),
   491  		defLevelIfNull: p.info.maxDefLevel - 1, repLevelIfNull: -1,
   492  		newRange: true,
   493  	})
   494  }
   496  type multipathLevelBuilder struct {
   497  	rootRange elemRange
   498  	data      arrow.ArrayData
   499  	builder   pathBuilder
   501  	refCount int64
   502  }
   504  func (m *multipathLevelBuilder) Retain() {
   505  	atomic.AddInt64(&m.refCount, 1)
   506  }
   508  func (m *multipathLevelBuilder) Release() {
   509  	if atomic.AddInt64(&m.refCount, -1) == 0 {
   510  		m.data.Release()
   511  		m.data = nil
   512  		m.builder.Release()
   513  		m.builder = pathBuilder{}
   514  	}
   515  }
   517  func newMultipathLevelBuilder(arr arrow.Array, fieldNullable bool) (*multipathLevelBuilder, error) {
   518  	ret := &multipathLevelBuilder{
   519  		refCount:  1,
   520  		rootRange: elemRange{int64(0), int64(arr.Data().Len())},
   521  		data:      arr.Data(),
   522  		builder:   pathBuilder{nullableInParent: fieldNullable, paths: make([]pathInfo, 0), refCount: 1},
   523  	}
   524  	if err := ret.builder.Visit(arr); err != nil {
   525  		return nil, err
   526  	}
   527  	arr.Data().Retain()
   528  	return ret, nil
   529  }
   531  func (m *multipathLevelBuilder) leafCount() int {
   532  	return len(m.builder.paths)
   533  }
   535  func (m *multipathLevelBuilder) write(leafIdx int, ctx *arrowWriteContext) (multipathLevelResult, error) {
   536  	return writePath(m.rootRange, &m.builder.paths[leafIdx], ctx)
   537  }
   539  func (m *multipathLevelBuilder) writeAll(ctx *arrowWriteContext) (res []multipathLevelResult, err error) {
   540  	res = make([]multipathLevelResult, m.leafCount())
   541  	for idx := range res {
   542  		res[idx], err = m.write(idx, ctx)
   543  		if err != nil {
   544  			break
   545  		}
   546  	}
   547  	return
   548  }
   550  type multipathLevelResult struct {
   551  	leafArr         arrow.Array
   552  	defLevels       []int16
   553  	defLevelsBuffer encoding.Buffer
   554  	repLevels       []int16
   555  	repLevelsBuffer encoding.Buffer
   556  	// contains the element ranges of the required visiting on the descendants of the
   557  	// final list ancestor for any leaf node.
   558  	//
   559  	// the algorithm will attempt to consolidate the visited ranges into the smallest number
   560  	//
   561  	// this data is necessary to pass along because after producing the def-rep levels for each
   562  	// leaf array, it is impossible to determine which values have to be sent to parquet when a
   563  	// null list value in a nullable listarray is non-empty
   564  	//
   565  	// this allows for the parquet writing to determine which values ultimately need to be written
   566  	postListVisitedElems []elemRange
   568  	leafIsNullable bool
   569  }
   571  func (m *multipathLevelResult) Release() {
   572  	m.defLevels = nil
   573  	if m.defLevelsBuffer != nil {
   574  		m.defLevelsBuffer.Release()
   575  	}
   576  	if m.repLevels != nil {
   577  		m.repLevels = nil
   578  		m.repLevelsBuffer.Release()
   579  	}
   580  }
   582  type pathWriteCtx struct {
   583  	mem          memory.Allocator
   584  	defLevels    *int16BufferBuilder
   585  	repLevels    *int16BufferBuilder
   586  	visitedElems []elemRange
   587  }
   589  func (p *pathWriteCtx) ReserveDefLevels(elems int) iterResult {
   590  	p.defLevels.Reserve(elems)
   591  	return iterDone
   592  }
   594  func (p *pathWriteCtx) AppendDefLevel(lvl int16) iterResult {
   595  	p.defLevels.Append(lvl)
   596  	return iterDone
   597  }
   599  func (p *pathWriteCtx) AppendDefLevels(count int, defLevel int16) iterResult {
   600  	p.defLevels.AppendCopies(count, defLevel)
   601  	return iterDone
   602  }
   604  func (p *pathWriteCtx) UnsafeAppendDefLevel(v int16) iterResult {
   605  	p.defLevels.UnsafeAppend(v)
   606  	return iterDone
   607  }
   609  func (p *pathWriteCtx) AppendRepLevel(lvl int16) iterResult {
   610  	p.repLevels.Append(lvl)
   611  	return iterDone
   612  }
   614  func (p *pathWriteCtx) AppendRepLevels(count int, lvl int16) iterResult {
   615  	p.repLevels.AppendCopies(count, lvl)
   616  	return iterDone
   617  }
   619  func (p *pathWriteCtx) equalRepDeflevlsLen() bool { return p.defLevels.Len() == p.repLevels.Len() }
   621  func (p *pathWriteCtx) recordPostListVisit(rng elemRange) {
   622  	if len(p.visitedElems) > 0 && rng.start == p.visitedElems[len(p.visitedElems)-1].end {
   623  		p.visitedElems[len(p.visitedElems)-1].end = rng.end
   624  		return
   625  	}
   626  	p.visitedElems = append(p.visitedElems, rng)
   627  }
   629  type int16BufferBuilder struct {
   630  	*encoding.PooledBufferWriter
   631  }
   633  func (b *int16BufferBuilder) Values() []int16 {
   634  	return arrow.Int16Traits.CastFromBytes(b.PooledBufferWriter.Bytes())
   635  }
   637  func (b *int16BufferBuilder) Value(i int) int16 {
   638  	return b.Values()[i]
   639  }
   641  func (b *int16BufferBuilder) Reserve(n int) {
   642  	b.PooledBufferWriter.Reserve(n * arrow.Int16SizeBytes)
   643  }
   645  func (b *int16BufferBuilder) Len() int { return b.PooledBufferWriter.Len() / arrow.Int16SizeBytes }
   647  func (b *int16BufferBuilder) AppendCopies(count int, val int16) {
   648  	b.Reserve(count)
   649  	b.UnsafeWriteCopy(count, (*(*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&val)))[:])
   650  }
   652  func (b *int16BufferBuilder) UnsafeAppend(v int16) {
   653  	b.PooledBufferWriter.UnsafeWrite((*(*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v)))[:])
   654  }
   656  func (b *int16BufferBuilder) Append(v int16) {
   657  	b.PooledBufferWriter.Reserve(arrow.Int16SizeBytes)
   658  	b.PooledBufferWriter.Write((*(*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v)))[:])
   659  }
   661  func fillRepLevels(count int, repLvl int16, ctx *pathWriteCtx) {
   662  	if repLvl == -1 {
   663  		return
   664  	}
   666  	fillCount := count
   667  	// this condition occurs (rep and def levels equals), in one of a few cases:
   668  	// 1. before any list is encountered
   669  	// 2. after rep-level has been filled in due to null/empty values above
   670  	// 3. after finishing a list
   671  	if !ctx.equalRepDeflevlsLen() {
   672  		fillCount--
   673  	}
   674  	ctx.AppendRepLevels(fillCount, repLvl)
   675  }
   677  func writePath(rootRange elemRange, info *pathInfo, arrCtx *arrowWriteContext) (multipathLevelResult, error) {
   678  	stack := make([]elemRange, len(info.path))
   679  	buildResult := multipathLevelResult{
   680  		leafArr:        info.primitiveArr,
   681  		leafIsNullable: info.leafIsNullable,
   682  	}
   684  	if info.maxDefLevel == 0 {
   685  		// this case only occurs when there are no nullable or repeated columns in the path from the root to the leaf
   686  		leafLen := buildResult.leafArr.Len()
   687  		buildResult.postListVisitedElems = []elemRange{{0, int64(leafLen)}}
   688  		return buildResult, nil
   689  	}
   691  	stack[0] = rootRange
   692  	if arrCtx.defLevelsBuffer != nil {
   693  		arrCtx.defLevelsBuffer.Release()
   694  		arrCtx.defLevelsBuffer = nil
   695  	}
   696  	if arrCtx.repLevelsBuffer != nil {
   697  		arrCtx.repLevelsBuffer.Release()
   698  		arrCtx.repLevelsBuffer = nil
   699  	}
   701  	ctx := pathWriteCtx{arrCtx.props.mem,
   702  		&int16BufferBuilder{encoding.NewPooledBufferWriter(0)},
   703  		&int16BufferBuilder{encoding.NewPooledBufferWriter(0)},
   704  		make([]elemRange, 0)}
   706  	ctx.defLevels.Reserve(int(rootRange.size()))
   707  	if info.maxRepLevel > 0 {
   708  		ctx.repLevels.Reserve(int(rootRange.size()))
   709  	}
   711  	stackBase := 0
   712  	stackPos := stackBase
   713  	for stackPos >= stackBase {
   714  		var res iterResult
   715  		switch n := info.path[stackPos].(type) {
   716  		case *nullableNode:
   717  			res = n.run(&stack[stackPos], &stack[stackPos+1], &ctx)
   718  		case *listNode:
   719  			res = n.run(&stack[stackPos], &stack[stackPos+1], &ctx)
   720  		case *nullableTerminalNode:
   721  			res = n.run(stack[stackPos], &ctx)
   722  		case *allPresentTerminalNode:
   723  			res = n.run(stack[stackPos], &ctx)
   724  		case *allNullsTerminalNode:
   725  			res = n.run(stack[stackPos], &ctx)
   726  		}
   727  		stackPos += int(res)
   728  	}
   730  	if ctx.repLevels.Len() > 0 {
   731  		// this case only occurs when there was a repeated element somewhere
   732  		buildResult.repLevels = ctx.repLevels.Values()
   733  		buildResult.repLevelsBuffer = ctx.repLevels.Finish()
   735  		buildResult.postListVisitedElems, ctx.visitedElems = ctx.visitedElems, buildResult.postListVisitedElems
   736  		// if it is possible when processing lists that all lists were empty. in this
   737  		// case, no elements would have been added to the postListVisitedElements. by
   738  		// adding an empty element, we avoid special casing later
   739  		if len(buildResult.postListVisitedElems) == 0 {
   740  			buildResult.postListVisitedElems = append(buildResult.postListVisitedElems, elemRange{0, 0})
   741  		}
   742  	} else {
   743  		buildResult.postListVisitedElems = append(buildResult.postListVisitedElems, elemRange{0, int64(buildResult.leafArr.Len())})
   744  		buildResult.repLevels = nil
   745  	}
   747  	buildResult.defLevels = ctx.defLevels.Values()
   748  	buildResult.defLevelsBuffer = ctx.defLevels.Finish()
   749  	return buildResult, nil
   750  }

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