
Source file src/github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/metadata/statistics.go

Documentation: github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/metadata

     1  // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
     2  // or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
     3  // distributed with this work for additional information
     4  // regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
     5  // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
     6  // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
     7  // with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8  //
     9  // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  //
    11  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15  // limitations under the License.
    17  package metadata
    19  import (
    20  	"bytes"
    21  	"encoding/binary"
    22  	"math"
    23  	"unsafe"
    25  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/arrow"
    26  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/arrow/float16"
    27  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/arrow/memory"
    28  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/internal/utils"
    29  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet"
    30  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/internal/debug"
    31  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/internal/encoding"
    32  	format "github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/internal/gen-go/parquet"
    33  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/schema"
    34  )
    36  //go:generate go run ../../arrow/_tools/tmpl/main.go -i -data=statistics_types.tmpldata statistics_types.gen.go.tmpl
    38  type StatProvider interface {
    39  	GetMin() []byte
    40  	GetMax() []byte
    41  	GetNullCount() int64
    42  	GetDistinctCount() int64
    43  	IsSetMax() bool
    44  	IsSetMin() bool
    45  	IsSetNullCount() bool
    46  	IsSetDistinctCount() bool
    47  }
    49  // EncodedStatistics are raw statistics with encoded values that will be written
    50  // to the parquet file, or was read from the parquet file.
    51  type EncodedStatistics struct {
    52  	HasMax           bool
    53  	Max              []byte
    54  	HasMin           bool
    55  	Min              []byte
    56  	Signed           bool
    57  	HasNullCount     bool
    58  	NullCount        int64
    59  	HasDistinctCount bool
    60  	DistinctCount    int64
    61  }
    63  // ApplyStatSizeLimits sets the maximum size of the min/max values.
    64  //
    65  // from parquet-mr
    66  // we don't write stats larger than the max size rather than truncating.
    67  // the rationale is that some engines may use the minimum value in the page
    68  // as the true minimum for aggregations and there is no way to mark that
    69  // a value has been truncated and is a lower bound and not in the page
    70  func (e *EncodedStatistics) ApplyStatSizeLimits(length int) {
    71  	if len(e.Max) > length {
    72  		e.HasMax = false
    73  	}
    74  	if len(e.Min) > length {
    75  		e.HasMin = false
    76  	}
    77  }
    79  // IsSet returns true iff one of the Has* values is true.
    80  func (e *EncodedStatistics) IsSet() bool {
    81  	return e.HasMin || e.HasMax || e.HasNullCount || e.HasDistinctCount
    82  }
    84  // SetMax sets the encoded Max value to val and sets HasMax to true
    85  func (e *EncodedStatistics) SetMax(val []byte) *EncodedStatistics {
    86  	e.Max = val[:]
    87  	e.HasMax = true
    88  	return e
    89  }
    91  // SetMin sets the encoded Min value to val, and sets HasMin to true
    92  func (e *EncodedStatistics) SetMin(val []byte) *EncodedStatistics {
    93  	e.Min = val[:]
    94  	e.HasMin = true
    95  	return e
    96  }
    98  // SetNullCount sets the NullCount to val and sets HasNullCount to true
    99  func (e *EncodedStatistics) SetNullCount(val int64) *EncodedStatistics {
   100  	e.NullCount = val
   101  	e.HasNullCount = true
   102  	return e
   103  }
   105  // SetDistinctCount sets the DistinctCount to val and sets HasDistinctCount to true
   106  func (e *EncodedStatistics) SetDistinctCount(val int64) *EncodedStatistics {
   107  	e.DistinctCount = val
   108  	e.HasDistinctCount = true
   109  	return e
   110  }
   112  func (e *EncodedStatistics) ToThrift() (stats *format.Statistics) {
   113  	stats = format.NewStatistics()
   114  	if e.HasMin {
   115  		stats.MinValue = e.Min
   116  		// if sort order is SIGNED then the old min value must be set too for backwards compatibility
   117  		if e.Signed {
   118  			stats.Min = e.Min
   119  		}
   120  	}
   121  	if e.HasMax {
   122  		stats.MaxValue = e.Max
   123  		// if sort order is SIGNED then old max value must be set to
   124  		if e.Signed {
   125  			stats.Max = e.Max
   126  		}
   127  	}
   128  	if e.HasNullCount {
   129  		stats.NullCount = &e.NullCount
   130  	}
   131  	if e.HasDistinctCount {
   132  		stats.DistinctCount = &e.DistinctCount
   133  	}
   134  	return
   135  }
   137  // TypedStatistics is the base interface for dealing with stats as
   138  // they are being populated
   139  type TypedStatistics interface {
   140  	// Type is the underlying physical type for this stat block
   141  	Type() parquet.Type
   142  	// Returns true if there is a min and max value set for this stat object
   143  	HasMinMax() bool
   144  	// Returns true if a nullcount has been set
   145  	HasNullCount() bool
   146  	// returns true only if a distinct count has been set
   147  	// current implementation does of the writer does not automatically populate
   148  	// the distinct count right now.
   149  	HasDistinctCount() bool
   150  	NullCount() int64
   151  	DistinctCount() int64
   152  	NumValues() int64
   153  	// return the column descriptor that this stat object was initialized with
   154  	Descr() *schema.Column
   156  	// Encode the current min value and return the bytes. ByteArray does not
   157  	// include the len in the encoded bytes, otherwise this is identical to
   158  	// plain encoding
   159  	EncodeMin() []byte
   160  	// Encode the current max value and return the bytes. ByteArray does not
   161  	// include the len in the encoded bytes, otherwise this is identical to
   162  	// plain encoding
   163  	EncodeMax() []byte
   164  	// Populate an EncodedStatistics object from the current stats
   165  	Encode() (EncodedStatistics, error)
   166  	// Resets all values to 0 to enable reusing this stat object for multiple
   167  	// columns, by calling Encode to get the finished values and then calling
   168  	// reset
   169  	Reset()
   170  	// Merge the min/max/nullcounts and distinct count from the passed stat object
   171  	// into this one.
   172  	Merge(TypedStatistics)
   174  	// UpdateFromArrow updates the statistics from an Arrow Array,
   175  	// only updating the null and num value counts if updateCounts
   176  	// is true.
   177  	UpdateFromArrow(values arrow.Array, updateCounts bool) error
   178  	// IncNulls increments the number of nulls in the statistics
   179  	// and marks HasNullCount as true
   180  	IncNulls(int64)
   181  	// IncDistinct increments the number of distinct values in
   182  	// the statistics and marks HasDistinctCount as true
   183  	IncDistinct(int64)
   184  	// IncNumValues increments the total number of values in
   185  	// the statistics
   186  	IncNumValues(int64)
   187  }
   189  type statistics struct {
   190  	descr            *schema.Column
   191  	hasMinMax        bool
   192  	hasNullCount     bool
   193  	hasDistinctCount bool
   194  	mem              memory.Allocator
   195  	nvalues          int64
   196  	stats            EncodedStatistics
   197  	order            schema.SortOrder
   199  	encoder encoding.TypedEncoder
   200  }
   202  func (s *statistics) IncNumValues(n int64) {
   203  	s.nvalues += n
   204  }
   205  func (s *statistics) IncNulls(n int64) {
   206  	s.stats.NullCount += n
   207  	s.hasNullCount = true
   208  }
   209  func (s *statistics) IncDistinct(n int64) {
   210  	s.stats.DistinctCount += n
   211  	s.hasDistinctCount = true
   212  }
   214  func (s *statistics) Descr() *schema.Column  { return s.descr }
   215  func (s *statistics) Type() parquet.Type     { return s.descr.PhysicalType() }
   216  func (s *statistics) HasDistinctCount() bool { return s.hasDistinctCount }
   217  func (s *statistics) HasMinMax() bool        { return s.hasMinMax }
   218  func (s *statistics) HasNullCount() bool     { return s.hasNullCount }
   219  func (s *statistics) NullCount() int64       { return s.stats.NullCount }
   220  func (s *statistics) DistinctCount() int64   { return s.stats.DistinctCount }
   221  func (s *statistics) NumValues() int64       { return s.nvalues }
   223  func (s *statistics) Reset() {
   224  	s.stats.NullCount = 0
   225  	s.stats.DistinctCount = 0
   226  	s.nvalues = 0
   227  	s.hasMinMax = false
   228  	s.hasDistinctCount = false
   229  	s.hasNullCount = false
   230  }
   232  // base merge function for base non-typed stat object so we don't have to
   233  // duplicate this in each of the typed implementations
   234  func (s *statistics) merge(other TypedStatistics) {
   235  	s.nvalues += other.NumValues()
   236  	if other.HasNullCount() {
   237  		s.stats.NullCount += other.NullCount()
   238  	}
   239  	if other.HasDistinctCount() {
   240  		// this isn't technically correct as it should be keeping an actual set
   241  		// of the distinct values and then combining the sets to get a new count
   242  		// but for now we'll do this to match the C++ implementation at the current
   243  		// time.
   244  		s.stats.DistinctCount += other.DistinctCount()
   245  	}
   246  }
   248  func coalesce(val, fallback interface{}) interface{} {
   249  	switch v := val.(type) {
   250  	case float32:
   251  		if math.IsNaN(float64(v)) {
   252  			return fallback
   253  		}
   254  	case float64:
   255  		if math.IsNaN(v) {
   256  			return fallback
   257  		}
   258  	}
   259  	return val
   260  }
   262  func signedByteLess(a, b []byte) bool {
   263  	// signed comparison is used for integers encoded as big-endian twos complement
   264  	// integers (e.g. decimals)
   266  	// if at least one of the lengths is zero, we can short circuit
   267  	if len(a) == 0 || len(b) == 0 {
   268  		return len(a) == 0 && len(b) > 0
   269  	}
   271  	sa := *(*[]int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&a))
   272  	sb := *(*[]int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
   274  	// we can short circuit for different signed numbers or for equal length byte
   275  	// arrays that have different first bytes. The equality requirement is necessary
   276  	// for sign extension cases. 0xFF10 should be equal to 0x10 (due to big endian sign extension)
   277  	if int8(0x80&uint8(sa[0])) != int8(0x80&uint8(sb[0])) || (len(sa) == len(sb) && sa[0] != sb[0]) {
   278  		return sa[0] < sb[0]
   279  	}
   281  	// when the lengths are unequal and the numbers are of the same sign, we need
   282  	// to do comparison by sign extending the shorter value first, and once we get
   283  	// to equal sized arrays, lexicographical unsigned comparison of everything but
   284  	// the first byte is sufficient.
   286  	if len(a) != len(b) {
   287  		var lead []byte
   288  		if len(a) > len(b) {
   289  			leadLen := len(a) - len(b)
   290  			lead = a[:leadLen]
   291  			a = a[leadLen:]
   292  		} else {
   293  			debug.Assert(len(a) < len(b), "something weird in byte slice signed comparison")
   294  			leadLen := len(b) - len(a)
   295  			lead = b[:leadLen]
   296  			b = b[leadLen:]
   297  		}
   299  		// compare extra bytes to the sign extension of the first byte of the other number
   300  		var extension byte
   301  		if sa[0] < 0 {
   302  			extension = 0xFF
   303  		}
   305  		notequal := false
   306  		for _, c := range lead {
   307  			if c != extension {
   308  				notequal = true
   309  				break
   310  			}
   311  		}
   313  		if notequal {
   314  			// since sign extension are extrema values for unsigned bytes:
   315  			//
   316  			// Four cases exist:
   317  			//	 negative values:
   318  			//	   b is the longer value
   319  			//       b must be the lesser value: return false
   320  			//     else:
   321  			//       a must be the lesser value: return true
   322  			//
   323  			//   positive values:
   324  			//     b is the longer value
   325  			//       values in b must be greater than a: return true
   326  			//     else:
   327  			//       values in a must be greater than b: return false
   328  			neg := sa[0] < 0
   329  			blonger := len(sa) < len(sb)
   330  			return neg != blonger
   331  		}
   332  	} else {
   333  		a = a[1:]
   334  		b = b[1:]
   335  	}
   337  	return bytes.Compare(a, b) == -1
   338  }
   340  func (BooleanStatistics) defaultMin() bool { return true }
   341  func (BooleanStatistics) defaultMax() bool { return false }
   342  func (s *Int32Statistics) defaultMin() int32 {
   343  	if s.order == schema.SortUNSIGNED {
   344  		val := uint32(math.MaxUint32)
   345  		return int32(val)
   346  	}
   347  	return math.MaxInt32
   348  }
   350  func (s *Int32Statistics) defaultMax() int32 {
   351  	if s.order == schema.SortUNSIGNED {
   352  		return int32(0)
   353  	}
   354  	return math.MinInt32
   355  }
   357  func (s *Int64Statistics) defaultMin() int64 {
   358  	if s.order == schema.SortUNSIGNED {
   359  		val := uint64(math.MaxUint64)
   360  		return int64(val)
   361  	}
   362  	return math.MaxInt64
   363  }
   365  func (s *Int64Statistics) defaultMax() int64 {
   366  	if s.order == schema.SortUNSIGNED {
   367  		return int64(0)
   368  	}
   369  	return math.MinInt64
   370  }
   372  var (
   373  	defaultMinInt96  parquet.Int96
   374  	defaultMinUInt96 parquet.Int96
   375  	defaultMaxInt96  parquet.Int96
   376  	defaultMaxUInt96 parquet.Int96
   378  	defaultMinFloat16 parquet.FixedLenByteArray = float16.MaxNum.ToLEBytes()
   379  	defaultMaxFloat16 parquet.FixedLenByteArray = float16.MinNum.ToLEBytes()
   380  )
   382  func init() {
   383  	i96 := arrow.Uint32Traits.CastFromBytes(defaultMinInt96[:])
   384  	i96[0] = math.MaxUint32
   385  	i96[1] = math.MaxUint32
   386  	i96[2] = math.MaxInt32
   388  	i96 = arrow.Uint32Traits.CastFromBytes(defaultMinUInt96[:])
   389  	i96[0] = math.MaxUint32
   390  	i96[1] = math.MaxUint32
   391  	i96[2] = math.MaxUint32
   393  	// golang will initialize the bytes to 0
   394  	i96 = arrow.Uint32Traits.CastFromBytes(defaultMaxInt96[:])
   395  	i96[2] = math.MaxInt32 + 1
   397  	// defaultMaxUInt96 will be initialized to 0 as desired
   398  }
   400  func (s *Int96Statistics) defaultMin() parquet.Int96 {
   401  	if s.order == schema.SortUNSIGNED {
   402  		return defaultMinUInt96
   403  	}
   404  	return defaultMinInt96
   405  }
   407  func (s *Int96Statistics) defaultMax() parquet.Int96 {
   408  	if s.order == schema.SortUNSIGNED {
   409  		return defaultMaxUInt96
   410  	}
   411  	return defaultMaxInt96
   412  }
   414  func (Float16Statistics) defaultMin() parquet.FixedLenByteArray {
   415  	return defaultMinFloat16
   416  }
   418  func (Float16Statistics) defaultMax() parquet.FixedLenByteArray {
   419  	return defaultMaxFloat16
   420  }
   422  func (Float32Statistics) defaultMin() float32                             { return math.MaxFloat32 }
   423  func (Float32Statistics) defaultMax() float32                             { return -math.MaxFloat32 }
   424  func (Float64Statistics) defaultMin() float64                             { return math.MaxFloat64 }
   425  func (Float64Statistics) defaultMax() float64                             { return -math.MaxFloat64 }
   426  func (ByteArrayStatistics) defaultMin() parquet.ByteArray                 { return nil }
   427  func (ByteArrayStatistics) defaultMax() parquet.ByteArray                 { return nil }
   428  func (FixedLenByteArrayStatistics) defaultMin() parquet.FixedLenByteArray { return nil }
   429  func (FixedLenByteArrayStatistics) defaultMax() parquet.FixedLenByteArray { return nil }
   431  func (BooleanStatistics) equal(a, b bool) bool                { return a == b }
   432  func (Int32Statistics) equal(a, b int32) bool                 { return a == b }
   433  func (Int64Statistics) equal(a, b int64) bool                 { return a == b }
   434  func (Float32Statistics) equal(a, b float32) bool             { return a == b }
   435  func (Float64Statistics) equal(a, b float64) bool             { return a == b }
   436  func (Int96Statistics) equal(a, b parquet.Int96) bool         { return bytes.Equal(a[:], b[:]) }
   437  func (ByteArrayStatistics) equal(a, b parquet.ByteArray) bool { return bytes.Equal(a, b) }
   438  func (FixedLenByteArrayStatistics) equal(a, b parquet.FixedLenByteArray) bool {
   439  	return bytes.Equal(a, b)
   440  }
   442  func (Float16Statistics) equal(a, b parquet.FixedLenByteArray) bool {
   443  	return float16.FromLEBytes(a).Equal(float16.FromLEBytes(b))
   444  }
   446  func (BooleanStatistics) less(a, b bool) bool {
   447  	return !a && b
   448  }
   450  func (s *Int32Statistics) less(a, b int32) bool {
   451  	if s.order == schema.SortUNSIGNED {
   452  		return uint32(a) < uint32(b)
   453  	}
   454  	return a < b
   455  }
   457  func (s *Int64Statistics) less(a, b int64) bool {
   458  	if s.order == schema.SortUNSIGNED {
   459  		return uint64(a) < uint64(b)
   460  	}
   461  	return a < b
   462  }
   463  func (Float32Statistics) less(a, b float32) bool { return a < b }
   464  func (Float64Statistics) less(a, b float64) bool { return a < b }
   465  func (s *Int96Statistics) less(a, b parquet.Int96) bool {
   466  	i96a := arrow.Uint32Traits.CastFromBytes(a[:])
   467  	i96b := arrow.Uint32Traits.CastFromBytes(b[:])
   469  	a0, a1, a2 := utils.ToLEUint32(i96a[0]), utils.ToLEUint32(i96a[1]), utils.ToLEUint32(i96a[2])
   470  	b0, b1, b2 := utils.ToLEUint32(i96b[0]), utils.ToLEUint32(i96b[1]), utils.ToLEUint32(i96b[2])
   472  	if a2 != b2 {
   473  		// only the msb bit is by signed comparison
   474  		if s.order == schema.SortSIGNED {
   475  			return int32(a2) < int32(b2)
   476  		}
   477  		return a2 < b2
   478  	} else if a1 != b1 {
   479  		return a1 < b1
   480  	}
   481  	return a0 < b0
   482  }
   484  func (s *ByteArrayStatistics) less(a, b parquet.ByteArray) bool {
   485  	if s.order == schema.SortUNSIGNED {
   486  		return bytes.Compare(a, b) == -1
   487  	}
   489  	return signedByteLess([]byte(a), []byte(b))
   490  }
   492  func (s *FixedLenByteArrayStatistics) less(a, b parquet.FixedLenByteArray) bool {
   493  	if s.order == schema.SortUNSIGNED {
   494  		return bytes.Compare(a, b) == -1
   495  	}
   497  	return signedByteLess([]byte(a), []byte(b))
   498  }
   500  func (Float16Statistics) less(a, b parquet.FixedLenByteArray) bool {
   501  	return float16.FromLEBytes(a).Less(float16.FromLEBytes(b))
   502  }
   504  func (BooleanStatistics) cleanStat(minMax minmaxPairBoolean) *minmaxPairBoolean { return &minMax }
   505  func (Int32Statistics) cleanStat(minMax minmaxPairInt32) *minmaxPairInt32       { return &minMax }
   506  func (Int64Statistics) cleanStat(minMax minmaxPairInt64) *minmaxPairInt64       { return &minMax }
   507  func (Int96Statistics) cleanStat(minMax minmaxPairInt96) *minmaxPairInt96       { return &minMax }
   509  // in the case of floating point types, the following rules are applied as per parquet-mr:
   510  // - if any of min/max is NaN, return nothing
   511  // - if min is 0.0f replace with -0.0f
   512  // - if max is -0.0f replace with 0.0f
   513  //
   514  // https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PARQUET-1222 tracks the official documenting of
   515  // a well-defined order for floats and doubles.
   516  func (Float32Statistics) cleanStat(minMax minmaxPairFloat32) *minmaxPairFloat32 {
   517  	if math.IsNaN(float64(minMax[0])) || math.IsNaN(float64(minMax[1])) {
   518  		return nil
   519  	}
   521  	if minMax[0] == math.MaxFloat32 && minMax[1] == -math.MaxFloat32 {
   522  		return nil
   523  	}
   525  	var zero float32 = 0
   526  	if minMax[0] == zero && !math.Signbit(float64(minMax[0])) {
   527  		minMax[0] = -minMax[0]
   528  	}
   530  	if minMax[1] == zero && math.Signbit(float64(minMax[1])) {
   531  		minMax[1] = -minMax[1]
   532  	}
   534  	return &minMax
   535  }
   537  func (Float64Statistics) cleanStat(minMax minmaxPairFloat64) *minmaxPairFloat64 {
   538  	if math.IsNaN(minMax[0]) || math.IsNaN(minMax[1]) {
   539  		return nil
   540  	}
   542  	if minMax[0] == math.MaxFloat64 && minMax[1] == -math.MaxFloat64 {
   543  		return nil
   544  	}
   546  	var zero float64 = 0
   547  	if minMax[0] == zero && !math.Signbit(minMax[0]) {
   548  		minMax[0] = -minMax[0]
   549  	}
   551  	if minMax[1] == zero && math.Signbit(minMax[1]) {
   552  		minMax[1] = -minMax[1]
   553  	}
   555  	return &minMax
   556  }
   558  func (Float16Statistics) cleanStat(minMax minmaxPairFloat16) *minmaxPairFloat16 {
   559  	min := float16.FromLEBytes(minMax[0][:])
   560  	max := float16.FromLEBytes(minMax[1][:])
   562  	if min.IsNaN() || max.IsNaN() {
   563  		return nil
   564  	}
   566  	if min.Equal(float16.MaxNum) && max.Equal(float16.MinNum) {
   567  		return nil
   568  	}
   570  	zero := float16.New(0)
   571  	if min.Equal(zero) && !min.Signbit() {
   572  		minMax[0] = min.Negate().ToLEBytes()
   573  	}
   574  	if max.Equal(zero) && max.Signbit() {
   575  		minMax[1] = max.Negate().ToLEBytes()
   576  	}
   578  	return &minMax
   579  }
   581  func (ByteArrayStatistics) cleanStat(minMax minmaxPairByteArray) *minmaxPairByteArray {
   582  	if minMax[0] == nil || minMax[1] == nil {
   583  		return nil
   584  	}
   585  	return &minMax
   586  }
   588  func (FixedLenByteArrayStatistics) cleanStat(minMax minmaxPairFixedLenByteArray) *minmaxPairFixedLenByteArray {
   589  	if minMax[0] == nil || minMax[1] == nil {
   590  		return nil
   591  	}
   592  	return &minMax
   593  }
   595  func GetStatValue(typ parquet.Type, val []byte) interface{} {
   596  	switch typ {
   597  	case parquet.Types.Boolean:
   598  		return val[0] != 0
   599  	case parquet.Types.Int32:
   600  		return int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(val))
   601  	case parquet.Types.Int64:
   602  		return int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(val))
   603  	case parquet.Types.Int96:
   604  		p := parquet.Int96{}
   605  		copy(p[:], val)
   606  		return p
   607  	case parquet.Types.Float:
   608  		return math.Float32frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(val))
   609  	case parquet.Types.Double:
   610  		return math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(val))
   611  	case parquet.Types.ByteArray:
   612  		fallthrough
   613  	case parquet.Types.FixedLenByteArray:
   614  		return val
   615  	}
   616  	return nil
   617  }

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