1//+build !noasm !appengine
3// ARROW-15440
4// (C2GOASM doesn't work correctly for Arm64)
5// Partly GENERATED BY asm2plan9s.
7// func _bytes_to_bools_neon(in unsafe.Pointer, len int, out unsafe.Pointer, outlen int)
8TEXT ยท_bytes_to_bools_neon(SB), $0-32
10 MOVD in+0(FP), R0
11 MOVD len+8(FP), R1
12 MOVD out+16(FP), R2
13 MOVD outlen+24(FP), R3
15 WORD $0xa9bf7bfd // stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
16 WORD $0x7100043f // cmp w1, #1
17 WORD $0x910003fd // mov x29, sp
18 BLT LBB0_12
19 WORD $0x2a0103e9 // mov w9, w1
20 WORD $0xaa1f03e8 // mov x8, xzr
21 WORD $0xd37df129 // lsl x9, x9, #3
22 WORD $0x528000aa // mov w10, #5
23 JMP LBB0_3
25 WORD $0x91002108 // add x8, x8, #8
26 WORD $0xeb08013f // cmp x9, x8
27 WORD $0x91000400 // add x0, x0, #1
28 BEQ LBB0_12
30 WORD $0x6b03011f // cmp w8, w3
31 BGE LBB0_2
32 WORD $0x3940000c // ldrb w12, [x0]
33 WORD $0x92407d0b // and x11, x8, #0xffffffff
34 WORD $0xb240016d // orr x13, x11, #0x1
35 WORD $0x6b0301bf // cmp w13, w3
36 WORD $0x1200018c // and w12, w12, #0x1
37 WORD $0x382b684c // strb w12, [x2, x11]
38 BGE LBB0_2
39 WORD $0x3940000e // ldrb w14, [x0]
40 WORD $0xb27f016c // orr x12, x11, #0x2
41 WORD $0x6b03019f // cmp w12, w3
42 WORD $0x530105ce // ubfx w14, w14, #1, #1
43 WORD $0x382d684e // strb w14, [x2, x13]
44 BGE LBB0_2
45 WORD $0x3940000e // ldrb w14, [x0]
46 WORD $0xb240056d // orr x13, x11, #0x3
47 WORD $0x6b0301bf // cmp w13, w3
48 WORD $0x530209ce // ubfx w14, w14, #2, #1
49 WORD $0x382c684e // strb w14, [x2, x12]
50 BGE LBB0_2
51 WORD $0x3940000e // ldrb w14, [x0]
52 WORD $0xb27e016c // orr x12, x11, #0x4
53 WORD $0x6b03019f // cmp w12, w3
54 WORD $0x53030dce // ubfx w14, w14, #3, #1
55 WORD $0x382d684e // strb w14, [x2, x13]
56 BGE LBB0_2
57 WORD $0x3940000e // ldrb w14, [x0]
58 WORD $0xaa0a016d // orr x13, x11, x10
59 WORD $0x6b0301bf // cmp w13, w3
60 WORD $0x530411ce // ubfx w14, w14, #4, #1
61 WORD $0x382c684e // strb w14, [x2, x12]
62 BGE LBB0_2
63 WORD $0x3940000e // ldrb w14, [x0]
64 WORD $0xb27f056c // orr x12, x11, #0x6
65 WORD $0x6b03019f // cmp w12, w3
66 WORD $0x530515ce // ubfx w14, w14, #5, #1
67 WORD $0x382d684e // strb w14, [x2, x13]
68 BGE LBB0_2
69 WORD $0x3940000d // ldrb w13, [x0]
70 WORD $0xb240096b // orr x11, x11, #0x7
71 WORD $0x6b03017f // cmp w11, w3
72 WORD $0x530619ad // ubfx w13, w13, #6, #1
73 WORD $0x382c684d // strb w13, [x2, x12]
74 BGE LBB0_2
75 WORD $0x3940000c // ldrb w12, [x0]
76 WORD $0x53077d8c // lsr w12, w12, #7
77 WORD $0x382b684c // strb w12, [x2, x11]
78 JMP LBB0_2
80 WORD $0xa8c17bfd // ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16
81 RET
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