
Source file src/github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/file/record_reader.go

Documentation: github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/file

     1  // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
     2  // or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
     3  // distributed with this work for additional information
     4  // regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
     5  // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
     6  // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
     7  // with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8  //
     9  // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  //
    11  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15  // limitations under the License.
    17  package file
    19  import (
    20  	"fmt"
    21  	"sync"
    22  	"sync/atomic"
    23  	"unsafe"
    25  	"github.com/JohnCGriffin/overflow"
    26  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/arrow"
    27  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/arrow/array"
    28  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/arrow/bitutil"
    29  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/arrow/memory"
    30  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/internal/utils"
    31  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet"
    32  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/internal/encoding"
    33  	"github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/schema"
    34  	"golang.org/x/xerrors"
    35  )
    37  // RecordReader is an interface for reading entire records/rows at a time
    38  // from a parquet file for both flat and nested columns. Properly delimiting
    39  // semantic records according to the def and repetition levels.
    40  type RecordReader interface {
    41  	// DefLevels returns the current crop of definition levels for this record
    42  	DefLevels() []int16
    43  	// LevelsPos is the number of definition / repetition levels (from the decoded ones)
    44  	// which the reader has already consumed.
    45  	LevelsPos() int64
    46  	// RepLevels returns the current decoded repetition levels
    47  	RepLevels() []int16
    48  	// Reset resets the state, clearing consumed values and repetition/definition
    49  	// levels as the result of calling ReadRecords
    50  	Reset()
    51  	// Reserve pre-allocates space for data
    52  	Reserve(int64) error
    53  	// HasMore returns true if there is more internal data which hasn't been
    54  	// processed yet.
    55  	HasMore() bool
    56  	// ReadRecords attempts to read the provided number of records from the
    57  	// column chunk, returning the number of records read and any error.
    58  	ReadRecords(num int64) (int64, error)
    59  	// ValuesWritten is the number of values written internally including any nulls
    60  	ValuesWritten() int
    61  	// ReleaseValidBits transfers the buffer of bits for the validity bitmap
    62  	// to the caller, subsequent calls will allocate a new one in the reader.
    63  	ReleaseValidBits() *memory.Buffer
    64  	// ReleaseValues transfers the buffer of data with the values to the caller,
    65  	// a new buffer will be allocated on subsequent calls.
    66  	ReleaseValues() *memory.Buffer
    67  	// NullCount returns the number of nulls decoded
    68  	NullCount() int64
    69  	// Type returns the parquet physical type of the column
    70  	Type() parquet.Type
    71  	// Values returns the decoded data buffer, including any nulls, without
    72  	// transferring ownership
    73  	Values() []byte
    74  	// SetPageReader allows progressing to the next column chunk while reusing
    75  	// this record reader by providing the page reader for the next chunk.
    76  	SetPageReader(PageReader)
    77  	// Retain increments the ref count by one
    78  	Retain()
    79  	// Release decrements the ref count by one, releasing the internal buffers when
    80  	// the ref count is 0.
    81  	Release()
    82  }
    84  // BinaryRecordReader provides an extra GetBuilderChunks function above and beyond
    85  // the plain RecordReader to allow for efficiently building chunked arrays.
    86  type BinaryRecordReader interface {
    87  	RecordReader
    88  	GetBuilderChunks() []arrow.Array
    89  	ReadDictionary() bool
    90  }
    92  // recordReaderImpl is the internal interface implemented for different types
    93  // enabling reuse of the higher level record reader logic.
    94  type recordReaderImpl interface {
    95  	ColumnChunkReader
    96  	ReadValuesDense(int64) error
    97  	ReadValuesSpaced(int64, int64) error
    98  	ReserveValues(int64, bool) error
    99  	ResetValues()
   100  	GetValidBits() []byte
   101  	IncrementWritten(int64, int64)
   102  	ValuesWritten() int64
   103  	ReleaseValidBits() *memory.Buffer
   104  	ReleaseValues() *memory.Buffer
   105  	NullCount() int64
   106  	Values() []byte
   107  	SetPageReader(PageReader)
   108  	Retain()
   109  	Release()
   110  }
   112  type binaryRecordReaderImpl interface {
   113  	recordReaderImpl
   114  	GetBuilderChunks() []arrow.Array
   115  	ReadDictionary() bool
   116  }
   118  // primitiveRecordReader is a record reader for primitive types, ie: not byte array or fixed len byte array
   119  type primitiveRecordReader struct {
   120  	ColumnChunkReader
   122  	valuesWritten int64
   123  	valuesCap     int64
   124  	nullCount     int64
   125  	values        *memory.Buffer
   126  	validBits     *memory.Buffer
   127  	mem           memory.Allocator
   129  	refCount  int64
   130  	useValues bool
   131  }
   133  func createPrimitiveRecordReader(descr *schema.Column, mem memory.Allocator, bufferPool *sync.Pool) primitiveRecordReader {
   134  	return primitiveRecordReader{
   135  		ColumnChunkReader: NewColumnReader(descr, nil, mem, bufferPool),
   136  		values:            memory.NewResizableBuffer(mem),
   137  		validBits:         memory.NewResizableBuffer(mem),
   138  		mem:               mem,
   139  		refCount:          1,
   140  		useValues:         descr.PhysicalType() != parquet.Types.ByteArray && descr.PhysicalType() != parquet.Types.FixedLenByteArray,
   141  	}
   142  }
   144  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) Retain() {
   145  	atomic.AddInt64(&pr.refCount, 1)
   146  }
   148  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) Release() {
   149  	if atomic.AddInt64(&pr.refCount, -1) == 0 {
   150  		if pr.values != nil {
   151  			pr.values.Release()
   152  			pr.values = nil
   153  		}
   154  		if pr.validBits != nil {
   155  			pr.validBits.Release()
   156  			pr.validBits = nil
   157  		}
   158  	}
   159  }
   161  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) SetPageReader(rdr PageReader) {
   162  	pr.ColumnChunkReader.setPageReader(rdr)
   163  }
   165  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) ReleaseValidBits() *memory.Buffer {
   166  	res := pr.validBits
   167  	res.Resize(int(bitutil.BytesForBits(pr.valuesWritten)))
   168  	pr.validBits = memory.NewResizableBuffer(pr.mem)
   169  	return res
   170  }
   172  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) ReleaseValues() (res *memory.Buffer) {
   173  	res = pr.values
   174  	nbytes, err := pr.numBytesForValues(pr.valuesWritten)
   175  	if err != nil {
   176  		panic(err)
   177  	}
   178  	res.Resize(int(nbytes))
   179  	pr.values = memory.NewResizableBuffer(pr.mem)
   180  	pr.valuesCap = 0
   182  	return
   183  }
   185  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) NullCount() int64 { return pr.nullCount }
   187  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) IncrementWritten(w, n int64) {
   188  	pr.valuesWritten += w
   189  	pr.nullCount += n
   190  }
   191  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) GetValidBits() []byte { return pr.validBits.Bytes() }
   192  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) ValuesWritten() int64 { return pr.valuesWritten }
   193  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) Values() []byte       { return pr.values.Bytes() }
   194  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) ResetValues() {
   195  	if pr.valuesWritten > 0 {
   196  		pr.values.ResizeNoShrink(0)
   197  		pr.validBits.ResizeNoShrink(0)
   198  		pr.valuesWritten = 0
   199  		pr.valuesCap = 0
   200  		pr.nullCount = 0
   201  	}
   202  }
   204  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) numBytesForValues(nitems int64) (num int64, err error) {
   205  	typeSize := int64(pr.Descriptor().PhysicalType().ByteSize())
   206  	var ok bool
   207  	if num, ok = overflow.Mul64(nitems, typeSize); !ok {
   208  		err = xerrors.New("total size of items too large")
   209  	}
   210  	return
   211  }
   213  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) ReserveValues(extra int64, hasNullable bool) error {
   214  	newCap, err := updateCapacity(pr.valuesCap, pr.valuesWritten, extra)
   215  	if err != nil {
   216  		return err
   217  	}
   218  	if newCap > pr.valuesCap {
   219  		capBytes, err := pr.numBytesForValues(newCap)
   220  		if err != nil {
   221  			return err
   222  		}
   223  		if pr.useValues {
   224  			pr.values.ResizeNoShrink(int(capBytes))
   225  		}
   226  		pr.valuesCap = newCap
   227  	}
   228  	if hasNullable {
   229  		validBytesCap := bitutil.BytesForBits(pr.valuesCap)
   230  		if pr.validBits.Len() < int(validBytesCap) {
   231  			pr.validBits.ResizeNoShrink(int(validBytesCap))
   232  		}
   233  	}
   234  	return nil
   235  }
   237  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) ReadValuesDense(toRead int64) (err error) {
   238  	switch cr := pr.ColumnChunkReader.(type) {
   239  	case *BooleanColumnChunkReader:
   240  		data := pr.values.Bytes()[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   241  		values := *(*[]bool)(unsafe.Pointer(&data))
   242  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.BooleanDecoder).Decode(values[:toRead])
   243  	case *Int32ColumnChunkReader:
   244  		values := arrow.Int32Traits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   245  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.Int32Decoder).Decode(values[:toRead])
   246  	case *Int64ColumnChunkReader:
   247  		values := arrow.Int64Traits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   248  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.Int64Decoder).Decode(values[:toRead])
   249  	case *Int96ColumnChunkReader:
   250  		values := parquet.Int96Traits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   251  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.Int96Decoder).Decode(values[:toRead])
   252  	case *ByteArrayColumnChunkReader:
   253  		values := parquet.ByteArrayTraits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   254  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.ByteArrayDecoder).Decode(values[:toRead])
   255  	case *FixedLenByteArrayColumnChunkReader:
   256  		values := parquet.FixedLenByteArrayTraits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   257  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.FixedLenByteArrayDecoder).Decode(values[:toRead])
   258  	case *Float32ColumnChunkReader:
   259  		values := arrow.Float32Traits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   260  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.Float32Decoder).Decode(values[:toRead])
   261  	case *Float64ColumnChunkReader:
   262  		values := arrow.Float64Traits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   263  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.Float64Decoder).Decode(values[:toRead])
   264  	default:
   265  		panic("invalid type for record reader")
   266  	}
   267  	return
   268  }
   270  func (pr *primitiveRecordReader) ReadValuesSpaced(valuesWithNulls, nullCount int64) (err error) {
   271  	validBits := pr.validBits.Bytes()
   272  	offset := pr.valuesWritten
   274  	switch cr := pr.ColumnChunkReader.(type) {
   275  	case *BooleanColumnChunkReader:
   276  		data := pr.values.Bytes()[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   277  		values := *(*[]bool)(unsafe.Pointer(&data))
   278  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.BooleanDecoder).DecodeSpaced(values[:int(valuesWithNulls)], int(nullCount), validBits, offset)
   279  	case *Int32ColumnChunkReader:
   280  		values := arrow.Int32Traits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   281  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.Int32Decoder).DecodeSpaced(values[:int(valuesWithNulls)], int(nullCount), validBits, offset)
   282  	case *Int64ColumnChunkReader:
   283  		values := arrow.Int64Traits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   284  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.Int64Decoder).DecodeSpaced(values[:int(valuesWithNulls)], int(nullCount), validBits, offset)
   285  	case *Int96ColumnChunkReader:
   286  		values := parquet.Int96Traits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   287  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.Int96Decoder).DecodeSpaced(values[:int(valuesWithNulls)], int(nullCount), validBits, offset)
   288  	case *ByteArrayColumnChunkReader:
   289  		values := parquet.ByteArrayTraits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   290  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.ByteArrayDecoder).DecodeSpaced(values[:int(valuesWithNulls)], int(nullCount), validBits, offset)
   291  	case *FixedLenByteArrayColumnChunkReader:
   292  		values := parquet.FixedLenByteArrayTraits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   293  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.FixedLenByteArrayDecoder).DecodeSpaced(values[:int(valuesWithNulls)], int(nullCount), validBits, offset)
   294  	case *Float32ColumnChunkReader:
   295  		values := arrow.Float32Traits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   296  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.Float32Decoder).DecodeSpaced(values[:int(valuesWithNulls)], int(nullCount), validBits, offset)
   297  	case *Float64ColumnChunkReader:
   298  		values := arrow.Float64Traits.CastFromBytes(pr.values.Bytes())[int(pr.valuesWritten):]
   299  		_, err = cr.curDecoder.(encoding.Float64Decoder).DecodeSpaced(values[:int(valuesWithNulls)], int(nullCount), validBits, offset)
   300  	default:
   301  		panic("invalid type for record reader")
   302  	}
   303  	return
   304  }
   306  type recordReader struct {
   307  	recordReaderImpl
   308  	leafInfo LevelInfo
   310  	atRecStart  bool
   311  	recordsRead int64
   313  	levelsWritten int64
   314  	levelsPos     int64
   315  	levelsCap     int64
   317  	defLevels *memory.Buffer
   318  	repLevels *memory.Buffer
   320  	refCount int64
   321  }
   323  // binaryRecordReader is the recordReaderImpl for non-primitive data
   324  type binaryRecordReader struct {
   325  	*recordReader
   326  }
   328  func (b *binaryRecordReader) ReadDictionary() bool {
   329  	return b.recordReaderImpl.(binaryRecordReaderImpl).ReadDictionary()
   330  }
   332  func (b *binaryRecordReader) GetBuilderChunks() []arrow.Array {
   333  	return b.recordReaderImpl.(binaryRecordReaderImpl).GetBuilderChunks()
   334  }
   336  func newRecordReader(descr *schema.Column, info LevelInfo, mem memory.Allocator, bufferPool *sync.Pool) RecordReader {
   337  	if mem == nil {
   338  		mem = memory.DefaultAllocator
   339  	}
   341  	pr := createPrimitiveRecordReader(descr, mem, bufferPool)
   342  	return &recordReader{
   343  		refCount:         1,
   344  		recordReaderImpl: &pr,
   345  		leafInfo:         info,
   346  		defLevels:        memory.NewResizableBuffer(mem),
   347  		repLevels:        memory.NewResizableBuffer(mem),
   348  	}
   349  }
   351  func (rr *recordReader) Retain() {
   352  	atomic.AddInt64(&rr.refCount, 1)
   353  }
   355  func (rr *recordReader) Release() {
   356  	if atomic.AddInt64(&rr.refCount, -1) == 0 {
   357  		rr.recordReaderImpl.Release()
   358  		rr.defLevels.Release()
   359  		rr.repLevels.Release()
   360  		rr.defLevels, rr.repLevels = nil, nil
   361  	}
   362  }
   364  func (rr *recordReader) DefLevels() []int16 {
   365  	return arrow.Int16Traits.CastFromBytes(rr.defLevels.Bytes())
   366  }
   368  func (rr *recordReader) RepLevels() []int16 {
   369  	return arrow.Int16Traits.CastFromBytes(rr.repLevels.Bytes())
   370  }
   372  func (rr *recordReader) HasMore() bool {
   373  	return rr.pager() != nil
   374  }
   376  func (rr *recordReader) SetPageReader(pr PageReader) {
   377  	rr.atRecStart = true
   378  	rr.recordReaderImpl.SetPageReader(pr)
   379  }
   381  func (rr *recordReader) ValuesWritten() int {
   382  	return int(rr.recordReaderImpl.ValuesWritten())
   383  }
   385  func (rr *recordReader) LevelsPos() int64 { return rr.levelsPos }
   387  func updateCapacity(cap, size, extra int64) (int64, error) {
   388  	if extra < 0 {
   389  		return 0, xerrors.New("negative size (corrupt file?)")
   390  	}
   391  	target, ok := overflow.Add64(size, extra)
   392  	if !ok {
   393  		return 0, xerrors.New("allocation size too large (corrupt file?)")
   394  	}
   395  	if target >= (1 << 62) {
   396  		return 0, xerrors.New("allocation size too large (corrupt file?)")
   397  	}
   398  	if cap >= target {
   399  		return cap, nil
   400  	}
   401  	return int64(bitutil.NextPowerOf2(int(target))), nil
   402  }
   404  func (rr *recordReader) Reserve(cap int64) error {
   405  	if err := rr.reserveLevels(cap); err != nil {
   406  		return err
   407  	}
   408  	if err := rr.reserveValues(cap); err != nil {
   409  		return err
   410  	}
   411  	return nil
   412  }
   414  func (rr *recordReader) reserveLevels(extra int64) error {
   415  	if rr.Descriptor().MaxDefinitionLevel() > 0 {
   416  		newCap, err := updateCapacity(rr.levelsCap, rr.levelsWritten, extra)
   417  		if err != nil {
   418  			return err
   419  		}
   421  		if newCap > rr.levelsCap {
   422  			capBytes, ok := overflow.Mul(int(newCap), arrow.Int16SizeBytes)
   423  			if !ok {
   424  				return fmt.Errorf("allocation size too large (corrupt file?)")
   425  			}
   426  			rr.defLevels.ResizeNoShrink(capBytes)
   427  			if rr.Descriptor().MaxRepetitionLevel() > 0 {
   428  				rr.repLevels.ResizeNoShrink(capBytes)
   429  			}
   430  			rr.levelsCap = newCap
   431  		}
   432  	}
   433  	return nil
   434  }
   436  func (rr *recordReader) reserveValues(extra int64) error {
   437  	return rr.recordReaderImpl.ReserveValues(extra, rr.leafInfo.HasNullableValues())
   438  }
   440  func (rr *recordReader) resetValues() {
   441  	rr.recordReaderImpl.ResetValues()
   442  }
   444  func (rr *recordReader) Reset() {
   445  	rr.resetValues()
   447  	if rr.levelsWritten > 0 {
   448  		remain := int(rr.levelsWritten - rr.levelsPos)
   449  		// shift remaining levels to beginning of buffer and trim only the
   450  		// number decoded remaining
   451  		defData := rr.DefLevels()
   453  		copy(defData, defData[int(rr.levelsPos):int(rr.levelsWritten)])
   454  		rr.defLevels.ResizeNoShrink(remain * int(arrow.Int16SizeBytes))
   456  		if rr.Descriptor().MaxRepetitionLevel() > 0 {
   457  			repData := rr.RepLevels()
   458  			copy(repData, repData[int(rr.levelsPos):int(rr.levelsWritten)])
   459  			rr.repLevels.ResizeNoShrink(remain * int(arrow.Int16SizeBytes))
   460  		}
   462  		rr.levelsWritten -= rr.levelsPos
   463  		rr.levelsPos = 0
   464  		rr.levelsCap = int64(remain)
   465  	}
   467  	rr.recordsRead = 0
   468  }
   470  // process written rep/def levels to read the end of records
   471  // process no more levels than necessary to delimit the indicated
   472  // number of logical records. updates internal state of recordreader
   473  // returns number of records delimited
   474  func (rr *recordReader) delimitRecords(numRecords int64) (recordsRead, valsToRead int64) {
   475  	var (
   476  		curRep int16
   477  		curDef int16
   478  	)
   480  	defLevels := rr.DefLevels()[int(rr.levelsPos):]
   481  	repLevels := rr.RepLevels()[int(rr.levelsPos):]
   483  	for rr.levelsPos < rr.levelsWritten {
   484  		curRep, repLevels = repLevels[0], repLevels[1:]
   485  		if curRep == 0 {
   486  			// if at record start, we are seeing the start of a record
   487  			// for the second time, such as after repeated calls to delimitrecords.
   488  			// in this case we must continue until we find another record start
   489  			// or exhaust the column chunk
   490  			if !rr.atRecStart {
   491  				// end of a record, increment count
   492  				recordsRead++
   493  				if recordsRead == numRecords {
   494  					// found the number of records we wanted, set record start to true and break
   495  					rr.atRecStart = true
   496  					break
   497  				}
   498  			}
   499  		}
   500  		// we have decided to consume the level at this position
   501  		// advance until we find another boundary
   502  		rr.atRecStart = false
   504  		curDef, defLevels = defLevels[0], defLevels[1:]
   505  		if curDef == rr.Descriptor().MaxDefinitionLevel() {
   506  			valsToRead++
   507  		}
   508  		rr.levelsPos++
   509  	}
   510  	return
   511  }
   513  func (rr *recordReader) ReadRecordData(numRecords int64) (int64, error) {
   514  	possibleNum := utils.Max(numRecords, rr.levelsWritten-rr.levelsPos)
   515  	if err := rr.reserveValues(possibleNum); err != nil {
   516  		return 0, err
   517  	}
   519  	var (
   520  		startPos     = rr.levelsPos
   521  		valuesToRead int64
   522  		recordsRead  int64
   523  		nullCount    int64
   524  		err          error
   525  	)
   527  	if rr.Descriptor().MaxRepetitionLevel() > 0 {
   528  		recordsRead, valuesToRead = rr.delimitRecords(numRecords)
   529  	} else if rr.Descriptor().MaxDefinitionLevel() > 0 {
   530  		// no repetition levels, skip delimiting logic. each level
   531  		// represents null or not null entry
   532  		recordsRead = utils.Min(rr.levelsWritten-rr.levelsPos, numRecords)
   533  		// this is advanced by delimitRecords which we skipped
   534  		rr.levelsPos += recordsRead
   535  	} else {
   536  		recordsRead, valuesToRead = numRecords, numRecords
   537  	}
   539  	if rr.leafInfo.HasNullableValues() {
   540  		validityIO := ValidityBitmapInputOutput{
   541  			ReadUpperBound:  rr.levelsPos - startPos,
   542  			ValidBits:       rr.GetValidBits(),
   543  			ValidBitsOffset: rr.recordReaderImpl.ValuesWritten(),
   544  		}
   545  		DefLevelsToBitmap(rr.DefLevels()[startPos:int(rr.levelsPos)], rr.leafInfo, &validityIO)
   546  		valuesToRead = validityIO.Read - validityIO.NullCount
   547  		nullCount = validityIO.NullCount
   548  		err = rr.ReadValuesSpaced(validityIO.Read, nullCount)
   549  	} else {
   550  		err = rr.ReadValuesDense(valuesToRead)
   551  	}
   552  	if err != nil {
   553  		return 0, err
   554  	}
   556  	if rr.leafInfo.DefLevel > 0 {
   557  		rr.consumeBufferedValues(rr.levelsPos - startPos)
   558  	} else {
   559  		rr.consumeBufferedValues(valuesToRead)
   560  	}
   562  	// total values, including nullspaces if any
   563  	rr.IncrementWritten(valuesToRead+nullCount, nullCount)
   564  	return recordsRead, nil
   565  }
   567  const minLevelBatchSize = 1024
   569  func (rr *recordReader) ReadRecords(numRecords int64) (int64, error) {
   570  	// delimit records, then read values at the end
   571  	recordsRead := int64(0)
   573  	if rr.levelsPos < rr.levelsWritten {
   574  		additional, err := rr.ReadRecordData(numRecords)
   575  		if err != nil {
   576  			return 0, err
   577  		}
   578  		recordsRead += additional
   579  	}
   581  	levelBatch := utils.Max(minLevelBatchSize, numRecords)
   583  	// if we are in the middle of a record, continue until reaching
   584  	// the desired number of records or the end of the current record
   585  	// if we have enough
   586  	for !rr.atRecStart || recordsRead < numRecords {
   587  		// is there more data in this row group?
   588  		if !rr.HasNext() {
   589  			if !rr.atRecStart {
   590  				// ended the row group while inside a record we haven't seen
   591  				// the end of yet. increment the record count for the last record
   592  				// in the row group
   593  				recordsRead++
   594  				rr.atRecStart = true
   595  			}
   596  			break
   597  		}
   599  		// we perform multiple batch reads until we either exhaust the row group
   600  		// or observe the desired number of records
   601  		batchSize := utils.Min(levelBatch, rr.numAvailValues())
   602  		if batchSize == 0 {
   603  			// no more data in column
   604  			break
   605  		}
   607  		if rr.Descriptor().MaxDefinitionLevel() > 0 {
   608  			if err := rr.reserveLevels(batchSize); err != nil {
   609  				return 0, err
   610  			}
   612  			defLevels := rr.DefLevels()[int(rr.levelsWritten):]
   614  			levelsRead := 0
   615  			// not present for non-repeated fields
   616  			if rr.Descriptor().MaxRepetitionLevel() > 0 {
   617  				repLevels := rr.RepLevels()[int(rr.levelsWritten):]
   618  				levelsRead, _ = rr.readDefinitionLevels(defLevels[:batchSize])
   619  				if rr.readRepetitionLevels(repLevels[:batchSize]) != levelsRead {
   620  					return 0, xerrors.New("number of decoded rep/def levels did not match")
   621  				}
   622  			} else if rr.Descriptor().MaxDefinitionLevel() > 0 {
   623  				levelsRead, _ = rr.readDefinitionLevels(defLevels[:batchSize])
   624  			}
   626  			if levelsRead == 0 {
   627  				// exhausted column chunk
   628  				break
   629  			}
   631  			rr.levelsWritten += int64(levelsRead)
   632  			read, err := rr.ReadRecordData(numRecords - recordsRead)
   633  			if err != nil {
   634  				return recordsRead, err
   635  			}
   636  			recordsRead += read
   637  		} else {
   638  			// no rep or def levels
   639  			batchSize = utils.Min(numRecords-recordsRead, batchSize)
   640  			read, err := rr.ReadRecordData(batchSize)
   641  			if err != nil {
   642  				return recordsRead, err
   643  			}
   644  			recordsRead += read
   645  		}
   646  	}
   648  	return recordsRead, nil
   649  }
   651  func (rr *recordReader) ReleaseValidBits() *memory.Buffer {
   652  	if rr.leafInfo.HasNullableValues() {
   653  		return rr.recordReaderImpl.ReleaseValidBits()
   654  	}
   655  	return nil
   656  }
   658  // flbaRecordReader is the specialization for optimizing reading fixed-length
   659  // byte array records.
   660  type flbaRecordReader struct {
   661  	primitiveRecordReader
   663  	bldr     *array.FixedSizeBinaryBuilder
   664  	valueBuf []parquet.FixedLenByteArray
   665  }
   667  func (fr *flbaRecordReader) ReserveValues(extra int64, hasNullable bool) error {
   668  	fr.bldr.Reserve(int(extra))
   669  	return fr.primitiveRecordReader.ReserveValues(extra, hasNullable)
   670  }
   672  func (fr *flbaRecordReader) Retain() {
   673  	fr.bldr.Retain()
   674  	fr.primitiveRecordReader.Retain()
   675  }
   677  func (fr *flbaRecordReader) Release() {
   678  	fr.bldr.Release()
   679  	fr.primitiveRecordReader.Release()
   680  }
   682  func (fr *flbaRecordReader) ReadValuesDense(toRead int64) error {
   683  	if int64(cap(fr.valueBuf)) < toRead {
   684  		fr.valueBuf = make([]parquet.FixedLenByteArray, 0, toRead)
   685  	}
   687  	values := fr.valueBuf[:toRead]
   688  	dec := fr.ColumnChunkReader.(*FixedLenByteArrayColumnChunkReader).curDecoder.(encoding.FixedLenByteArrayDecoder)
   690  	_, err := dec.Decode(values)
   691  	if err != nil {
   692  		return err
   693  	}
   695  	for _, val := range values {
   696  		fr.bldr.Append(val)
   697  	}
   698  	fr.ResetValues()
   699  	return nil
   700  }
   702  func (fr *flbaRecordReader) ReadValuesSpaced(valuesWithNulls, nullCount int64) error {
   703  	validBits := fr.validBits.Bytes()
   704  	offset := fr.valuesWritten
   706  	if int64(cap(fr.valueBuf)) < valuesWithNulls {
   707  		fr.valueBuf = make([]parquet.FixedLenByteArray, 0, valuesWithNulls)
   708  	}
   710  	values := fr.valueBuf[:valuesWithNulls]
   711  	dec := fr.ColumnChunkReader.(*FixedLenByteArrayColumnChunkReader).curDecoder.(encoding.FixedLenByteArrayDecoder)
   712  	_, err := dec.DecodeSpaced(values, int(nullCount), validBits, offset)
   713  	if err != nil {
   714  		return err
   715  	}
   717  	for idx, val := range values {
   718  		if bitutil.BitIsSet(validBits, int(offset)+idx) {
   719  			fr.bldr.Append(val)
   720  		} else {
   721  			fr.bldr.AppendNull()
   722  		}
   723  	}
   724  	fr.ResetValues()
   725  	return nil
   726  }
   728  func (fr *flbaRecordReader) GetBuilderChunks() []arrow.Array {
   729  	return []arrow.Array{fr.bldr.NewArray()}
   730  }
   732  func (fr *flbaRecordReader) ReadDictionary() bool { return false }
   734  func newFLBARecordReader(descr *schema.Column, info LevelInfo, mem memory.Allocator, bufferPool *sync.Pool) RecordReader {
   735  	if mem == nil {
   736  		mem = memory.DefaultAllocator
   737  	}
   739  	byteWidth := descr.TypeLength()
   741  	return &binaryRecordReader{&recordReader{
   742  		recordReaderImpl: &flbaRecordReader{
   743  			createPrimitiveRecordReader(descr, mem, bufferPool),
   744  			array.NewFixedSizeBinaryBuilder(mem, &arrow.FixedSizeBinaryType{ByteWidth: byteWidth}),
   745  			nil,
   746  		},
   747  		leafInfo:  info,
   748  		defLevels: memory.NewResizableBuffer(mem),
   749  		repLevels: memory.NewResizableBuffer(mem),
   750  		refCount:  1,
   751  	}}
   752  }
   754  // byteArrayRecordReader is the specialization impl for byte-array columns
   755  type byteArrayRecordReader struct {
   756  	primitiveRecordReader
   758  	bldr     array.Builder
   759  	valueBuf []parquet.ByteArray
   760  }
   762  func newByteArrayRecordReader(descr *schema.Column, info LevelInfo, dtype arrow.DataType, mem memory.Allocator, bufferPool *sync.Pool) RecordReader {
   763  	if mem == nil {
   764  		mem = memory.DefaultAllocator
   765  	}
   767  	dt, ok := dtype.(arrow.BinaryDataType)
   768  	// arrow.DecimalType will also come through here, which we want to treat as binary
   769  	if !ok {
   770  		dt = arrow.BinaryTypes.Binary
   771  	}
   773  	return &binaryRecordReader{&recordReader{
   774  		recordReaderImpl: &byteArrayRecordReader{
   775  			createPrimitiveRecordReader(descr, mem, bufferPool),
   776  			array.NewBinaryBuilder(mem, dt),
   777  			nil,
   778  		},
   779  		leafInfo:  info,
   780  		defLevels: memory.NewResizableBuffer(mem),
   781  		repLevels: memory.NewResizableBuffer(mem),
   782  		refCount:  1,
   783  	}}
   784  }
   786  func (br *byteArrayRecordReader) ReserveValues(extra int64, hasNullable bool) error {
   787  	br.bldr.Reserve(int(extra))
   788  	return br.primitiveRecordReader.ReserveValues(extra, hasNullable)
   789  }
   791  func (br *byteArrayRecordReader) Retain() {
   792  	br.bldr.Retain()
   793  	br.primitiveRecordReader.Retain()
   794  }
   796  func (br *byteArrayRecordReader) Release() {
   797  	br.bldr.Release()
   798  	br.primitiveRecordReader.Release()
   799  }
   801  func (br *byteArrayRecordReader) ReadValuesDense(toRead int64) error {
   802  	if int64(cap(br.valueBuf)) < toRead {
   803  		br.valueBuf = make([]parquet.ByteArray, 0, toRead)
   804  	}
   806  	values := br.valueBuf[:toRead]
   807  	dec := br.ColumnChunkReader.(*ByteArrayColumnChunkReader).curDecoder.(encoding.ByteArrayDecoder)
   809  	_, err := dec.Decode(values)
   810  	if err != nil {
   811  		return err
   812  	}
   814  	switch bldr := br.bldr.(type) {
   815  	case *array.BinaryBuilder:
   816  		for _, val := range values {
   817  			bldr.Append(val)
   818  		}
   819  	case *array.BinaryDictionaryBuilder:
   820  		for _, val := range values {
   821  			if err := bldr.Append(val); err != nil {
   822  				return err
   823  			}
   824  		}
   825  	}
   827  	br.ResetValues()
   828  	return nil
   829  }
   831  func (br *byteArrayRecordReader) ReadValuesSpaced(valuesWithNulls, nullCount int64) error {
   832  	validBits := br.validBits.Bytes()
   833  	offset := br.valuesWritten
   835  	if int64(cap(br.valueBuf)) < valuesWithNulls {
   836  		br.valueBuf = make([]parquet.ByteArray, 0, valuesWithNulls)
   837  	}
   839  	values := br.valueBuf[:valuesWithNulls]
   840  	dec := br.ColumnChunkReader.(*ByteArrayColumnChunkReader).curDecoder.(encoding.ByteArrayDecoder)
   841  	_, err := dec.DecodeSpaced(values, int(nullCount), validBits, offset)
   842  	if err != nil {
   843  		return err
   844  	}
   846  	switch bldr := br.bldr.(type) {
   847  	case *array.BinaryBuilder:
   848  		for idx, val := range values {
   849  			if bitutil.BitIsSet(validBits, int(offset)+idx) {
   850  				bldr.Append(val)
   851  			} else {
   852  				bldr.AppendNull()
   853  			}
   854  		}
   855  	case *array.BinaryDictionaryBuilder:
   856  		for idx, val := range values {
   857  			if bitutil.BitIsSet(validBits, int(offset)+idx) {
   858  				if err := bldr.Append(val); err != nil {
   859  					return err
   860  				}
   861  			} else {
   862  				bldr.AppendNull()
   863  			}
   864  		}
   865  	}
   867  	br.ResetValues()
   868  	return nil
   869  }
   871  func (br *byteArrayRecordReader) GetBuilderChunks() []arrow.Array {
   872  	return []arrow.Array{br.bldr.NewArray()}
   873  }
   875  func (br *byteArrayRecordReader) ReadDictionary() bool { return false }
   877  type byteArrayDictRecordReader struct {
   878  	byteArrayRecordReader
   880  	resultChunks []arrow.Array
   881  }
   883  func newByteArrayDictRecordReader(descr *schema.Column, info LevelInfo, dtype arrow.DataType, mem memory.Allocator, bufferPool *sync.Pool) RecordReader {
   884  	if mem == nil {
   885  		mem = memory.DefaultAllocator
   886  	}
   888  	dt := dtype.(*arrow.DictionaryType)
   889  	if _, ok := dt.ValueType.(arrow.BinaryDataType); !ok {
   890  		dt.ValueType = arrow.BinaryTypes.Binary
   891  	}
   893  	return &binaryRecordReader{&recordReader{
   894  		recordReaderImpl: &byteArrayDictRecordReader{
   895  			byteArrayRecordReader: byteArrayRecordReader{
   896  				createPrimitiveRecordReader(descr, mem, bufferPool),
   897  				array.NewDictionaryBuilder(mem, dt),
   898  				nil,
   899  			},
   900  			resultChunks: make([]arrow.Array, 0),
   901  		},
   902  		leafInfo:  info,
   903  		defLevels: memory.NewResizableBuffer(mem),
   904  		repLevels: memory.NewResizableBuffer(mem),
   905  		refCount:  1,
   906  	}}
   907  }
   909  func (bd *byteArrayDictRecordReader) GetBuilderChunks() []arrow.Array {
   910  	bd.flushBuilder()
   911  	chunks := bd.resultChunks
   912  	bd.resultChunks = make([]arrow.Array, 0, 1)
   913  	return chunks
   914  }
   916  func (bd *byteArrayDictRecordReader) flushBuilder() {
   917  	if bd.bldr.Len() > 0 {
   918  		chunk := bd.bldr.NewArray()
   919  		bd.resultChunks = append(bd.resultChunks, chunk)
   920  	}
   921  }
   923  func (bd *byteArrayDictRecordReader) maybeWriteNewDictionary() error {
   924  	rdr := bd.ColumnChunkReader.(*ByteArrayColumnChunkReader)
   925  	if rdr.newDictionary {
   926  		// if there is a new dictionary, we may need to flush the builder,
   927  		// then insert the new dictionary values
   928  		bd.flushBuilder()
   929  		bd.bldr.(*array.BinaryDictionaryBuilder).ResetFull()
   930  		dec := rdr.curDecoder.(*encoding.DictByteArrayDecoder)
   931  		if err := dec.InsertDictionary(bd.bldr); err != nil {
   932  			return err
   933  		}
   934  		rdr.newDictionary = false
   935  	}
   936  	return nil
   937  }
   939  func (bd *byteArrayDictRecordReader) ReadValuesDense(toRead int64) error {
   940  	dec := bd.ColumnChunkReader.(*ByteArrayColumnChunkReader).curDecoder.(encoding.ByteArrayDecoder)
   941  	if dec.Encoding() == parquet.Encodings.RLEDict {
   942  		if err := bd.maybeWriteNewDictionary(); err != nil {
   943  			return err
   944  		}
   946  		rdr := bd.ColumnChunkReader.(*ByteArrayColumnChunkReader)
   947  		_, err := rdr.curDecoder.(*encoding.DictByteArrayDecoder).DecodeIndices(int(toRead), bd.bldr)
   948  		return err
   949  	}
   950  	return bd.byteArrayRecordReader.ReadValuesDense(toRead)
   951  }
   953  func (bd *byteArrayDictRecordReader) ReadValuesSpaced(valuesWithNulls, nullCount int64) error {
   954  	validBits := bd.validBits.Bytes()
   955  	offset := bd.valuesWritten
   957  	dec := bd.ColumnChunkReader.(*ByteArrayColumnChunkReader).curDecoder.(encoding.ByteArrayDecoder)
   958  	if dec.Encoding() == parquet.Encodings.RLEDict {
   959  		if err := bd.maybeWriteNewDictionary(); err != nil {
   960  			return err
   961  		}
   963  		rdr := bd.ColumnChunkReader.(*ByteArrayColumnChunkReader)
   964  		_, err := rdr.curDecoder.(*encoding.DictByteArrayDecoder).DecodeIndicesSpaced(int(valuesWithNulls), int(nullCount), validBits, offset, bd.bldr)
   965  		return err
   967  	}
   969  	return bd.byteArrayRecordReader.ReadValuesSpaced(valuesWithNulls, int64(nullCount))
   970  }
   972  func (bd *byteArrayDictRecordReader) ReadDictionary() bool { return true }
   974  func NewRecordReader(descr *schema.Column, info LevelInfo, dtype arrow.DataType, mem memory.Allocator, bufferPool *sync.Pool) RecordReader {
   975  	switch descr.PhysicalType() {
   976  	case parquet.Types.ByteArray:
   977  		if dtype.ID() == arrow.DICTIONARY {
   978  			return newByteArrayDictRecordReader(descr, info, dtype, mem, bufferPool)
   979  		}
   980  		return newByteArrayRecordReader(descr, info, dtype, mem, bufferPool)
   981  	case parquet.Types.FixedLenByteArray:
   982  		return newFLBARecordReader(descr, info, mem, bufferPool)
   983  	default:
   984  		return newRecordReader(descr, info, mem, bufferPool)
   985  	}
   986  }

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