use "net" use "files" class ClientSide is TCPConnectionNotify let _env: Env new iso create(env: Env) => _env = env fun ref connecting(conn: TCPConnection ref, count: U32) => _env.out.print("connecting: " + count.string()) fun ref connected(conn: TCPConnection ref) => try (let host, let service) = conn.remote_address().name()? _env.out.print("connected to " + host + ":" + service) conn.set_nodelay(true) conn.set_keepalive(10) conn.write("client says hi") end class Listener is TCPListenNotify let _env: Env let _limit: USize var _host: String = "" var _count: USize = 0 new create(env: Env, limit: USize) => _env = env _limit = limit fun ref connected(listen: TCPListener ref): TCPConnectionNotify iso^ => let env = _env _env.out.print("Server starting") let server = ServerSide(env) _spawn(listen) server fun ref _spawn(listen: TCPListener ref) => if (_limit > 0) and (_count >= _limit) then listen.dispose() return end _count = _count + 1 _env.out.print("spawn " + _count.string()) try let env = _env _env.out.print("Client starting") TCPConnection( _env.root as AmbientAuth, ClientSide(env), _host, _service) else _env.out.print("couldn't create client side") listen.close() end actor Main new create(env: Env) => let limit = try env.args(1)?.usize()? else 1 end try let auth = env.root as AmbientAuth TCPListener(auth, recover Listener(env, limit) end) UDPSocket(auth, recover Pong(env) end) else env.out.print("unable to use the network") end be test() =>