# -*- org -*-
#+title: Single Post with TOML front matter
#+date: 2017-07-20
#+options: creator:t toc:2
#+hugo_base_dir: ../../
#+hugo_categories: cat1 cat2
#+hugo_menu: :menu "foo" :weight 10 :parent main :identifier single-toml
#+description: Some description for this post.
This is a single post. You do not need to set the =EXPORT_FILE_NAME=
property in here. But then you also lose the tag and property
inheritance Org awesomeness.
line one \\
line two
*bold* /italics/ =verbatim= ~code~ +strikethrough+ _underline_
* First heading in this post
This is a under first heading. <2018-07-27 Fri>
** COMMENT comment header
** TODO something
** DONE anything
CLOSED: [2018-08-01 Wed 16:17]
{{{n}}} abc {{{n(,10)}}} def {{{n(x,5)}}}
* Second heading in this post
- unordered list item 1
- unordered list item 2
- Desc1 :: Description list item 1
- Desc2 :: Description list item 2
1. ordered list item 1
2. ordered list item 2
1) ordered list item 1
2) ordered list item 2
3) [@20] asdf
- *bold*
- /italics/
- =verbatim=
- ~code~
- +strikethrough+
- _underline_
this is a
- 09 :: asdf
- 09 :: asdf
** Checkbox lists :checkbox:list:
- [ ] asdf
- [X] def
* Dates
** deadline
DEADLINE: <2018-07-31 Tue>
** scheduled
SCHEDULED: <2018-07-31 Tue>
* Blocks
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(message "hello")
Why is this in *green*?
You will learn that later below in [[#details-css][CSS]] section.
#+begin_export html
- {{{latex}}}
- {{{xetex}}}
#+caption: Declaring Constants
#+name: code__decl_constants
#+begin_src systemverilog
const bit [7:0] R_CHARACTER = 8'b000_11100; // The /K28.0/ character
const bit [7:0] A_CHARACTER = 8'b011_11100; // The /K28.3/ character
const bit [7:0] Q_CHARACTER = 8'b100_11100; // The /K28.4/ character
Check out code snippet [[code__decl_constants]].
* Links :some_tag:
:CUSTOM_ID: links
- [[file:post-yaml.org]]
- [[file:post-yaml.org][Post exported with YAML front-matter]].
- <>
* Tables
:CUSTOM_ID: tables
| a | b |
| c | d |
| a | b |
| c | d |
Some text [fn:2]
#+BEGIN: aggregate :table "original" :cols "Color count()"
| Color | count() |
| Red | 7 |
| Blue | 7 |
* Footnotes
[fn:2] footnote 2
[fn:1] For more detail, check out the Org manual [[http://orgmode.org/
manual/Footnotes.html][page for footnotes]].
* Local Variables :ARCHIVE:
# Local Variables:
# org-link-file-path-type: relative
# End: