1@foo34 @bar # some comment
2Feature: proof of concept
4 In order to read Cucumber features faster and eaiser on Github
5 As a Cucumber user
6 I want to have syntax highlighting for Gherkin
7 This is part of the narrative, even if I have the # symbol, it is still the narrative- not a comment
9 Background: this is multi-line description
10 do you like it?
11 Given cheese is good
13 Scenario Outline: this is a test
14 this the second line of the desctiption
15 Given I have a <var1> and some "string"
16 And the following table and some 'string'
17 | header 1 | header 2 | # here is a comment after a step table header
18 | cell 1-1 | cell 1-2 | # here is a comment after a step table row
19 | cell 2-1 | "cell 2-2" |
21 When I do <var2>
22 And use apostrophes then the feature's syntax still looks good
23 And here is a string with single and double quotes- "i'll be back"
24 And here is a string with the opposite 'the quote is "Foo"'
25 And what about a var in a quote like so: "<var2>"
26 And what about a multiline string with a var in it like so:
27 """
28 Hello!
29 I am a multiple line string, often called a pystring.
30 I can have regular "double quotes" without a problem...
31 I can also sub in vars as well like: <var1> and <var2>
32 """
34 Then I should see something...
35 But not something else...
37 Examples:
38 | var1 | var2 | # i am a comment
39 | foo | bar | # so am i
40 | dog | food |
42 Scenarios: some other examples with a description
43 and guess waht?!? I can have multilines as well! # look at me, I'm a comment
44 Who would have thunk?
45 | var1 | var2 |
46 | foo | bar |
47 | dog | food |
49 @some_tag @another_tag
50 Scenario: more examples
51 will follow after this multi-line description
52 Given some context# this is an inline comment
53 # This is a comment
54# So is this with no space at front...
56Funktionalität: Addition
57 Um dumme Fehler zu vermeiden
58 möchte ich als Matheidiot
59 die Summe zweier Zahlen gesagt bekommen
61 Szenariogrundriss: Zwei Zahlen hinzufügen
62 Gegeben sei ich habe <Eingabe_1> in den Taschenrechner eingegeben
63 Und ich habe <Eingabe_2> in den Taschenrechner eingegeben
64 Wenn ich <Knopf> drücke
65 Dann sollte das Ergebniss auf dem Bildschirm <Ausgabe> sein
67 Beispiele:
68 | Eingabe_1 | Eingabe_2 | Knopf | Ausgabe |
69 | 20 | 30 | add | 50 |
70 | 2 | 5 | add | 7 |
71 | 0 | 40 | add | 40 |
73Feature: Addition
74 In order to avoid silly mistakes
75 As a math idiot
76 I want to be told the sum of two numbers
78 Scenario Outline: Add two numbers
79 Given I have entered <input_1> into the calculator
80 * I have entered <input_2> into the calculator
81 When I press <button>
82 Then the result should be <output> on the screen
84 Examples:
85 | input_1 | input_2 | button | output |
86 | 20 | 30 | add | 50 |
87 | 2 | 5 | add | 7 |
88 | 0 | 40 | add | 40 |
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