
Source file src/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/o/org.go

Documentation: github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/o

     1  package o
     3  import (
     4  	. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint
     5  	"github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/internal"
     6  )
     8  // Org mode lexer.
     9  var Org = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer(
    10  	&Config{
    11  		Name:      "Org Mode",
    12  		Aliases:   []string{"org", "orgmode"},
    13  		Filenames: []string{"*.org"},
    14  		MimeTypes: []string{"text/org"}, // https://lists.gnu.org/r/emacs-orgmode/2017-09/msg00087.html
    15  	},
    16  	orgRules,
    17  ))
    19  func orgRules() Rules {
    20  	return Rules{
    21  		"root": {
    22  			{`^# .*$`, Comment, nil},
    23  			// Headings
    24  			{`^(\*)( COMMENT)( .*)$`, ByGroups(GenericHeading, NameEntity, GenericStrong), nil},
    25  			{`^(\*\*+)( COMMENT)( .*)$`, ByGroups(GenericSubheading, NameEntity, Text), nil},
    26  			{`^(\*)( DONE)( .*)$`, ByGroups(GenericHeading, LiteralStringRegex, GenericStrong), nil},
    27  			{`^(\*\*+)( DONE)( .*)$`, ByGroups(GenericSubheading, LiteralStringRegex, Text), nil},
    28  			{`^(\*)( TODO)( .*)$`, ByGroups(GenericHeading, Error, GenericStrong), nil},
    29  			{`^(\*\*+)( TODO)( .*)$`, ByGroups(GenericSubheading, Error, Text), nil},
    30  			{`^(\*)( .+?)( :[a-zA-Z0-9_@:]+:)$`, ByGroups(GenericHeading, GenericStrong, GenericEmph), nil}, // Level 1 heading with tags
    31  			{`^(\*)( .+)$`, ByGroups(GenericHeading, GenericStrong), nil},                                   // // Level 1 heading with NO tags
    32  			{`^(\*\*+)( .+?)( :[a-zA-Z0-9_@:]+:)$`, ByGroups(GenericSubheading, Text, GenericEmph), nil},    // Level 2+ heading with tags
    33  			{`^(\*\*+)( .+)$`, ByGroups(GenericSubheading, Text), nil},                                      // Level 2+ heading with NO tags
    34  			// Checkbox lists
    35  			{`^( *)([+-] )(\[[ X]\])( .+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil},
    36  			{`^( +)(\* )(\[[ X]\])( .+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil},
    37  			// Definition lists
    38  			{`^( *)([+-] )([^ \n]+ ::)( .+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil},
    39  			{`^( +)(\* )([^ \n]+ ::)( .+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil},
    40  			// Unordered lists
    41  			{`^( *)([+-] )(.+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil},
    42  			{`^( +)(\* )(.+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil},
    43  			// Ordered lists
    44  			{`^( *)([0-9]+[.)])( \[@[0-9]+\])( .+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, GenericEmph, UsingSelf("inline")), nil},
    45  			{`^( *)([0-9]+[.)])( .+)$`, ByGroups(Text, Keyword, UsingSelf("inline")), nil},
    46  			// Dynamic Blocks
    47  			{`(?i)^( *#\+begin: )([^ ]+)([\w\W]*?\n)([\w\W]*?)(^ *#\+end: *$)`, ByGroups(Comment, CommentSpecial, Comment, UsingSelf("inline"), Comment), nil},
    48  			// Blocks
    49  			// - Comment Blocks
    50  			{`(?i)^( *#\+begin_comment *\n)([\w\W]*?)(^ *#\+end_comment *$)`, ByGroups(Comment, Comment, Comment), nil},
    51  			// - Src Blocks
    52  			{
    53  				`(?i)^( *#\+begin_src )([^ \n]+)(.*?\n)([\w\W]*?)(^ *#\+end_src *$)`,
    54  				UsingByGroup(
    55  					internal.Get,
    56  					2, 4,
    57  					Comment, CommentSpecial, Comment, Text, Comment,
    58  				),
    59  				nil,
    60  			},
    61  			// - Export Blocks
    62  			{
    63  				`(?i)^( *#\+begin_export )(\w+)( *\n)([\w\W]*?)(^ *#\+end_export *$)`,
    64  				UsingByGroup(
    65  					internal.Get,
    66  					2, 4,
    67  					Comment, CommentSpecial, Text, Text, Comment,
    68  				),
    69  				nil,
    70  			},
    71  			// - Org Special, Example, Verse, etc. Blocks
    72  			{`(?i)^( *#\+begin_)(\w+)( *\n)([\w\W]*?)(^ *#\+end_\2)( *$)`, ByGroups(Comment, Comment, Text, Text, Comment, Text), nil},
    73  			// Keywords
    74  			{`^(#\+\w+)(:.*)$`, ByGroups(CommentSpecial, Comment), nil}, // Other Org keywords like #+title
    75  			// Properties and Drawers
    76  			{`(?i)^( *:\w+: *\n)([\w\W]*?)(^ *:end: *$)`, ByGroups(Comment, CommentSpecial, Comment), nil},
    77  			// Line break operator
    78  			{`^(.*)(\\\\)$`, ByGroups(UsingSelf("inline"), Operator), nil},
    79  			// Deadline/Scheduled
    80  			{`(?i)^( *(?:DEADLINE|SCHEDULED): )(<[^<>]+?> *)$`, ByGroups(Comment, CommentSpecial), nil}, // DEADLINE/SCHEDULED: <datestamp>
    81  			// DONE state CLOSED
    82  			{`(?i)^( *CLOSED: )(\[[^][]+?\] *)$`, ByGroups(Comment, CommentSpecial), nil}, // CLOSED: [datestamp]
    83  			// All other lines
    84  			Include("inline"),
    85  		},
    86  		"inline": {
    87  			{`(\s)*(\*[^ \n*][^*]+?[^ \n*]\*)((?=\W|\n|$))`, ByGroups(Text, GenericStrong, Text), nil},                          // Bold
    88  			{`(\s)*(/[^/]+?/)((?=\W|\n|$))`, ByGroups(Text, GenericEmph, Text), nil},                                            // Italic
    89  			{`(\s)*(=[^\n=]+?=)((?=\W|\n|$))`, ByGroups(Text, NameClass, Text), nil},                                            // Verbatim
    90  			{`(\s)*(~[^\n~]+?~)((?=\W|\n|$))`, ByGroups(Text, NameClass, Text), nil},                                            // Code
    91  			{`(\s)*(\+[^+]+?\+)((?=\W|\n|$))`, ByGroups(Text, GenericDeleted, Text), nil},                                       // Strikethrough
    92  			{`(\s)*(_[^_]+?_)((?=\W|\n|$))`, ByGroups(Text, GenericUnderline, Text), nil},                                       // Underline
    93  			{`(<)([^<>]+?)(>)`, ByGroups(Text, String, Text), nil},                                                              // <datestamp>
    94  			{`[{]{3}[^}]+[}]{3}`, NameBuiltin, nil},                                                                             // {{{macro(foo,1)}}}
    95  			{`([^[])(\[fn:)([^]]+?)(\])([^]])`, ByGroups(Text, NameBuiltinPseudo, LiteralString, NameBuiltinPseudo, Text), nil}, // [fn:1]
    96  			// Links
    97  			{`(\[\[)([^][]+?)(\]\[)([^][]+)(\]\])`, ByGroups(Text, NameAttribute, Text, NameTag, Text), nil}, // [[link][descr]]
    98  			{`(\[\[)([^][]+?)(\]\])`, ByGroups(Text, NameAttribute, Text), nil},                              // [[link]]
    99  			{`(<<)([^<>]+?)(>>)`, ByGroups(Text, NameAttribute, Text), nil},                                  // <<targetlink>>
   100  			// Tables
   101  			{`^( *)(\|[ -].*?[ -]\|)$`, ByGroups(Text, String), nil},
   102  			// Blank lines, newlines
   103  			{`\n`, Text, nil},
   104  			// Any other text
   105  			{`.`, Text, nil},
   106  		},
   107  	}
   108  }

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