Crypto11 ======== [![GoDoc](]( [![Build Status](]( This is an implementation of the standard Golang crypto interfaces that uses [PKCS#11]( as a backend. The supported features are: * Generation and retrieval of RSA, DSA and ECDSA keys. * Importing and retrieval of x509 certificates * PKCS#1 v1.5 signing. * PKCS#1 PSS signing. * PKCS#1 v1.5 decryption * PKCS#1 OAEP decryption * ECDSA signing. * DSA signing. * Random number generation. * AES and DES3 encryption and decryption. * HMAC support. Signing is done through the [crypto.Signer]( interface and decryption through [crypto.Decrypter]( To verify signatures or encrypt messages, retrieve the public key and do it in software. See [the documentation]( for details of various limitations, especially regarding symmetric crypto. Installation ============ Since v1.0.0, crypto11 requires Go v1.11+. Install the library by running: ```bash go get ``` The crypto11 library needs to be configured with information about your PKCS#11 installation. This is either done programmatically (see the `Config` struct in [the documentation]( or via a configuration file. The configuration file is a JSON representation of the `Config` struct. A minimal configuration file looks like this: ```json { "Path" : "/usr/lib/softhsm/", "TokenLabel": "token1", "Pin" : "password" } ``` - `Path` points to the library from your PKCS#11 vendor. - `TokenLabel` is the `CKA_LABEL` of the token you wish to use. - `Pin` is the password for the `CKU_USER` user. Testing Guidance ================ Disabling tests --------------- To disable specific tests, set the environment variable `CRYPTO11_SKIP=` where `` is a comma-separated list of the following options: * `CERTS` - disables certificate-related tests. Needed for AWS CloudHSM, which doesn't support certificates. * `OAEP_LABEL` - disables RSA OAEP encryption tests that use source data encoding parameter (also known as a 'label' in some crypto libraries). Needed for AWS CloudHSM. * `DSA` - disables DSA tests. Needed for AWS CloudHSM (and any other tokens not supporting DSA). Testing with Thales Luna HSM ---------------------------- Testing with AWS CloudHSM ------------------------- A minimal configuration file for CloudHSM will look like this: ```json { "Path" : "/opt/cloudhsm/lib/", "TokenLabel": "cavium", "Pin" : "username:password", "UseGCMIVFromHSM" : true, } ``` To run the test suite you must skip unsupported tests: ``` CRYPTO11_SKIP=CERTS,OAEP_LABEL,DSA go test -v ``` Be sure to take note of the supported mechanisms, key types and other idiosyncrasies described at Here's a collection of things we noticed when testing with the v2.0.4 PKCS#11 library: - 1024-bit RSA keys don't appear to be supported, despite what `C_GetMechanismInfo` tells you. - The `CKM_RSA_PKCS_OAEP` mechanism doesn't support source data. I.e. when constructing a `CK_RSA_PKCS_OAEP_PARAMS`, one must set `pSourceData` to `NULL` and `ulSourceDataLen` to zero. - CloudHSM will generate it's own IV for GCM mode. This is described in their documentation, see footnote 4 on - It appears that `CKA_ID` values must be unique, otherwise you get a `CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID` error. - Very rapid session opening can trigger the following error: ``` C_OpenSession failed with error CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD : 0x00000007 HSM error 8c: HSM Error: Already maximum number of sessions are issued ``` Testing with SoftHSM2 --------------------- To set up a slot: $ cat softhsm2.conf directories.tokendir = /home/rjk/go/src/ objectstore.backend = file log.level = INFO $ mkdir tokens $ export SOFTHSM2_CONF=`pwd`/softhsm2.conf $ softhsm2-util --init-token --slot 0 --label test === SO PIN (4-255 characters) === Please enter SO PIN: ******** Please reenter SO PIN: ******** === User PIN (4-255 characters) === Please enter user PIN: ******** Please reenter user PIN: ******** The token has been initialized. The configuration looks like this: $ cat config { "Path" : "/usr/lib/softhsm/", "TokenLabel": "test", "Pin" : "password" } (At time of writing) OAEP is only partial and HMAC is unsupported, so expect test skips. Testing with nCipher nShield -------------------- In all cases, it's worth enabling nShield PKCS#11 log output: export CKNFAST_DEBUG=2 To protect keys with a 1/N operator cardset: $ cat config { "Path" : "/opt/nfast/toolkits/pkcs11/", "TokenLabel": "rjk", "Pin" : "password" } You can also identify the token by serial number, which in this case means the first 16 hex digits of the operator cardset's token hash: $ cat config { "Path" : "/opt/nfast/toolkits/pkcs11/", "TokenSerial": "1d42780caa22efd5", "Pin" : "password" } A card from the cardset must be in the slot when you run `go test`. To protect keys with the module only, use the 'accelerator' token: $ cat config { "Path" : "/opt/nfast/toolkits/pkcs11/", "TokenLabel": "accelerator", "Pin" : "password" } (At time of writing) GCM is not implemented, so expect test skips. Limitations =========== * The [PKCS1v15DecryptOptions SessionKeyLen]( field is not implemented and an error is returned if it is nonzero. The reason for this is that it is not possible for crypto11 to guarantee the constant-time behavior in the specification. See [issue #5]( for further discussion. * Symmetric crypto support via [cipher.Block]( is very slow. You can use the `BlockModeCloser` API (over 400 times as fast on my computer) but you must call the Close() interface (not found in [cipher.BlockMode]( See [issue #6]( for further discussion. Contributions ======== Contributions are gratefully received. Before beginning work on sizeable changes, please open an issue first to discuss. Here are some topics we'd like to cover: * Full test instructions for additional PKCS#11 implementations.