
Source file src/github.com/ProtonMail/go-crypto/openpgp/packet/aead_crypter.go

Documentation: github.com/ProtonMail/go-crypto/openpgp/packet

     1  // Copyright (C) 2019 ProtonTech AG
     3  package packet
     5  import (
     6  	"bytes"
     7  	"crypto/cipher"
     8  	"encoding/binary"
     9  	"io"
    11  	"github.com/ProtonMail/go-crypto/openpgp/errors"
    12  )
    14  // aeadCrypter is an AEAD opener/sealer, its configuration, and data for en/decryption.
    15  type aeadCrypter struct {
    16  	aead           cipher.AEAD
    17  	chunkSize      int
    18  	initialNonce   []byte
    19  	associatedData []byte       // Chunk-independent associated data
    20  	chunkIndex     []byte       // Chunk counter
    21  	packetTag      packetType   // SEIP packet (v2) or AEAD Encrypted Data packet
    22  	bytesProcessed int          // Amount of plaintext bytes encrypted/decrypted
    23  	buffer         bytes.Buffer // Buffered bytes across chunks
    24  }
    26  // computeNonce takes the incremental index and computes an eXclusive OR with
    27  // the least significant 8 bytes of the receivers' initial nonce (see sec.
    28  // 5.16.1 and 5.16.2). It returns the resulting nonce.
    29  func (wo *aeadCrypter) computeNextNonce() (nonce []byte) {
    30  	if wo.packetTag == packetTypeSymmetricallyEncryptedIntegrityProtected {
    31  		return append(wo.initialNonce, wo.chunkIndex...)
    32  	}
    34  	nonce = make([]byte, len(wo.initialNonce))
    35  	copy(nonce, wo.initialNonce)
    36  	offset := len(wo.initialNonce) - 8
    37  	for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
    38  		nonce[i+offset] ^= wo.chunkIndex[i]
    39  	}
    40  	return
    41  }
    43  // incrementIndex performs an integer increment by 1 of the integer represented by the
    44  // slice, modifying it accordingly.
    45  func (wo *aeadCrypter) incrementIndex() error {
    46  	index := wo.chunkIndex
    47  	if len(index) == 0 {
    48  		return errors.AEADError("Index has length 0")
    49  	}
    50  	for i := len(index) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
    51  		if index[i] < 255 {
    52  			index[i]++
    53  			return nil
    54  		}
    55  		index[i] = 0
    56  	}
    57  	return errors.AEADError("cannot further increment index")
    58  }
    60  // aeadDecrypter reads and decrypts bytes. It buffers extra decrypted bytes when
    61  // necessary, similar to aeadEncrypter.
    62  type aeadDecrypter struct {
    63  	aeadCrypter           // Embedded ciphertext opener
    64  	reader      io.Reader // 'reader' is a partialLengthReader
    65  	peekedBytes []byte    // Used to detect last chunk
    66  	eof         bool
    67  }
    69  // Read decrypts bytes and reads them into dst. It decrypts when necessary and
    70  // buffers extra decrypted bytes. It returns the number of bytes copied into dst
    71  // and an error.
    72  func (ar *aeadDecrypter) Read(dst []byte) (n int, err error) {
    73  	// Return buffered plaintext bytes from previous calls
    74  	if ar.buffer.Len() > 0 {
    75  		return ar.buffer.Read(dst)
    76  	}
    78  	// Return EOF if we've previously validated the final tag
    79  	if ar.eof {
    80  		return 0, io.EOF
    81  	}
    83  	// Read a chunk
    84  	tagLen := ar.aead.Overhead()
    85  	cipherChunkBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    86  	_, errRead := io.CopyN(cipherChunkBuf, ar.reader, int64(ar.chunkSize+tagLen))
    87  	cipherChunk := cipherChunkBuf.Bytes()
    88  	if errRead != nil && errRead != io.EOF {
    89  		return 0, errRead
    90  	}
    91  	decrypted, errChunk := ar.openChunk(cipherChunk)
    92  	if errChunk != nil {
    93  		return 0, errChunk
    94  	}
    96  	// Return decrypted bytes, buffering if necessary
    97  	if len(dst) < len(decrypted) {
    98  		n = copy(dst, decrypted[:len(dst)])
    99  		ar.buffer.Write(decrypted[len(dst):])
   100  	} else {
   101  		n = copy(dst, decrypted)
   102  	}
   104  	// Check final authentication tag
   105  	if errRead == io.EOF {
   106  		errChunk := ar.validateFinalTag(ar.peekedBytes)
   107  		if errChunk != nil {
   108  			return n, errChunk
   109  		}
   110  		ar.eof = true // Mark EOF for when we've returned all buffered data
   111  	}
   112  	return
   113  }
   115  // Close is noOp. The final authentication tag of the stream was already
   116  // checked in the last Read call. In the future, this function could be used to
   117  // wipe the reader and peeked, decrypted bytes, if necessary.
   118  func (ar *aeadDecrypter) Close() (err error) {
   119  	return nil
   120  }
   122  // openChunk decrypts and checks integrity of an encrypted chunk, returning
   123  // the underlying plaintext and an error. It accesses peeked bytes from next
   124  // chunk, to identify the last chunk and decrypt/validate accordingly.
   125  func (ar *aeadDecrypter) openChunk(data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
   126  	tagLen := ar.aead.Overhead()
   127  	// Restore carried bytes from last call
   128  	chunkExtra := append(ar.peekedBytes, data...)
   129  	// 'chunk' contains encrypted bytes, followed by an authentication tag.
   130  	chunk := chunkExtra[:len(chunkExtra)-tagLen]
   131  	ar.peekedBytes = chunkExtra[len(chunkExtra)-tagLen:]
   133  	adata := ar.associatedData
   134  	if ar.aeadCrypter.packetTag == packetTypeAEADEncrypted {
   135  		adata = append(ar.associatedData, ar.chunkIndex...)
   136  	}
   138  	nonce := ar.computeNextNonce()
   139  	plainChunk, err := ar.aead.Open(nil, nonce, chunk, adata)
   140  	if err != nil {
   141  		return nil, err
   142  	}
   143  	ar.bytesProcessed += len(plainChunk)
   144  	if err = ar.aeadCrypter.incrementIndex(); err != nil {
   145  		return nil, err
   146  	}
   147  	return plainChunk, nil
   148  }
   150  // Checks the summary tag. It takes into account the total decrypted bytes into
   151  // the associated data. It returns an error, or nil if the tag is valid.
   152  func (ar *aeadDecrypter) validateFinalTag(tag []byte) error {
   153  	// Associated: tag, version, cipher, aead, chunk size, ...
   154  	amountBytes := make([]byte, 8)
   155  	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(amountBytes, uint64(ar.bytesProcessed))
   157  	adata := ar.associatedData
   158  	if ar.aeadCrypter.packetTag == packetTypeAEADEncrypted {
   159  		// ... index ...
   160  		adata = append(ar.associatedData, ar.chunkIndex...)
   161  	}
   163  	// ... and total number of encrypted octets
   164  	adata = append(adata, amountBytes...)
   165  	nonce := ar.computeNextNonce()
   166  	_, err := ar.aead.Open(nil, nonce, tag, adata)
   167  	if err != nil {
   168  		return err
   169  	}
   170  	return nil
   171  }
   173  // aeadEncrypter encrypts and writes bytes. It encrypts when necessary according
   174  // to the AEAD block size, and buffers the extra encrypted bytes for next write.
   175  type aeadEncrypter struct {
   176  	aeadCrypter                // Embedded plaintext sealer
   177  	writer      io.WriteCloser // 'writer' is a partialLengthWriter
   178  }
   180  // Write encrypts and writes bytes. It encrypts when necessary and buffers extra
   181  // plaintext bytes for next call. When the stream is finished, Close() MUST be
   182  // called to append the final tag.
   183  func (aw *aeadEncrypter) Write(plaintextBytes []byte) (n int, err error) {
   184  	// Append plaintextBytes to existing buffered bytes
   185  	n, err = aw.buffer.Write(plaintextBytes)
   186  	if err != nil {
   187  		return n, err
   188  	}
   189  	// Encrypt and write chunks
   190  	for aw.buffer.Len() >= aw.chunkSize {
   191  		plainChunk := aw.buffer.Next(aw.chunkSize)
   192  		encryptedChunk, err := aw.sealChunk(plainChunk)
   193  		if err != nil {
   194  			return n, err
   195  		}
   196  		_, err = aw.writer.Write(encryptedChunk)
   197  		if err != nil {
   198  			return n, err
   199  		}
   200  	}
   201  	return
   202  }
   204  // Close encrypts and writes the remaining buffered plaintext if any, appends
   205  // the final authentication tag, and closes the embedded writer. This function
   206  // MUST be called at the end of a stream.
   207  func (aw *aeadEncrypter) Close() (err error) {
   208  	// Encrypt and write a chunk if there's buffered data left, or if we haven't
   209  	// written any chunks yet.
   210  	if aw.buffer.Len() > 0 || aw.bytesProcessed == 0 {
   211  		plainChunk := aw.buffer.Bytes()
   212  		lastEncryptedChunk, err := aw.sealChunk(plainChunk)
   213  		if err != nil {
   214  			return err
   215  		}
   216  		_, err = aw.writer.Write(lastEncryptedChunk)
   217  		if err != nil {
   218  			return err
   219  		}
   220  	}
   221  	// Compute final tag (associated data: packet tag, version, cipher, aead,
   222  	// chunk size...
   223  	adata := aw.associatedData
   225  	if aw.aeadCrypter.packetTag == packetTypeAEADEncrypted {
   226  		// ... index ...
   227  		adata = append(aw.associatedData, aw.chunkIndex...)
   228  	}
   230  	// ... and total number of encrypted octets
   231  	amountBytes := make([]byte, 8)
   232  	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(amountBytes, uint64(aw.bytesProcessed))
   233  	adata = append(adata, amountBytes...)
   235  	nonce := aw.computeNextNonce()
   236  	finalTag := aw.aead.Seal(nil, nonce, nil, adata)
   237  	_, err = aw.writer.Write(finalTag)
   238  	if err != nil {
   239  		return err
   240  	}
   241  	return aw.writer.Close()
   242  }
   244  // sealChunk Encrypts and authenticates the given chunk.
   245  func (aw *aeadEncrypter) sealChunk(data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
   246  	if len(data) > aw.chunkSize {
   247  		return nil, errors.AEADError("chunk exceeds maximum length")
   248  	}
   249  	if aw.associatedData == nil {
   250  		return nil, errors.AEADError("can't seal without headers")
   251  	}
   252  	adata := aw.associatedData
   253  	if aw.aeadCrypter.packetTag == packetTypeAEADEncrypted {
   254  		adata = append(aw.associatedData, aw.chunkIndex...)
   255  	}
   257  	nonce := aw.computeNextNonce()
   258  	encrypted := aw.aead.Seal(nil, nonce, data, adata)
   259  	aw.bytesProcessed += len(data)
   260  	if err := aw.aeadCrypter.incrementIndex(); err != nil {
   261  		return nil, err
   262  	}
   263  	return encrypted, nil
   264  }

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