package gval import ( "context" "fmt" "regexp" "strings" "testing" "time" "" ) func TestParameterized(t *testing.T) { testEvaluate( []evaluationTest{ { name: "Single parameter modified by constant", expression: "foo + 2", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": 2.0, }, want: 4.0, }, { name: "Single parameter modified by variable", expression: "foo * bar", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": 5.0, "bar": 2.0, }, want: 10.0, }, { name: "Single parameter modified by variable", expression: `foo["hey"] * bar[1]`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": map[string]interface{}{"hey": 5.0}, "bar": []interface{}{7., 2.0}, }, want: 10.0, }, { name: "Multiple multiplications of the same parameter", expression: "foo * foo * foo", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": 10.0, }, want: 1000.0, }, { name: "Multiple additions of the same parameter", expression: "foo + foo + foo", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": 10.0, }, want: 30.0, }, { name: "NoSpaceOperator", expression: "true&&name", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "name": true, }, want: true, }, { name: "Parameter name sensitivity", expression: "foo + FoO + FOO", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": 8.0, "FoO": 4.0, "FOO": 2.0, }, want: 14.0, }, { name: "Sign prefix comparison against prefixed variable", expression: "-1 < -foo", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": -8.0}, want: true, }, { name: "Fixed-point parameter", expression: "foo > 1", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": 2}, want: true, }, { name: "Modifier after closing clause", expression: "(2 + 2) + 2 == 6", want: true, }, { name: "Comparator after closing clause", expression: "(2 + 2) >= 4", want: true, }, { name: "Two-boolean logical operation (for issue #8)", expression: "(foo == true) || (bar == true)", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": true, "bar": false, }, want: true, }, { name: "Two-variable integer logical operation (for issue #8)", expression: "foo > 10 && bar > 10", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": 1, "bar": 11, }, want: false, }, { name: "Regex against right-hand parameter", expression: `"foobar" =~ foo`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": "obar", }, want: true, }, { name: "Not-regex against right-hand parameter", expression: `"foobar" !~ foo`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": "baz", }, want: true, }, { name: "Regex against two parameter", expression: `foo =~ bar`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": "foobar", "bar": "oba", }, want: true, }, { name: "Not-regex against two parameter", expression: "foo !~ bar", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": "foobar", "bar": "baz", }, want: true, }, { name: "Pre-compiled regex", expression: "foo =~ bar", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": "foobar", "bar": regexp.MustCompile("[fF][oO]+"), }, want: true, }, { name: "Pre-compiled not-regex", expression: "foo !~ bar", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": "foobar", "bar": regexp.MustCompile("[fF][oO]+"), }, want: false, }, { name: "Single boolean parameter", expression: "commission ? 10", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "commission": true}, want: 10.0, }, { name: "True comparator with a parameter", expression: `partner == "amazon" ? 10`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "partner": "amazon"}, want: 10.0, }, { name: "False comparator with a parameter", expression: `partner == "amazon" ? 10`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "partner": "ebay"}, want: nil, }, { name: "True comparator with multiple parameters", expression: "theft && period == 24 ? 60", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "theft": true, "period": 24, }, want: 60.0, }, { name: "False comparator with multiple parameters", expression: "theft && period == 24 ? 60", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "theft": false, "period": 24, }, want: nil, }, { name: "String concat with single string parameter", expression: `foo + "bar"`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": "baz"}, want: "bazbar", }, { name: "String concat with multiple string parameter", expression: "foo + bar", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": "baz", "bar": "quux", }, want: "bazquux", }, { name: "String concat with float parameter", expression: "foo + bar", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": "baz", "bar": 123.0, }, want: "baz123", }, { name: "Mixed multiple string concat", expression: `foo + 123 + "bar" + true`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": "baz"}, want: "baz123bartrue", }, { name: "Integer width spectrum", expression: "uint8 + uint16 + uint32 + uint64 + int8 + int16 + int32 + int64", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "uint8": uint8(0), "uint16": uint16(0), "uint32": uint32(0), "uint64": uint64(0), "int8": int8(0), "int16": int16(0), "int32": int32(0), "int64": int64(0), }, want: 0.0, }, { name: "Null coalesce right", expression: "foo ?? 1.0", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": nil}, want: 1.0, }, { name: "Multiple comparator/logical operators (#30)", expression: "(foo >= 2887057408 && foo <= 2887122943) || (foo >= 168100864 && foo <= 168118271)", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": 2887057409}, want: true, }, { name: "Multiple comparator/logical operators, opposite order (#30)", expression: "(foo >= 168100864 && foo <= 168118271) || (foo >= 2887057408 && foo <= 2887122943)", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": 2887057409}, want: true, }, { name: "Multiple comparator/logical operators, small value (#30)", expression: "(foo >= 2887057408 && foo <= 2887122943) || (foo >= 168100864 && foo <= 168118271)", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": 168100865}, want: true, }, { name: "Multiple comparator/logical operators, small value, opposite order (#30)", expression: "(foo >= 168100864 && foo <= 168118271) || (foo >= 2887057408 && foo <= 2887122943)", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": 168100865}, want: true, }, { name: "Incomparable array equality comparison", expression: "arr == arr", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"arr": []int{0, 0, 0}}, want: true, }, { name: "Incomparable array not-equality comparison", expression: "arr != arr", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"arr": []int{0, 0, 0}}, want: false, }, { name: "Mixed function and parameters", expression: "sum(1.2, amount) + name", extension: Function("sum", func(arguments ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) { sum := 0.0 for _, v := range arguments { sum += v.(float64) } return sum, nil }, ), parameter: map[string]interface{}{"amount": .8, "name": "awesome", }, want: "2awesome", }, { name: "Short-circuit OR", expression: "true || fail()", extension: Function("fail", func(arguments ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Did not short-circuit") }), want: true, }, { name: "Short-circuit AND", expression: "false && fail()", extension: Function("fail", func(arguments ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Did not short-circuit") }), want: false, }, { name: "Short-circuit ternary", expression: "true ? 1 : fail()", extension: Function("fail", func(arguments ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Did not short-circuit") }), want: 1.0, }, { name: "Short-circuit coalesce", expression: `"foo" ?? fail()`, extension: Function("fail", func(arguments ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Did not short-circuit") }), want: "foo", }, { name: "Simple parameter call", expression: "foo.String", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: foo.String, }, { name: "Simple parameter function call", expression: "foo.Func()", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: "funk", }, { name: "Simple parameter call from pointer", expression: "fooptr.String", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"fooptr": &foo}, want: foo.String, }, { name: "Simple parameter function call from pointer", expression: "fooptr.Func()", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"fooptr": &foo}, want: "funk", }, { name: "Simple parameter call", expression: `foo.String == "hi"`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: false, }, { name: "Simple parameter call with modifier", expression: `foo.String + "hi"`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: foo.String + "hi", }, { name: "Simple parameter function call, two-arg return", expression: `foo.Func2()`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: "frink", }, { name: "Simple parameter function call, one arg", expression: `foo.FuncArgStr("boop")`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: "boop", }, { name: "Simple parameter function call, one arg", expression: `foo.FuncArgStr("boop") + "hi"`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: "boophi", }, { name: "Nested parameter function call", expression: `foo.Nested.Dunk("boop")`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: "boopdunk", }, { name: "Nested parameter call", expression: "foo.Nested.Funk", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: "funkalicious", }, { name: "Nested map call", expression: `foo.Nested.Map["a"]`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: 1, }, { name: "Nested slice call", expression: `foo.Nested.Slice[1]`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: 2, }, { name: "Parameter call with + modifier", expression: "1 + foo.Int", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: 102.0, }, { name: "Parameter string call with + modifier", expression: `"woop" + (foo.String)`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: "woopstring!", }, { name: "Parameter call with && operator", expression: "true && foo.BoolFalse", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: false, }, { name: "Null coalesce nested parameter", expression: "foo.Nil ?? false", parameter: map[string]interface{}{"foo": foo}, want: false, }, { name: "input functions", expression: "func1() + func2()", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "func1": func() float64 { return 2000 }, "func2": func() float64 { return 2001 }, }, want: 4001.0, }, { name: "input functions", expression: "func1(date1) + func2(date2)", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "date1": func() interface{} { y2k, _ := time.Parse("2006", "2000") return y2k }(), "date2": func() interface{} { y2k1, _ := time.Parse("2006", "2001") return y2k1 }(), }, extension: NewLanguage( Function("func1", func(arguments ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return float64(arguments[0].(time.Time).Year()), nil }), Function("func2", func(arguments ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return float64(arguments[0].(time.Time).Year()), nil }), ), want: 4001.0, }, { name: "complex64 number as parameter", expression: "complex64", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "complex64": complex64(0), "complex128": complex128(0), }, want: complex64(0), }, { name: "complex128 number as parameter", expression: "complex128", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "complex64": complex64(0), "complex128": complex128(0), }, want: complex128(0), }, { name: "coalesce with undefined", expression: "fooz ?? foo", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": "bar", }, want: "bar", }, { name: "map[interface{}]interface{}", expression: "foo", parameter: map[interface{}]interface{}{ "foo": "bar", }, want: "bar", }, { name: "method on pointer type", expression: "foo.PointerFunc()", parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "foo": &dummyParameter{}, }, want: "point", }, { name: "custom selector", expression: "", parameter: "!", extension: NewLanguage(Base(), VariableSelector(func(path Evaluables) Evaluable { return func(c context.Context, v interface{}) (interface{}, error) { keys, err := path.EvalStrings(c, v) if err != nil { return nil, err } return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", strings.Join(keys, " "), v), nil } })), want: "hello world!", }, { name: "map[int]int", expression: `a[0] + a[2]`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "a": map[int]int{0: 1, 2: 1}, }, want: 2., }, { name: "map[int]string", expression: `a[0] * a[2]`, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "a": map[int]string{0: "1", 2: "1"}, }, want: 1., }, { name: "coalesce typed nil 0", expression: `ProjectID ?? 0`, parameter: struct { ProjectID *uint }{}, want: 0., }, { name: "coalesce typed nil 99", expression: `ProjectID ?? 99`, parameter: struct { ProjectID *uint }{}, want: 99., }, { name: "operator with typed nil 99", expression: `ProjectID + 99`, parameter: struct { ProjectID *uint }{}, want: "99", }, { name: "operator with typed nil if", expression: `Flag ? 1 : 2`, parameter: struct { Flag *uint }{}, want: 2., }, { name: "Decimal math doesn't experience rounding error", expression: "(x * 12.146) - y", extension: decimalArithmetic, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "x": 12.5, "y": -5, }, want: decimal.NewFromFloat(156.825), equalityFunc: decimalEqualityFunc, }, { name: "Decimal logical operators fractional difference", expression: "((x * 12.146) - y) > 156.824999999", extension: decimalArithmetic, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "x": 12.5, "y": -5, }, want: true, }, { name: "Decimal logical operators whole number difference", expression: "((x * 12.146) - y) > 156", extension: decimalArithmetic, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "x": 12.5, "y": -5, }, want: true, }, { name: "Decimal logical operators exact decimal match against GT", expression: "((x * 12.146) - y) > 156.825", extension: decimalArithmetic, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "x": 12.5, "y": -5, }, want: false, }, { name: "Decimal logical operators exact equality", expression: "((x * 12.146) - y) == 156.825", extension: decimalArithmetic, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "x": 12.5, "y": -5, }, want: true, }, { name: "Decimal mixes with string logic with force fail", expression: `(((x * 12.146) - y) == 156.825) && a == "test" && !b && b`, extension: decimalArithmetic, parameter: map[string]interface{}{ "x": 12.5, "y": -5, "a": "test", "b": false, }, want: false, }, }, t, ) }