package framework import future.keywords.every import version := "@@FRAMEWORK_VERSION@@" device_mounted(target) { data.metadata.devices[target] } default deviceHash_ok := false # test if a device hash exists as a layer in a policy container deviceHash_ok { layer := data.policy.containers[_].layers[_] input.deviceHash == layer } # test if a device hash exists as a layer in a fragment container deviceHash_ok { feed := data.metadata.issuers[_].feeds[_] some fragment in feed layer := fragment.containers[_].layers[_] input.deviceHash == layer } default mount_device := {"allowed": false} mount_device := {"metadata": [addDevice], "allowed": true} { not device_mounted( deviceHash_ok addDevice := { "name": "devices", "action": "add", "key":, "value": input.deviceHash, } } default unmount_device := {"allowed": false} unmount_device := {"metadata": [removeDevice], "allowed": true} { device_mounted(input.unmountTarget) removeDevice := { "name": "devices", "action": "remove", "key": input.unmountTarget, } } layerPaths_ok(layers) { length := count(layers) count(input.layerPaths) == length every i, path in input.layerPaths { layers[(length - i) - 1] == data.metadata.devices[path] } } default overlay_exists := false overlay_exists { data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] } overlay_mounted(target) { data.metadata.overlayTargets[target] } default candidate_containers := [] candidate_containers := containers {, version) == 0 policy_containers := [c | c := data.policy.containers[_]] fragment_containers := [c | feed := data.metadata.issuers[_].feeds[_] fragment := feed[_] c := fragment.containers[_] ] containers := array.concat(policy_containers, fragment_containers) } candidate_containers := containers {, version) < 0 policy_containers := apply_defaults("container", data.policy.containers, policy_framework_version) fragment_containers := [c | feed := data.metadata.issuers[_].feeds[_] fragment := feed[_] c := fragment.containers[_] ] containers := array.concat(policy_containers, fragment_containers) } default mount_overlay := {"allowed": false} mount_overlay := {"metadata": [addMatches, addOverlayTarget], "allowed": true} { not overlay_exists containers := [container | container := candidate_containers[_] layerPaths_ok(container.layers) ] count(containers) > 0 addMatches := { "name": "matches", "action": "add", "key": input.containerID, "value": containers, } addOverlayTarget := { "name": "overlayTargets", "action": "add", "key":, "value": true, } } default unmount_overlay := {"allowed": false} unmount_overlay := {"metadata": [removeOverlayTarget], "allowed": true} { overlay_mounted(input.unmountTarget) removeOverlayTarget := { "name": "overlayTargets", "action": "remove", "key": input.unmountTarget, } } command_ok(command) { count(input.argList) == count(command) every i, arg in input.argList { command[i] == arg } } env_ok(pattern, "string", value) { pattern == value } env_ok(pattern, "re2", value) { regex.match(pattern, value) } rule_ok(rule, env) { not rule.required } rule_ok(rule, env) { rule.required env_ok(rule.pattern, rule.strategy, env) } envList_ok(env_rules, envList) { every rule in env_rules { some env in envList rule_ok(rule, env) } every env in envList { some rule in env_rules env_ok(rule.pattern, rule.strategy, env) } } valid_envs_subset(env_rules) := envs { envs := {env | some env in input.envList some rule in env_rules env_ok(rule.pattern, rule.strategy, env) } } valid_envs_for_all(items) := envs { allow_environment_variable_dropping # for each item, find a subset of the environment rules # that are valid valid := [envs | some item in items envs := valid_envs_subset(item.env_rules) ] # we want to select the most specific matches, which in this # case consists of those matches which require dropping the # fewest environment variables (i.e. the longest lists) counts := [num_envs | envs := valid[_] num_envs := count(envs) ] max_count := max(counts) largest_env_sets := {envs | some i counts[i] == max_count envs := valid[i] } # if there is more than one set with the same size, we # can only proceed if they are all the same, so we verify # that the intersection is equal to the union. For a single # set this is trivially true. envs_i := intersection(largest_env_sets) envs_u := union(largest_env_sets) envs_i == envs_u envs := envs_i } valid_envs_for_all(items) := envs { not allow_environment_variable_dropping # no dropping allowed, so we just return the input envs := input.envList } workingDirectory_ok(working_dir) { input.workingDir == working_dir } privileged_ok(elevation_allowed) { not input.privileged } privileged_ok(elevation_allowed) { input.privileged input.privileged == elevation_allowed } noNewPrivileges_ok(no_new_privileges) { no_new_privileges input.noNewPrivileges } noNewPrivileges_ok(no_new_privileges) { no_new_privileges == false } idName_ok(pattern, "any", value) { true } idName_ok(pattern, "id", value) { pattern == } idName_ok(pattern, "name", value) { pattern == } idName_ok(pattern, "re2", value) { regex.match(pattern, } user_ok(user) { user.umask == input.umask idName_ok(user.user_idname.pattern, user.user_idname.strategy, input.user) every group in input.groups { some group_idname in user.group_idnames idName_ok(group_idname.pattern, group_idname.strategy, group) } } seccomp_ok(seccomp_profile_sha256) { input.seccompProfileSHA256 == seccomp_profile_sha256 } default container_started := false container_started { data.metadata.started[input.containerID] } default container_privileged := false container_privileged { data.metadata.started[input.containerID].privileged } capsList_ok(allowed_caps_list, requested_caps_list) { count(allowed_caps_list) == count(requested_caps_list) every cap in requested_caps_list { some allowed in allowed_caps_list cap == allowed } every allowed in allowed_caps_list { some cap in requested_caps_list allowed == cap } } filter_capsList_by_allowed(allowed_caps_list, requested_caps_list) := caps { # find a subset of the capabilities that are valid caps := {cap | some cap in requested_caps_list some allowed in allowed_caps_list cap == allowed } } filter_capsList_for_single_container(allowed_caps) := caps { bounding := filter_capsList_by_allowed(allowed_caps.bounding, input.capabilities.bounding) effective := filter_capsList_by_allowed(allowed_caps.effective, input.capabilities.effective) inheritable := filter_capsList_by_allowed(allowed_caps.inheritable, input.capabilities.inheritable) permitted := filter_capsList_by_allowed(allowed_caps.permitted, input.capabilities.permitted) ambient := filter_capsList_by_allowed(allowed_caps.ambient, input.capabilities.ambient) caps := { "bounding": bounding, "effective": effective, "inheritable": inheritable, "permitted": permitted, "ambient": ambient } } largest_caps_sets_for_all(containers, privileged) := largest_caps_sets { filtered := [caps | container := containers[_] capabilities := get_capabilities(container, privileged) caps := filter_capsList_for_single_container(capabilities) ] # we want to select the most specific matches, which in this # case consists of those matches which require dropping the # fewest capabilities (i.e. the longest lists) counts := [num_caps | caps := filtered[_] num_caps := count(caps.bounding) + count(caps.effective) + count(caps.inheritable) + count(caps.permitted) + count(caps.ambient) ] max_count := max(counts) largest_caps_sets := [caps | some i counts[i] == max_count caps := filtered[i] ] } all_caps_sets_are_equal(sets) := caps { # if there is more than one set with the same size, we # can only proceed if they are all the same, so we verify # that the intersection is equal to the union. For a single # set this is trivially true. bounding_i := intersection({caps.bounding | caps := sets[_]}) effective_i := intersection({caps.effective | caps := sets[_]}) inheritable_i := intersection({caps.inheritable | caps := sets[_]}) permitted_i := intersection({caps.permitted | caps := sets[_]}) ambient_i := intersection({caps.ambient | caps := sets[_]}) bounding_u := union({caps.bounding | caps := sets[_]}) effective_u := union({caps.effective | caps := sets[_]}) inheritable_u := union({caps.inheritable | caps := sets[_]}) permitted_u := union({caps.permitted | caps := sets[_]}) ambient_u := union({caps.ambient | caps := sets[_]}) bounding_i == bounding_u effective_i == effective_u inheritable_i == inheritable_u permitted_i == permitted_u ambient_i == ambient_u caps := { "bounding": bounding_i, "effective": effective_i, "inheritable": inheritable_i, "permitted": permitted_i, "ambient": ambient_i, } } valid_caps_for_all(containers, privileged) := caps { allow_capability_dropping # find largest matching capabilities sets aka "the most specific" largest_caps_sets := largest_caps_sets_for_all(containers, privileged) # if there is more than one set with the same size, we # can only proceed if they are all the same caps := all_caps_sets_are_equal(largest_caps_sets) } valid_caps_for_all(containers, privileged) := caps { not allow_capability_dropping # no dropping allowed, so we just return the input caps := input.capabilities } caps_ok(allowed_caps, requested_caps) { capsList_ok(allowed_caps.bounding, requested_caps.bounding) capsList_ok(allowed_caps.effective, requested_caps.effective) capsList_ok(allowed_caps.inheritable, requested_caps.inheritable) capsList_ok(allowed_caps.permitted, requested_caps.permitted) capsList_ok(allowed_caps.ambient, requested_caps.ambient) } get_capabilities(container, privileged) := capabilities { container.capabilities != null capabilities := container.capabilities } default_privileged_capabilities := capabilities { caps := {cap | cap := data.defaultPrivilegedCapabilities[_]} capabilities := { "bounding": caps, "effective": caps, "inheritable": caps, "permitted": caps, "ambient": set(), } } get_capabilities(container, true) := capabilities { container.capabilities == null container.allow_elevated capabilities := default_privileged_capabilities } default_unprivileged_capabilities := capabilities { caps := {cap | cap := data.defaultUnprivilegedCapabilities[_]} capabilities := { "bounding": caps, "effective": caps, "inheritable": set(), "permitted": caps, "ambient": set(), } } get_capabilities(container, false) := capabilities { container.capabilities == null container.allow_elevated capabilities := default_unprivileged_capabilities } get_capabilities(container, privileged) := capabilities { container.capabilities == null not container.allow_elevated capabilities := default_unprivileged_capabilities } default create_container := {"allowed": false} create_container := {"metadata": [updateMatches, addStarted], "env_list": env_list, "caps_list": caps_list, "allow_stdio_access": allow_stdio_access, "allowed": true} { not container_started # narrow the matches based upon command, working directory, and # mount list possible_after_initial_containers := [container | container := data.metadata.matches[input.containerID][_] # NB any change to these narrowing conditions should be reflected in # the error handling, such that error messaging correctly reflects # the narrowing process. noNewPrivileges_ok(container.no_new_privileges) user_ok(container.user) privileged_ok(container.allow_elevated) workingDirectory_ok(container.working_dir) command_ok(container.command) mountList_ok(container.mounts, container.allow_elevated) seccomp_ok(container.seccomp_profile_sha256) ] count(possible_after_initial_containers) > 0 # check to see if the environment variables match, dropping # them if allowed (and necessary) env_list := valid_envs_for_all(possible_after_initial_containers) possible_after_env_containers := [container | container := possible_after_initial_containers[_] envList_ok(container.env_rules, env_list) ] count(possible_after_env_containers) > 0 # check to see if the capabilities variables match, dropping # them if allowed (and necessary) caps_list := valid_caps_for_all(possible_after_env_containers, input.privileged) possible_after_caps_containers := [container | container := possible_after_env_containers[_] caps_ok(get_capabilities(container, input.privileged), caps_list) ] count(possible_after_caps_containers) > 0 # set final container list containers := possible_after_caps_containers # we can't do narrowing based on allowing stdio access so at this point # every container from the policy that might match this create request # must have the same allow stdio value otherwise, we are in an undecidable # state allow_stdio_access := containers[0].allow_stdio_access every c in containers { c.allow_stdio_access == allow_stdio_access } updateMatches := { "name": "matches", "action": "update", "key": input.containerID, "value": containers, } addStarted := { "name": "started", "action": "add", "key": input.containerID, "value": { "privileged": input.privileged, }, } } mountSource_ok(constraint, source) { startswith(constraint, data.sandboxPrefix) newConstraint := replace(constraint, data.sandboxPrefix, input.sandboxDir) regex.match(newConstraint, source) } mountSource_ok(constraint, source) { startswith(constraint, data.hugePagesPrefix) newConstraint := replace(constraint, data.hugePagesPrefix, input.hugePagesDir) regex.match(newConstraint, source) } mountSource_ok(constraint, source) { startswith(constraint, data.plan9Prefix) some target, containerID in data.metadata.p9mounts source == target input.containerID == containerID } mountSource_ok(constraint, source) { constraint == source } mountConstraint_ok(constraint, mount) { mount.type == constraint.type mountSource_ok(constraint.source, mount.source) mount.destination != "" mount.destination == constraint.destination # the following check is not required (as the following tests will prove this # condition as well), however it will check whether those more expensive # tests need to be performed. count(mount.options) == count(constraint.options) every option in mount.options { some constraintOption in constraint.options option == constraintOption } every option in constraint.options { some mountOption in mount.options option == mountOption } } mount_ok(mounts, allow_elevated, mount) { some constraint in mounts mountConstraint_ok(constraint, mount) } mount_ok(mounts, allow_elevated, mount) { some constraint in data.defaultMounts mountConstraint_ok(constraint, mount) } mount_ok(mounts, allow_elevated, mount) { allow_elevated some constraint in data.privilegedMounts mountConstraint_ok(constraint, mount) } mountList_ok(mounts, allow_elevated) { every mount in input.mounts { mount_ok(mounts, allow_elevated, mount) } } default exec_in_container := {"allowed": false} exec_in_container := {"metadata": [updateMatches], "env_list": env_list, "caps_list": caps_list, "allowed": true} { container_started # narrow our matches based upon the process requested possible_after_initial_containers := [container | container := data.metadata.matches[input.containerID][_] # NB any change to these narrowing conditions should be reflected in # the error handling, such that error messaging correctly reflects # the narrowing process. workingDirectory_ok(container.working_dir) noNewPrivileges_ok(container.no_new_privileges) user_ok(container.user) some process in container.exec_processes command_ok(process.command) ] count(possible_after_initial_containers) > 0 # check to see if the environment variables match, dropping # them if allowed (and necessary) env_list := valid_envs_for_all(possible_after_initial_containers) possible_after_env_containers := [container | container := possible_after_initial_containers[_] envList_ok(container.env_rules, env_list) ] count(possible_after_env_containers) > 0 # check to see if the capabilities variables match, dropping # them if allowed (and necessary) caps_list := valid_caps_for_all(possible_after_env_containers, container_privileged) possible_after_caps_containers := [container | container := possible_after_env_containers[_] caps_ok(get_capabilities(container, container_privileged), caps_list) ] count(possible_after_caps_containers) > 0 # set final container list containers := possible_after_caps_containers updateMatches := { "name": "matches", "action": "update", "key": input.containerID, "value": containers, } } default shutdown_container := {"allowed": false} shutdown_container := {"started": remove, "metadata": [remove], "allowed": true} { container_started remove := { "name": "matches", "action": "remove", "key": input.containerID, } } default signal_container_process := {"allowed": false} signal_container_process := {"metadata": [updateMatches], "allowed": true} { container_started input.isInitProcess containers := [container | container := data.metadata.matches[input.containerID][_] signal_ok(container.signals) ] count(containers) > 0 updateMatches := { "name": "matches", "action": "update", "key": input.containerID, "value": containers, } } signal_container_process := {"metadata": [updateMatches], "allowed": true} { container_started not input.isInitProcess containers := [container | container := data.metadata.matches[input.containerID][_] some process in container.exec_processes command_ok(process.command) signal_ok(process.signals) ] count(containers) > 0 updateMatches := { "name": "matches", "action": "update", "key": input.containerID, "value": containers, } } signal_ok(signals) { some signal in signals input.signal == signal } plan9_mounted(target) { data.metadata.p9mounts[target] } default plan9_mount := {"allowed": false} plan9_mount := {"metadata": [addPlan9Target], "allowed": true} { not plan9_mounted( some containerID, _ in data.metadata.matches pattern := concat("", [input.rootPrefix, "/", containerID, input.mountPathPrefix]) regex.match(pattern, addPlan9Target := { "name": "p9mounts", "action": "add", "key":, "value": containerID, } } default plan9_unmount := {"allowed": false} plan9_unmount := {"metadata": [removePlan9Target], "allowed": true} { plan9_mounted(input.unmountTarget) removePlan9Target := { "name": "p9mounts", "action": "remove", "key": input.unmountTarget, } } default enforcement_point_info := {"available": false, "default_results": {"allow": false}, "unknown": true, "invalid": false, "version_missing": false} enforcement_point_info := {"available": false, "default_results": {"allow": false}, "unknown": false, "invalid": false, "version_missing": true} { policy_api_version == null } enforcement_point_info := {"available": available, "default_results": default_results, "unknown": false, "invalid": false, "version_missing": false} { enforcement_point := data.api.enforcement_points[], enforcement_point.introducedVersion) >= 0 available :=, enforcement_point.introducedVersion) >= 0 default_results := enforcement_point.default_results } enforcement_point_info := {"available": false, "default_results": {"allow": false}, "unknown": false, "invalid": true, "version_missing": false} { enforcement_point := data.api.enforcement_points[], enforcement_point.introducedVersion) < 0 } default candidate_external_processes := [] candidate_external_processes := external_processes {, version) == 0 policy_external_processes := [e | e := data.policy.external_processes[_]] fragment_external_processes := [e | feed := data.metadata.issuers[_].feeds[_] fragment := feed[_] e := fragment.external_processes[_] ] external_processes := array.concat(policy_external_processes, fragment_external_processes) } candidate_external_processes := external_processes {, version) < 0 policy_external_processes := apply_defaults("external_process", data.policy.external_processes, policy_framework_version) fragment_external_processes := [e | feed := data.metadata.issuers[_].feeds[_] fragment := feed[_] e := fragment.external_processes[_] ] external_processes := array.concat(policy_external_processes, fragment_external_processes) } external_process_ok(process) { command_ok(process.command) envList_ok(process.env_rules, input.envList) workingDirectory_ok(process.working_dir) } default exec_external := {"allowed": false} exec_external := {"allowed": true, "allow_stdio_access": allow_stdio_access, "env_list": env_list} { possible_processes := [process | process := candidate_external_processes[_] # NB any change to these narrowing conditions should be reflected in # the error handling, such that error messaging correctly reflects # the narrowing process. workingDirectory_ok(process.working_dir) command_ok(process.command) ] count(possible_processes) > 0 # check to see if the environment variables match, dropping # them if allowed (and necessary) env_list := valid_envs_for_all(possible_processes) processes := [process | process := possible_processes[_] envList_ok(process.env_rules, env_list) ] count(processes) > 0 allow_stdio_access := processes[0].allow_stdio_access every p in processes { p.allow_stdio_access == allow_stdio_access } } default get_properties := {"allowed": false} get_properties := {"allowed": true} { allow_properties_access } default dump_stacks := {"allowed": false} dump_stacks := {"allowed": true} { allow_dump_stacks } default runtime_logging := {"allowed": false} runtime_logging := {"allowed": true} { allow_runtime_logging } default fragment_containers := [] fragment_containers := data[input.namespace].containers default fragment_fragments := [] fragment_fragments := data[input.namespace].fragments default fragment_external_processes := [] fragment_external_processes := data[input.namespace].external_processes apply_defaults(name, raw_values, framework_version) := values {, version) == 0 values := raw_values } apply_defaults("container", raw_values, framework_version) := values {, version) < 0 values := [checked | raw := raw_values[_] checked := check_container(raw, framework_version) ] } apply_defaults("external_process", raw_values, framework_version) := values {, version) < 0 values := [checked | raw := raw_values[_] checked := check_external_process(raw, framework_version) ] } apply_defaults("fragment", raw_values, framework_version) := values {, version) < 0 values := [checked | raw := raw_values[_] checked := check_fragment(raw, framework_version) ] } default fragment_framework_version := null fragment_framework_version := data[input.namespace].framework_version extract_fragment_includes(includes) := fragment { framework_version := fragment_framework_version objects := { "containers": apply_defaults("container", fragment_containers, framework_version), "fragments": apply_defaults("fragment", fragment_fragments, framework_version), "external_processes": apply_defaults("external_process", fragment_external_processes, framework_version) } fragment := { include: objects[include] | include := includes[_] } } issuer_exists(iss) { data.metadata.issuers[iss] } feed_exists(iss, feed) { data.metadata.issuers[iss].feeds[feed] } update_issuer(includes) := issuer { feed_exists(input.issuer, input.feed) old_issuer := data.metadata.issuers[input.issuer] old_fragments := old_issuer.feeds[input.feed] new_issuer := {"feeds": {input.feed: array.concat([extract_fragment_includes(includes)], old_fragments)}} issuer := object.union(old_issuer, new_issuer) } update_issuer(includes) := issuer { not feed_exists(input.issuer, input.feed) old_issuer := data.metadata.issuers[input.issuer] new_issuer := {"feeds": {input.feed: [extract_fragment_includes(includes)]}} issuer := object.union(old_issuer, new_issuer) } update_issuer(includes) := issuer { not issuer_exists(input.issuer) issuer := {"feeds": {input.feed: [extract_fragment_includes(includes)]}} } default candidate_fragments := [] candidate_fragments := fragments {, version) == 0 policy_fragments := [f | f := data.policy.fragments[_]] fragment_fragments := [f | feed := data.metadata.issuers[_].feeds[_] fragment := feed[_] f := fragment.fragments[_] ] fragments := array.concat(policy_fragments, fragment_fragments) } candidate_fragments := fragments {, version) < 0 policy_fragments := apply_defaults("fragment", data.policy.fragments, policy_framework_version) fragment_fragments := [f | feed := data.metadata.issuers[_].feeds[_] fragment := feed[_] f := fragment.fragments[_] ] fragments := array.concat(policy_fragments, fragment_fragments) } default load_fragment := {"allowed": false} svn_ok(svn, minimum_svn) { # deprecated semver.is_valid(svn) semver.is_valid(minimum_svn), minimum_svn) >= 0 } svn_ok(svn, minimum_svn) { to_number(svn) >= to_number(minimum_svn) } fragment_ok(fragment) { input.issuer == fragment.issuer input.feed == fragment.feed svn_ok(data[input.namespace].svn, fragment.minimum_svn) } load_fragment := {"metadata": [updateIssuer], "add_module": add_module, "allowed": true} { some fragment in candidate_fragments fragment_ok(fragment) issuer := update_issuer(fragment.includes) updateIssuer := { "name": "issuers", "action": "update", "key": input.issuer, "value": issuer, } add_module := "namespace" in fragment.includes } default scratch_mount := {"allowed": false} scratch_mounted(target) { data.metadata.scratch_mounts[target] } scratch_mount := {"metadata": [add_scratch_mount], "allowed": true} { not scratch_mounted( allow_unencrypted_scratch add_scratch_mount := { "name": "scratch_mounts", "action": "add", "key":, "value": {"encrypted": input.encrypted}, } } scratch_mount := {"metadata": [add_scratch_mount], "allowed": true} { not scratch_mounted( not allow_unencrypted_scratch input.encrypted add_scratch_mount := { "name": "scratch_mounts", "action": "add", "key":, "value": {"encrypted": input.encrypted}, } } default scratch_unmount := {"allowed": false} scratch_unmount := {"metadata": [remove_scratch_mount], "allowed": true} { scratch_mounted(input.unmountTarget) remove_scratch_mount := { "name": "scratch_mounts", "action": "remove", "key": input.unmountTarget, } } reason := { "errors": errors, "error_objects": error_objects } ################################################################ # Error messages ################################################################ errors["deviceHash not found"] { input.rule == "mount_device" not deviceHash_ok } errors["device already mounted at path"] { input.rule == "mount_device" device_mounted( } errors["no device at path to unmount"] { input.rule == "unmount_device" not device_mounted(input.unmountTarget) } errors["container already started"] { input.rule == "create_container" container_started } errors["container not started"] { input.rule in ["exec_in_container", "shutdown_container", "signal_container_process"] not container_started } errors["overlay has already been mounted"] { input.rule == "mount_overlay" overlay_exists } default overlay_matches := false overlay_matches { some container in candidate_containers layerPaths_ok(container.layers) } errors["no overlay at path to unmount"] { input.rule == "unmount_overlay" not overlay_mounted(input.unmountTarget) } errors["no matching containers for overlay"] { input.rule == "mount_overlay" not overlay_matches } default privileged_matches := false privileged_matches { input.rule == "create_container" some container in data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] privileged_ok(container.allow_elevated) } errors["privileged escalation not allowed"] { input.rule in ["create_container"] not privileged_matches } default command_matches := false command_matches { input.rule == "create_container" some container in data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] command_ok(container.command) } command_matches { input.rule == "exec_in_container" some container in data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] some process in container.exec_processes command_ok(process.command) } command_matches { input.rule == "exec_external" some process in candidate_external_processes command_ok(process.command) } errors["invalid command"] { input.rule in ["create_container", "exec_in_container", "exec_external"] not command_matches } env_matches(env) { input.rule in ["create_container", "exec_in_container"] some container in data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] some rule in container.env_rules env_ok(rule.pattern, rule.strategy, env) } env_matches(env) { input.rule in ["exec_external"] some process in candidate_external_processes some rule in process.env_rules env_ok(rule.pattern, rule.strategy, env) } errors[envError] { input.rule in ["create_container", "exec_in_container", "exec_external"] bad_envs := [invalid | env := input.envList[_] not env_matches(env) parts := split(env, "=") invalid = parts[0] ] count(bad_envs) > 0 envError := concat(" ", ["invalid env list:", concat(",", bad_envs)]) } env_rule_matches(rule) { some env in input.envList env_ok(rule.pattern, rule.strategy, env) } errors["missing required environment variable"] { input.rule == "create_container" not container_started possible_containers := [container | container := data.metadata.matches[input.containerID][_] noNewPrivileges_ok(container.no_new_privileges) user_ok(container.user) privileged_ok(container.allow_elevated) workingDirectory_ok(container.working_dir) command_ok(container.command) mountList_ok(container.mounts, container.allow_elevated) ] count(possible_containers) > 0 containers := [container | container := possible_containers[_] missing_rules := {invalid | invalid := {rule | rule := container.env_rules[_] rule.required not env_rule_matches(rule) } count(invalid) > 0 } count(missing_rules) > 0 ] count(containers) > 0 } errors["missing required environment variable"] { input.rule == "exec_in_container" container_started possible_containers := [container | container := data.metadata.matches[input.containerID][_] noNewPrivileges_ok(container.no_new_privileges) user_ok(container.user) workingDirectory_ok(container.working_dir) some process in container.exec_processes command_ok(process.command) ] count(possible_containers) > 0 containers := [container | container := possible_containers[_] missing_rules := {invalid | invalid := {rule | rule := container.env_rules[_] rule.required not env_rule_matches(rule) } count(invalid) > 0 } count(missing_rules) > 0 ] count(containers) > 0 } errors["missing required environment variable"] { input.rule == "exec_external" possible_processes := [process | process := candidate_external_processes[_] workingDirectory_ok(process.working_dir) command_ok(process.command) ] count(possible_processes) > 0 processes := [process | process := possible_processes[_] missing_rules := {invalid | invalid := {rule | rule := process.env_rules[_] rule.required not env_rule_matches(rule) } count(invalid) > 0 } count(missing_rules) > 0 ] count(processes) > 0 } default workingDirectory_matches := false workingDirectory_matches { input.rule in ["create_container", "exec_in_container"] some container in data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] workingDirectory_ok(container.working_dir) } workingDirectory_matches { input.rule == "exec_external" some process in candidate_external_processes workingDirectory_ok(process.working_dir) } errors["invalid working directory"] { input.rule in ["create_container", "exec_in_container", "exec_external"] not workingDirectory_matches } mount_matches(mount) { some container in data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] mount_ok(container.mounts, container.allow_elevated, mount) } errors[mountError] { input.rule == "create_container" bad_mounts := [mount.destination | mount := input.mounts[_] not mount_matches(mount) ] count(bad_mounts) > 0 mountError := concat(" ", ["invalid mount list:", concat(",", bad_mounts)]) } default signal_allowed := false signal_allowed { some container in data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] signal_ok(container.signals) } signal_allowed { some container in data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] some process in container.exec_processes command_ok(process.command) signal_ok(process.signals) } errors["target isn't allowed to receive the signal"] { input.rule == "signal_container_process" not signal_allowed } errors["device already mounted at path"] { input.rule == "plan9_mount" plan9_mounted( } errors["no device at path to unmount"] { input.rule == "plan9_unmount" not plan9_mounted(input.unmountTarget) } default fragment_issuer_matches := false fragment_issuer_matches { some fragment in candidate_fragments fragment.issuer == input.issuer } errors["invalid fragment issuer"] { input.rule == "load_fragment" not fragment_issuer_matches } default fragment_feed_matches := false fragment_feed_matches { some fragment in candidate_fragments fragment.issuer == input.issuer fragment.feed == input.feed } fragment_feed_matches { input.feed in data.metadata.issuers[input.issuer] } errors["invalid fragment feed"] { input.rule == "load_fragment" fragment_issuer_matches not fragment_feed_matches } default fragment_version_is_valid := false fragment_version_is_valid { some fragment in candidate_fragments fragment.issuer == input.issuer fragment.feed == input.feed svn_ok(data[input.namespace].svn, fragment.minimum_svn) } default svn_mismatch := false svn_mismatch { some fragment in candidate_fragments fragment.issuer == input.issuer fragment.feed == input.feed to_number(data[input.namespace].svn) semver.is_valid(fragment.minimum_svn) } svn_mismatch { some fragment in candidate_fragments fragment.issuer == input.issuer fragment.feed == input.feed semver.is_valid(data[input.namespace].svn) to_number(fragment.minimum_svn) } errors["fragment svn is below the specified minimum"] { input.rule == "load_fragment" fragment_feed_matches not svn_mismatch not fragment_version_is_valid } errors["fragment svn and the specified minimum are different types"] { input.rule == "load_fragment" fragment_feed_matches svn_mismatch } errors["scratch already mounted at path"] { input.rule == "scratch_mount" scratch_mounted( } errors["unencrypted scratch not allowed"] { input.rule == "scratch_mount" not allow_unencrypted_scratch not input.encrypted } errors["no scratch at path to unmount"] { input.rule == "scratch_unmount" not scratch_mounted(input.unmountTarget) } errors[framework_version_error] { policy_framework_version == null framework_version_error := concat(" ", ["framework_version is missing. Current version:", version]) } errors[framework_version_error] {, version) > 0 framework_version_error := concat(" ", ["framework_version is ahead of the current version:", policy_framework_version, "is greater than", version]) } errors[fragment_framework_version_error] { input.namespace fragment_framework_version == null fragment_framework_version_error := concat(" ", ["fragment framework_version is missing. Current version:", version]) } errors[fragment_framework_version_error] { input.namespace, version) > 0 fragment_framework_version_error := concat(" ", ["fragment framework_version is ahead of the current version:", fragment_framework_version, "is greater than", version]) } errors["containers only distinguishable by allow_stdio_access"] { input.rule == "create_container" not container_started possible_after_initial_containers := [container | container := data.metadata.matches[input.containerID][_] noNewPrivileges_ok(container.no_new_privileges) user_ok(container.user) privileged_ok(container.allow_elevated) workingDirectory_ok(container.working_dir) command_ok(container.command) mountList_ok(container.mounts, container.allow_elevated) seccomp_ok(container.seccomp_profile_sha256) ] count(possible_after_initial_containers) > 0 # check to see if the environment variables match, dropping # them if allowed (and necessary) env_list := valid_envs_for_all(possible_after_initial_containers) possible_after_env_containers := [container | container := possible_after_initial_containers[_] envList_ok(container.env_rules, env_list) ] count(possible_after_env_containers) > 0 # check to see if the capabilities variables match, dropping # them if allowed (and necessary) caps_list := valid_caps_for_all(possible_after_env_containers, input.privileged) possible_after_caps_containers := [container | container := possible_after_env_containers[_] caps_ok(get_capabilities(container, input.privileged), caps_list) ] count(possible_after_caps_containers) > 0 # set final container list containers := possible_after_caps_containers allow_stdio_access := containers[0].allow_stdio_access some c in containers c.allow_stdio_access != allow_stdio_access } errors["external processes only distinguishable by allow_stdio_access"] { input.rule == "exec_external" possible_processes := [process | process := candidate_external_processes[_] workingDirectory_ok(process.working_dir) command_ok(process.command) ] count(possible_processes) > 0 # check to see if the environment variables match, dropping # them if allowed (and necessary) env_list := valid_envs_for_all(possible_processes) processes := [process | process := possible_processes[_] envList_ok(process.env_rules, env_list) ] count(processes) > 0 allow_stdio_access := processes[0].allow_stdio_access some p in processes p.allow_stdio_access != allow_stdio_access } default noNewPrivileges_matches := false noNewPrivileges_matches { input.rule == "create_container" some container in data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] noNewPrivileges_ok(container.no_new_privileges) } noNewPrivileges_matches { input.rule == "exec_in_container" some container in data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] some process in container.exec_processes command_ok(process.command) workingDirectory_ok(process.working_dir) noNewPrivileges_ok(process.no_new_privileges) } errors["invalid noNewPrivileges"] { input.rule in ["create_container", "exec_in_container"] not noNewPrivileges_matches } default user_matches := false user_matches { input.rule == "create_container" some container in data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] user_ok(container.user) } user_matches { input.rule == "exec_in_container" some container in data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] some process in container.exec_processes command_ok(process.command) workingDirectory_ok(process.working_dir) user_ok(process.user) } errors["invalid user"] { input.rule in ["create_container", "exec_in_container"] not user_matches } errors["capabilities don't match"] { input.rule == "create_container" not container_started possible_after_initial_containers := [container | container := data.metadata.matches[input.containerID][_] privileged_ok(container.allow_elevated) noNewPrivileges_ok(container.no_new_privileges) user_ok(container.user) workingDirectory_ok(container.working_dir) command_ok(container.command) mountList_ok(container.mounts, container.allow_elevated) seccomp_ok(container.seccomp_profile_sha256) ] count(possible_after_initial_containers) > 0 # check to see if the environment variables match, dropping # them if allowed (and necessary) env_list := valid_envs_for_all(possible_after_initial_containers) possible_after_env_containers := [container | container := possible_after_initial_containers[_] envList_ok(container.env_rules, env_list) ] count(possible_after_env_containers) > 0 # check to see if the capabilities variables match, dropping # them if allowed (and necessary) caps_list := valid_caps_for_all(possible_after_env_containers, input.privileged) possible_after_caps_containers := [container | container := possible_after_env_containers[_] caps_ok(get_capabilities(container, input.privileged), caps_list) ] count(possible_after_caps_containers) == 0 } errors["capabilities don't match"] { input.rule == "exec_in_container" container_started possible_after_initial_containers := [container | container := data.metadata.matches[input.containerID][_] workingDirectory_ok(container.working_dir) noNewPrivileges_ok(container.no_new_privileges) user_ok(container.user) some process in container.exec_processes command_ok(process.command) ] count(possible_after_initial_containers) > 0 # check to see if the environment variables match, dropping # them if allowed (and necessary) env_list := valid_envs_for_all(possible_after_initial_containers) possible_after_env_containers := [container | container := possible_after_initial_containers[_] envList_ok(container.env_rules, env_list) ] count(possible_after_env_containers) > 0 # check to see if the capabilities variables match, dropping # them if allowed (and necessary) caps_list := valid_caps_for_all(possible_after_env_containers, container_privileged) possible_after_caps_containers := [container | container := possible_after_env_containers[_] caps_ok(get_capabilities(container, container_privileged), caps_list) ] count(possible_after_caps_containers) == 0 } # covers exec_in_container as well. it shouldn't be possible to ever get # an exec_in_container as it "inherits" capabilities rules from create_container errors["containers only distinguishable by capabilties"] { input.rule == "create_container" allow_capability_dropping not container_started # narrow the matches based upon command, working directory, and # mount list possible_after_initial_containers := [container | container := data.metadata.matches[input.containerID][_] # NB any change to these narrowing conditions should be reflected in # the error handling, such that error messaging correctly reflects # the narrowing process. noNewPrivileges_ok(container.no_new_privileges) user_ok(container.user) privileged_ok(container.allow_elevated) workingDirectory_ok(container.working_dir) command_ok(container.command) mountList_ok(container.mounts, container.allow_elevated) ] count(possible_after_initial_containers) > 0 # check to see if the environment variables match, dropping # them if allowed (and necessary) env_list := valid_envs_for_all(possible_after_initial_containers) possible_after_env_containers := [container | container := possible_after_initial_containers[_] envList_ok(container.env_rules, env_list) ] count(possible_after_env_containers) > 0 largest := largest_caps_sets_for_all(possible_after_env_containers, input.privileged) not all_caps_sets_are_equal(largest) } default seccomp_matches := false seccomp_matches { input.rule == "create_container" some container in data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] seccomp_ok(container.seccomp_profile_sha256) } errors["invalid seccomp"] { input.rule == "create_container" not seccomp_matches } default error_objects := null error_objects := containers { input.rule == "create_container" containers := data.metadata.matches[input.containerID] } error_objects := processes { input.rule == "exec_in_container" processes := [process | container := data.metadata.matches[input.containerID][_] process := container.exec_processes[_] ] } error_objects := processes { input.rule == "exec_external" processes := candidate_external_processes } error_objects := fragments { input.rule == "load_fragment" fragments := candidate_fragments } ################################################################################ # Logic for providing backwards compatibility for framework data objects ################################################################################ check_container(raw_container, framework_version) := container {, version) == 0 container := raw_container } check_container(raw_container, framework_version) := container {, version) < 0 container := { # Base fields "command": raw_container.command, "env_rules": raw_container.env_rules, "layers": raw_container.layers, "mounts": raw_container.mounts, "allow_elevated": raw_container.allow_elevated, "working_dir": raw_container.working_dir, "exec_processes": raw_container.exec_processes, "signals": raw_container.signals, "allow_stdio_access": raw_container.allow_stdio_access, # Additional fields need to have default logic applied "no_new_privileges": check_no_new_privileges(raw_container, framework_version), "user": check_user(raw_container, framework_version), "capabilities": check_capabilities(raw_container, framework_version), "seccomp_profile_sha256": check_seccomp_profile_sha256(raw_container, framework_version), } } check_no_new_privileges(raw_container, framework_version) := no_new_privileges {, "0.2.0") >= 0 no_new_privileges := raw_container.no_new_privileges } check_no_new_privileges(raw_container, framework_version) := no_new_privileges {, "0.2.0") < 0 no_new_privileges := false } check_user(raw_container, framework_version) := user {, "0.2.1") >= 0 user := raw_container.user } check_user(raw_container, framework_version) := user {, "0.2.1") < 0 user := { "umask": "0022", "user_idname": { "pattern": "", "strategy": "any" }, "group_idnames": [ { "pattern": "", "strategy": "any" } ] } } check_capabilities(raw_container, framework_version) := capabilities {, "0.2.2") >= 0 capabilities := raw_container.capabilities } check_capabilities(raw_container, framework_version) := capabilities {, "0.2.2") < 0 # we cannot determine a reasonable default at the time this is called, # which is either during `mount_overlay` or `load_fragment`, and so # we set it to `null`, which indicates that the capabilities should # be determined dynamically when needed. capabilities := null } check_seccomp_profile_sha256(raw_container, framework_version) := seccomp_profile_sha256 {, "0.2.3") >= 0 seccomp_profile_sha256 := raw_container.seccomp_profile_sha256 } check_seccomp_profile_sha256(raw_container, framework_version) := seccomp_profile_sha256 {, "0.2.3") < 0 seccomp_profile_sha256 := "" } check_external_process(raw_process, framework_version) := process {, version) == 0 process := raw_process } check_external_process(raw_process, framework_version) := process {, version) < 0 process := { # Base fields "command": raw_process.command, "env_rules": raw_process.env_rules, "working_dir": raw_process.working_dir, "allow_stdio_access": raw_process.allow_stdio_access, # Additional fields need to have default logic applied } } check_fragment(raw_fragment, framework_version) := fragment {, version) == 0 fragment := raw_fragment } check_fragment(raw_fragment, framework_version) := fragment {, version) < 0 fragment := { # Base fields "issuer": raw_fragment.issuer, "feed": raw_fragment.feed, "minimum_svn": raw_fragment.minimum_svn, "includes": raw_fragment.includes, # Additional fields need to have default logic applied } } # base policy-level flags allow_properties_access := data.policy.allow_properties_access allow_dump_stacks := data.policy.allow_dump_stacks allow_runtime_logging := data.policy.allow_runtime_logging allow_environment_variable_dropping := data.policy.allow_environment_variable_dropping allow_unencrypted_scratch := data.policy.allow_unencrypted_scratch # all flags not in the base set need to have default logic applied default allow_capability_dropping := false allow_capability_dropping := flag {, "0.2.2") >= 0 flag := data.policy.allow_capability_dropping } default policy_framework_version := null default policy_api_version := null policy_framework_version := data.policy.framework_version policy_api_version := data.policy.api_version # deprecated policy_framework_version := data.policy.framework_svn policy_api_version := data.policy.api_svn fragment_framework_version := data[input.namespace].framework_svn