
Source file src/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/uvm/types.go

Documentation: github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/uvm

     1  //go:build windows
     3  package uvm
     5  import (
     6  	"net"
     7  	"sync"
     9  	"github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid"
    10  	"golang.org/x/sys/windows"
    12  	"github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/gcs"
    13  	"github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/hcs"
    14  	"github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/hcs/schema1"
    15  	"github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/hns"
    16  )
    18  //                    | WCOW | LCOW
    19  // Container scratch  | SCSI | SCSI
    20  // Scratch space      | ---- | SCSI   // For file system utilities. /tmp/scratch
    21  // Read-Only Layer    | VSMB | VPMEM
    22  // Mapped Directory   | VSMB | PLAN9
    24  type nicInfo struct {
    25  	ID       string
    26  	Endpoint *hns.HNSEndpoint
    27  }
    29  type namespaceInfo struct {
    30  	nics map[string]*nicInfo
    31  }
    33  // UtilityVM is the object used by clients representing a utility VM
    34  type UtilityVM struct {
    35  	id               string               // Identifier for the utility VM (user supplied or generated)
    36  	runtimeID        guid.GUID            // Hyper-V VM ID
    37  	owner            string               // Owner for the utility VM (user supplied or generated)
    38  	operatingSystem  string               // "windows" or "linux"
    39  	hcsSystem        *hcs.System          // The handle to the compute system
    40  	gcListener       net.Listener         // The GCS connection listener
    41  	gc               *gcs.GuestConnection // The GCS connection
    42  	processorCount   int32
    43  	physicallyBacked bool       // If the uvm is backed by physical memory and not virtual memory
    44  	m                sync.Mutex // Lock for adding/removing devices
    46  	exitErr error
    47  	exitCh  chan struct{}
    49  	// devicesPhysicallyBacked indicates if additional devices added to a uvm should be
    50  	// entirely physically backed
    51  	devicesPhysicallyBacked bool
    53  	// GCS bridge protocol and capabilities
    54  	protocol  uint32
    55  	guestCaps schema1.GuestDefinedCapabilities
    57  	// containerCounter is the current number of containers that have been
    58  	// created. This is never decremented in the life of the UVM.
    59  	//
    60  	// NOTE: All accesses to this MUST be done atomically.
    61  	containerCounter uint64
    63  	// noWritableFileShares disables mounting any writable vSMB or Plan9 shares
    64  	// on the uVM. This prevents containers in the uVM modifying files and directories
    65  	// made available via the "mounts" options in the container spec, or shared
    66  	// to the uVM directly.
    67  	// This option does not prevent writable SCSI mounts.
    68  	noWritableFileShares bool
    70  	// VSMB shares that are mapped into a Windows UVM. These are used for read-only
    71  	// layers and mapped directories.
    72  	// We maintain two sets of maps, `vsmbDirShares` tracks shares that are
    73  	// unrestricted mappings of directories. `vsmbFileShares` tracks shares that
    74  	// are restricted to some subset of files in the directory. This is used as
    75  	// part of a temporary fix to allow WCOW single-file mapping to function.
    76  	vsmbDirShares   map[string]*VSMBShare
    77  	vsmbFileShares  map[string]*VSMBShare
    78  	vsmbCounter     uint64 // Counter to generate a unique share name for each VSMB share.
    79  	vsmbNoDirectMap bool   // indicates if VSMB devices should be added with the `NoDirectMap` option
    81  	// VPMEM devices that are mapped into a Linux UVM. These are used for read-only layers, or for
    82  	// booting from VHD.
    83  	vpmemMaxCount           uint32 // The max number of VPMem devices.
    84  	vpmemMaxSizeBytes       uint64 // The max size of the layer in bytes per vPMem device.
    85  	vpmemMultiMapping       bool   // Enable mapping multiple VHDs onto a single VPMem device
    86  	vpmemDevicesDefault     [MaxVPMEMCount]*vPMemInfoDefault
    87  	vpmemDevicesMultiMapped [MaxVPMEMCount]*vPMemInfoMulti
    89  	// SCSI devices that are mapped into a Windows or Linux utility VM
    90  	scsiLocations       [4][64]*SCSIMount // Hyper-V supports 4 controllers, 64 slots per controller. Limited to 1 controller for now though.
    91  	scsiControllerCount uint32            // Number of SCSI controllers in the utility VM
    92  	encryptScratch      bool              // Enable scratch encryption
    94  	vpciDevices map[VPCIDeviceKey]*VPCIDevice // map of device instance id to vpci device
    96  	// Plan9 are directories mapped into a Linux utility VM
    97  	plan9Counter uint64 // Each newly-added plan9 share has a counter used as its ID in the ResourceURI and for the name
    99  	namespaces map[string]*namespaceInfo
   101  	outputListener       net.Listener
   102  	outputProcessingDone chan struct{}
   103  	outputHandler        OutputHandler
   105  	entropyListener net.Listener
   107  	// Handle to the vmmem process associated with this UVM. Used to look up
   108  	// memory metrics for the UVM.
   109  	vmmemProcess windows.Handle
   110  	// Tracks the error returned when looking up the vmmem process.
   111  	vmmemErr error
   112  	// We only need to look up the vmmem process once, then we keep a handle
   113  	// open.
   114  	vmmemOnce sync.Once
   116  	// mountCounter is the number of mounts that have been added to the UVM
   117  	// This is used in generating a unique mount path inside the UVM for every mount.
   118  	// Access to this variable should be done atomically.
   119  	mountCounter uint64
   121  	// Location that container process dumps will get written too.
   122  	processDumpLocation string
   124  	// The CreateOpts used to create this uvm. These can be either of type
   125  	// uvm.OptionsLCOW or uvm.OptionsWCOW
   126  	createOpts interface{}
   128  	// Network config proxy client. If nil then this wasn't requested and the
   129  	// uvms network will be configured locally.
   130  	ncProxyClientAddress string
   132  	// networkSetup handles the logic for setting up and tearing down any network configuration
   133  	// for the Utility VM.
   134  	networkSetup NetworkSetup
   136  	// noInheritHostTimezone specifies whether to not inherit the hosts timezone for the UVM. UTC will be set as the default instead.
   137  	// This only applies for WCOW.
   138  	noInheritHostTimezone bool
   140  	// confidentialUVMOptions hold confidential UVM specific options
   141  	confidentialUVMOptions *ConfidentialOptions
   142  }

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