//go:build windows

package uvm

import (


	hcsschema "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/hcs/schema2"

var (
	// ErrNetNSAlreadyAttached is an error indicating the guest UVM already has
	// an endpoint by this id.
	ErrNetNSAlreadyAttached = errors.New("network namespace already added")
	// ErrNetNSNotFound is an error indicating the guest UVM does not have a
	// network namespace by this id.
	ErrNetNSNotFound = errors.New("network namespace not found")
	// ErrNICNotFound is an error indicating that the guest UVM does not have a NIC
	// by this id.
	ErrNICNotFound = errors.New("NIC not found in network namespace")

// In this function we take the namespace ID of the namespace that was created for this
// UVM. We hot add the namespace. We get the endpoints associated with this namespace
// and then hot add those endpoints.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) SetupNetworkNamespace(ctx context.Context, nsid string) error {
	nsidInsideUVM := nsid

	// Query endpoints with actual nsid
	endpoints, err := GetNamespaceEndpoints(ctx, nsid)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Add the network namespace inside the UVM.
	// Get the namespace struct from the actual nsid.
	hcnNamespace, err := hcn.GetNamespaceByID(nsid)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if err = uvm.AddNetNS(ctx, hcnNamespace); err != nil {
		return err

	if err = uvm.AddEndpointsToNS(ctx, nsidInsideUVM, endpoints); err != nil {
		// Best effort clean up the NS
		if removeErr := uvm.RemoveNetNS(ctx, nsidInsideUVM); removeErr != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// GetNamespaceEndpoints gets all endpoints in `netNS`
func GetNamespaceEndpoints(ctx context.Context, netNS string) ([]*hns.HNSEndpoint, error) {
	op := "uvm::GetNamespaceEndpoints"
	l := log.G(ctx).WithField("netns-id", netNS)
	l.Debug(op + " - Begin")
	defer func() {
		l.Debug(op + " - End")

	ids, err := hns.GetNamespaceEndpoints(netNS)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var endpoints []*hns.HNSEndpoint
	for _, id := range ids {
		endpoint, err := hns.GetHNSEndpointByID(id)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		endpoints = append(endpoints, endpoint)
	return endpoints, nil

// NCProxyEnabled returns if there is a network configuration client.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) NCProxyEnabled() bool {
	return uvm.ncProxyClientAddress != ""

type ncproxyClient struct {
	raw *ttrpc.Client

func (n *ncproxyClient) Close() error {
	return n.raw.Close()

func (uvm *UtilityVM) GetNCProxyClient() (*ncproxyClient, error) {
	conn, err := winio.DialPipe(uvm.ncProxyClientAddress, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to connect to ncproxy service")
	raw := ttrpc.NewClient(conn, ttrpc.WithOnClose(func() { conn.Close() }))
	return &ncproxyClient{raw, ncproxyttrpc.NewNetworkConfigProxyClient(raw)}, nil

// NetworkConfigType specifies the action to be performed during network configuration.
// For example: setup or teardown
type NetworkConfigType uint8

const (
	NetworkRequestSetup NetworkConfigType = iota

var ErrNoNetworkSetup = errors.New("no network setup present for UVM")

// CreateAndAssignNetworkSetup creates and assigns a new NetworkSetup interface to the Utility VM.
// This can be used to configure the networking (setup and teardown) of the vm.
// `addr` is an optional parameter
func (uvm *UtilityVM) CreateAndAssignNetworkSetup(ctx context.Context, addr, containerID string) (err error) {
	if uvm.NCProxyEnabled() {
		if addr == "" || containerID == "" {
			return errors.New("received empty field(s) for external network setup")
		setup, err := NewExternalNetworkSetup(ctx, uvm, addr, containerID)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		uvm.networkSetup = setup
	} else {
		uvm.networkSetup = NewInternalNetworkSetup(uvm)
	return nil

// ConfigureNetworking configures the utility VMs networking setup using the namespace ID
// `nsid`.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) ConfigureNetworking(ctx context.Context, nsid string) error {
	if uvm.networkSetup != nil {
		return uvm.networkSetup.ConfigureNetworking(ctx, nsid, NetworkRequestSetup)
	return ErrNoNetworkSetup

// TearDownNetworking tears down the utility VMs networking setup using the namespace ID
// `nsid`.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) TearDownNetworking(ctx context.Context, nsid string) error {
	if uvm.networkSetup != nil {
		return uvm.networkSetup.ConfigureNetworking(ctx, nsid, NetworkRequestTearDown)
	return ErrNoNetworkSetup

// NetworkSetup is used to abstract away the details of setting up networking
// for a container.
type NetworkSetup interface {
	ConfigureNetworking(ctx context.Context, namespaceID string, configType NetworkConfigType) error

// LocalNetworkSetup implements the NetworkSetup interface for configuring container
// networking.
type internalNetworkSetup struct {
	vm *UtilityVM

func NewInternalNetworkSetup(vm *UtilityVM) NetworkSetup {
	return &internalNetworkSetup{vm}

func (i *internalNetworkSetup) ConfigureNetworking(ctx context.Context, namespaceID string, configType NetworkConfigType) error {
	switch configType {
	case NetworkRequestSetup:
		if err := i.vm.SetupNetworkNamespace(ctx, namespaceID); err != nil {
			return err
	case NetworkRequestTearDown:
		if err := i.vm.RemoveNetNS(ctx, namespaceID); err != nil {
			return err
		return fmt.Errorf("network configuration type %d is not known", configType)

	return nil

// ExternalNetworkSetup implements the NetworkSetup interface for configuring
// container networking. It will try and communicate with an external network configuration
// proxy service to setup networking.
type externalNetworkSetup struct {
	vm          *UtilityVM
	caAddr      string
	containerID string

// NewExternalNetworkSetup returns an object implementing the NetworkSetup interface to be
// used for external network configuration.
func NewExternalNetworkSetup(ctx context.Context, vm *UtilityVM, caAddr, containerID string) (NetworkSetup, error) {
	if err := setupAndServe(ctx, caAddr, vm); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &externalNetworkSetup{
	}, nil

func (e *externalNetworkSetup) ConfigureNetworking(ctx context.Context, namespaceID string, configType NetworkConfigType) error {
	client, err := e.vm.GetNCProxyClient()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrapf(err, "no ncproxy client for UVM %q", e.vm.ID())
	defer client.Close()

	netReq := &ncproxyttrpc.ConfigureNetworkingInternalRequest{
		ContainerID: e.containerID,

	switch configType {
	case NetworkRequestSetup:
		if err := e.vm.AddNetNSByID(ctx, namespaceID); err != nil {
			return err

		registerReq := &ncproxyttrpc.RegisterComputeAgentRequest{
			ContainerID:  e.containerID,
			AgentAddress: e.caAddr,
		if _, err := client.RegisterComputeAgent(ctx, registerReq); err != nil {
			return err

		netReq.RequestType = ncproxyttrpc.RequestTypeInternal_Setup
		if _, err := client.ConfigureNetworking(ctx, netReq); err != nil {
			return err
	case NetworkRequestTearDown:
		netReq.RequestType = ncproxyttrpc.RequestTypeInternal_Teardown
		if _, err := client.ConfigureNetworking(ctx, netReq); err != nil {
			return err
		// unregister compute agent with ncproxy
		unregisterReq := &ncproxyttrpc.UnregisterComputeAgentRequest{
			ContainerID: e.containerID,
		if _, err := client.UnregisterComputeAgent(ctx, unregisterReq); err != nil {
			return err
		return fmt.Errorf("network configuration type %d is not known", configType)

	return nil

// NetworkEndpoints is a struct containing all of the endpoint IDs of a network
// namespace.
type NetworkEndpoints struct {
	EndpointIDs []string
	// ID of the namespace the endpoints belong to
	Namespace string

// Release releases the resources for all of the network endpoints in a namespace.
func (endpoints *NetworkEndpoints) Release(ctx context.Context) error {
	for _, endpoint := range endpoints.EndpointIDs {
		err := hns.RemoveNamespaceEndpoint(endpoints.Namespace, endpoint)
		if err != nil {
			if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
				return err
				"endpointID": endpoint,
				"netID":      endpoints.Namespace,
			}).Warn("removing endpoint from namespace: does not exist")
	endpoints.EndpointIDs = nil
	err := hns.RemoveNamespace(endpoints.Namespace)
	if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return err
	return nil

// AddNetNS adds network namespace inside the guest without actually querying for the
// namespace by its ID. It uses the given namespace struct as it is in the guest request.
// This function is mostly used when we need to override the values inside the namespace
// struct returned by the GetNamespaceByID. For most uses cases AddNetNSByID is more appropriate.
// If a namespace with the same id already exists this returns `ErrNetNSAlreadyAttached`.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) AddNetNS(ctx context.Context, hcnNamespace *hcn.HostComputeNamespace) error {
	defer uvm.m.Unlock()
	if _, ok := uvm.namespaces[hcnNamespace.Id]; ok {
		return ErrNetNSAlreadyAttached

	if uvm.isNetworkNamespaceSupported() {
		// Add a Guest Network namespace. On LCOW we add the adapters
		// dynamically.
		if uvm.operatingSystem == "windows" {
			guestNamespace := hcsschema.ModifySettingRequest{
				GuestRequest: guestrequest.ModificationRequest{
					ResourceType: guestresource.ResourceTypeNetworkNamespace,
					RequestType:  guestrequest.RequestTypeAdd,
					Settings:     hcnNamespace,
			if err := uvm.modify(ctx, &guestNamespace); err != nil {
				return err

	if uvm.namespaces == nil {
		uvm.namespaces = make(map[string]*namespaceInfo)
	uvm.namespaces[hcnNamespace.Id] = &namespaceInfo{
		nics: make(map[string]*nicInfo),
	return nil

// AddNetNSByID adds finds the namespace with given `id` and adds that
// network namespace inside the guest.
// If a namespace with `id` already exists returns `ErrNetNSAlreadyAttached`.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) AddNetNSByID(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
	hcnNamespace, err := hcn.GetNamespaceByID(id)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if err = uvm.AddNetNS(ctx, hcnNamespace); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// AddEndpointToNSWithID adds an endpoint to the network namespace with the specified
// NIC ID. If nicID is an empty string, a GUID will be generated for the ID instead.
// If no network namespace matches `id` returns `ErrNetNSNotFound`.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) AddEndpointToNSWithID(ctx context.Context, nsID, nicID string, endpoint *hns.HNSEndpoint) error {
	defer uvm.m.Unlock()
	ns, ok := uvm.namespaces[nsID]
	if !ok {
		return ErrNetNSNotFound
	if _, ok := ns.nics[endpoint.Id]; !ok {
		if nicID == "" {
			id, err := guid.NewV4()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			nicID = id.String()
		if err := uvm.addNIC(ctx, nicID, endpoint); err != nil {
			return err
		ns.nics[endpoint.Id] = &nicInfo{
			ID:       nicID,
			Endpoint: endpoint,
	return nil

// AddEndpointsToNS adds all unique `endpoints` to the network namespace
// matching `id`. On failure does not roll back any previously successfully
// added endpoints.
// If no network namespace matches `id` returns `ErrNetNSNotFound`.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) AddEndpointsToNS(ctx context.Context, id string, endpoints []*hns.HNSEndpoint) error {
	defer uvm.m.Unlock()

	ns, ok := uvm.namespaces[id]
	if !ok {
		return ErrNetNSNotFound

	for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
		if _, ok := ns.nics[endpoint.Id]; !ok {
			nicID, err := guid.NewV4()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if err := uvm.addNIC(ctx, nicID.String(), endpoint); err != nil {
				return err
			ns.nics[endpoint.Id] = &nicInfo{
				ID:       nicID.String(),
				Endpoint: endpoint,
	return nil

// RemoveNetNS removes the namespace from the uvm and all remaining endpoints in
// the namespace.
// If a namespace matching `id` is not found this command silently succeeds.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) RemoveNetNS(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
	defer uvm.m.Unlock()
	if ns, ok := uvm.namespaces[id]; ok {
		for _, ninfo := range ns.nics {
			if err := uvm.removeNIC(ctx, ninfo.ID, ninfo.Endpoint); err != nil {
				return err
			ns.nics[ninfo.Endpoint.Id] = nil
		// Remove the Guest Network namespace
		if uvm.isNetworkNamespaceSupported() {
			if uvm.operatingSystem == "windows" {
				hcnNamespace, err := hcn.GetNamespaceByID(id)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				guestNamespace := hcsschema.ModifySettingRequest{
					GuestRequest: guestrequest.ModificationRequest{
						ResourceType: guestresource.ResourceTypeNetworkNamespace,
						RequestType:  guestrequest.RequestTypeRemove,
						Settings:     hcnNamespace,
				if err := uvm.modify(ctx, &guestNamespace); err != nil {
					return err
		delete(uvm.namespaces, id)
	return nil

// RemoveEndpointsFromNS removes all matching `endpoints` in the network
// namespace matching `id`. If no endpoint matching `endpoint.Id` is found in
// the network namespace this command silently succeeds.
// If no network namespace matches `id` returns `ErrNetNSNotFound`.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) RemoveEndpointsFromNS(ctx context.Context, id string, endpoints []*hns.HNSEndpoint) error {
	defer uvm.m.Unlock()

	ns, ok := uvm.namespaces[id]
	if !ok {
		return ErrNetNSNotFound

	for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
		if ninfo, ok := ns.nics[endpoint.Id]; ok && ninfo != nil {
			if err := uvm.removeNIC(ctx, ninfo.ID, ninfo.Endpoint); err != nil {
				return err
			delete(ns.nics, endpoint.Id)
	return nil

// RemoveEndpointFromNS removes `endpoint` in the network
// namespace matching `id`. If no endpoint matching `endpoint.Id` is found in
// the network namespace this command returns `ErrNICNotFound`.
// If no network namespace matches `id` this function returns `ErrNetNSNotFound`.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) RemoveEndpointFromNS(ctx context.Context, id string, endpoint *hns.HNSEndpoint) error {
	defer uvm.m.Unlock()

	ns, ok := uvm.namespaces[id]
	if !ok {
		return ErrNetNSNotFound

	if ninfo, ok := ns.nics[endpoint.Id]; ok && ninfo != nil {
		if err := uvm.removeNIC(ctx, ninfo.ID, ninfo.Endpoint); err != nil {
			return err
		delete(ns.nics, endpoint.Id)
	} else {
		return ErrNICNotFound
	return nil

// IsNetworkNamespaceSupported returns bool value specifying if network namespace is supported inside the guest
func (uvm *UtilityVM) isNetworkNamespaceSupported() bool {
	return uvm.guestCaps.NamespaceAddRequestSupported

func getNetworkModifyRequest(adapterID string, requestType guestrequest.RequestType, settings interface{}) interface{} {
	if osversion.Build() >= osversion.RS5 {
		return guestrequest.NetworkModifyRequest{
			AdapterId:   adapterID,
			RequestType: requestType,
			Settings:    settings,
	return guestrequest.RS4NetworkModifyRequest{
		AdapterInstanceId: adapterID,
		RequestType:       requestType,
		Settings:          settings,

// addNIC adds a nic to the Utility VM.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) addNIC(ctx context.Context, id string, endpoint *hns.HNSEndpoint) error {
	// First a pre-add. This is a guest-only request and is only done on Windows.
	if uvm.operatingSystem == "windows" {
		preAddRequest := hcsschema.ModifySettingRequest{
			GuestRequest: guestrequest.ModificationRequest{
				ResourceType: guestresource.ResourceTypeNetwork,
				RequestType:  guestrequest.RequestTypeAdd,
				Settings: getNetworkModifyRequest(
		if err := uvm.modify(ctx, &preAddRequest); err != nil {
			return err

	// Then the Add itself
	request := hcsschema.ModifySettingRequest{
		RequestType:  guestrequest.RequestTypeAdd,
		ResourcePath: fmt.Sprintf(resourcepaths.NetworkResourceFormat, id),
		Settings: hcsschema.NetworkAdapter{
			EndpointId: endpoint.Id,
			MacAddress: endpoint.MacAddress,

	if uvm.operatingSystem == "windows" {
		request.GuestRequest = guestrequest.ModificationRequest{
			ResourceType: guestresource.ResourceTypeNetwork,
			RequestType:  guestrequest.RequestTypeAdd,
			Settings: getNetworkModifyRequest(
	} else {
		// Verify this version of LCOW supports Network HotAdd
		s := &guestresource.LCOWNetworkAdapter{
			NamespaceID:     endpoint.Namespace.ID,
			ID:              id,
			MacAddress:      endpoint.MacAddress,
			IPAddress:       endpoint.IPAddress.String(),
			PrefixLength:    endpoint.PrefixLength,
			GatewayAddress:  endpoint.GatewayAddress,
			DNSSuffix:       endpoint.DNSSuffix,
			DNSServerList:   endpoint.DNSServerList,
			EnableLowMetric: endpoint.EnableLowMetric,
			EncapOverhead:   endpoint.EncapOverhead,
		if v6 := endpoint.IPv6Address.To16(); v6 != nil && !v6.IsUnspecified() {
			// if the address is empty or invalid, endpoint.IPv6Address.String will be "<nil>"
			// since we should be guranteed an IPv4, but not a v6, skip invalid v6 address
			s.IPv6Address = v6.String()
			s.IPv6PrefixLength = endpoint.IPv6PrefixLength
			s.IPv6GatewayAddress = endpoint.GatewayAddressV6
				"ip":           s.IPAddress,
				"prefixLength": s.IPv6PrefixLength,
				"gateway":      s.IPv6GatewayAddress,
			}).Debug("adding IPv6 settings")
		if uvm.isNetworkNamespaceSupported() {
			request.GuestRequest = guestrequest.ModificationRequest{
				ResourceType: guestresource.ResourceTypeNetwork,
				RequestType:  guestrequest.RequestTypeAdd,
				Settings:     s,

	if err := uvm.modify(ctx, &request); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

func (uvm *UtilityVM) removeNIC(ctx context.Context, id string, endpoint *hns.HNSEndpoint) error {
	request := hcsschema.ModifySettingRequest{
		RequestType:  guestrequest.RequestTypeRemove,
		ResourcePath: fmt.Sprintf(resourcepaths.NetworkResourceFormat, id),
		Settings: hcsschema.NetworkAdapter{
			EndpointId: endpoint.Id,
			MacAddress: endpoint.MacAddress,

	if uvm.operatingSystem == "windows" {
		request.GuestRequest = hcsschema.ModifySettingRequest{
			RequestType: guestrequest.RequestTypeRemove,
			Settings: getNetworkModifyRequest(
	} else {
		// Verify this version of LCOW supports Network HotRemove
		if uvm.isNetworkNamespaceSupported() {
			request.GuestRequest = guestrequest.ModificationRequest{
				ResourceType: guestresource.ResourceTypeNetwork,
				RequestType:  guestrequest.RequestTypeRemove,
				Settings: &guestresource.LCOWNetworkAdapter{
					NamespaceID: endpoint.Namespace.ID,
					ID:          endpoint.Id,

	if err := uvm.modify(ctx, &request); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// Removes all NICs added to this uvm.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) RemoveAllNICs(ctx context.Context) error {
	for _, ns := range uvm.namespaces {
		for _, ninfo := range ns.nics {
			if err := uvm.removeNIC(ctx, ninfo.ID, ninfo.Endpoint); err != nil {
				return err
	return nil

// UpdateNIC updates a UVM's network adapter.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) UpdateNIC(ctx context.Context, id string, settings *hcsschema.NetworkAdapter) error {
	req := &hcsschema.ModifySettingRequest{
		RequestType:  guestrequest.RequestTypeUpdate,
		ResourcePath: fmt.Sprintf(resourcepaths.NetworkResourceFormat, id),
		Settings:     settings,
	return uvm.modify(ctx, req)

// AddNICInGuest makes a request to setup a network adapter's interface inside the lcow guest.
// This is primarily used for adding NICs in the guest that have been VPCI assigned.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) AddNICInGuest(ctx context.Context, cfg *guestresource.LCOWNetworkAdapter) error {
	if !uvm.isNetworkNamespaceSupported() {
		return fmt.Errorf("guest does not support network namespaces and cannot add VF NIC %+v", cfg)
	request := hcsschema.ModifySettingRequest{}
	request.GuestRequest = guestrequest.ModificationRequest{
		ResourceType: guestresource.ResourceTypeNetwork,
		RequestType:  guestrequest.RequestTypeAdd,
		Settings:     cfg,

	return uvm.modify(ctx, &request)

// RemoveNICInGuest makes a request to remove a network interface inside the lcow guest.
// This is primarily used for removing NICs in the guest that were VPCI assigned.
func (uvm *UtilityVM) RemoveNICInGuest(ctx context.Context, cfg *guestresource.LCOWNetworkAdapter) error {
	if !uvm.isNetworkNamespaceSupported() {
		return fmt.Errorf("guest does not support network namespaces and cannot remove VF NIC %+v", cfg)
	request := hcsschema.ModifySettingRequest{}
	request.GuestRequest = guestrequest.ModificationRequest{
		ResourceType: guestresource.ResourceTypeNetwork,
		RequestType:  guestrequest.RequestTypeRemove,
		Settings:     cfg,

	return uvm.modify(ctx, &request)