
Source file src/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/guest/bridge/bridge.go

Documentation: github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/guest/bridge

     1  //go:build linux
     2  // +build linux
     4  package bridge
     6  import (
     7  	"context"
     8  	"encoding/base64"
     9  	"encoding/binary"
    10  	"encoding/hex"
    11  	"encoding/json"
    12  	"fmt"
    13  	"io"
    14  	"os"
    15  	"strconv"
    16  	"sync"
    17  	"sync/atomic"
    18  	"time"
    20  	"github.com/pkg/errors"
    21  	"github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
    22  	"go.opencensus.io/trace"
    23  	"go.opencensus.io/trace/tracestate"
    25  	"github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/guest/gcserr"
    26  	"github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/guest/prot"
    27  	"github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/guest/runtime/hcsv2"
    28  	"github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/log"
    29  	"github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/oc"
    30  )
    32  // UnknownMessage represents the default handler logic for an unmatched request
    33  // type sent from the bridge.
    34  func UnknownMessage(r *Request) (RequestResponse, error) {
    35  	return nil, gcserr.WrapHresult(errors.Errorf("bridge: function not supported, header type: %v", r.Header.Type), gcserr.HrNotImpl)
    36  }
    38  // UnknownMessageHandler creates a default HandlerFunc out of the
    39  // UnknownMessage handler logic.
    40  func UnknownMessageHandler() Handler {
    41  	return HandlerFunc(UnknownMessage)
    42  }
    44  // Handler responds to a bridge request.
    45  type Handler interface {
    46  	ServeMsg(*Request) (RequestResponse, error)
    47  }
    49  // HandlerFunc is an adapter to use functions as handlers.
    50  type HandlerFunc func(*Request) (RequestResponse, error)
    52  // ServeMsg calls f(w, r).
    53  func (f HandlerFunc) ServeMsg(r *Request) (RequestResponse, error) {
    54  	return f(r)
    55  }
    57  // Mux is a protocol multiplexer for request response pairs
    58  // following the bridge protocol.
    59  type Mux struct {
    60  	mu sync.Mutex
    61  	m  map[prot.MessageIdentifier]map[prot.ProtocolVersion]Handler
    62  }
    64  // NewBridgeMux creates a default bridge multiplexer.
    65  func NewBridgeMux() *Mux {
    66  	return &Mux{m: make(map[prot.MessageIdentifier]map[prot.ProtocolVersion]Handler)}
    67  }
    69  // Handle registers the handler for the given message id and protocol version.
    70  func (mux *Mux) Handle(id prot.MessageIdentifier, ver prot.ProtocolVersion, handler Handler) {
    71  	mux.mu.Lock()
    72  	defer mux.mu.Unlock()
    74  	if handler == nil {
    75  		panic("bridge: nil handler")
    76  	}
    78  	if _, ok := mux.m[id]; !ok {
    79  		mux.m[id] = make(map[prot.ProtocolVersion]Handler)
    80  	}
    82  	if _, ok := mux.m[id][ver]; ok {
    83  		logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
    84  			"message-type":     id.String(),
    85  			"protocol-version": ver,
    86  		}).Warn("opengcs::bridge - overwriting bridge handler")
    87  	}
    89  	mux.m[id][ver] = handler
    90  }
    92  // HandleFunc registers the handler function for the given message id and protocol version.
    93  func (mux *Mux) HandleFunc(id prot.MessageIdentifier, ver prot.ProtocolVersion, handler func(*Request) (RequestResponse, error)) {
    94  	if handler == nil {
    95  		panic("bridge: nil handler func")
    96  	}
    98  	mux.Handle(id, ver, HandlerFunc(handler))
    99  }
   101  // Handler returns the handler to use for the given request type.
   102  func (mux *Mux) Handler(r *Request) Handler {
   103  	mux.mu.Lock()
   104  	defer mux.mu.Unlock()
   106  	if r == nil {
   107  		panic("bridge: nil request to handler")
   108  	}
   110  	var m map[prot.ProtocolVersion]Handler
   111  	var ok bool
   112  	if m, ok = mux.m[r.Header.Type]; !ok {
   113  		return UnknownMessageHandler()
   114  	}
   116  	var h Handler
   117  	if h, ok = m[r.Version]; !ok {
   118  		return UnknownMessageHandler()
   119  	}
   121  	return h
   122  }
   124  // ServeMsg dispatches the request to the handler whose
   125  // type matches the request type.
   126  func (mux *Mux) ServeMsg(r *Request) (RequestResponse, error) {
   127  	h := mux.Handler(r)
   128  	return h.ServeMsg(r)
   129  }
   131  // Request is the bridge request that has been sent.
   132  type Request struct {
   133  	// Context is the request context received from the bridge.
   134  	Context context.Context
   135  	// Header is the wire format message header that preceded the message for
   136  	// this request.
   137  	Header *prot.MessageHeader
   138  	// ContainerID is the id of the container that this message corresponds to.
   139  	ContainerID string
   140  	// ActivityID is the id of the specific activity for this request.
   141  	ActivityID string
   142  	// Message is the portion of the request that follows the `Header`. This is
   143  	// a json encoded string that MUST contain `prot.MessageBase`.
   144  	Message []byte
   145  	// Version is the version of the protocol that `Header` and `Message` were
   146  	// sent in.
   147  	Version prot.ProtocolVersion
   148  }
   150  // RequestResponse is the base response for any bridge message request.
   151  type RequestResponse interface {
   152  	Base() *prot.MessageResponseBase
   153  }
   155  type bridgeResponse struct {
   156  	// ctx is the context created on request read
   157  	ctx      context.Context
   158  	header   *prot.MessageHeader
   159  	response interface{}
   160  }
   162  // Bridge defines the bridge client in the GCS. It acts in many ways analogous
   163  // to go's `http` package and multiplexer.
   164  //
   165  // It has two fundamentally different dispatch options:
   166  //
   167  //  1. Request/Response where using the `Handler` a request
   168  //     of a given type will be dispatched to the appropriate handler
   169  //     and an appropriate response will respond to exactly that request that
   170  //     caused the dispatch.
   171  //
   172  //  2. `PublishNotification` where a notification that was not initiated
   173  //     by a request from any client can be written to the bridge at any time
   174  //     in any order.
   175  type Bridge struct {
   176  	// Handler to invoke when messages are received.
   177  	Handler Handler
   178  	// EnableV4 enables the v4+ bridge and the schema v2+ interfaces.
   179  	EnableV4 bool
   181  	// responseChan is the response channel used for both request/response
   182  	// and publish notification workflows.
   183  	responseChan chan bridgeResponse
   185  	hostState *hcsv2.Host
   187  	quitChan chan bool
   188  	// hasQuitPending when != 0 will cause no more requests to be Read.
   189  	hasQuitPending uint32
   191  	protVer prot.ProtocolVersion
   192  }
   194  // AssignHandlers creates and assigns the appropriate bridge
   195  // events to be listen for and intercepted on `mux` before forwarding
   196  // to `gcs` for handling.
   197  func (b *Bridge) AssignHandlers(mux *Mux, host *hcsv2.Host) {
   198  	b.hostState = host
   200  	// These are PvInvalid because they will be called previous to any protocol
   201  	// negotiation so they respond only when the protocols are not known.
   202  	if b.EnableV4 {
   203  		mux.HandleFunc(prot.ComputeSystemNegotiateProtocolV1, prot.PvInvalid, b.negotiateProtocolV2)
   204  	}
   206  	if b.EnableV4 {
   207  		// v4 specific handlers
   208  		mux.HandleFunc(prot.ComputeSystemStartV1, prot.PvV4, b.startContainerV2)
   209  		mux.HandleFunc(prot.ComputeSystemCreateV1, prot.PvV4, b.createContainerV2)
   210  		mux.HandleFunc(prot.ComputeSystemExecuteProcessV1, prot.PvV4, b.execProcessV2)
   211  		mux.HandleFunc(prot.ComputeSystemShutdownForcedV1, prot.PvV4, b.killContainerV2)
   212  		mux.HandleFunc(prot.ComputeSystemShutdownGracefulV1, prot.PvV4, b.shutdownContainerV2)
   213  		mux.HandleFunc(prot.ComputeSystemSignalProcessV1, prot.PvV4, b.signalProcessV2)
   214  		mux.HandleFunc(prot.ComputeSystemGetPropertiesV1, prot.PvV4, b.getPropertiesV2)
   215  		mux.HandleFunc(prot.ComputeSystemWaitForProcessV1, prot.PvV4, b.waitOnProcessV2)
   216  		mux.HandleFunc(prot.ComputeSystemResizeConsoleV1, prot.PvV4, b.resizeConsoleV2)
   217  		mux.HandleFunc(prot.ComputeSystemModifySettingsV1, prot.PvV4, b.modifySettingsV2)
   218  		mux.HandleFunc(prot.ComputeSystemDumpStacksV1, prot.PvV4, b.dumpStacksV2)
   219  		mux.HandleFunc(prot.ComputeSystemDeleteContainerStateV1, prot.PvV4, b.deleteContainerStateV2)
   220  	}
   221  }
   223  // ListenAndServe connects to the bridge transport, listens for
   224  // messages and dispatches the appropriate handlers to handle each
   225  // event in an asynchronous manner.
   226  func (b *Bridge) ListenAndServe(bridgeIn io.ReadCloser, bridgeOut io.WriteCloser) error {
   227  	requestChan := make(chan *Request)
   228  	requestErrChan := make(chan error)
   229  	b.responseChan = make(chan bridgeResponse)
   230  	responseErrChan := make(chan error)
   231  	b.quitChan = make(chan bool)
   233  	defer close(b.quitChan)
   234  	defer bridgeOut.Close()
   235  	defer close(responseErrChan)
   236  	defer close(b.responseChan)
   237  	defer close(requestChan)
   238  	defer close(requestErrChan)
   239  	defer bridgeIn.Close()
   241  	// Receive bridge requests and schedule them to be processed.
   242  	go func() {
   243  		var recverr error
   244  		for {
   245  			if atomic.LoadUint32(&b.hasQuitPending) == 0 {
   246  				header := &prot.MessageHeader{}
   247  				if err := binary.Read(bridgeIn, binary.LittleEndian, header); err != nil {
   248  					if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF || err == os.ErrClosed {
   249  						break
   250  					}
   251  					recverr = errors.Wrap(err, "bridge: failed reading message header")
   252  					break
   253  				}
   254  				message := make([]byte, header.Size-prot.MessageHeaderSize)
   255  				if _, err := io.ReadFull(bridgeIn, message); err != nil {
   256  					if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF || err == os.ErrClosed {
   257  						break
   258  					}
   259  					recverr = errors.Wrap(err, "bridge: failed reading message payload")
   260  					break
   261  				}
   263  				base := prot.MessageBase{}
   264  				// TODO: JTERRY75 - This should fail the request but right
   265  				// now we still forward to the method and let them return
   266  				// this error. Unify the JSON part previous to invoking a
   267  				// request.
   268  				_ = json.Unmarshal(message, &base)
   270  				var ctx context.Context
   271  				var span *trace.Span
   272  				if base.OpenCensusSpanContext != nil {
   273  					sc := trace.SpanContext{}
   274  					if bytes, err := hex.DecodeString(base.OpenCensusSpanContext.TraceID); err == nil {
   275  						copy(sc.TraceID[:], bytes)
   276  					}
   277  					if bytes, err := hex.DecodeString(base.OpenCensusSpanContext.SpanID); err == nil {
   278  						copy(sc.SpanID[:], bytes)
   279  					}
   280  					sc.TraceOptions = trace.TraceOptions(base.OpenCensusSpanContext.TraceOptions)
   281  					if base.OpenCensusSpanContext.Tracestate != "" {
   282  						if bytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(base.OpenCensusSpanContext.Tracestate); err == nil {
   283  							var entries []tracestate.Entry
   284  							if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &entries); err == nil {
   285  								if ts, err := tracestate.New(nil, entries...); err == nil {
   286  									sc.Tracestate = ts
   287  								}
   288  							}
   289  						}
   290  					}
   291  					ctx, span = oc.StartSpanWithRemoteParent(
   292  						context.Background(),
   293  						"opengcs::bridge::request",
   294  						sc,
   295  						oc.WithServerSpanKind,
   296  					)
   297  				} else {
   298  					ctx, span = oc.StartSpan(
   299  						context.Background(),
   300  						"opengcs::bridge::request",
   301  						oc.WithServerSpanKind,
   302  					)
   303  				}
   305  				span.AddAttributes(
   306  					trace.Int64Attribute("message-id", int64(header.ID)),
   307  					trace.StringAttribute("message-type", header.Type.String()),
   308  					trace.StringAttribute("activityID", base.ActivityID),
   309  					trace.StringAttribute("cid", base.ContainerID))
   311  				entry := log.G(ctx)
   312  				if entry.Logger.GetLevel() >= logrus.DebugLevel {
   313  					s := string(message)
   314  					switch header.Type {
   315  					case prot.ComputeSystemCreateV1:
   316  						b, err := log.ScrubBridgeCreate(message)
   317  						s = string(b)
   318  						if err != nil {
   319  							entry.WithError(err).Warning("could not scrub bridge payload")
   320  						}
   321  					}
   322  					entry.WithField("message", s).Debug("request read message")
   323  				}
   324  				requestChan <- &Request{
   325  					Context:     ctx,
   326  					Header:      header,
   327  					ContainerID: base.ContainerID,
   328  					ActivityID:  base.ActivityID,
   329  					Message:     message,
   330  					Version:     b.protVer,
   331  				}
   332  			}
   333  		}
   334  		requestErrChan <- recverr
   335  	}()
   336  	// Process each bridge request async and create the response writer.
   337  	go func() {
   338  		for req := range requestChan {
   339  			go func(r *Request) {
   340  				br := bridgeResponse{
   341  					ctx: r.Context,
   342  					header: &prot.MessageHeader{
   343  						Type: prot.GetResponseIdentifier(r.Header.Type),
   344  						ID:   r.Header.ID,
   345  					},
   346  				}
   347  				resp, err := b.Handler.ServeMsg(r)
   348  				if resp == nil {
   349  					resp = &prot.MessageResponseBase{}
   350  				}
   351  				resp.Base().ActivityID = r.ActivityID
   352  				if err != nil {
   353  					span := trace.FromContext(r.Context)
   354  					if span != nil {
   355  						oc.SetSpanStatus(span, err)
   356  					}
   357  					setErrorForResponseBase(resp.Base(), err)
   358  				}
   359  				br.response = resp
   360  				b.responseChan <- br
   361  			}(req)
   362  		}
   363  	}()
   364  	// Process each bridge response sync. This channel is for request/response and publish workflows.
   365  	go func() {
   366  		var resperr error
   367  		for resp := range b.responseChan {
   368  			responseBytes, err := json.Marshal(resp.response)
   369  			if err != nil {
   370  				resperr = errors.Wrapf(err, "bridge: failed to marshal JSON for response \"%v\"", resp.response)
   371  				break
   372  			}
   373  			resp.header.Size = uint32(len(responseBytes) + prot.MessageHeaderSize)
   374  			if err := binary.Write(bridgeOut, binary.LittleEndian, resp.header); err != nil {
   375  				resperr = errors.Wrap(err, "bridge: failed writing message header")
   376  				break
   377  			}
   379  			if _, err := bridgeOut.Write(responseBytes); err != nil {
   380  				resperr = errors.Wrap(err, "bridge: failed writing message payload")
   381  				break
   382  			}
   384  			s := trace.FromContext(resp.ctx)
   385  			if s != nil {
   386  				log.G(resp.ctx).WithField("message", string(responseBytes)).Debug("request write response")
   387  				s.End()
   388  			}
   389  		}
   390  		responseErrChan <- resperr
   391  	}()
   393  	select {
   394  	case err := <-requestErrChan:
   395  		return err
   396  	case err := <-responseErrChan:
   397  		return err
   398  	case <-b.quitChan:
   399  		// The request loop needs to exit so that the teardown process begins.
   400  		// Set the request loop to stop processing new messages
   401  		atomic.StoreUint32(&b.hasQuitPending, 1)
   402  		// Wait for the request loop to process its last message. Its possible
   403  		// that if it lost the race with the hasQuitPending it could be stuck in
   404  		// a pending read from bridgeIn. Wait 2 seconds and kill the connection.
   405  		var err error
   406  		select {
   407  		case err = <-requestErrChan:
   408  		case <-time.After(time.Second * 5):
   409  			// Timeout expired first. Close the connection to unblock the read
   410  			if cerr := bridgeIn.Close(); cerr != nil {
   411  				err = errors.Wrap(cerr, "bridge: failed to close bridgeIn")
   412  			}
   413  			<-requestErrChan
   414  		}
   415  		<-responseErrChan
   416  		return err
   417  	}
   418  }
   420  // PublishNotification writes a specific notification to the bridge.
   421  func (b *Bridge) PublishNotification(n *prot.ContainerNotification) {
   422  	ctx, span := oc.StartSpan(context.Background(),
   423  		"opengcs::bridge::PublishNotification",
   424  		oc.WithClientSpanKind)
   425  	span.AddAttributes(trace.StringAttribute("notification", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", n)))
   426  	// DONT defer span.End() here. Publish is odd because bridgeResponse calls
   427  	// `End` on the `ctx` after the response is sent.
   429  	resp := bridgeResponse{
   430  		ctx: ctx,
   431  		header: &prot.MessageHeader{
   432  			Type: prot.ComputeSystemNotificationV1,
   433  			ID:   0,
   434  		},
   435  		response: n,
   436  	}
   437  	b.responseChan <- resp
   438  }
   440  // setErrorForResponseBase modifies the passed-in MessageResponseBase to
   441  // contain information pertaining to the given error.
   442  func setErrorForResponseBase(response *prot.MessageResponseBase, errForResponse error) {
   443  	errorMessage := errForResponse.Error()
   444  	stackString := ""
   445  	fileName := ""
   446  	lineNumber := -1
   447  	functionName := ""
   448  	if stack := gcserr.BaseStackTrace(errForResponse); stack != nil {
   449  		bottomFrame := stack[0]
   450  		stackString = fmt.Sprintf("%+v", stack)
   451  		fileName = fmt.Sprintf("%s", bottomFrame)
   452  		lineNumberStr := fmt.Sprintf("%d", bottomFrame)
   453  		var err error
   454  		lineNumber, err = strconv.Atoi(lineNumberStr)
   455  		if err != nil {
   456  			logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   457  				"line-number":   lineNumberStr,
   458  				logrus.ErrorKey: err,
   459  			}).Error("opengcs::bridge::setErrorForResponseBase - failed to parse line number, using -1 instead")
   460  			lineNumber = -1
   461  		}
   462  		functionName = fmt.Sprintf("%n", bottomFrame)
   463  	}
   464  	hresult, err := gcserr.GetHresult(errForResponse)
   465  	if err != nil {
   466  		// Default to using the generic failure HRESULT.
   467  		hresult = gcserr.HrFail
   468  	}
   469  	response.Result = int32(hresult)
   470  	response.ErrorMessage = errorMessage
   471  	newRecord := prot.ErrorRecord{
   472  		Result:       int32(hresult),
   473  		Message:      errorMessage,
   474  		StackTrace:   stackString,
   475  		ModuleName:   "gcs",
   476  		FileName:     fileName,
   477  		Line:         uint32(lineNumber),
   478  		FunctionName: functionName,
   479  	}
   480  	response.ErrorRecords = append(response.ErrorRecords, newRecord)
   481  }

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