//go:build windows package gcs import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "strconv" "github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid" "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/hcs/schema1" hcsschema "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/hcs/schema2" ) // LinuxGcsVsockPort is the vsock port number that the Linux GCS will // connect to. const LinuxGcsVsockPort = 0x40000000 // WindowsGcsHvsockServiceID is the hvsock service ID that the Windows GCS // will connect to. var WindowsGcsHvsockServiceID = guid.GUID{ Data1: 0xacef5661, Data2: 0x84a1, Data3: 0x4e44, Data4: [8]uint8{0x85, 0x6b, 0x62, 0x45, 0xe6, 0x9f, 0x46, 0x20}, } // WindowsGcsHvHostID is the hvsock address for the parent of the VM running the GCS var WindowsGcsHvHostID = guid.GUID{ Data1: 0x894cc2d6, Data2: 0x9d79, Data3: 0x424f, Data4: [8]uint8{0x93, 0xfe, 0x42, 0x96, 0x9a, 0xe6, 0xd8, 0xd1}, } type anyInString struct { Value interface{} } func (a *anyInString) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal(a.Value) } func (a *anyInString) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error { return json.Unmarshal(b, &a.Value) } type rpcProc uint32 const ( rpcCreate rpcProc = (iota+1)<<8 | 1 rpcStart rpcShutdownGraceful rpcShutdownForced rpcExecuteProcess rpcWaitForProcess rpcSignalProcess rpcResizeConsole rpcGetProperties rpcModifySettings rpcNegotiateProtocol rpcDumpStacks rpcDeleteContainerState rpcUpdateContainer rpcLifecycleNotification ) func (rpc rpcProc) String() string { switch rpc { case rpcCreate: return "Create" case rpcStart: return "Start" case rpcShutdownGraceful: return "ShutdownGraceful" case rpcShutdownForced: return "ShutdownForced" case rpcExecuteProcess: return "ExecuteProcess" case rpcWaitForProcess: return "WaitForProcess" case rpcSignalProcess: return "SignalProcess" case rpcResizeConsole: return "ResizeConsole" case rpcGetProperties: return "GetProperties" case rpcModifySettings: return "ModifySettings" case rpcNegotiateProtocol: return "NegotiateProtocol" case rpcDumpStacks: return "DumpStacks" case rpcDeleteContainerState: return "DeleteContainerState" case rpcUpdateContainer: return "UpdateContainer" case rpcLifecycleNotification: return "LifecycleNotification" default: return "0x" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(rpc), 16) } } type msgType uint32 const ( msgTypeRequest msgType = 0x10100000 msgTypeResponse msgType = 0x20100000 msgTypeNotify msgType = 0x30100000 msgTypeMask msgType = 0xfff00000 notifyContainer = 1<<8 | 1 ) func (typ msgType) String() string { var s string switch typ & msgTypeMask { case msgTypeRequest: s = "Request(" case msgTypeResponse: s = "Response(" case msgTypeNotify: s = "Notify(" switch typ - msgTypeNotify { case notifyContainer: s += "Container" default: s += fmt.Sprintf("%#x", uint32(typ)) } return s + ")" default: return fmt.Sprintf("%#x", uint32(typ)) } s += rpcProc(typ &^ msgTypeMask).String() return s + ")" } // ocspancontext is the internal JSON representation of the OpenCensus // `trace.SpanContext` for fowarding to a GCS that supports it. type ocspancontext struct { // TraceID is the `hex` encoded string of the OpenCensus // `SpanContext.TraceID` to propagate to the guest. TraceID string `json:",omitempty"` // SpanID is the `hex` encoded string of the OpenCensus `SpanContext.SpanID` // to propagate to the guest. SpanID string `json:",omitempty"` // TraceOptions is the OpenCensus `SpanContext.TraceOptions` passed through // to propagate to the guest. TraceOptions uint32 `json:",omitempty"` // Tracestate is the `base64` encoded string of marshaling the OpenCensus // `SpanContext.TraceState.Entries()` to JSON. // // If `SpanContext.Tracestate == nil || // len(SpanContext.Tracestate.Entries()) == 0` this will be `""`. Tracestate string `json:",omitempty"` } type requestBase struct { ContainerID string `json:"ContainerId"` ActivityID guid.GUID `json:"ActivityId"` // OpenCensusSpanContext is the encoded OpenCensus `trace.SpanContext` if // set when making the request. // // NOTE: This is not a part of the protocol but because its a JSON protocol // adding fields is a non-breaking change. If the guest supports it this is // just additive context. OpenCensusSpanContext *ocspancontext `json:"ocsc,omitempty"` } func (req *requestBase) Base() *requestBase { return req } type responseBase struct { Result int32 // HResult ErrorMessage string `json:",omitempty"` ActivityID guid.GUID `json:"ActivityId,omitempty"` ErrorRecords []errorRecord `json:",omitempty"` } type errorRecord struct { Result int32 // HResult Message string StackTrace string `json:",omitempty"` ModuleName string FileName string Line uint32 FunctionName string `json:",omitempty"` } func (resp *responseBase) Base() *responseBase { return resp } type negotiateProtocolRequest struct { requestBase MinimumVersion uint32 MaximumVersion uint32 } type negotiateProtocolResponse struct { responseBase Version uint32 `json:",omitempty"` Capabilities gcsCapabilities `json:",omitempty"` } type dumpStacksRequest struct { requestBase } type dumpStacksResponse struct { responseBase GuestStacks string } type deleteContainerStateRequest struct { requestBase } type containerCreate struct { requestBase ContainerConfig anyInString } type uvmConfig struct { SystemType string // must be "Container" TimeZoneInformation *hcsschema.TimeZoneInformation } type containerNotification struct { requestBase Type string // Compute.System.NotificationType Operation string // Compute.System.ActiveOperation Result int32 // HResult ResultInfo anyInString `json:",omitempty"` } type containerExecuteProcess struct { requestBase Settings executeProcessSettings } type executeProcessSettings struct { ProcessParameters anyInString StdioRelaySettings *executeProcessStdioRelaySettings `json:",omitempty"` VsockStdioRelaySettings *executeProcessVsockStdioRelaySettings `json:",omitempty"` } type executeProcessStdioRelaySettings struct { StdIn *guid.GUID `json:",omitempty"` StdOut *guid.GUID `json:",omitempty"` StdErr *guid.GUID `json:",omitempty"` } type executeProcessVsockStdioRelaySettings struct { StdIn uint32 `json:",omitempty"` StdOut uint32 `json:",omitempty"` StdErr uint32 `json:",omitempty"` } type containerResizeConsole struct { requestBase ProcessID uint32 `json:"ProcessId"` Height uint16 Width uint16 } type containerWaitForProcess struct { requestBase ProcessID uint32 `json:"ProcessId"` TimeoutInMs uint32 } type containerSignalProcess struct { requestBase ProcessID uint32 `json:"ProcessId"` Options interface{} `json:",omitempty"` } type containerPropertiesQuery schema1.PropertyQuery func (q *containerPropertiesQuery) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal((*schema1.PropertyQuery)(q)) } func (q *containerPropertiesQuery) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error { return json.Unmarshal(b, (*schema1.PropertyQuery)(q)) } type containerPropertiesQueryV2 hcsschema.PropertyQuery func (q *containerPropertiesQueryV2) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal((*hcsschema.PropertyQuery)(q)) } func (q *containerPropertiesQueryV2) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error { return json.Unmarshal(b, (*hcsschema.PropertyQuery)(q)) } type containerGetProperties struct { requestBase Query containerPropertiesQuery } type containerGetPropertiesV2 struct { requestBase Query containerPropertiesQueryV2 } type containerModifySettings struct { requestBase Request interface{} } type gcsCapabilities struct { SendHostCreateMessage bool SendHostStartMessage bool HvSocketConfigOnStartup bool SendLifecycleNotifications bool SupportedSchemaVersions []hcsschema.Version RuntimeOsType string GuestDefinedCapabilities interface{} } type containerCreateResponse struct { responseBase } type containerExecuteProcessResponse struct { responseBase ProcessID uint32 `json:"ProcessId"` } type containerWaitForProcessResponse struct { responseBase ExitCode uint32 } type containerProperties schema1.ContainerProperties func (p *containerProperties) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal((*schema1.ContainerProperties)(p)) } func (p *containerProperties) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error { return json.Unmarshal(b, (*schema1.ContainerProperties)(p)) } type containerPropertiesV2 hcsschema.Properties func (p *containerPropertiesV2) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal((*hcsschema.Properties)(p)) } func (p *containerPropertiesV2) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error { return json.Unmarshal(b, (*hcsschema.Properties)(p)) } type containerGetPropertiesResponse struct { responseBase Properties containerProperties } type containerGetPropertiesResponseV2 struct { responseBase Properties containerPropertiesV2 }