//go:build windows package main import ( "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "time" winio "github.com/Microsoft/go-winio" "github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid" "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/cni" "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/hcs" "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/hcsoci" "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/logfields" "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/oci" "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/regstate" "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/resources" "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/runhcs" "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/uvm" "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion" "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/pkg/annotations" specs "github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/specs-go" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "golang.org/x/sys/windows" ) var errContainerStopped = errors.New("container is stopped") type persistedState struct { // ID is the id of this container/UVM. ID string `json:",omitempty"` // Owner is the owner value passed into the runhcs command and may be `""`. Owner string `json:",omitempty"` // SandboxID is the sandbox identifier passed in via OCI specifications. This // can either be the sandbox itself or the sandbox this container should run // in. See `parseSandboxAnnotations`. SandboxID string `json:",omitempty"` // HostID will be VM ID hosting this container. If a sandbox is used it will // match the `SandboxID`. HostID string `json:",omitempty"` // Bundle is the folder path on disk where the container state and spec files // reside. Bundle string `json:",omitempty"` Created time.Time `json:",omitempty"` Rootfs string `json:",omitempty"` // Spec is the in memory deserialized values found on `Bundle\config.json`. Spec *specs.Spec `json:",omitempty"` RequestedNetNS string `json:",omitempty"` // IsHost is `true` when this is a VM isolated config. IsHost bool `json:",omitempty"` // UniqueID is a unique ID generated per container config. UniqueID guid.GUID `json:",omitempty"` // HostUniqueID is the unique ID of the hosting VM if this container is // hosted. HostUniqueID guid.GUID `json:",omitempty"` } type containerStatus string const ( containerRunning containerStatus = "running" containerStopped containerStatus = "stopped" containerCreated containerStatus = "created" containerPaused containerStatus = "paused" containerUnknown containerStatus = "unknown" keyState = "state" keyResources = "resources" keyShimPid = "shim" keyInitPid = "pid" keyNetNS = "netns" // keyPidMapFmt is the format to use when mapping a host OS pid to a guest // pid. keyPidMapFmt = "pid-%d" ) type container struct { persistedState ShimPid int hc *hcs.System } func startProcessShim(id, pidFile, logFile string, spec *specs.Process) (_ *os.Process, err error) { // Ensure the stdio handles inherit to the child process. This isn't undone // after the StartProcess call because the caller never launches another // process before exiting. for _, f := range []*os.File{os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr} { err = windows.SetHandleInformation(windows.Handle(f.Fd()), windows.HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, windows.HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT) if err != nil { return nil, err } } args := []string{ "--stdin", strconv.Itoa(int(os.Stdin.Fd())), "--stdout", strconv.Itoa(int(os.Stdout.Fd())), "--stderr", strconv.Itoa(int(os.Stderr.Fd())), } if spec != nil { args = append(args, "--exec") } if strings.HasPrefix(logFile, runhcs.SafePipePrefix) { args = append(args, "--log-pipe", logFile) } args = append(args, id) return launchShim("shim", pidFile, logFile, args, spec) } func launchShim(cmd, pidFile, logFile string, args []string, data interface{}) (_ *os.Process, err error) { executable, err := os.Executable() if err != nil { return nil, err } // Create a pipe to use as stderr for the shim process. This is used to // retrieve early error information, up to the point that the shim is ready // to launch a process in the container. rp, wp, err := os.Pipe() if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rp.Close() defer wp.Close() // Create a pipe to send the data, if one is provided. var rdatap, wdatap *os.File if data != nil { rdatap, wdatap, err = os.Pipe() if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rdatap.Close() defer wdatap.Close() } var log *os.File fullargs := []string{os.Args[0]} if logFile != "" { if !strings.HasPrefix(logFile, runhcs.SafePipePrefix) { log, err = os.OpenFile(logFile, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_SYNC, 0666) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer log.Close() } fullargs = append(fullargs, "--log-format", logFormat) if logrus.GetLevel() == logrus.DebugLevel { fullargs = append(fullargs, "--debug") } } fullargs = append(fullargs, cmd) fullargs = append(fullargs, args...) attr := &os.ProcAttr{ Files: []*os.File{rdatap, wp, log}, } p, err := os.StartProcess(executable, fullargs, attr) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { if err != nil { _ = p.Kill() } }() wp.Close() // Write the data if provided. if data != nil { rdatap.Close() dataj, err := json.Marshal(data) if err != nil { return nil, err } _, err = wdatap.Write(dataj) if err != nil { return nil, err } wdatap.Close() } err = runhcs.GetErrorFromPipe(rp, p) if err != nil { return nil, err } if pidFile != "" { if err = createPidFile(pidFile, p.Pid); err != nil { return nil, err } } return p, nil } // parseSandboxAnnotations searches `a` for various annotations used by // different runtimes to represent a sandbox ID, and sandbox type. // // If found returns the tuple `(sandboxID, isSandbox)` where `isSandbox == true` // indicates the identifier is the sandbox itself; `isSandbox == false` indicates // the identifier is the sandbox in which to place this container. Otherwise // returns `("", false)`. func parseSandboxAnnotations(a map[string]string) (string, bool) { var t, id string if t = a[annotations.KubernetesContainerType]; t != "" { id = a[annotations.KubernetesSandboxID] } else if t = a["io.kubernetes.cri-o.ContainerType"]; t != "" { id = a["io.kubernetes.cri-o.SandboxID"] } else if t = a["io.kubernetes.docker.type"]; t != "" { id = a["io.kubernetes.sandbox.id"] if t == "podsandbox" { t = "sandbox" } } if t == "container" { return id, false } if t == "sandbox" { return id, true } return "", false } // startVMShim starts a vm-shim command with the specified `opts`. `opts` can be `uvm.OptionsWCOW` or `uvm.OptionsLCOW` func (c *container) startVMShim(logFile string, opts interface{}) (*os.Process, error) { var os string if _, ok := opts.(*uvm.OptionsLCOW); ok { os = "linux" } else { os = "windows" } args := []string{"--os", os} if strings.HasPrefix(logFile, runhcs.SafePipePrefix) { args = append(args, "--log-pipe", logFile) } args = append(args, c.VMPipePath()) return launchShim("vmshim", "", logFile, args, opts) } type containerConfig struct { ID string Owner string HostID string PidFile string ShimLogFile, VMLogFile string Spec *specs.Spec VMConsolePipe string } func createContainer(cfg *containerConfig) (_ *container, err error) { // Store the container information in a volatile registry key. cwd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { return nil, err } vmisolated := cfg.Spec.Linux != nil || (cfg.Spec.Windows != nil && cfg.Spec.Windows.HyperV != nil) sandboxID, isSandbox := parseSandboxAnnotations(cfg.Spec.Annotations) hostID := cfg.HostID if isSandbox { if sandboxID != cfg.ID { return nil, errors.New("sandbox ID must match ID") } } else if sandboxID != "" { // Validate that the sandbox container exists. sandbox, err := getContainer(sandboxID, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer sandbox.Close() if sandbox.SandboxID != sandboxID { return nil, fmt.Errorf("container %s is not a sandbox", sandboxID) } if hostID == "" { // Use the sandbox's host. hostID = sandbox.HostID } else if sandbox.HostID == "" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("sandbox container %s is not running in a VM host, but host %s was specified", sandboxID, hostID) } else if hostID != sandbox.HostID { return nil, fmt.Errorf("sandbox container %s has a different host %s from the requested host %s", sandboxID, sandbox.HostID, hostID) } if vmisolated && hostID == "" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("container %s is not a VM isolated sandbox", sandboxID) } } uniqueID, err := guid.NewV4() if err != nil { return nil, err } newvm := false var hostUniqueID guid.GUID if hostID != "" { host, err := getContainer(hostID, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer host.Close() if !host.IsHost { return nil, fmt.Errorf("host container %s is not a VM host", hostID) } hostUniqueID = host.UniqueID } else if vmisolated && (isSandbox || cfg.Spec.Linux != nil || osversion.Build() >= osversion.RS5) { // This handles all LCOW, Pod Sandbox, and (Windows Xenon V2 for RS5+) hostID = cfg.ID newvm = true hostUniqueID = uniqueID } // Make absolute the paths in Root.Path and Windows.LayerFolders. rootfs := "" if cfg.Spec.Root != nil { rootfs = cfg.Spec.Root.Path if rootfs != "" && !filepath.IsAbs(rootfs) && !strings.HasPrefix(rootfs, `\\?\`) { rootfs = filepath.Join(cwd, rootfs) cfg.Spec.Root.Path = rootfs } } netNS := "" if cfg.Spec.Windows != nil { for i, f := range cfg.Spec.Windows.LayerFolders { if !filepath.IsAbs(f) && !strings.HasPrefix(rootfs, `\\?\`) { cfg.Spec.Windows.LayerFolders[i] = filepath.Join(cwd, f) } } // Determine the network namespace to use. if cfg.Spec.Windows.Network != nil { if cfg.Spec.Windows.Network.NetworkSharedContainerName != "" { // RS4 case err = stateKey.Get(cfg.Spec.Windows.Network.NetworkSharedContainerName, keyNetNS, &netNS) if err != nil { if _, ok := err.(*regstate.NoStateError); !ok { return nil, err } } } else if cfg.Spec.Windows.Network.NetworkNamespace != "" { // RS5 case netNS = cfg.Spec.Windows.Network.NetworkNamespace } } } // Store the initial container state in the registry so that the delete // command can clean everything up if something goes wrong. c := &container{ persistedState: persistedState{ ID: cfg.ID, Owner: cfg.Owner, Bundle: cwd, Rootfs: rootfs, Created: time.Now(), Spec: cfg.Spec, SandboxID: sandboxID, HostID: hostID, IsHost: newvm, RequestedNetNS: netNS, UniqueID: uniqueID, HostUniqueID: hostUniqueID, }, } err = stateKey.Create(cfg.ID, keyState, &c.persistedState) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { if err != nil { _ = c.Remove() } }() if isSandbox && vmisolated { cnicfg := cni.NewPersistedNamespaceConfig(netNS, cfg.ID, hostUniqueID) err = cnicfg.Store() if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { if err != nil { _ = cnicfg.Remove() } }() } // Start a VM if necessary. if newvm { opts, err := oci.SpecToUVMCreateOpts(context.Background(), cfg.Spec, vmID(c.ID), cfg.Owner) if err != nil { return nil, err } switch opts := opts.(type) { case *uvm.OptionsLCOW: opts.ConsolePipe = cfg.VMConsolePipe case *uvm.OptionsWCOW: // In order for the UVM sandbox.vhdx not to collide with the actual // nested Argon sandbox.vhdx we append the \vm folder to the last entry // in the list. layersLen := len(cfg.Spec.Windows.LayerFolders) layers := make([]string, layersLen) copy(layers, cfg.Spec.Windows.LayerFolders) vmPath := filepath.Join(layers[layersLen-1], "vm") err := os.MkdirAll(vmPath, 0) if err != nil { return nil, err } layers[layersLen-1] = vmPath opts.LayerFolders = layers } shim, err := c.startVMShim(cfg.VMLogFile, opts) if err != nil { return nil, err } _ = shim.Release() } if c.HostID != "" { // Call to the VM shim process to create the container. This is done so // that the VM process can keep track of the VM's virtual hardware // resource use. err = c.issueVMRequest(runhcs.OpCreateContainer) if err != nil { return nil, err } c.hc, err = hcs.OpenComputeSystem(context.Background(), cfg.ID) if err != nil { return nil, err } } else { // Create the container directly from this process. err = createContainerInHost(c, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } } // Create the shim process for the container. err = startContainerShim(c, cfg.PidFile, cfg.ShimLogFile) if err != nil { if e := c.Kill(); e == nil { _ = c.Remove() } return nil, err } return c, nil } func (c *container) ShimPipePath() string { return runhcs.SafePipePath("runhcs-shim-" + c.UniqueID.String()) } func (c *container) VMPipePath() string { return runhcs.VMPipePath(c.HostUniqueID) } func (c *container) VMIsolated() bool { return c.HostID != "" } func (c *container) unmountInHost(vm *uvm.UtilityVM, all bool) error { r := &resources.Resources{} err := stateKey.Get(c.ID, keyResources, r) if _, ok := err.(*regstate.NoStateError); ok { return nil } if err != nil { return err } err = resources.ReleaseResources(context.Background(), r, vm, all) if err != nil { _ = stateKey.Set(c.ID, keyResources, r) return err } err = stateKey.Clear(c.ID, keyResources) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (c *container) Unmount(all bool) error { if c.VMIsolated() { op := runhcs.OpUnmountContainerDiskOnly if all { op = runhcs.OpUnmountContainer } err := c.issueVMRequest(op) if _, ok := err.(*noVMError); ok { logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{ logfields.ContainerID: c.ID, logfields.UVMID: c.HostID, logrus.ErrorKey: errors.New("failed to unmount container resources"), }).Warning("VM shim could not be contacted") } else { return err } } else { _ = c.unmountInHost(nil, false) } return nil } func createContainerInHost(c *container, vm *uvm.UtilityVM) (err error) { if c.hc != nil { return errors.New("container already created") } // Create the container without starting it. opts := &hcsoci.CreateOptions{ ID: c.ID, Owner: c.Owner, Spec: c.Spec, HostingSystem: vm, NetworkNamespace: c.RequestedNetNS, } vmid := "" if vm != nil { vmid = vm.ID() } logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{ logfields.ContainerID: c.ID, logfields.UVMID: vmid, }).Info("creating container in UVM") hc, r, err := hcsoci.CreateContainer(context.Background(), opts) if err != nil { return err } defer func() { if err != nil { _ = hc.Terminate(context.Background()) _ = hc.Wait() _ = resources.ReleaseResources(context.Background(), r, vm, true) } }() // Record the network namespace to support namespace sharing by container ID. if r.NetNS() != "" { err = stateKey.Set(c.ID, keyNetNS, r.NetNS()) if err != nil { return err } } err = stateKey.Set(c.ID, keyResources, r) if err != nil { return err } c.hc = hc.(*hcs.System) return nil } func startContainerShim(c *container, pidFile, logFile string) error { // Launch a shim process to later execute a process in the container. shim, err := startProcessShim(c.ID, pidFile, logFile, nil) if err != nil { return err } defer func() { _ = shim.Release() }() defer func() { if err != nil { _ = shim.Kill() } }() c.ShimPid = shim.Pid err = stateKey.Set(c.ID, keyShimPid, shim.Pid) if err != nil { return err } if pidFile != "" { if err = createPidFile(pidFile, shim.Pid); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (c *container) Close() error { if c.hc == nil { return nil } return c.hc.Close() } func (c *container) Exec() error { err := c.hc.Start(context.Background()) if err != nil { return err } if c.Spec.Process == nil { return nil } // Alert the shim that the container is ready. pipe, err := winio.DialPipe(c.ShimPipePath(), nil) if err != nil { return err } defer pipe.Close() shim, err := os.FindProcess(c.ShimPid) if err != nil { return err } defer func() { _ = shim.Release() }() err = runhcs.GetErrorFromPipe(pipe, shim) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func getContainer(id string, notStopped bool) (*container, error) { var c container err := stateKey.Get(id, keyState, &c.persistedState) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = stateKey.Get(id, keyShimPid, &c.ShimPid) if err != nil { if _, ok := err.(*regstate.NoStateError); !ok { return nil, err } c.ShimPid = -1 } if notStopped && c.ShimPid == 0 { return nil, errContainerStopped } hc, err := hcs.OpenComputeSystem(context.Background(), c.ID) if err == nil { c.hc = hc } else if !hcs.IsNotExist(err) { return nil, err } else if notStopped { return nil, errContainerStopped } return &c, nil } func (c *container) Remove() error { // Unmount any layers or mapped volumes. err := c.Unmount(!c.IsHost) if err != nil { return err } // Follow kata's example and delay tearing down the VM until the owning // container is removed. if c.IsHost { vm, err := hcs.OpenComputeSystem(context.Background(), vmID(c.ID)) if err == nil { _ = vm.Terminate(context.Background()) _ = vm.Wait() } } return stateKey.Remove(c.ID) } func (c *container) Kill() error { if c.hc == nil { return nil } _ = c.hc.Terminate(context.Background()) return c.hc.Wait() } func (c *container) Status() (containerStatus, error) { if c.hc == nil || c.ShimPid == 0 { return containerStopped, nil } props, err := c.hc.Properties(context.Background()) if err != nil { if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "operation is not valid in the current state") { return "", err } return containerUnknown, nil } state := containerUnknown switch props.State { case "", "Created": state = containerCreated case "Running": state = containerRunning case "Paused": state = containerPaused case "Stopped": state = containerStopped } return state, nil }