3 package winio
5 import (
6 "errors"
7 "fmt"
8 "testing"
9 "time"
10 )
12 func FuzzHvSockRxTx(f *testing.F) {
13 for _, b := range [][]byte{
14 []byte("hello?"),
15 []byte("This is a really long string that should be a good example of the really long " +
16 "payloads that may be sent over hvsockets when really long inputs are being used, tautologically. " +
17 "That means that we will have to test with really long input sequences, which means that " +
18 "we need to include really long byte sequences or strings in our testing so that we know that " +
19 "the sockets can deal with really long inputs. Look at this key mashing: " +
20 "sdflhsdfgkjdhskljjsad;kljfasd;lfkjsadl ;fasdjfopiwej09q34iur092\"i4o[piwajfliasdkf-012ior]-" +
21 "01oi3;'lSD<Fplkasdjgoisaefjoiasdlj\"hgfoaisdkf';laksdjdf[poaiseefk-0923i4roi3qwjrf9" +
22 "08sEJKEFOLIsaejf[09saEJFLKSADjf;lkasdjf;kljaslddhgaskghk"),
23 {0x5c, 0xbd, 0xb5, 0xe7, 0x6b, 0xcb, 0xe7, 0x23, 0xff, 0x7a, 0x19, 0x77, 0x2c, 0xca, 0xab, 0x3b},
24 } {
25 f.Add(b)
26 }
28 f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, a []byte) {
29 if string(a) == "" {
30 t.Skip("skipping empty string")
31 }
32 t.Logf("testing %q (%d)", a, len(a))
33 u := newUtil(t)
34 cl, sv, _ := clientServer(u)
36 svCh := u.Go(func() error {
37 n, err := cl.Write(a)
38 if err != nil {
39 return fmt.Errorf("client write: %w", err)
40 }
41 if n != len(a) {
42 return errors.New("client did not send full message")
43 }
45 b := make([]byte, len(a)+5)
46 n, err = cl.Read(b)
47 if err != nil {
48 return fmt.Errorf("client read: %w", err)
49 }
50 if n != len(a) {
51 return errors.New("client did not read full message")
52 }
53 bn := b[:n]
54 if string(a) != string(bn) {
55 return fmt.Errorf("client payload mismatch %q != %q", a, bn)
56 }
57 t.Log("client received")
58 return nil
59 })
61 clCh := u.Go(func() error {
62 b := make([]byte, len(a)+5)
63 n, err := sv.Read(b)
64 if err != nil {
65 return fmt.Errorf("server read: %w", err)
66 }
67 if n != len(a) {
68 return errors.New("server did not read full message")
69 }
70 bn := b[:n]
71 if string(a) != string(bn) {
72 return fmt.Errorf("server payload mismatch %q != %q", a, bn)
73 }
75 n, err = sv.Write(bn)
76 if err != nil {
77 return fmt.Errorf("server write: %w", err)
78 }
79 if n != len(a) {
80 return errors.New("server did not send full message")
81 }
82 t.Log("server sent")
83 return nil
84 })
85 u.WaitErr(svCh, 250*time.Millisecond)
86 u.WaitErr(clCh, 250*time.Millisecond)
87 })
88 }
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