
Source file src/github.com/LINBIT/golinstor/client/client.go

Documentation: github.com/LINBIT/golinstor/client

     1  // A REST client to interact with LINSTOR's REST API
     2  // Copyright (C) LINBIT HA-Solutions GmbH
     3  // All Rights Reserved.
     4  // Author: Roland Kammerer <roland.kammerer@linbit.com>
     5  //
     6  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
     7  // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
     8  // a copy of the License at
     9  //
    10  // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    11  //
    12  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    13  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
    14  // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
    15  // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
    16  // under the License.
    18  package client
    20  import (
    21  	"bytes"
    22  	"context"
    23  	"crypto/tls"
    24  	"crypto/x509"
    25  	"encoding/json"
    26  	"errors"
    27  	"fmt"
    28  	"io"
    29  	"log"
    30  	"net"
    31  	"net/http"
    32  	"net/url"
    33  	"os"
    34  	"strings"
    35  	"sync"
    36  	"time"
    38  	"github.com/donovanhide/eventsource"
    39  	"golang.org/x/time/rate"
    40  	"moul.io/http2curl/v2"
    41  )
    43  // Client is a struct representing a LINSTOR REST client.
    44  type Client struct {
    45  	httpClient  *http.Client
    46  	baseURL     *url.URL
    47  	basicAuth   *BasicAuthCfg
    48  	bearerToken string
    49  	userAgent   string
    50  	controllers []*url.URL
    51  	lim         *rate.Limiter
    52  	log         interface{} // must be either Logger or LeveledLogger
    54  	Nodes                  NodeProvider
    55  	ResourceDefinitions    ResourceDefinitionProvider
    56  	Resources              ResourceProvider
    57  	ResourceGroups         ResourceGroupProvider
    58  	StoragePoolDefinitions StoragePoolDefinitionProvider
    59  	Encryption             EncryptionProvider
    60  	Controller             ControllerProvider
    61  	Events                 EventProvider
    62  	Vendor                 VendorProvider
    63  	Remote                 RemoteProvider
    64  	Backup                 BackupProvider
    65  	KeyValueStore          KeyValueStoreProvider
    66  	Connections            ConnectionProvider
    67  }
    69  // Logger represents a standard logger interface
    70  type Logger interface {
    71  	Printf(string, ...interface{})
    72  }
    74  // LeveledLogger interface implements the basic methods that a logger library needs
    75  type LeveledLogger interface {
    76  	Errorf(string, ...interface{})
    77  	Infof(string, ...interface{})
    78  	Debugf(string, ...interface{})
    79  	Warnf(string, ...interface{})
    80  }
    82  type BasicAuthCfg struct {
    83  	Username, Password string
    84  }
    86  // const errors as in https://dave.cheney.net/2016/04/07/constant-errors
    87  type clientError string
    89  func (e clientError) Error() string { return string(e) }
    91  const (
    92  	// NotFoundError is the error type returned in case of a 404 error. This is required to test for this kind of error.
    93  	NotFoundError = clientError("404 Not Found")
    94  	// Name of the environment variable that stores the certificate used for TLS client authentication
    95  	UserCertEnv = "LS_USER_CERTIFICATE"
    96  	// Name of the environment variable that stores the key used for TLS client authentication
    97  	UserKeyEnv = "LS_USER_KEY"
    98  	// Name of the environment variable that stores the certificate authority for the LINSTOR HTTPS API
    99  	RootCAEnv = "LS_ROOT_CA"
   100  	// Name of the environment variable that holds the URL(s) of LINSTOR controllers
   101  	ControllerUrlEnv = "LS_CONTROLLERS"
   102  	// Name of the environment variable that holds the username for authentication
   103  	UsernameEnv = "LS_USERNAME"
   104  	// Name of the environment variable that holds the password for authentication
   105  	PasswordEnv = "LS_PASSWORD"
   106  	// Name of the environment variable that points to the file containing the token for authentication
   107  	BearerTokenFileEnv = "LS_BEARER_TOKEN_FILE"
   108  )
   110  // For example:
   111  // u, _ := url.Parse("http://somehost:3370")
   112  // c, _ := linstor.NewClient(linstor.BaseURL(u))
   114  // Option configures a LINSTOR Client
   115  type Option func(*Client) error
   117  // BaseURL is a client's option to set the baseURL of the REST client.
   118  func BaseURL(URL *url.URL) Option {
   119  	return func(c *Client) error {
   120  		c.baseURL = URL
   121  		return nil
   122  	}
   123  }
   125  // BasicAuth is a client's option to set username and password for the REST client.
   126  func BasicAuth(basicauth *BasicAuthCfg) Option {
   127  	return func(c *Client) error {
   128  		c.basicAuth = basicauth
   129  		return nil
   130  	}
   131  }
   133  // HTTPClient is a client's option to set a specific http.Client.
   134  func HTTPClient(httpClient *http.Client) Option {
   135  	return func(c *Client) error {
   136  		c.httpClient = httpClient
   137  		return nil
   138  	}
   139  }
   141  // Log is a client's option to set a Logger
   142  func Log(logger interface{}) Option {
   143  	return func(c *Client) error {
   144  		switch logger.(type) {
   145  		case Logger, LeveledLogger, nil:
   146  			c.log = logger
   147  		default:
   148  			return errors.New("Invalid logger type, expected Logger or LeveledLogger")
   149  		}
   150  		return nil
   151  	}
   152  }
   154  // Limiter to use when making queries.
   155  // Mutually exclusive with Limit, last applied option wins.
   156  func Limiter(limiter *rate.Limiter) Option {
   157  	return func(c *Client) error {
   158  		if limiter.Burst() == 0 && limiter.Limit() != rate.Inf {
   159  			return fmt.Errorf("invalid rate limit, burst must not be zero for non-unlimited rates")
   160  		}
   161  		c.lim = limiter
   162  		return nil
   163  	}
   164  }
   166  // Limit is the client's option to set number of requests per second and
   167  // max number of bursts.
   168  // Mutually exclusive with Limiter, last applied option wins.
   169  // Deprecated: Use Limiter instead.
   170  func Limit(r rate.Limit, b int) Option {
   171  	return Limiter(rate.NewLimiter(r, b))
   172  }
   174  func Controllers(controllers []string) Option {
   175  	return func(c *Client) error {
   176  		var err error
   177  		c.controllers, err = parseURLs(controllers)
   178  		return err
   179  	}
   180  }
   182  // BearerToken configures authentication via the given token send in the Authorization Header.
   183  // If set, this will override any authentication happening via Basic Authentication.
   184  func BearerToken(token string) Option {
   185  	return func(c *Client) error {
   186  		c.bearerToken = token
   187  		return nil
   188  	}
   189  }
   191  // UserAgent sets the User-Agent header for every request to the given string.
   192  func UserAgent(ua string) Option {
   193  	return func(c *Client) error {
   194  		c.userAgent = ua
   195  		return nil
   196  	}
   197  }
   199  // buildHttpClient constructs an HTTP client which will be used to connect to
   200  // the LINSTOR controller. It recongnizes some environment variables which can
   201  // be used to configure the HTTP client at runtime. If an invalid key or
   202  // certificate is passed, an error is returned.
   203  // If none or not all of the environment variables are passed, the default
   204  // client is used as a fallback.
   205  func buildHttpClient() (*http.Client, error) {
   206  	certPEM, cert := os.LookupEnv(UserCertEnv)
   207  	keyPEM, key := os.LookupEnv(UserKeyEnv)
   208  	caPEM, ca := os.LookupEnv(RootCAEnv)
   210  	if key != cert {
   211  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("'%s', '%s': specify both or none", UserKeyEnv, UserCertEnv)
   212  	}
   214  	if !cert && !key && !ca {
   215  		// Non of the special variables was set -> if TLS is used, default configuration can be used
   216  		return http.DefaultClient, nil
   217  	}
   219  	tlsConfig := &tls.Config{}
   221  	if ca {
   222  		caPool := x509.NewCertPool()
   223  		ok := caPool.AppendCertsFromPEM([]byte(caPEM))
   224  		if !ok {
   225  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get a valid certificate from '%s'", RootCAEnv)
   226  		}
   227  		tlsConfig.RootCAs = caPool
   228  	}
   230  	if key && cert {
   231  		keyPair, err := tls.X509KeyPair([]byte(certPEM), []byte(keyPEM))
   232  		if err != nil {
   233  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load keys: %w", err)
   234  		}
   235  		tlsConfig.Certificates = append(tlsConfig.Certificates, keyPair)
   236  	}
   238  	return &http.Client{
   239  		Transport: &http.Transport{
   240  			TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
   241  		},
   242  	}, nil
   243  }
   245  // Return the default scheme to access linstor
   246  // If one of the HTTPS environment variables is set, will return "https".
   247  // If not, will return "http"
   248  func defaultScheme() string {
   249  	_, ca := os.LookupEnv(RootCAEnv)
   250  	_, cert := os.LookupEnv(UserCertEnv)
   251  	_, key := os.LookupEnv(UserKeyEnv)
   252  	if ca || cert || key {
   253  		return "https"
   254  	}
   255  	return "http"
   256  }
   258  const defaultHost = "localhost"
   260  // Return the default port to access linstor.
   261  // Defaults are:
   262  // "https": 3371
   263  // "http":  3370
   264  func defaultPort(scheme string) string {
   265  	if scheme == "https" {
   266  		return "3371"
   267  	}
   268  	return "3370"
   269  }
   271  // tryConnect takes a slice of urls and tries to Dial each one of the hosts.
   272  // If a working URL is found, it is returned.
   273  // If the slice contains no working URL, a list of all connection errors is returned.
   274  func tryConnect(urls []*url.URL) (*url.URL, []error) {
   275  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
   276  	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
   277  	defer cancel()
   278  	errChan := make(chan error)
   279  	indexChan := make(chan int)
   280  	doneChan := make(chan bool)
   281  	wg.Add(len(urls))
   282  	for i := range urls {
   283  		i := i
   284  		go func() {
   285  			defer wg.Done()
   286  			conn, err := (&net.Dialer{}).DialContext(ctx, "tcp", urls[i].Host)
   287  			if err != nil {
   288  				errChan <- err
   289  				return
   290  			}
   291  			cancel()
   292  			conn.Close()
   293  			indexChan <- i
   294  		}()
   295  	}
   297  	go func() {
   298  		wg.Wait()
   299  		doneChan <- true
   300  	}()
   302  	var errs []error
   303  	for {
   304  		select {
   305  		case result := <-indexChan:
   306  			return urls[result], nil
   307  		case err := <-errChan:
   308  			errs = append(errs, err)
   309  		case <-doneChan:
   310  			return nil, errs
   311  		}
   312  	}
   313  }
   315  func parseBaseURL(urlString string) (*url.URL, error) {
   316  	// Check scheme
   317  	urlSplit := strings.Split(urlString, "://")
   319  	if len(urlSplit) == 1 {
   320  		if urlSplit[0] == "" {
   321  			urlSplit[0] = defaultHost
   322  		}
   323  		urlSplit = []string{defaultScheme(), urlSplit[0]}
   324  	}
   326  	if len(urlSplit) != 2 {
   327  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("URL with multiple scheme separators. parts: %v", urlSplit)
   328  	}
   329  	scheme, endpoint := urlSplit[0], urlSplit[1]
   330  	switch scheme {
   331  	case "linstor":
   332  		scheme = defaultScheme()
   333  	case "linstor+ssl":
   334  		scheme = "https"
   335  	}
   337  	// Check port
   338  	endpointSplit := strings.Split(endpoint, ":")
   339  	if len(endpointSplit) == 1 {
   340  		endpointSplit = []string{endpointSplit[0], defaultPort(scheme)}
   341  	}
   342  	if len(endpointSplit) != 2 {
   343  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("URL with multiple port separators. parts: %v", endpointSplit)
   344  	}
   345  	host, port := endpointSplit[0], endpointSplit[1]
   347  	return url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s:%s", scheme, host, port))
   348  }
   350  func parseURLs(urls []string) ([]*url.URL, error) {
   351  	var result []*url.URL
   352  	for _, controller := range urls {
   353  		url, err := parseBaseURL(controller)
   354  		if err != nil {
   355  			return nil, err
   356  		}
   357  		result = append(result, url)
   358  	}
   360  	return result, nil
   361  }
   363  // NewClient takes an arbitrary number of options and returns a Client or an error.
   364  // It recognizes several environment variables which can be used to configure
   365  // the client at runtime:
   366  //
   367  // - LS_CONTROLLERS: a comma-separated list of LINSTOR controllers to connect to.
   368  //
   369  // - LS_USERNAME, LS_PASSWORD: can be used to authenticate against the LINSTOR
   370  // controller using HTTP basic authentication.
   371  //
   372  // - LS_USER_CERTIFICATE, LS_USER_KEY, LS_ROOT_CA: can be used to enable TLS on
   373  // the HTTP client, enabling encrypted communication with the LINSTOR controller.
   374  //
   375  // - LS_BEARER_TOKEN_FILE: can be set to a file containing the bearer token used
   376  // for authentication.
   377  //
   378  // Options passed to NewClient take precedence over options passed in via
   379  // environment variables.
   380  func NewClient(options ...Option) (*Client, error) {
   381  	httpClient, err := buildHttpClient()
   382  	if err != nil {
   383  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to build http client: %w", err)
   384  	}
   386  	c := &Client{
   387  		httpClient: httpClient,
   388  		basicAuth: &BasicAuthCfg{
   389  			Username: os.Getenv(UsernameEnv),
   390  			Password: os.Getenv(PasswordEnv),
   391  		},
   392  		lim: rate.NewLimiter(rate.Inf, 0),
   393  		log: log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0),
   394  	}
   396  	c.Nodes = &NodeService{client: c}
   397  	c.ResourceDefinitions = &ResourceDefinitionService{client: c}
   398  	c.Resources = &ResourceService{client: c}
   399  	c.Encryption = &EncryptionService{client: c}
   400  	c.ResourceGroups = &ResourceGroupService{client: c}
   401  	c.StoragePoolDefinitions = &StoragePoolDefinitionService{client: c}
   402  	c.Controller = &ControllerService{client: c}
   403  	c.Events = &EventService{client: c}
   404  	c.Vendor = &VendorService{client: c}
   405  	c.Remote = &RemoteService{client: c}
   406  	c.Backup = &BackupService{client: c}
   407  	c.KeyValueStore = &KeyValueStoreService{client: c}
   408  	c.Connections = &ConnectionService{client: c}
   410  	if path, ok := os.LookupEnv(BearerTokenFileEnv); ok {
   411  		token, err := os.ReadFile(path)
   412  		if err != nil {
   413  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read token from file: %w", err)
   414  		}
   416  		c.bearerToken = string(token)
   417  	}
   419  	for _, opt := range options {
   420  		if err := opt(c); err != nil {
   421  			return nil, err
   422  		}
   423  	}
   425  	if c.baseURL == nil {
   426  		if len(c.controllers) == 0 {
   427  			// if not already set by option, get from environment...
   428  			controllersStr := os.Getenv(ControllerUrlEnv)
   429  			if controllersStr == "" {
   430  				// ... or fall back to defaults
   431  				controllersStr = fmt.Sprintf("%v://%v:%v", defaultScheme(), defaultHost, defaultPort(defaultScheme()))
   432  			}
   434  			c.controllers, err = parseURLs(strings.Split(controllersStr, ","))
   435  			if err != nil {
   436  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse controller URLs: %w", err)
   437  			}
   438  		}
   440  		// if we have exactly one controller, use that directly, otherwise the
   441  		// controller will be figured out in findRespondingController().
   442  		if len(c.controllers) == 1 {
   443  			c.baseURL = c.controllers[0]
   444  		}
   445  	}
   447  	return c, nil
   448  }
   450  func (c *Client) BaseURL() *url.URL {
   451  	return c.baseURL
   452  }
   454  func (c *Client) newRequest(method, path string, body interface{}) (*http.Request, error) {
   455  	rel, err := url.Parse(path)
   456  	if err != nil {
   457  		return nil, err
   458  	}
   460  	if c.baseURL == nil {
   461  		if err := c.findRespondingController(); err != nil {
   462  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to connect: %w", err)
   463  		}
   464  		if c.baseURL == nil {
   465  			// should not happen since findRespondingController()
   466  			// always either sets baseURL or errors out, but just in case...
   467  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to determine base URL")
   468  		}
   469  	}
   470  	u := c.baseURL.ResolveReference(rel)
   472  	var buf io.ReadWriter
   473  	if body != nil {
   474  		buf = new(bytes.Buffer)
   475  		err := json.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(body)
   476  		if err != nil {
   477  			return nil, err
   478  		}
   479  		switch l := c.log.(type) {
   480  		case LeveledLogger:
   481  			l.Debugf("%s", buf)
   482  		case Logger:
   483  			l.Printf("[DEBUG] %s", body)
   484  		}
   485  	}
   487  	req, err := http.NewRequest(method, u.String(), buf)
   488  	if err != nil {
   489  		return nil, err
   490  	}
   492  	if body != nil {
   493  		req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
   494  	}
   496  	if c.userAgent != "" {
   497  		req.Header.Set("User-Agent", c.userAgent)
   498  	}
   500  	req.Header.Set("Accept", "application/json")
   502  	username := c.basicAuth.Username
   503  	if username != "" {
   504  		req.SetBasicAuth(username, c.basicAuth.Password)
   505  	}
   507  	if c.bearerToken != "" {
   508  		req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+c.bearerToken)
   509  	}
   511  	return req, nil
   512  }
   514  func (c *Client) curlify(req *http.Request) (string, error) {
   515  	cc, err := http2curl.GetCurlCommand(req)
   516  	if err != nil {
   517  		return "", err
   518  	}
   519  	return cc.String(), nil
   520  }
   522  // findRespondingController scans the list of controllers for a working LINSTOR
   523  // controller. It sets the baseURL of the client to the first working controller
   524  // that is found.  If there is only exactly one controller in the controller
   525  // list, it is used directly.
   526  func (c *Client) findRespondingController() error {
   527  	switch num := len(c.controllers); {
   528  	case num > 1:
   529  		url, errors := tryConnect(c.controllers)
   530  		if errors != nil {
   531  			logError := func(msg string) {
   532  				switch l := c.log.(type) {
   533  				case LeveledLogger:
   534  					l.Errorf(msg)
   535  				case Logger:
   536  					l.Printf("[ERROR] %s", msg)
   537  				}
   538  			}
   539  			logError("Unable to connect to any of the given controller hosts:")
   540  			for _, e := range errors {
   541  				logError(fmt.Sprintf("   - %v", e))
   542  			}
   543  			return fmt.Errorf("could not connect to any controller")
   544  		}
   545  		c.baseURL = url
   546  	case num == 1:
   547  		c.baseURL = c.controllers[0]
   548  	default:
   549  		return fmt.Errorf("no controller to connect to")
   550  	}
   552  	return nil
   553  }
   555  func (c *Client) logCurlify(req *http.Request) {
   556  	var msg string
   557  	if curl, err := c.curlify(req); err != nil {
   558  		msg = err.Error()
   559  	} else {
   560  		msg = curl
   561  	}
   563  	switch l := c.log.(type) {
   564  	case LeveledLogger:
   565  		l.Debugf("%s", msg)
   566  	case Logger:
   567  		l.Printf("[DEBUG] %s", msg)
   568  	}
   569  }
   571  func (c *Client) retry(origErr error, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
   572  	// only retry on network errors and if we even have another controller to choose from
   573  	if _, ok := origErr.(net.Error); !ok || len(c.controllers) <= 1 {
   574  		return nil, origErr
   575  	}
   577  	prevBaseURL := c.baseURL
   578  	e := c.findRespondingController()
   579  	// if findRespondingController failed, or we just got the same base URL, don't bother retrying
   580  	if e != nil && c.baseURL == prevBaseURL {
   581  		return nil, origErr
   582  	}
   584  	req.URL.Host = c.baseURL.Host
   585  	return c.httpClient.Do(req)
   586  }
   588  func (c *Client) do(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request, v interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
   589  	if err := c.lim.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
   590  		return nil, err
   591  	}
   592  	req = req.WithContext(ctx)
   594  	c.logCurlify(req)
   596  	resp, err := c.httpClient.Do(req)
   597  	if err != nil {
   598  		select {
   599  		case <-ctx.Done():
   600  			return nil, ctx.Err()
   601  		default:
   602  		}
   604  		// if this was a connectivity issue, attempt a retry
   605  		resp, err = c.retry(err, req)
   606  		if err != nil {
   607  			return nil, err
   608  		}
   609  	}
   610  	defer resp.Body.Close()
   612  	if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode >= 400 {
   613  		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Status code not within 200 to 400, but %d (%s)\n",
   614  			resp.StatusCode, http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
   615  		switch l := c.log.(type) {
   616  		case LeveledLogger:
   617  			l.Debugf("%s", msg)
   618  		case Logger:
   619  			l.Printf("[DEBUG] %s", msg)
   620  		}
   621  		if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
   622  			return nil, NotFoundError
   623  		}
   625  		var rets ApiCallError
   626  		if err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&rets); err != nil {
   627  			return nil, err
   628  		}
   629  		return nil, rets
   630  	}
   632  	if v != nil {
   633  		err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(v)
   634  	}
   635  	return resp, err
   636  }
   638  // Higer Leve Abstractions
   640  func (c *Client) doGET(ctx context.Context, url string, ret interface{}, opts ...*ListOpts) (*http.Response, error) {
   642  	u, err := addOptions(url, genOptions(opts...))
   643  	if err != nil {
   644  		return nil, err
   645  	}
   647  	req, err := c.newRequest("GET", u, nil)
   648  	if err != nil {
   649  		return nil, err
   650  	}
   651  	return c.do(ctx, req, ret)
   652  }
   654  func (c *Client) doEvent(ctx context.Context, url, lastEventId string) (*eventsource.Stream, error) {
   655  	req, err := c.newRequest("GET", url, nil)
   656  	if err != nil {
   657  		return nil, err
   658  	}
   659  	req.Header.Set("Accept", "text/event-stream")
   660  	req = req.WithContext(ctx)
   662  	stream, err := eventsource.SubscribeWith(lastEventId, c.httpClient, req)
   663  	if err != nil {
   664  		return nil, err
   665  	}
   667  	return stream, nil
   668  }
   670  func (c *Client) doPOST(ctx context.Context, url string, body interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
   671  	req, err := c.newRequest("POST", url, body)
   672  	if err != nil {
   673  		return nil, err
   674  	}
   676  	return c.do(ctx, req, nil)
   677  }
   679  func (c *Client) doPUT(ctx context.Context, url string, body interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
   680  	req, err := c.newRequest("PUT", url, body)
   681  	if err != nil {
   682  		return nil, err
   683  	}
   685  	return c.do(ctx, req, nil)
   686  }
   688  func (c *Client) doPATCH(ctx context.Context, url string, body interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
   689  	req, err := c.newRequest("PATCH", url, body)
   690  	if err != nil {
   691  		return nil, err
   692  	}
   694  	return c.do(ctx, req, nil)
   695  }
   697  func (c *Client) doDELETE(ctx context.Context, url string, body interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
   698  	req, err := c.newRequest("DELETE", url, body)
   699  	if err != nil {
   700  		return nil, err
   701  	}
   703  	return c.do(ctx, req, nil)
   704  }
   706  func (c *Client) doOPTIONS(ctx context.Context, url string, ret interface{}, body interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
   707  	req, err := c.newRequest("OPTIONS", url, body)
   708  	if err != nil {
   709  		return nil, err
   710  	}
   712  	return c.do(ctx, req, ret)
   713  }
   715  // ApiCallRc represents the struct returned by LINSTOR, when accessing its REST API.
   716  type ApiCallRc struct {
   717  	// A masked error number
   718  	RetCode int64  `json:"ret_code"`
   719  	Message string `json:"message"`
   720  	// Cause of the error
   721  	Cause string `json:"cause,omitempty"`
   722  	// Details to the error message
   723  	Details string `json:"details,omitempty"`
   724  	// Possible correction options
   725  	Correction string `json:"correction,omitempty"`
   726  	// List of error report ids related to this api call return code.
   727  	ErrorReportIds []string `json:"error_report_ids,omitempty"`
   728  	// Map of objection that have been involved by the operation.
   729  	ObjRefs map[string]string `json:"obj_refs,omitempty"`
   730  }
   732  func (rc *ApiCallRc) String() string {
   733  	s := fmt.Sprintf("Message: '%s'", rc.Message)
   734  	if rc.Cause != "" {
   735  		s += fmt.Sprintf("; Cause: '%s'", rc.Cause)
   736  	}
   737  	if rc.Details != "" {
   738  		s += fmt.Sprintf("; Details: '%s'", rc.Details)
   739  	}
   740  	if rc.Correction != "" {
   741  		s += fmt.Sprintf("; Correction: '%s'", rc.Correction)
   742  	}
   743  	if len(rc.ErrorReportIds) > 0 {
   744  		s += fmt.Sprintf("; Reports: '[%s]'", strings.Join(rc.ErrorReportIds, ","))
   745  	}
   747  	return s
   748  }
   750  // DeleteProps is a slice of properties to delete.
   751  type DeleteProps []string
   753  // OverrideProps is a map of properties to modify (key/value pairs)
   754  type OverrideProps map[string]string
   756  // Namespaces to delete
   757  type DeleteNamespaces []string
   759  // GenericPropsModify is a struct combining DeleteProps and OverrideProps
   760  type GenericPropsModify struct {
   761  	DeleteProps      DeleteProps      `json:"delete_props,omitempty"`
   762  	OverrideProps    OverrideProps    `json:"override_props,omitempty"`
   763  	DeleteNamespaces DeleteNamespaces `json:"delete_namespaces,omitempty"`
   764  }

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