# Use the same image version as the minimum version on go.mod image: golang:1.18 test: stage: test cache: paths: - .mygo/pkg/mod variables: GOPATH: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.mygo script: - go mod tidy - git diff --exit-code go.mod go.sum || (echo "Run go mod tidy!" >&2 ; exit 1) - go test -v -coverprofile .testCoverage.txt -covermode count ./client 2>&1 | go run github.com/jstemmer/go-junit-report@latest -set-exit-code > test.xml - go run github.com/boumenot/gocover-cobertura@latest < .testCoverage.txt > coverage.xml artifacts: reports: coverage_report: coverage_format: cobertura path: coverage.xml junit: test.xml