
Text file src/github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/scripts/dclsampleconverter/sample.py

Documentation: github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/scripts/dclsampleconverter

     1# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
     3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13# limitations under the License.
    15"""This file provides the Sample class which contains methods for converting
    17DCL samples to KCC format
    19from __future__ import annotations
    21import os
    22import re
    23import ruamel.yaml
    24import string
    26from absl import logging
    27from collections import Counter
    28from collections.abc import Mapping
    29from collections.abc import Set
    30from datetime import date
    31from typing import Any
    32from typing import List
    34import config
    35import strings
    37APACHE_LICENSE = f"""# Copyright {date.today().year} Google LLC
    39# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    40# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    41# You may obtain a copy of the License at
    43#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    45# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    46# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    47# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    48# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    49# limitations under the License.
    54def kcc_service_version_and_kind(kcc_config: Mapping[str, Any]):
    55  """Return the service and kind from a kcc resource config."""
    56  version_parts = kcc_config['apiVersion'].split('/')
    57  version_parts[0] = version_parts[0].split('.')[0]
    58  return (version_parts[0], version_parts[1], kcc_config['kind'].lower())
    61class Sample:
    62  """Corresponds to a sample yaml file in DCL and a directory in KCC for a resource."""
    64  def __init__(self, service: str, dcl_dir: str, kcc_testdata_dir: str,
    65               kcc_samples_dir: str, file_name: str):
    66    """Load and convert the configs for a single sample."""
    67    self.service = service
    68    self.dcl_dir = dcl_dir
    69    self.kcc_testdata_dir = kcc_testdata_dir
    70    self.kcc_samples_dir = kcc_samples_dir
    71    # Load sample file.
    72    dcl_sample_file = f'{self.dcl_dir}/samples/{file_name}'
    73    logging.info(f'Loading sample file:\n{dcl_sample_file}')
    74    yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='safe', pure=True)
    75    with open(dcl_sample_file) as file_object:
    76      self.dcl_config = yaml.load(file_object)
    77    self.name = self.dcl_config.get('name')
    78    dependencies = self.dcl_config.get('dependencies')
    79    if dependencies:
    80      self.dcl_dependencies = {
    81          dep: config.Config(self.service, f'{self.dcl_dir}/{dep}')
    82          for dep in dependencies
    83      }
    84    else:
    85      self.dcl_dependencies = {}
    86    self.dcl_create = config.Config(
    87        self.service, f'{self.dcl_dir}/{self.dcl_config.get("resource")}')
    88    updates = self.dcl_config.get('updates')
    89    if updates:
    90      if len(updates) > 1:
    91        logging.warning(
    92            f'{strings.colors.WARNING}Sample {self.name} has more than one update.{strings.colors.ENDC}'
    93        )
    94      self.dcl_update = config.Config(
    95          self.service, f'{self.dcl_dir}/{updates[0].get("resource")}')
    96      #TODO: Handle update dependencies which are not already in the create dependencies array.
    97    else:
    98      self.dcl_update = None
    99    self.variables = self.dcl_config.get('variables', [])
   100    # Replace variables in all fields.
   101    self.replacements = {
   102        '{{org_id}}':
   103            '${TEST_ORG_ID}',  #TODO(kcc-eng): Handle resources that expect long form reference for org id.
   104        '{{project}}': '${projectId}',
   105        '{{region}}': 'us-west2',
   106        '{{zone}}': 'us-west2-a',
   107    }
   108    self.add_replacements_for_variables()
   109    self.kcc_dependencies = []
   110    self.kcc_create = {}
   111    self.kcc_update = {}
   113  def add_replacements_for_variables(self) -> None:
   114    """Add the proper replacement to this sample's conversion map to convert each DCL variable to KCC format."""
   115    for variable in self.variables:
   116      variable_type = variable.get('type')
   117      if variable_type == 'resource_name':
   118        variable_name = variable.get('name')
   119        dcl_var = '{{' + variable_name + '}}'
   120        kcc_var = variable_name.replace('_', '-')
   121        self.replacements[dcl_var] = f'{kcc_var}-${{uniqueId}}'
   123  def convert(self) -> None:
   124    """Convert all dependency configs to KCC format."""
   125    converted_dependencies = set()
   126    while len(converted_dependencies) < len(self.dcl_dependencies):
   127      # Convert the first resource config that doesn't depend on any resources
   128      # that haven't been converted.
   129      for file_name, dependency in self.dcl_dependencies.items():
   130        if file_name in converted_dependencies:
   131          continue
   132        if not (dependency.depends_on() - converted_dependencies):
   133          converted_dependencies.add(file_name)
   134          self.kcc_dependencies.append(
   135              dependency.convert(self.dcl_dependencies, self.replacements))
   136          break
   137      else:
   138        logging.error(
   139            f'{strings.colors.FAIL}Could not find next dependency to apply.{strings.colors.ENDC}'
   140        )
   141    # Convert main resource to KCC format.
   142    self.kcc_create = self.dcl_create.convert(self.dcl_dependencies,
   143                                              self.replacements)
   144    if self.dcl_update:
   145      self.kcc_update = self.dcl_update.convert(self.dcl_dependencies,
   146                                                self.replacements)
   148  def write(self, is_only: bool) -> None:
   149    """After converting samples write them to files."""
   150    if is_only:
   151      # No subdirectories should be used if there is only one test case.
   152      kcc_testdata_path = self.kcc_testdata_dir
   153      kcc_samples_path = self.kcc_samples_dir
   154    else:
   155      kcc_name = self.dcl_config.get('name').replace('_', '-')
   156      kcc_short_name = kcc_name.replace('-', '')
   157      kcc_testdata_path = f'{self.kcc_testdata_dir}/{kcc_short_name}'
   158      kcc_samples_path = f'{self.kcc_samples_dir}/{kcc_name}'
   159    # Ensure that testdata and samples paths exist.
   160    for path in (kcc_testdata_path, kcc_samples_path):
   161      cur_path = '/' if path[0] == '/' else ''
   162      for step in path.split(os.sep):
   163        if not step:
   164          continue
   165        cur_path = os.path.join(cur_path, step)
   166        if not os.path.isdir(cur_path):
   167          os.mkdir(cur_path)
   168    self.write_testdata(kcc_testdata_path)
   169    self.write_samples(kcc_samples_path,
   170                       '' if is_only else f'-{kcc_short_name}')
   172  def total_kind_counts(self) -> Counter:
   173    """Return a counter of how many samples have each kcc kind."""
   174    counts = Counter()
   175    for kcc_dependency in self.kcc_dependencies:
   176      counts[kcc_dependency['kind'].lower()] += 1
   177    return counts
   179  def rename_replacements(
   180      self, renamer: Callable[[str, int], str]) -> Mapping[str, str]:
   181    """Return a map of current config names to new names using the given renaming
   183    function which takes the kind of the current sample and the index of that
   184    sample within its kind if there is more than one.
   185    """
   186    create_name = self.kcc_create.get('metadata', {}).get('name')
   187    if create_name:
   188      replacements = {create_name: renamer(self.kcc_create['kind'].lower(), 0)}
   189    else:
   190      replacements = {}
   191    total_kind_counts = self.total_kind_counts()
   192    kind_indices = Counter()
   193    for kcc_dependency in self.kcc_dependencies:
   194      service, _, kind = kcc_service_version_and_kind(kcc_dependency)
   195      kcc_dependency_name = kcc_dependency.get('metadata', {}).get('name')
   196      if not kcc_dependency_name:
   197        continue
   198      if total_kind_counts[kind] > 1:
   199        kind_indices[kind] += 1
   200        replacements[kcc_dependency_name] = renamer(kind, kind_indices[kind])
   201      else:
   202        replacements[kcc_dependency_name] = renamer(kind, 0)
   203    return replacements
   205  def write_testdata(self, kcc_testdata_path: str):
   206    """Write testdata samples."""
   207    # Count total number of dependencies of each kind to determine which ones
   208    # need a number suffix.
   209    replacements = self.rename_replacements(
   210        lambda k, i: f'{k}-{i}-${{uniqueId}}' if i else f'{k}-${{uniqueId}}')
   211    replacer = lambda s: strings.replace_map(replacements, s)
   212    yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
   213    yaml.indent(mapping=2)
   214    kcc_dependencies_file = f'{kcc_testdata_path}/dependencies.yaml'
   215    if self.kcc_dependencies:
   216      logging.info(f'Writing dependencies to:\n{kcc_dependencies_file}')
   217      with open(kcc_dependencies_file, 'w') as file_object:
   218        yaml.dump_all([
   219            config.quote_spec(config.replace_strings(dep, replacer))
   220            for dep in self.kcc_dependencies
   221        ], file_object)
   222    kcc_create_file = f'{kcc_testdata_path}/create.yaml'
   223    logging.info(f'Writing create sample to:\n{kcc_create_file}')
   224    with open(kcc_create_file, 'w') as file_object:
   225      yaml.dump(
   226          config.quote_spec(config.replace_strings(self.kcc_create, replacer)),
   227          file_object)
   228    if self.kcc_update:
   229      kcc_update_file = f'{kcc_testdata_path}/update.yaml'
   230      logging.info(f'Writing update sample to:\n{kcc_update_file}')
   231      with open(kcc_update_file, 'w') as file_object:
   232        yaml.dump(
   233            config.quote_spec(
   234                config.replace_strings(self.kcc_update, replacer)), file_object)
   236  def write_samples(self, kcc_samples_path: str, name_suffix: str):
   237    """Write config samples."""
   238    _, kcc_create_version, kcc_create_kind = kcc_service_version_and_kind(
   239        self.kcc_create)
   240    replacements = self.rename_replacements(
   241        lambda k, i: f'{kcc_create_kind}-dep{i}{name_suffix}'
   242        if i else f'{kcc_create_kind}-dep{name_suffix}')
   243    create_name = self.kcc_create.get('metadata', {}).get('name')
   244    if create_name:
   245      replacements[create_name] = f'{kcc_create_kind}-sample{name_suffix}'
   246    replacements['${TEST_ORG_ID}'] = '${ORG_ID?}'
   247    replacements['${projectId}'] = '${PROJECT_ID?}'
   248    replacer = lambda s: strings.replace_map(replacements, s)
   249    # Map file names to configs so that all configs of a given kind go in the
   250    # same file.
   251    file_names_to_kcc_configs = {}
   252    for kcc_dependency in self.kcc_dependencies:
   253      service, version, kind = kcc_service_version_and_kind(kcc_dependency)
   254      file_name = f'{kcc_samples_path}/{service}_{version}_{kind}.yaml'
   255      existing_configs = file_names_to_kcc_configs.get(file_name)
   256      if existing_configs:
   257        # There is already at least one dependency of this kind.
   258        if isinstance(existing_configs, dict):
   259          # There is already exactly one dependency of this kind.
   260          existing_configs = [existing_configs]
   261          file_names_to_kcc_configs[file_name] = existing_configs
   262        existing_configs.append(config.prepare_sample(kcc_dependency, replacer))
   263      else:
   264        file_names_to_kcc_configs[file_name] = config.prepare_sample(
   265            kcc_dependency, replacer)
   266    file_names_to_kcc_configs[
   267        f'{kcc_samples_path}/{self.service}_{kcc_create_version}_{kcc_create_kind}.yaml'] = config.prepare_sample(
   268            self.kcc_create, replacer)
   269    for file_name, kcc_config in file_names_to_kcc_configs.items():
   270      logging.info(f'Writing sample to:\n{file_name}')
   271      with open(file_name, 'w') as file_object:
   272        file_object.write(APACHE_LICENSE)
   273        yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
   274        yaml.indent(mapping=2)
   275        if isinstance(kcc_config, list):
   276          yaml.dump_all(kcc_config, file_object)
   277        else:
   278          yaml.dump(kcc_config, file_object)

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