
Text file src/github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/crds/run_v1beta1_runjob.yaml

Documentation: github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/crds

     1# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
     3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13# limitations under the License.
    15apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
    16kind: CustomResourceDefinition
    18  annotations:
    19    cnrm.cloud.google.com/version: 1.106.0
    20  creationTimestamp: null
    21  labels:
    22    cnrm.cloud.google.com/managed-by-kcc: "true"
    23    cnrm.cloud.google.com/stability-level: stable
    24    cnrm.cloud.google.com/system: "true"
    25    cnrm.cloud.google.com/tf2crd: "true"
    26  name: runjobs.run.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    28  group: run.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    29  names:
    30    categories:
    31    - gcp
    32    kind: RunJob
    33    plural: runjobs
    34    shortNames:
    35    - gcprunjob
    36    - gcprunjobs
    37    singular: runjob
    38  scope: Namespaced
    39  versions:
    40  - additionalPrinterColumns:
    41    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
    42      name: Age
    43      type: date
    44    - description: When 'True', the most recent reconcile of the resource succeeded
    45      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].status
    46      name: Ready
    47      type: string
    48    - description: The reason for the value in 'Ready'
    49      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].reason
    50      name: Status
    51      type: string
    52    - description: The last transition time for the value in 'Status'
    53      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].lastTransitionTime
    54      name: Status Age
    55      type: date
    56    name: v1beta1
    57    schema:
    58      openAPIV3Schema:
    59        properties:
    60          apiVersion:
    61            description: 'apiVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
    62              of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
    63              internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#resources'
    64            type: string
    65          kind:
    66            description: 'kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
    67              object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
    68              submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
    69            type: string
    70          metadata:
    71            type: object
    72          spec:
    73            properties:
    74              binaryAuthorization:
    75                description: Settings for the Binary Authorization feature.
    76                properties:
    77                  breakglassJustification:
    78                    description: If present, indicates to use Breakglass using this
    79                      justification. If useDefault is False, then it must be empty.
    80                      For more information on breakglass, see https://cloud.google.com/binary-authorization/docs/using-breakglass.
    81                    type: string
    82                  useDefault:
    83                    description: If True, indicates to use the default project's binary
    84                      authorization policy. If False, binary authorization will be
    85                      disabled.
    86                    type: boolean
    87                type: object
    88              client:
    89                description: Arbitrary identifier for the API client.
    90                type: string
    91              clientVersion:
    92                description: Arbitrary version identifier for the API client.
    93                type: string
    94              launchStage:
    95                description: |-
    96                  The launch stage as defined by [Google Cloud Platform Launch Stages](https://cloud.google.com/products#product-launch-stages). Cloud Run supports ALPHA, BETA, and GA.
    97                  If no value is specified, GA is assumed. Set the launch stage to a preview stage on input to allow use of preview features in that stage. On read (or output), describes whether the resource uses preview features.
    99                  For example, if ALPHA is provided as input, but only BETA and GA-level features are used, this field will be BETA on output. Possible values: ["UNIMPLEMENTED", "PRELAUNCH", "EARLY_ACCESS", "ALPHA", "BETA", "GA", "DEPRECATED"].
   100                type: string
   101              location:
   102                description: Immutable. The location of the cloud run job.
   103                type: string
   104              projectRef:
   105                description: The project that this resource belongs to.
   106                oneOf:
   107                - not:
   108                    required:
   109                    - external
   110                  required:
   111                  - name
   112                - not:
   113                    anyOf:
   114                    - required:
   115                      - name
   116                    - required:
   117                      - namespace
   118                  required:
   119                  - external
   120                properties:
   121                  external:
   122                    description: 'Allowed value: The `name` field of a `Project` resource.'
   123                    type: string
   124                  name:
   125                    description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   126                    type: string
   127                  namespace:
   128                    description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   129                    type: string
   130                type: object
   131              resourceID:
   132                description: Immutable. Optional. The name of the resource. Used for
   133                  creation and acquisition. When unset, the value of `metadata.name`
   134                  is used as the default.
   135                type: string
   136              template:
   137                description: The template used to create executions for this Job.
   138                properties:
   139                  parallelism:
   140                    description: Specifies the maximum desired number of tasks the
   141                      execution should run at given time. Must be <= taskCount. When
   142                      the job is run, if this field is 0 or unset, the maximum possible
   143                      value will be used for that execution. The actual number of
   144                      tasks running in steady state will be less than this number
   145                      when there are fewer tasks waiting to be completed remaining,
   146                      i.e. when the work left to do is less than max parallelism.
   147                    type: integer
   148                  taskCount:
   149                    description: 'Specifies the desired number of tasks the execution
   150                      should run. Setting to 1 means that parallelism is limited to
   151                      1 and the success of that task signals the success of the execution.
   152                      More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/jobs-run-to-completion/.'
   153                    type: integer
   154                  template:
   155                    description: Describes the task(s) that will be created when executing
   156                      an execution.
   157                    properties:
   158                      containers:
   159                        description: Holds the single container that defines the unit
   160                          of execution for this task.
   161                        items:
   162                          properties:
   163                            args:
   164                              description: 'Arguments to the entrypoint. The docker
   165                                image''s CMD is used if this is not provided. Variable
   166                                references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container''s
   167                                environment. If a variable cannot be resolved, the
   168                                reference in the input string will be unchanged. The
   169                                $(VAR_NAME) syntax can be escaped with a double $$,
   170                                ie: $$(VAR_NAME). Escaped references will never be
   171                                expanded, regardless of whether the variable exists
   172                                or not. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/define-command-argument-container/#running-a-command-in-a-shell.'
   173                              items:
   174                                type: string
   175                              type: array
   176                            command:
   177                              description: 'Entrypoint array. Not executed within
   178                                a shell. The docker image''s ENTRYPOINT is used if
   179                                this is not provided. Variable references $(VAR_NAME)
   180                                are expanded using the container''s environment. If
   181                                a variable cannot be resolved, the reference in the
   182                                input string will be unchanged. The $(VAR_NAME) syntax
   183                                can be escaped with a double $$, ie: $$(VAR_NAME).
   184                                Escaped references will never be expanded, regardless
   185                                of whether the variable exists or not. More info:
   186                                https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/define-command-argument-container/#running-a-command-in-a-shell.'
   187                              items:
   188                                type: string
   189                              type: array
   190                            env:
   191                              description: List of environment variables to set in
   192                                the container.
   193                              items:
   194                                properties:
   195                                  name:
   196                                    description: Name of the environment variable.
   197                                      Must be a C_IDENTIFIER, and mnay not exceed
   198                                      32768 characters.
   199                                    type: string
   200                                  value:
   201                                    description: 'Variable references $(VAR_NAME)
   202                                      are expanded using the previous defined environment
   203                                      variables in the container and any route environment
   204                                      variables. If a variable cannot be resolved,
   205                                      the reference in the input string will be unchanged.
   206                                      The $(VAR_NAME) syntax can be escaped with a
   207                                      double $$, ie: $$(VAR_NAME). Escaped references
   208                                      will never be expanded, regardless of whether
   209                                      the variable exists or not. Defaults to "",
   210                                      and the maximum length is 32768 bytes.'
   211                                    type: string
   212                                  valueSource:
   213                                    description: Source for the environment variable's
   214                                      value.
   215                                    properties:
   216                                      secretKeyRef:
   217                                        description: Selects a secret and a specific
   218                                          version from Cloud Secret Manager.
   219                                        properties:
   220                                          secretRef:
   221                                            description: 'The name of the secret in
   222                                              Cloud Secret Manager. Format: {secretName}
   223                                              if the secret is in the same project.
   224                                              projects/{project}/secrets/{secretName}
   225                                              if the secret is in a different project.'
   226                                            oneOf:
   227                                            - not:
   228                                                required:
   229                                                - external
   230                                              required:
   231                                              - name
   232                                            - not:
   233                                                anyOf:
   234                                                - required:
   235                                                  - name
   236                                                - required:
   237                                                  - namespace
   238                                              required:
   239                                              - external
   240                                            properties:
   241                                              external:
   242                                                description: 'Allowed value: The `name`
   243                                                  field of a `SecretManagerSecret`
   244                                                  resource.'
   245                                                type: string
   246                                              name:
   247                                                description: 'Name of the referent.
   248                                                  More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   249                                                type: string
   250                                              namespace:
   251                                                description: 'Namespace of the referent.
   252                                                  More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   253                                                type: string
   254                                            type: object
   255                                          versionRef:
   256                                            description: The Cloud Secret Manager
   257                                              secret version. Can be 'latest' for
   258                                              the latest value or an integer for a
   259                                              specific version.
   260                                            oneOf:
   261                                            - not:
   262                                                required:
   263                                                - external
   264                                              required:
   265                                              - name
   266                                            - not:
   267                                                anyOf:
   268                                                - required:
   269                                                  - name
   270                                                - required:
   271                                                  - namespace
   272                                              required:
   273                                              - external
   274                                            properties:
   275                                              external:
   276                                                description: 'Allowed value: The `version`
   277                                                  field of a `SecretManagerSecretVersion`
   278                                                  resource.'
   279                                                type: string
   280                                              name:
   281                                                description: 'Name of the referent.
   282                                                  More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   283                                                type: string
   284                                              namespace:
   285                                                description: 'Namespace of the referent.
   286                                                  More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   287                                                type: string
   288                                            type: object
   289                                        required:
   290                                        - secretRef
   291                                        - versionRef
   292                                        type: object
   293                                    type: object
   294                                required:
   295                                - name
   296                                type: object
   297                              type: array
   298                            image:
   299                              description: 'URL of the Container image in Google Container
   300                                Registry or Google Artifact Registry. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images.'
   301                              type: string
   302                            livenessProbe:
   303                              description: |-
   304                                DEPRECATED. Cloud Run Job does not support liveness probe and `liveness_probe` field will be removed in a future major release. Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
   305                                This field is not supported in Cloud Run Job currently.
   306                              properties:
   307                                failureThreshold:
   308                                  description: Minimum consecutive failures for the
   309                                    probe to be considered failed after having succeeded.
   310                                    Defaults to 3. Minimum value is 1.
   311                                  type: integer
   312                                httpGet:
   313                                  description: HTTPGet specifies the http request
   314                                    to perform. Exactly one of HTTPGet or TCPSocket
   315                                    must be specified.
   316                                  properties:
   317                                    httpHeaders:
   318                                      description: Custom headers to set in the request.
   319                                        HTTP allows repeated headers.
   320                                      items:
   321                                        properties:
   322                                          name:
   323                                            description: The header field name.
   324                                            type: string
   325                                          value:
   326                                            description: The header field value.
   327                                            type: string
   328                                        required:
   329                                        - name
   330                                        type: object
   331                                      type: array
   332                                    path:
   333                                      description: Path to access on the HTTP server.
   334                                        Defaults to '/'.
   335                                      type: string
   336                                  type: object
   337                                initialDelaySeconds:
   338                                  description: 'Number of seconds after the container
   339                                    has started before the probe is initiated. Defaults
   340                                    to 0 seconds. Minimum value is 0. Maximum value
   341                                    for liveness probe is 3600. Maximum value for
   342                                    startup probe is 240. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes.'
   343                                  type: integer
   344                                periodSeconds:
   345                                  description: How often (in seconds) to perform the
   346                                    probe. Default to 10 seconds. Minimum value is
   347                                    1. Maximum value for liveness probe is 3600. Maximum
   348                                    value for startup probe is 240. Must be greater
   349                                    or equal than timeoutSeconds.
   350                                  type: integer
   351                                tcpSocket:
   352                                  description: TCPSocket specifies an action involving
   353                                    a TCP port. Exactly one of HTTPGet or TCPSocket
   354                                    must be specified.
   355                                  properties:
   356                                    port:
   357                                      description: Port number to access on the container.
   358                                        Must be in the range 1 to 65535. If not specified,
   359                                        defaults to 8080.
   360                                      type: integer
   361                                  type: object
   362                                timeoutSeconds:
   363                                  description: 'Number of seconds after which the
   364                                    probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum
   365                                    value is 1. Maximum value is 3600. Must be smaller
   366                                    than periodSeconds. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes.'
   367                                  type: integer
   368                              type: object
   369                            name:
   370                              description: Name of the container specified as a DNS_LABEL.
   371                              type: string
   372                            ports:
   373                              description: |-
   374                                List of ports to expose from the container. Only a single port can be specified. The specified ports must be listening on all interfaces ( within the container to be accessible.
   376                                If omitted, a port number will be chosen and passed to the container through the PORT environment variable for the container to listen on.
   377                              items:
   378                                properties:
   379                                  containerPort:
   380                                    description: Port number the container listens
   381                                      on. This must be a valid TCP port number, 0
   382                                      < containerPort < 65536.
   383                                    type: integer
   384                                  name:
   385                                    description: If specified, used to specify which
   386                                      protocol to use. Allowed values are "http1"
   387                                      and "h2c".
   388                                    type: string
   389                                type: object
   390                              type: array
   391                            resources:
   392                              description: 'Compute Resource requirements by this
   393                                container. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#resources.'
   394                              properties:
   395                                limits:
   396                                  additionalProperties:
   397                                    type: string
   398                                  description: 'Only memory and CPU are supported.
   399                                    Note: The only supported values for CPU are ''1'',
   400                                    ''2'', ''4'', and ''8''. Setting 4 CPU requires
   401                                    at least 2Gi of memory. The values of the map
   402                                    is string form of the ''quantity'' k8s type: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/staging/src/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource/quantity.go.'
   403                                  type: object
   404                              type: object
   405                            startupProbe:
   406                              description: |-
   407                                DEPRECATED. Cloud Run Job does not support startup probe and `startup_probe` field will be removed in a future major release. Startup probe of application within the container. All other probes are disabled if a startup probe is provided, until it succeeds. Container will not be added to service endpoints if the probe fails. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
   408                                This field is not supported in Cloud Run Job currently.
   409                              properties:
   410                                failureThreshold:
   411                                  description: Minimum consecutive failures for the
   412                                    probe to be considered failed after having succeeded.
   413                                    Defaults to 3. Minimum value is 1.
   414                                  type: integer
   415                                httpGet:
   416                                  description: HTTPGet specifies the http request
   417                                    to perform. Exactly one of HTTPGet or TCPSocket
   418                                    must be specified.
   419                                  properties:
   420                                    httpHeaders:
   421                                      description: Custom headers to set in the request.
   422                                        HTTP allows repeated headers.
   423                                      items:
   424                                        properties:
   425                                          name:
   426                                            description: The header field name.
   427                                            type: string
   428                                          value:
   429                                            description: The header field value.
   430                                            type: string
   431                                        required:
   432                                        - name
   433                                        type: object
   434                                      type: array
   435                                    path:
   436                                      description: Path to access on the HTTP server.
   437                                        Defaults to '/'.
   438                                      type: string
   439                                  type: object
   440                                initialDelaySeconds:
   441                                  description: 'Number of seconds after the container
   442                                    has started before the probe is initiated. Defaults
   443                                    to 0 seconds. Minimum value is 0. Maximum value
   444                                    for liveness probe is 3600. Maximum value for
   445                                    startup probe is 240. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes.'
   446                                  type: integer
   447                                periodSeconds:
   448                                  description: How often (in seconds) to perform the
   449                                    probe. Default to 10 seconds. Minimum value is
   450                                    1. Maximum value for liveness probe is 3600. Maximum
   451                                    value for startup probe is 240. Must be greater
   452                                    or equal than timeoutSeconds.
   453                                  type: integer
   454                                tcpSocket:
   455                                  description: TCPSocket specifies an action involving
   456                                    a TCP port. Exactly one of HTTPGet or TCPSocket
   457                                    must be specified.
   458                                  properties:
   459                                    port:
   460                                      description: Port number to access on the container.
   461                                        Must be in the range 1 to 65535. If not specified,
   462                                        defaults to 8080.
   463                                      type: integer
   464                                  type: object
   465                                timeoutSeconds:
   466                                  description: 'Number of seconds after which the
   467                                    probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum
   468                                    value is 1. Maximum value is 3600. Must be smaller
   469                                    than periodSeconds. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes.'
   470                                  type: integer
   471                              type: object
   472                            volumeMounts:
   473                              description: Volume to mount into the container's filesystem.
   474                              items:
   475                                properties:
   476                                  mountPath:
   477                                    description: Path within the container at which
   478                                      the volume should be mounted. Must not contain
   479                                      ':'. For Cloud SQL volumes, it can be left empty,
   480                                      or must otherwise be /cloudsql. All instances
   481                                      defined in the Volume will be available as /cloudsql/[instance].
   482                                      For more information on Cloud SQL volumes, visit
   483                                      https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/connect-run.
   484                                    type: string
   485                                  name:
   486                                    description: This must match the Name of a Volume.
   487                                    type: string
   488                                required:
   489                                - mountPath
   490                                - name
   491                                type: object
   492                              type: array
   493                            workingDir:
   494                              description: Container's working directory. If not specified,
   495                                the container runtime's default will be used, which
   496                                might be configured in the container image.
   497                              type: string
   498                          required:
   499                          - image
   500                          type: object
   501                        type: array
   502                      encryptionKeyRef:
   503                        description: A reference to a customer managed encryption
   504                          key (CMEK) to use to encrypt this container image. For more
   505                          information, go to https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/securing/using-cmek
   506                        oneOf:
   507                        - not:
   508                            required:
   509                            - external
   510                          required:
   511                          - name
   512                        - not:
   513                            anyOf:
   514                            - required:
   515                              - name
   516                            - required:
   517                              - namespace
   518                          required:
   519                          - external
   520                        properties:
   521                          external:
   522                            description: 'Allowed value: The `selfLink` field of a
   523                              `KMSCryptoKey` resource.'
   524                            type: string
   525                          name:
   526                            description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   527                            type: string
   528                          namespace:
   529                            description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   530                            type: string
   531                        type: object
   532                      executionEnvironment:
   533                        description: 'The execution environment being used to host
   534                          this Task. Possible values: ["EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT_GEN1",
   535                          "EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT_GEN2"].'
   536                        type: string
   537                      maxRetries:
   538                        description: Number of retries allowed per Task, before marking
   539                          this Task failed.
   540                        type: integer
   541                      serviceAccountRef:
   542                        description: Email address of the IAM service account associated
   543                          with the revision of the service. The service account represents
   544                          the identity of the running revision, and determines what
   545                          permissions the revision has. If not provided, the revision
   546                          will use the project's default service account.
   547                        oneOf:
   548                        - not:
   549                            required:
   550                            - external
   551                          required:
   552                          - name
   553                        - not:
   554                            anyOf:
   555                            - required:
   556                              - name
   557                            - required:
   558                              - namespace
   559                          required:
   560                          - external
   561                        properties:
   562                          external:
   563                            description: 'Allowed value: The `email` field of an `IAMServiceAccount`
   564                              resource.'
   565                            type: string
   566                          name:
   567                            description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   568                            type: string
   569                          namespace:
   570                            description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   571                            type: string
   572                        type: object
   573                      timeout:
   574                        description: |-
   575                          Max allowed time duration the Task may be active before the system will actively try to mark it failed and kill associated containers. This applies per attempt of a task, meaning each retry can run for the full timeout.
   577                          A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".
   578                        type: string
   579                      volumes:
   580                        description: A list of Volumes to make available to containers.
   581                        items:
   582                          properties:
   583                            emptyDir:
   584                              description: Ephemeral storage used as a shared volume.
   585                              properties:
   586                                medium:
   587                                  description: 'The different types of medium supported
   588                                    for EmptyDir. Default value: "MEMORY" Possible
   589                                    values: ["MEMORY"].'
   590                                  type: string
   591                                sizeLimit:
   592                                  description: 'Limit on the storage usable by this
   593                                    EmptyDir volume. The size limit is also applicable
   594                                    for memory medium. The maximum usage on memory
   595                                    medium EmptyDir would be the minimum value between
   596                                    the SizeLimit specified here and the sum of memory
   597                                    limits of all containers in a pod. This field''s
   598                                    values are of the ''Quantity'' k8s type: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/common-definitions/quantity/.
   599                                    The default is nil which means that the limit
   600                                    is undefined. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/volumes#emptydir.'
   601                                  type: string
   602                              type: object
   603                            name:
   604                              description: Volume's name.
   605                              type: string
   606                            secret:
   607                              description: 'Secret represents a secret that should
   608                                populate this volume. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#secret.'
   609                              properties:
   610                                defaultMode:
   611                                  description: Integer representation of mode bits
   612                                    to use on created files by default. Must be a
   613                                    value between 0000 and 0777 (octal), defaulting
   614                                    to 0444. Directories within the path are not affected
   615                                    by this setting.
   616                                  type: integer
   617                                items:
   618                                  description: If unspecified, the volume will expose
   619                                    a file whose name is the secret, relative to VolumeMount.mount_path.
   620                                    If specified, the key will be used as the version
   621                                    to fetch from Cloud Secret Manager and the path
   622                                    will be the name of the file exposed in the volume.
   623                                    When items are defined, they must specify a path
   624                                    and a version.
   625                                  items:
   626                                    properties:
   627                                      mode:
   628                                        description: Integer octal mode bits to use
   629                                          on this file, must be a value between 01
   630                                          and 0777 (octal). If 0 or not set, the Volume's
   631                                          default mode will be used.
   632                                        type: integer
   633                                      path:
   634                                        description: The relative path of the secret
   635                                          in the container.
   636                                        type: string
   637                                      versionRef:
   638                                        description: The Cloud Secret Manager secret
   639                                          version. Can be 'latest' for the latest
   640                                          value or an integer for a specific version
   641                                        oneOf:
   642                                        - not:
   643                                            required:
   644                                            - external
   645                                          required:
   646                                          - name
   647                                        - not:
   648                                            anyOf:
   649                                            - required:
   650                                              - name
   651                                            - required:
   652                                              - namespace
   653                                          required:
   654                                          - external
   655                                        properties:
   656                                          external:
   657                                            description: 'Allowed value: The `version`
   658                                              field of a `SecretManagerSecretVersion`
   659                                              resource.'
   660                                            type: string
   661                                          name:
   662                                            description: 'Name of the referent. More
   663                                              info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   664                                            type: string
   665                                          namespace:
   666                                            description: 'Namespace of the referent.
   667                                              More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   668                                            type: string
   669                                        type: object
   670                                    required:
   671                                    - mode
   672                                    - path
   673                                    - versionRef
   674                                    type: object
   675                                  type: array
   676                                secretRef:
   677                                  description: 'Secret represents a secret that should
   678                                    populate this volume. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#secret'
   679                                  oneOf:
   680                                  - not:
   681                                      required:
   682                                      - external
   683                                    required:
   684                                    - name
   685                                  - not:
   686                                      anyOf:
   687                                      - required:
   688                                        - name
   689                                      - required:
   690                                        - namespace
   691                                    required:
   692                                    - external
   693                                  properties:
   694                                    external:
   695                                      description: 'Allowed value: The `name` field
   696                                        of a `SecretManagerSecret` resource.'
   697                                      type: string
   698                                    name:
   699                                      description: 'Name of the referent. More info:
   700                                        https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   701                                      type: string
   702                                    namespace:
   703                                      description: 'Namespace of the referent. More
   704                                        info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   705                                      type: string
   706                                  type: object
   707                              required:
   708                              - secretRef
   709                              type: object
   710                          required:
   711                          - name
   712                          type: object
   713                        type: array
   714                      vpcAccess:
   715                        description: VPC Access configuration to use for this Task.
   716                          For more information, visit https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/configuring/connecting-vpc.
   717                        properties:
   718                          egress:
   719                            description: 'Traffic VPC egress settings. Possible values:
   720                              ["ALL_TRAFFIC", "PRIVATE_RANGES_ONLY"].'
   721                            type: string
   722                        type: object
   723                    type: object
   724                required:
   725                - template
   726                type: object
   727            required:
   728            - location
   729            - projectRef
   730            - template
   731            type: object
   732          status:
   733            properties:
   734              conditions:
   735                description: Conditions represent the latest available observation
   736                  of the resource's current state.
   737                items:
   738                  properties:
   739                    lastTransitionTime:
   740                      description: Last time the condition transitioned from one status
   741                        to another.
   742                      type: string
   743                    message:
   744                      description: Human-readable message indicating details about
   745                        last transition.
   746                      type: string
   747                    reason:
   748                      description: Unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's
   749                        last transition.
   750                      type: string
   751                    status:
   752                      description: Status is the status of the condition. Can be True,
   753                        False, Unknown.
   754                      type: string
   755                    type:
   756                      description: Type is the type of the condition.
   757                      type: string
   758                  type: object
   759                type: array
   760              etag:
   761                description: A system-generated fingerprint for this version of the
   762                  resource. May be used to detect modification conflict during updates.
   763                type: string
   764              executionCount:
   765                description: Number of executions created for this job.
   766                type: integer
   767              latestCreatedExecution:
   768                description: Name of the last created execution.
   769                items:
   770                  properties:
   771                    completionTime:
   772                      description: |-
   773                        Completion timestamp of the execution.
   775                        A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
   776                      type: string
   777                    createTime:
   778                      description: |-
   779                        Creation timestamp of the execution.
   781                        A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
   782                      type: string
   783                    name:
   784                      description: Name of the execution.
   785                      type: string
   786                  type: object
   787                type: array
   788              observedGeneration:
   789                description: ObservedGeneration is the generation of the resource
   790                  that was most recently observed by the Config Connector controller.
   791                  If this is equal to metadata.generation, then that means that the
   792                  current reported status reflects the most recent desired state of
   793                  the resource.
   794                type: integer
   795              reconciling:
   796                description: |-
   797                  Returns true if the Job is currently being acted upon by the system to bring it into the desired state.
   799                  When a new Job is created, or an existing one is updated, Cloud Run will asynchronously perform all necessary steps to bring the Job to the desired state. This process is called reconciliation. While reconciliation is in process, observedGeneration and latest_succeeded_execution, will have transient values that might mismatch the intended state: Once reconciliation is over (and this field is false), there are two possible outcomes: reconciliation succeeded and the state matches the Job, or there was an error, and reconciliation failed. This state can be found in terminalCondition.state.
   801                  If reconciliation succeeded, the following fields will match: observedGeneration and generation, latest_succeeded_execution and latestCreatedExecution.
   803                  If reconciliation failed, observedGeneration and latest_succeeded_execution will have the state of the last succeeded execution or empty for newly created Job. Additional information on the failure can be found in terminalCondition and conditions.
   804                type: boolean
   805              terminalCondition:
   806                description: The Condition of this Job, containing its readiness status,
   807                  and detailed error information in case it did not reach the desired
   808                  state.
   809                items:
   810                  properties:
   811                    executionReason:
   812                      description: A reason for the execution condition.
   813                      type: string
   814                    lastTransitionTime:
   815                      description: |-
   816                        Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.
   818                        A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
   819                      type: string
   820                    message:
   821                      description: Human readable message indicating details about
   822                        the current status.
   823                      type: string
   824                    reason:
   825                      description: A common (service-level) reason for this condition.
   826                      type: string
   827                    revisionReason:
   828                      description: A reason for the revision condition.
   829                      type: string
   830                    severity:
   831                      description: How to interpret failures of this condition, one
   832                        of Error, Warning, Info.
   833                      type: string
   834                    state:
   835                      description: State of the condition.
   836                      type: string
   837                    type:
   838                      description: 'type is used to communicate the status of the
   839                        reconciliation process. See also: https://github.com/knative/serving/blob/main/docs/spec/errors.md#error-conditions-and-reporting
   840                        Types common to all resources include: * "Ready": True when
   841                        the Resource is ready.'
   842                      type: string
   843                  type: object
   844                type: array
   845              uid:
   846                description: Server assigned unique identifier for the Execution.
   847                  The value is a UUID4 string and guaranteed to remain unchanged until
   848                  the resource is deleted.
   849                type: string
   850            type: object
   851        required:
   852        - spec
   853        type: object
   854    served: true
   855    storage: true
   856    subresources:
   857      status: {}
   859  acceptedNames:
   860    kind: ""
   861    plural: ""
   862  conditions: []
   863  storedVersions: []

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