
Source file src/github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/tests/samples/create/samples_test.go

Documentation: github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/tests/samples/create

     1  // Copyright 2022 Google LLC
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  //go:build integration
    16  // +build integration
    18  package create
    20  import (
    21  	"context"
    22  	"flag"
    23  	"regexp"
    24  	"testing"
    26  	"github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/pkg/controller/kccmanager"
    27  	"github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/pkg/controller/registration"
    28  	"github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/pkg/logging"
    29  	testgcp "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/pkg/test/gcp"
    30  	testmain "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/pkg/test/main"
    32  	"golang.org/x/sync/semaphore"
    33  	klog "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/log"
    34  	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/manager"
    35  	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/manager/signals"
    36  )
    38  func init() {
    39  	// run-tests allows you to limit the tests that are run by specifying
    40  	// regexes to be used to match test names. The "test name" in this case
    41  	// corresponds to the directory name of the sample YAMLs.
    42  	flag.StringVar(&runTestsRegex, "run-tests", "", "run only the tests whose names match the given regex")
    43  	// cleanup-resources allows you to disable the cleanup of resources created during testing. This can be useful for debugging test failures.
    44  	// The default value is true.
    45  	//
    46  	// To use this flag, you MUST use an equals sign as follows: go test -tags=integration -cleanup-resources=false
    47  	flag.BoolVar(&cleanupResources, "cleanup-resources", true, "when enabled, "+
    48  		"cloud resources created by tests will be cleaned up at the end of a test")
    49  }
    51  var (
    52  	runTestsRegex    string
    53  	cleanupResources bool
    54  	mgr              manager.Manager
    55  	// this manager is only used to get the rest.Config from the test framework
    56  	unusedManager manager.Manager
    58  	logger = klog.Log
    59  )
    61  var testDisabledList = map[string]bool{
    62  	// Long-term denylist -- current test framework does not support these tests
    63  	//
    64  	// The resources below have special test requirements
    65  	"computeinterconnectattachment": true,
    66  	"firestoreindex":                true,
    67  	// The below test requires more resources than the default quota allows
    68  	"computenodegroup":      true,
    69  	"sole-tenant-node-pool": true,
    70  	// Unsupported IAMPolicy tests
    71  	"workload-identity-policy": true, // needs a real cluster
    72  	// Without the ignore-warnings directive, trying to delete the app profile without another one configured will fail.
    73  	// However, ignore-warnings set to true for a single cluster profile is probably not a good idea.
    74  	"single-cluster-bigtable-app-profile": true,
    75  	// The below tests require logging into the superadmin account on the KCC test
    76  	// organization, and assigning a domain admin role to the service
    77  	// account used by the samples test runner.
    78  	// This authentication can't be automated in our test set-up script.
    79  	"cloudidentitygroup":              true,
    80  	"membership-with-expiration-date": true,
    81  	"membership-with-manager-role":    true,
    82  	// The following tests require using a Service Account under an allowlisted project (with
    84  	"iamworkforcepool":             true,
    85  	"oidc-workforce-pool-provider": true,
    86  	"saml-workforce-pool-provider": true,
    87  	// The following tests require using a Service Account under an allowlisted project (with
    89  	"iamaccessboundarypolicy": true,
    90  	// The samples below requires a custom project with the test billing account
    91  	// configured, which has a quota limit on the number of projects attached to
    92  	// it. We should disable redundant sample tests for the same resource.
    93  	//
    94  	// Disable 4 out of 5 BinaryAuthorizationPolicy samples.
    95  	"default-policy":          true,
    96  	"namespace-policy":        true,
    97  	"service-account-policy":  true,
    98  	"service-identity-policy": true,
   100  	// The below tests should stay denylisted until underlying issues are fixed
   101  	//
   102  	// Access Context Manager access policies are a singleton for an entire organization;
   103  	// we need to keep on persistently around to test the access level and service policy
   104  	// resources, so we shouldn't modify our existing one.
   105  	"accesscontextmanageraccesspolicy": true,
   106  	"accesscontextmanageraccesslevel":  true,
   107  	// Behaviour of Service Perimeter is similar to access level and service policy.
   108  	// So disabling testing for Service Perimeter
   109  	"accesscontextmanagerserviceperimeter": true,
   110  	// Cloud Build Triggers for GitHub repos require the user to connect their
   111  	// GCP project to their GitHub repo first to work.
   112  	"build-trigger-for-github-repo": true,
   113  	// Samples test appends a 4-character UID to the end of project name, making it too long
   114  	"computesharedvpcserviceproject": true,
   115  	// DNS sample testing will cause samples to contend with previous attempts to create records for their domain name.
   116  	"dns-a-record-set":              true,
   117  	"dns-aaaa-record-set":           true,
   118  	"dns-cname-record-set":          true,
   119  	"dns-mx-record-set":             true,
   120  	"dns-ns-record-set":             true,
   121  	"dns-srv-record-set":            true,
   122  	"dns-txt-record-set":            true,
   123  	"dnssec-dnskey-record-set":      true,
   124  	"dnssec-ds-record-set":          true,
   125  	"dnssec-ipsecvpnkey-record-set": true,
   126  	"dnssec-sshfp-record-set":       true,
   127  	// The GSA that authenticates KCC has to be the owner of a Google Group in order to use the group email address as
   128  	// the valid support email. In the integration test, we use the email address of the GSA to bypass the support email validation by IAP REST API.
   129  	// In samples, we want to show the real use case with group/user email address.
   130  	"iapbrand":                    true,
   131  	"iapidentityawareproxyclient": true,
   132  	// Utilizes IAPBrand as a dependency
   133  	"oauth2clientid-backend-service": true,
   134  	// SQL instance replication has complex dependencies on network connection which are unsupported
   135  	"mysql-sql-instance-with-replication": true,
   136  	// Org-level audit configs are uniquely identified by the org + service
   137  	// combination, which means there will be collisions if we allow multiple
   138  	// test runs executing in parallel to create IAMAuditConfig resources for
   139  	// the same org and service combination.
   140  	"external-organization-level-audit-config": true,
   141  	// The sample below creates an org-level role. Since we currently don't
   142  	// have the appropriate logic to periodically clean up leaked org level
   143  	// roles, block this sample for now to mitigate maximizing the org's
   144  	// IAMCustomRole quota (b/177688780).
   145  	"organization-role": true,
   146  	// The sample below creates an IAMPolicyMember that uses an org-level role.
   147  	// Org-level roles cannot be recreated for 7-37 days after being deleted,
   148  	// so sample test runs that inadvertently re-use the same role ID may fail
   149  	// since you cannot create IAMPolicyMembers that use deleted roles.
   150  	"org-level-iam-custom-role-policy-member": true,
   151  	// Org-level org policy is uniquely identified by the org + constraint combination,
   152  	// which affects overall org behavior and can't be safely tested from multiple
   153  	// processes running simultaneously.
   154  	"organization-policy-for-organization": true,
   155  	// The below tests require manually enabling the Google Identity Platform in the Google Cloud Console.
   156  	"identityplatformoauthidpconfig":       true,
   157  	"identityplatformconfig":               true,
   158  	"identityplatformtenant":               true,
   159  	"identityplatformtenantoauthidpconfig": true,
   160  	// TODO(b/193158731): Remove the sample below after understanding why Network can't be cleaned up.
   161  	"vpc-native-container-cluster": true,
   162  	// Deleting the ContainerCluster can fail if its Project was deleted first.
   163  	// Disable these samples for now until ContainerCluster supports
   164  	// hierarchical references or once we support proper deletion ordering
   165  	// (b/179907721).
   166  	"config-management-feature-membership": true,
   167  	"service-mesh-feature-membership":      true,
   168  	"multi-cluster-ingress-feature":        true,
   169  	// There is a quota limit of only 10 FirewallPolicies globally in an org,
   170  	// these samples tests are omitted to minimize the number of FirewallPolicies created.
   171  	"computefirewallpolicy":                     true,
   172  	"computefirewallpolicyrule":                 true,
   173  	"association-with-folder-attachment-target": true,
   174  	// In addition to wanting to limit the number of FirewallPolicies we create for
   175  	// the above reason, we want to disable association-with-organization-attachment-target
   176  	// because each organization can only be associated with one ComputeFirewallPolicyAssociation
   177  	// at a given time, and we can't create and delete new organizations for test
   178  	// purposes. Therefore, in order to avoid conflicts when we have multiple
   179  	// presubmit tests running in parallel, this test needs to be disabled.
   180  	"association-with-organization-attachment-target": true,
   181  	// The below tests require the project to be added to the allowlist for resource creation.
   182  	"android-recaptcha-enterprise-key": true,
   183  	"ios-recaptcha-enterprise-key":     true,
   184  	// This sample uses cloud source repo, as a result it is required:
   185  	// 1. The deployer account needs to have access to the repo.
   186  	// 2. The repo contains to-be-deployed source code.
   187  	// This setup cannot be easily done in sample tests. Also due to issue 1, customers cannot directly
   188  	// apply this sample before updating it with a proper cloud source repo URL.
   189  	"eventtrigger-with-pubsubtopic": true,
   190  	// When testing these samples, they always error out on deletion due to a lack
   191  	// of ordered deletion of dependencies. I.e., privatecacapool is deleted before
   192  	// privatecacertificateauthority (which has privatecacapool as a dependency),
   193  	// so privatecacertificateauthority fails on deletion (b/225964552).
   194  	"basic-certificate":     true,
   195  	"cert-sign-certificate": true,
   196  	"complex-certificate":   true,
   197  	// TODO(b/240327420): The ApigeeEnvironment test seems to be timing out,
   198  	// thereby causing the samples test to fail and blocking the  release.
   199  	// Disable the test for now and re-enable it once the issue has been
   200  	// resolved.
   201  	"apigeeenvironment": true,
   202  	// This sample test is failing because of parallel deletion failure from the API.
   203  	// Disable the test for now while we are figuring out the long term fix with the
   204  	// service team (b/260214463).
   205  	"private-service-connection-region-network-endpoint-group": true,
   206  	// This sample test is failing because configconnector.net GCP org is not allowlisted.
   207  	// Disable the test until we have fixed b/267510222.
   208  	"calendar-budget": true,
   209  	// Temporary list to disable because of billing policy change. To be recovered in b/276980291
   210  	"anthos-config-management-feature":        true,
   211  	"anthos-service-mesh-feature":             true,
   212  	"billing-account-log-bucket":              true,
   213  	"billing-exclusion":                       true,
   214  	"cluster-policy":                          true,
   215  	"external-project-level-policy":           true,
   216  	"multi-cluster-service-discovery-feature": true,
   217  	"organization-policy-for-project":         true,
   218  	"project-exclusion":                       true,
   219  	"project-in-folder":                       true,
   220  	"project-in-org":                          true,
   221  	"project-level-policy":                    true,
   222  	"project-sink":                            true,
   223  }
   225  func TestAll(t *testing.T) {
   226  	project := testgcp.GetDefaultProject(t)
   228  	setup()
   229  	samples := loadSamplesOntoUnstructs(t, regexp.MustCompile(runTestsRegex), project)
   230  	// Sort the samples in descending order by number of resources. This is an attempt to start the samples that use
   231  	// a network and have many dependencies sooner since they will likely be the longest running.
   232  	sortSamplesInDescendingOrderByNumberOfResources(samples)
   233  	// limit the number of in-progress test that have a network  to 14. 15 networks is the maximum number of networks
   234  	// in a newly created GCP project for our billing account's "reputation". There is one default network leaving room
   235  	// for 14 more networks. The reason to limit the number of tests is to avoid lengthening the test runtime due to
   236  	// extended exponential backoff from failure to create a network due to quota.
   237  	maximumNetworks := 14
   238  	sem := semaphore.NewWeighted(int64(maximumNetworks))
   239  	releaseFunc := func(s Sample, n int64) {
   240  		logger.Info("Releasing network semaphore for test", "testName", s.Name)
   241  		sem.Release(n)
   242  	}
   243  	for _, s := range samples {
   244  		if _, ok := testDisabledList[s.Name]; ok {
   245  			continue
   246  		}
   247  		s := s
   248  		s.Resources = replaceResourceNamesWithUniqueIDs(t, s.Resources)
   249  		t.Run(s.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
   250  			t.Parallel()
   252  			ctx := context.TODO()
   254  			h := NewHarnessWithManager(t, ctx, mgr)
   255  			SetupNamespacesAndApplyDefaults(h, []Sample{s}, project)
   257  			networkCount := int64(networksInSampleCount(s))
   258  			if networkCount > 0 {
   259  				logger.Info("Acquiring network semaphore for test...", "testName", s.Name)
   260  				if err := sem.Acquire(context.TODO(), networkCount); err != nil {
   261  					t.Fatalf("error acquiring semaphore: %v", err)
   262  				}
   263  				logger.Info("Acquired network semaphore for test", "testName", s.Name)
   264  				defer releaseFunc(s, networkCount)
   265  			}
   266  			RunCreateDeleteTest(h, s.Resources, cleanupResources)
   267  		})
   268  	}
   269  }
   271  func setup() {
   272  	ctx := context.TODO()
   273  	flag.Parse()
   274  	var err error
   275  	mgr, err = kccmanager.New(ctx, unusedManager.GetConfig(), kccmanager.Config{})
   276  	if err != nil {
   277  		logging.Fatal(err, "error creating new manager")
   278  	}
   279  	// Register the deletion defender controller
   280  	if err := registration.Add(mgr, nil, nil, nil, nil, registration.RegisterDeletionDefenderController); err != nil {
   281  		logging.Fatal(err, "error adding registration controller for deletion defender controllers")
   282  	}
   283  	// start the manager, Start(...) is a blocking operation so it needs to be done asynchronously
   284  	go func() {
   285  		if err := mgr.Start(signals.SetupSignalHandler()); err != nil {
   286  			logging.Fatal(err, "error starting manager")
   287  		}
   288  	}()
   289  }
   291  func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
   292  	testmain.TestMainForIntegrationTests(m, &unusedManager)
   293  }

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