
Text file src/github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/servicemappings/cloudbuild.yaml

Documentation: github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/servicemappings

     1# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
     3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13# limitations under the License.
    15apiVersion: core.cnrm.cloud.google.com/v1alpha1
    16kind: ServiceMapping
    18  name: cloudbuild.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    19  namespace: cnrm-system
    21  name: CloudBuild
    22  version: v1beta1
    23  serviceHostName: "cloudbuild.googleapis.com"
    24  resources:
    25    - name: google_cloudbuild_trigger
    26      kind: CloudBuildTrigger
    27      metadataMapping:
    28        name: name
    29      idTemplate: "projects/{{project}}/triggers/{{name}}"
    30      # doesn't import properly
    31      idTemplateCanBeUsedToMatchResourceName: false
    32      resourceAvailableInAssetInventory: false
    33      containers:
    34        - type: project
    35          tfField: project
    36      resourceReferences:
    37        - tfField: trigger_template.repo_name
    38          description: |-
    39            The Cloud Source Repository to build. If omitted, the repo with
    40            name "default" is assumed.
    41          key: repoRef
    42          gvk:
    43            kind: SourceRepoRepository
    44            version: v1beta1
    45            group: sourcerepo.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    46        - tfField: build.logs_bucket
    47          key: logsBucketRef
    48          description: |-
    49            Google Cloud Storage bucket where logs should be written. Logs file
    50            names will be of the format ${logsBucket}/log-${build_id}.txt.
    51          gvk:
    52            group: storage.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    53            version: v1beta1
    54            kind: StorageBucket
    55          targetField: url
    56        - tfField: build.secret.kms_key_name
    57          key: kmsKeyRef
    58          description: |-
    59            KMS crypto key to use to decrypt these envs.
    60          gvk:
    61            group: kms.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    62            version: v1beta1
    63            kind: KMSCryptoKey
    64          targetField: self_link
    65        - tfField: build.source.storage_source.bucket
    66          key: bucketRef
    67          description: |-
    68            Google Cloud Storage bucket containing the source.
    69          gvk:
    70            group: storage.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    71            version: v1beta1
    72            kind: StorageBucket
    73        - tfField: build.source.repo_source.repo_name
    74          key: repoRef
    75          description: |-
    76            The desired Cloud Source Repository. If omitted, "default" is
    77            assumed.
    78          gvk:
    79            group: sourcerepo.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    80            version: v1beta1
    81            kind: SourceRepoRepository
    82        - tfField: pubsub_config.topic
    83          key: topicRef
    84          description: |-
    85            The name of the topic from which this subscription
    86            is receiving messages.
    87          gvk:
    88            group: pubsub.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    89            version: v1beta1
    90            kind: PubSubTopic
    91          valueTemplate: "projects/{{project}}/topics/{{value}}"
    92        - tfField: pubsub_config.service_account_email
    93          key: serviceAccountRef
    94          description: Service account that will make the push request.
    95          gvk:
    96            kind: IAMServiceAccount
    97            version: v1beta1
    98            group: iam.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    99          targetField: email
   100        - tfField: webhook_config.secret
   101          description: The secret required
   102          key: secretRef
   103          gvk:
   104            kind: SecretManagerSecret
   105            version: v1beta1
   106            group: secretmanager.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   107          targetField: name
   108        - tfField: service_account
   109          key: serviceAccountRef
   110          description: |-
   111            The service account used for all user-controlled operations including
   112            triggers.patch, triggers.run, builds.create, and builds.cancel.
   114            If no service account is set, then the standard Cloud Build service account
   115            ([PROJECT_NUM]@system.gserviceaccount.com) will be used instead.
   117            When populating via the external field, the following format is supported:
   118            projects/{PROJECT_ID}/serviceAccounts/{SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL}
   119          gvk:
   120            kind: IAMServiceAccount
   121            version: v1beta1
   122            group: iam.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   123          targetField: email
   124          valueTemplate: "projects/{{project}}/serviceAccounts/{{value}}"
   125        - tfField: build.available_secrets.secret_manager.version_name
   126          key: versionRef
   127          gvk:
   128            kind: SecretManagerSecretVersion
   129            version: v1beta1
   130            group: secretmanager.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   131          targetField: name
   132        - tfField: git_file_source.github_enterprise_config
   133          key: githubEnterpriseConfigRef
   134          description: |-
   135            Only `external` field is supported to configure the reference.
   137            The full resource name of the github enterprise config. Format:
   138            projects/{project}/locations/{location}/githubEnterpriseConfigs/{id}.
   139          gvk:
   140            kind: CloudBuildGithubEnterpriseConfig
   141            version: v1beta1
   142            group: cloudbuild.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   143          targetField: name
   144        - tfField: source_to_build.github_enterprise_config
   145          key: githubEnterpriseConfigRef
   146          description: |-
   147            Only `external` field is supported to configure the reference.
   149            The full resource name of the github enterprise config. Format:
   150            projects/{project}/locations/{location}/githubEnterpriseConfigs/{id}.
   151          gvk:
   152            kind: CloudBuildGithubEnterpriseConfig
   153            version: v1beta1
   154            group: cloudbuild.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   155          targetField: name
   156        - tfField: bitbucket_server_trigger_config.bitbucket_server_config_resource
   157          key: bitbucketServerConfigResourceRef
   158          description: |-
   159            Only `external` field is supported to configure the reference.
   161            The full resource name of the bitbucket server config. Format:
   162            projects/{project}/locations/{location}/bitbucketServerConfigs/{id}.
   163          gvk:
   164            kind: CloudBuildBitbucketServerConfig
   165            version: v1beta1
   166            group: cloudbuild.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   167          targetField: name
   168        - tfField: github.enterprise_config_resource_name
   169          key: enterpriseConfigResourceNameRef
   170          description: |-
   171            Only `external` field is supported to configure the reference.
   173            The full resource name of the github enterprise config. Format:
   174            projects/{project}/locations/{location}/githubEnterpriseConfigs/{id}.
   175          gvk:
   176            kind: CloudBuildGithubEnterpriseConfig
   177            version: v1beta1
   178            group: cloudbuild.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   179          targetField: name
   180        - tfField: source_to_build.repository
   181          key: repositoryRef
   182          description: |-
   183            Only `external` field is supported to configure the reference.
   185            The qualified resource name of the Repo API repository.
   186            Either uri or repository can be specified and is required.
   187          gvk:
   188            kind: CloudBuildV2Repository
   189            version: v1beta1
   190            group: cloudbuild.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   191          targetField: name
   192        - tfField: git_file_source.repository
   193          key: repositoryRef
   194          description: |-
   195            Only `external` field is supported to configure the reference.
   197            The fully qualified resource name of the Repo API repository. The fully qualified resource name of the Repo API repository.
   198            If unspecified, the repo from which the trigger invocation originated is assumed to be the repo from which to read the specified path.
   199          gvk:
   200            kind: CloudBuildV2Repository
   201            version: v1beta1
   202            group: cloudbuild.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   203          targetField: name
   204      ignoredFields:
   205        - trigger_template.project_id

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