1# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15apiVersion: cloudfunctions.cnrm.cloud.google.com/v1beta1
16kind: CloudFunctionsFunction
18 name: cloudfunctionsfunction-sample-pubsubtopic
20 projectRef:
21 # Replace ${PROJECT_ID?} with your project ID
22 external: "projects/${PROJECT_ID?}"
23 description: "A sample cloud function with an event trigger from PubSubTopic and a VPCAccessConnector"
24 region: "us-west2"
25 runtime: "nodejs8"
26 availableMemoryMb: 128
27 # Replace ${PROJECT_ID?} with your project ID
28 serviceAccountEmail: "${PROJECT_ID?}@appspot.gserviceaccount.com"
29 # Replace ${REPO_URL?} with your cloud source repository url
30 # Example: https://source.developers.google.com/projects/config-connector-samples/repos/config-connnector-samples/moveable-aliases/main/paths/cloudfunctionsfunction
31 sourceRepository:
32 url: "${REPO_URL?}"
33 timeout: "60s"
34 entryPoint: "helloGET"
35 ingressSettings: "ALLOW_INTERNAL_ONLY"
36 environmentVariables:
37 TEST_ENV_VARIABLE: "test-env-variable-value"
38 maxInstances: 10
39 vpcConnectorRef:
40 name: "function-dep-trigger"
41 vpcConnectorEgressSettings: "PRIVATE_RANGES_ONLY"
42 eventTrigger:
43 eventType: "providers/cloud.pubsub/eventTypes/topic.publish"
44 resourceRef:
45 name: "cloudfunctionsfunction-dep-pubsubtopic"
46 kind: "PubSubTopic"
47 failurePolicy: true
48 service: "pubsub.googleapis.com"
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