
Text file src/github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/crds/resources/apiextensions.k8s.io_v1_customresourcedefinition_gkehubfeaturememberships.gkehub.cnrm.cloud.google.com.yaml

Documentation: github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/crds/resources

     1apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
     2kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     4  annotations:
     5    cnrm.cloud.google.com/version: 0.0.0-dev
     6  creationTimestamp: null
     7  labels:
     8    cnrm.cloud.google.com/dcl2crd: "true"
     9    cnrm.cloud.google.com/managed-by-kcc: "true"
    10    cnrm.cloud.google.com/stability-level: stable
    11    cnrm.cloud.google.com/system: "true"
    12  name: gkehubfeaturememberships.gkehub.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    14  group: gkehub.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    15  names:
    16    categories:
    17    - gcp
    18    kind: GKEHubFeatureMembership
    19    plural: gkehubfeaturememberships
    20    shortNames:
    21    - gcpgkehubfeaturemembership
    22    - gcpgkehubfeaturememberships
    23    singular: gkehubfeaturemembership
    24  preserveUnknownFields: false
    25  scope: Namespaced
    26  versions:
    27  - additionalPrinterColumns:
    28    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
    29      name: Age
    30      type: date
    31    - description: When 'True', the most recent reconcile of the resource succeeded
    32      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].status
    33      name: Ready
    34      type: string
    35    - description: The reason for the value in 'Ready'
    36      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].reason
    37      name: Status
    38      type: string
    39    - description: The last transition time for the value in 'Status'
    40      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].lastTransitionTime
    41      name: Status Age
    42      type: date
    43    name: v1beta1
    44    schema:
    45      openAPIV3Schema:
    46        properties:
    47          apiVersion:
    48            description: 'apiVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
    49              of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
    50              internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#resources'
    51            type: string
    52          kind:
    53            description: 'kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
    54              object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
    55              submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
    56            type: string
    57          metadata:
    58            type: object
    59          spec:
    60            properties:
    61              configmanagement:
    62                description: Config Management-specific spec.
    63                properties:
    64                  binauthz:
    65                    description: Binauthz configuration for the cluster.
    66                    properties:
    67                      enabled:
    68                        description: Whether binauthz is enabled in this cluster.
    69                        type: boolean
    70                    type: object
    71                  configSync:
    72                    description: Config Sync configuration for the cluster.
    73                    properties:
    74                      git:
    75                        properties:
    76                          gcpServiceAccountRef:
    77                            oneOf:
    78                            - not:
    79                                required:
    80                                - external
    81                              required:
    82                              - name
    83                            - not:
    84                                anyOf:
    85                                - required:
    86                                  - name
    87                                - required:
    88                                  - namespace
    89                              required:
    90                              - external
    91                            properties:
    92                              external:
    93                                description: |-
    94                                  The GCP Service Account Email used for auth when secretType is gcpServiceAccount.
    96                                  Allowed value: The `email` field of an `IAMServiceAccount` resource.
    97                                type: string
    98                              name:
    99                                description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   100                                type: string
   101                              namespace:
   102                                description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info:
   103                                  https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   104                                type: string
   105                            type: object
   106                          httpsProxy:
   107                            description: URL for the HTTPS proxy to be used when communicating
   108                              with the Git repo.
   109                            type: string
   110                          policyDir:
   111                            description: 'The path within the Git repository that
   112                              represents the top level of the repo to sync. Default:
   113                              the root directory of the repository.'
   114                            type: string
   115                          secretType:
   116                            description: Type of secret configured for access to the
   117                              Git repo. Must be one of ssh, cookiefile, gcenode, token,
   118                              gcpserviceaccount or none. The validation of this is
   119                              case-sensitive.
   120                            type: string
   121                          syncBranch:
   122                            description: 'The branch of the repository to sync from.
   123                              Default: master.'
   124                            type: string
   125                          syncRepo:
   126                            description: The URL of the Git repository to use as the
   127                              source of truth.
   128                            type: string
   129                          syncRev:
   130                            description: Git revision (tag or hash) to check out.
   131                              Default HEAD.
   132                            type: string
   133                          syncWaitSecs:
   134                            description: 'Period in seconds between consecutive syncs.
   135                              Default: 15.'
   136                            type: string
   137                        type: object
   138                      oci:
   139                        properties:
   140                          gcpServiceAccountRef:
   141                            oneOf:
   142                            - not:
   143                                required:
   144                                - external
   145                              required:
   146                              - name
   147                            - not:
   148                                anyOf:
   149                                - required:
   150                                  - name
   151                                - required:
   152                                  - namespace
   153                              required:
   154                              - external
   155                            properties:
   156                              external:
   157                                description: "The GCP Service Account Email used for
   158                                  auth when secret_type is gcpserviceaccount. \n\nAllowed
   159                                  value: The `email` field of an `IAMServiceAccount`
   160                                  resource."
   161                                type: string
   162                              name:
   163                                description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   164                                type: string
   165                              namespace:
   166                                description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info:
   167                                  https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   168                                type: string
   169                            type: object
   170                          policyDir:
   171                            description: 'The absolute path of the directory that
   172                              contains the local resources. Default: the root directory
   173                              of the image.'
   174                            type: string
   175                          secretType:
   176                            description: Type of secret configured for access to the
   177                              OCI Image. Must be one of gcenode, gcpserviceaccount
   178                              or none. The validation of this is case-sensitive.
   179                            type: string
   180                          syncRepo:
   181                            description: The OCI image repository URL for the package
   182                              to sync from. e.g. LOCATION-docker.pkg.dev/PROJECT_ID/REPOSITORY_NAME/PACKAGE_NAME.
   183                            type: string
   184                          syncWaitSecs:
   185                            description: 'Period in seconds(int64 format) between
   186                              consecutive syncs. Default: 15.'
   187                            type: string
   188                        type: object
   189                      preventDrift:
   190                        description: Set to true to enable the Config Sync admission
   191                          webhook to prevent drifts. If set to `false`, disables the
   192                          Config Sync admission webhook and does not prevent drifts.
   193                        type: boolean
   194                      sourceFormat:
   195                        description: Specifies whether the Config Sync Repo is in
   196                          "hierarchical" or "unstructured" mode.
   197                        type: string
   198                    type: object
   199                  hierarchyController:
   200                    description: Hierarchy Controller configuration for the cluster.
   201                    properties:
   202                      enableHierarchicalResourceQuota:
   203                        description: Whether hierarchical resource quota is enabled
   204                          in this cluster.
   205                        type: boolean
   206                      enablePodTreeLabels:
   207                        description: Whether pod tree labels are enabled in this cluster.
   208                        type: boolean
   209                      enabled:
   210                        description: Whether Hierarchy Controller is enabled in this
   211                          cluster.
   212                        type: boolean
   213                    type: object
   214                  policyController:
   215                    description: Policy Controller configuration for the cluster.
   216                    properties:
   217                      auditIntervalSeconds:
   218                        description: Sets the interval for Policy Controller Audit
   219                          Scans (in seconds). When set to 0, this disables audit functionality
   220                          altogether.
   221                        type: string
   222                      enabled:
   223                        description: Enables the installation of Policy Controller.
   224                          If false, the rest of PolicyController fields take no effect.
   225                        type: boolean
   226                      exemptableNamespaces:
   227                        description: The set of namespaces that are excluded from
   228                          Policy Controller checks. Namespaces do not need to currently
   229                          exist on the cluster.
   230                        items:
   231                          type: string
   232                        type: array
   233                      logDeniesEnabled:
   234                        description: Logs all denies and dry run failures.
   235                        type: boolean
   236                      monitoring:
   237                        description: 'Specifies the backends Policy Controller should
   238                          export metrics to. For example, to specify metrics should
   239                          be exported to Cloud Monitoring and Prometheus, specify
   240                          backends: ["cloudmonitoring", "prometheus"]. Default: ["cloudmonitoring",
   241                          "prometheus"]'
   242                        properties:
   243                          backends:
   244                            description: ' Specifies the list of backends Policy Controller
   245                              will export to. Specifying an empty value `[]` disables
   246                              metrics export.'
   247                            items:
   248                              type: string
   249                            type: array
   250                        type: object
   251                      mutationEnabled:
   252                        description: Enable or disable mutation in policy controller.
   253                          If true, mutation CRDs, webhook and controller deployment
   254                          will be deployed to the cluster.
   255                        type: boolean
   256                      referentialRulesEnabled:
   257                        description: Enables the ability to use Constraint Templates
   258                          that reference to objects other than the object currently
   259                          being evaluated.
   260                        type: boolean
   261                      templateLibraryInstalled:
   262                        description: Installs the default template library along with
   263                          Policy Controller.
   264                        type: boolean
   265                    type: object
   266                  version:
   267                    description: Optional. Version of ACM to install. Defaults to
   268                      the latest version.
   269                    type: string
   270                type: object
   271              featureRef:
   272                description: Immutable.
   273                oneOf:
   274                - not:
   275                    required:
   276                    - external
   277                  required:
   278                  - name
   279                - not:
   280                    anyOf:
   281                    - required:
   282                      - name
   283                    - required:
   284                      - namespace
   285                  required:
   286                  - external
   287                properties:
   288                  external:
   289                    description: |-
   290                      The name of the feature
   292                      Allowed value: The Google Cloud resource name of a `GKEHubFeature` resource (format: `projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/features/{{name}}`).
   293                    type: string
   294                  name:
   295                    description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   296                    type: string
   297                  namespace:
   298                    description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   299                    type: string
   300                type: object
   301              location:
   302                description: Immutable. The location of the feature
   303                type: string
   304              membershipRef:
   305                description: Immutable.
   306                oneOf:
   307                - not:
   308                    required:
   309                    - external
   310                  required:
   311                  - name
   312                - not:
   313                    anyOf:
   314                    - required:
   315                      - name
   316                    - required:
   317                      - namespace
   318                  required:
   319                  - external
   320                properties:
   321                  external:
   322                    description: |-
   323                      The name of the membership
   325                      Allowed value: The Google Cloud resource name of a `GKEHubMembership` resource (format: `projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/memberships/{{name}}`).
   326                    type: string
   327                  name:
   328                    description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   329                    type: string
   330                  namespace:
   331                    description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   332                    type: string
   333                type: object
   334              mesh:
   335                description: Manage Mesh Features
   336                properties:
   337                  controlPlane:
   338                    description: '**DEPRECATED** Whether to automatically manage Service
   339                      Mesh control planes. Possible values: CONTROL_PLANE_MANAGEMENT_UNSPECIFIED,
   340                      AUTOMATIC, MANUAL'
   341                    type: string
   342                  management:
   343                    description: 'Whether to automatically manage Service Mesh. Possible
   345                    type: string
   346                type: object
   347              projectRef:
   348                description: Immutable. The Project that this resource belongs to.
   349                oneOf:
   350                - not:
   351                    required:
   352                    - external
   353                  required:
   354                  - name
   355                - not:
   356                    anyOf:
   357                    - required:
   358                      - name
   359                    - required:
   360                      - namespace
   361                  required:
   362                  - external
   363                properties:
   364                  external:
   365                    description: |-
   366                      The project of the feature
   368                      Allowed value: The Google Cloud resource name of a `Project` resource (format: `projects/{{name}}`).
   369                    type: string
   370                  name:
   371                    description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   372                    type: string
   373                  namespace:
   374                    description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   375                    type: string
   376                type: object
   377            required:
   378            - featureRef
   379            - location
   380            - membershipRef
   381            - projectRef
   382            type: object
   383          status:
   384            properties:
   385              conditions:
   386                description: Conditions represent the latest available observation
   387                  of the resource's current state.
   388                items:
   389                  properties:
   390                    lastTransitionTime:
   391                      description: Last time the condition transitioned from one status
   392                        to another.
   393                      type: string
   394                    message:
   395                      description: Human-readable message indicating details about
   396                        last transition.
   397                      type: string
   398                    reason:
   399                      description: Unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's
   400                        last transition.
   401                      type: string
   402                    status:
   403                      description: Status is the status of the condition. Can be True,
   404                        False, Unknown.
   405                      type: string
   406                    type:
   407                      description: Type is the type of the condition.
   408                      type: string
   409                  type: object
   410                type: array
   411              observedGeneration:
   412                description: ObservedGeneration is the generation of the resource
   413                  that was most recently observed by the Config Connector controller.
   414                  If this is equal to metadata.generation, then that means that the
   415                  current reported status reflects the most recent desired state of
   416                  the resource.
   417                type: integer
   418            type: object
   419        required:
   420        - spec
   421        type: object
   422    served: true
   423    storage: true
   424    subresources:
   425      status: {}
   427  acceptedNames:
   428    kind: ""
   429    plural: ""
   430  conditions: []
   431  storedVersions: []

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