
Text file src/github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/crds/resources/apiextensions.k8s.io_v1_customresourcedefinition_computeserviceattachments.compute.cnrm.cloud.google.com.yaml

Documentation: github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/crds/resources

     1apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
     2kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     4  annotations:
     5    cnrm.cloud.google.com/version: 0.0.0-dev
     6  creationTimestamp: null
     7  labels:
     8    cnrm.cloud.google.com/dcl2crd: "true"
     9    cnrm.cloud.google.com/managed-by-kcc: "true"
    10    cnrm.cloud.google.com/stability-level: stable
    11    cnrm.cloud.google.com/system: "true"
    12  name: computeserviceattachments.compute.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    14  group: compute.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    15  names:
    16    categories:
    17    - gcp
    18    kind: ComputeServiceAttachment
    19    plural: computeserviceattachments
    20    shortNames:
    21    - gcpcomputeserviceattachment
    22    - gcpcomputeserviceattachments
    23    singular: computeserviceattachment
    24  preserveUnknownFields: false
    25  scope: Namespaced
    26  versions:
    27  - additionalPrinterColumns:
    28    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
    29      name: Age
    30      type: date
    31    - description: When 'True', the most recent reconcile of the resource succeeded
    32      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].status
    33      name: Ready
    34      type: string
    35    - description: The reason for the value in 'Ready'
    36      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].reason
    37      name: Status
    38      type: string
    39    - description: The last transition time for the value in 'Status'
    40      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].lastTransitionTime
    41      name: Status Age
    42      type: date
    43    name: v1beta1
    44    schema:
    45      openAPIV3Schema:
    46        properties:
    47          apiVersion:
    48            description: 'apiVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
    49              of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
    50              internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#resources'
    51            type: string
    52          kind:
    53            description: 'kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
    54              object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
    55              submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
    56            type: string
    57          metadata:
    58            type: object
    59          spec:
    60            properties:
    61              connectionPreference:
    62                description: 'The connection preference of service attachment. The
    63                  value can be set to `ACCEPT_AUTOMATIC`. An `ACCEPT_AUTOMATIC` service
    64                  attachment is one that always accepts the connection from consumer
    65                  forwarding rules. Possible values: CONNECTION_PREFERENCE_UNSPECIFIED,
    66                  ACCEPT_AUTOMATIC, ACCEPT_MANUAL'
    67                type: string
    68              consumerAcceptLists:
    69                description: Projects that are allowed to connect to this service
    70                  attachment.
    71                items:
    72                  properties:
    73                    connectionLimit:
    74                      description: The value of the limit to set.
    75                      format: int64
    76                      type: integer
    77                    projectRef:
    78                      oneOf:
    79                      - not:
    80                          required:
    81                          - external
    82                        required:
    83                        - name
    84                      - not:
    85                          anyOf:
    86                          - required:
    87                            - name
    88                          - required:
    89                            - namespace
    90                        required:
    91                        - external
    92                      properties:
    93                        external:
    94                          description: |-
    95                            The project id or number for the project to set the limit for.
    97                            Allowed value: The Google Cloud resource name of a `Project` resource (format: `projects/{{name}}`).
    98                          type: string
    99                        name:
   100                          description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   101                          type: string
   102                        namespace:
   103                          description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   104                          type: string
   105                      type: object
   106                  required:
   107                  - projectRef
   108                  type: object
   109                type: array
   110              consumerRejectLists:
   111                items:
   112                  oneOf:
   113                  - not:
   114                      required:
   115                      - external
   116                    required:
   117                    - name
   118                  - not:
   119                      anyOf:
   120                      - required:
   121                        - name
   122                      - required:
   123                        - namespace
   124                    required:
   125                    - external
   126                  properties:
   127                    external:
   128                      description: 'Allowed value: The Google Cloud resource name
   129                        of a `Project` resource (format: `projects/{{name}}`).'
   130                      type: string
   131                    name:
   132                      description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   133                      type: string
   134                    namespace:
   135                      description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   136                      type: string
   137                  type: object
   138                type: array
   139              description:
   140                description: An optional description of this resource. Provide this
   141                  property when you create the resource.
   142                type: string
   143              enableProxyProtocol:
   144                description: Immutable. If true, enable the proxy protocol which is
   145                  for supplying client TCP/IP address data in TCP connections that
   146                  traverse proxies on their way to destination servers.
   147                type: boolean
   148              location:
   149                description: Immutable. The location for the resource
   150                type: string
   151              natSubnets:
   152                items:
   153                  oneOf:
   154                  - not:
   155                      required:
   156                      - external
   157                    required:
   158                    - name
   159                  - not:
   160                      anyOf:
   161                      - required:
   162                        - name
   163                      - required:
   164                        - namespace
   165                    required:
   166                    - external
   167                  properties:
   168                    external:
   169                      description: 'Allowed value: The `selfLink` field of a `ComputeSubnetwork`
   170                        resource.'
   171                      type: string
   172                    name:
   173                      description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   174                      type: string
   175                    namespace:
   176                      description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   177                      type: string
   178                  type: object
   179                type: array
   180              projectRef:
   181                description: Immutable. The Project that this resource belongs to.
   182                oneOf:
   183                - not:
   184                    required:
   185                    - external
   186                  required:
   187                  - name
   188                - not:
   189                    anyOf:
   190                    - required:
   191                      - name
   192                    - required:
   193                      - namespace
   194                  required:
   195                  - external
   196                properties:
   197                  external:
   198                    description: |-
   199                      The project for the resource
   201                      Allowed value: The Google Cloud resource name of a `Project` resource (format: `projects/{{name}}`).
   202                    type: string
   203                  name:
   204                    description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   205                    type: string
   206                  namespace:
   207                    description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   208                    type: string
   209                type: object
   210              resourceID:
   211                description: Immutable. Optional. The name of the resource. Used for
   212                  creation and acquisition. When unset, the value of `metadata.name`
   213                  is used as the default.
   214                type: string
   215              targetServiceRef:
   216                description: Immutable.
   217                oneOf:
   218                - not:
   219                    required:
   220                    - external
   221                  required:
   222                  - name
   223                - not:
   224                    anyOf:
   225                    - required:
   226                      - name
   227                    - required:
   228                      - namespace
   229                  required:
   230                  - external
   231                properties:
   232                  external:
   233                    description: |-
   234                      The URL of a service serving the endpoint identified by this service attachment.
   236                      Allowed value: The `selfLink` field of a `ComputeForwardingRule` resource.
   237                    type: string
   238                  name:
   239                    description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   240                    type: string
   241                  namespace:
   242                    description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   243                    type: string
   244                type: object
   245            required:
   246            - connectionPreference
   247            - location
   248            - natSubnets
   249            - projectRef
   250            - targetServiceRef
   251            type: object
   252          status:
   253            properties:
   254              conditions:
   255                description: Conditions represent the latest available observation
   256                  of the resource's current state.
   257                items:
   258                  properties:
   259                    lastTransitionTime:
   260                      description: Last time the condition transitioned from one status
   261                        to another.
   262                      type: string
   263                    message:
   264                      description: Human-readable message indicating details about
   265                        last transition.
   266                      type: string
   267                    reason:
   268                      description: Unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's
   269                        last transition.
   270                      type: string
   271                    status:
   272                      description: Status is the status of the condition. Can be True,
   273                        False, Unknown.
   274                      type: string
   275                    type:
   276                      description: Type is the type of the condition.
   277                      type: string
   278                  type: object
   279                type: array
   280              connectedEndpoints:
   281                description: An array of connections for all the consumers connected
   282                  to this service attachment.
   283                items:
   284                  properties:
   285                    endpoint:
   286                      description: The url of a connected endpoint.
   287                      type: string
   288                    pscConnectionId:
   289                      description: The PSC connection id of the connected endpoint.
   290                      format: int64
   291                      type: integer
   292                    status:
   293                      description: 'The status of a connected endpoint to this service
   294                        attachment. Possible values: PENDING, RUNNING, DONE'
   295                      type: string
   296                  type: object
   297                type: array
   298              fingerprint:
   299                description: Fingerprint of this resource. This field is used internally
   300                  during updates of this resource.
   301                type: string
   302              id:
   303                description: The unique identifier for the resource type. The server
   304                  generates this identifier.
   305                format: int64
   306                type: integer
   307              observedGeneration:
   308                description: ObservedGeneration is the generation of the resource
   309                  that was most recently observed by the Config Connector controller.
   310                  If this is equal to metadata.generation, then that means that the
   311                  current reported status reflects the most recent desired state of
   312                  the resource.
   313                type: integer
   314              pscServiceAttachmentId:
   315                description: An 128-bit global unique ID of the PSC service attachment.
   316                properties:
   317                  high:
   318                    format: int64
   319                    type: integer
   320                  low:
   321                    format: int64
   322                    type: integer
   323                type: object
   324              region:
   325                description: URL of the region where the service attachment resides.
   326                  This field applies only to the region resource. You must specify
   327                  this field as part of the HTTP request URL. It is not settable as
   328                  a field in the request body.
   329                type: string
   330              selfLink:
   331                description: Server-defined URL for the resource.
   332                type: string
   333            type: object
   334        required:
   335        - spec
   336        type: object
   337    served: true
   338    storage: true
   339    subresources:
   340      status: {}
   342  acceptedNames:
   343    kind: ""
   344    plural: ""
   345  conditions: []
   346  storedVersions: []

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