
Text file src/github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/crds/resources/apiextensions.k8s.io_v1_customresourcedefinition_bigquerytables.bigquery.cnrm.cloud.google.com.yaml

Documentation: github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/crds/resources

     1apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
     2kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     4  annotations:
     5    cnrm.cloud.google.com/version: 0.0.0-dev
     6  creationTimestamp: null
     7  labels:
     8    cnrm.cloud.google.com/managed-by-kcc: "true"
     9    cnrm.cloud.google.com/stability-level: stable
    10    cnrm.cloud.google.com/system: "true"
    11    cnrm.cloud.google.com/tf2crd: "true"
    12  name: bigquerytables.bigquery.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    14  group: bigquery.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    15  names:
    16    categories:
    17    - gcp
    18    kind: BigQueryTable
    19    plural: bigquerytables
    20    shortNames:
    21    - gcpbigquerytable
    22    - gcpbigquerytables
    23    singular: bigquerytable
    24  preserveUnknownFields: false
    25  scope: Namespaced
    26  versions:
    27  - additionalPrinterColumns:
    28    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
    29      name: Age
    30      type: date
    31    - description: When 'True', the most recent reconcile of the resource succeeded
    32      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].status
    33      name: Ready
    34      type: string
    35    - description: The reason for the value in 'Ready'
    36      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].reason
    37      name: Status
    38      type: string
    39    - description: The last transition time for the value in 'Status'
    40      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].lastTransitionTime
    41      name: Status Age
    42      type: date
    43    name: v1beta1
    44    schema:
    45      openAPIV3Schema:
    46        properties:
    47          apiVersion:
    48            description: 'apiVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
    49              of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
    50              internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#resources'
    51            type: string
    52          kind:
    53            description: 'kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
    54              object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
    55              submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
    56            type: string
    57          metadata:
    58            type: object
    59          spec:
    60            properties:
    61              clustering:
    62                description: Specifies column names to use for data clustering. Up
    63                  to four top-level columns are allowed, and should be specified in
    64                  descending priority order.
    65                items:
    66                  type: string
    67                type: array
    68              datasetRef:
    69                oneOf:
    70                - not:
    71                    required:
    72                    - external
    73                  required:
    74                  - name
    75                - not:
    76                    anyOf:
    77                    - required:
    78                      - name
    79                    - required:
    80                      - namespace
    81                  required:
    82                  - external
    83                properties:
    84                  external:
    85                    description: 'Allowed value: The `name` field of a `BigQueryDataset`
    86                      resource.'
    87                    type: string
    88                  name:
    89                    description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
    90                    type: string
    91                  namespace:
    92                    description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
    93                    type: string
    94                type: object
    95              description:
    96                description: The field description.
    97                type: string
    98              encryptionConfiguration:
    99                description: Immutable. Specifies how the table should be encrypted.
   100                  If left blank, the table will be encrypted with a Google-managed
   101                  key; that process is transparent to the user.
   102                properties:
   103                  kmsKeyRef:
   104                    oneOf:
   105                    - not:
   106                        required:
   107                        - external
   108                      required:
   109                      - name
   110                    - not:
   111                        anyOf:
   112                        - required:
   113                          - name
   114                        - required:
   115                          - namespace
   116                      required:
   117                      - external
   118                    properties:
   119                      external:
   120                        description: 'Allowed value: The `selfLink` field of a `KMSCryptoKey`
   121                          resource.'
   122                        type: string
   123                      name:
   124                        description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   125                        type: string
   126                      namespace:
   127                        description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   128                        type: string
   129                    type: object
   130                  kmsKeyVersion:
   131                    description: The self link or full name of the kms key version
   132                      used to encrypt this table.
   133                    type: string
   134                required:
   135                - kmsKeyRef
   136                type: object
   137              expirationTime:
   138                description: The time when this table expires, in milliseconds since
   139                  the epoch. If not present, the table will persist indefinitely.
   140                  Expired tables will be deleted and their storage reclaimed.
   141                type: integer
   142              externalDataConfiguration:
   143                description: Describes the data format, location, and other properties
   144                  of a table stored outside of BigQuery. By defining these properties,
   145                  the data source can then be queried as if it were a standard BigQuery
   146                  table.
   147                properties:
   148                  autodetect:
   149                    description: Let BigQuery try to autodetect the schema and format
   150                      of the table.
   151                    type: boolean
   152                  avroOptions:
   153                    description: Additional options if source_format is set to "AVRO".
   154                    properties:
   155                      useAvroLogicalTypes:
   156                        description: If sourceFormat is set to "AVRO", indicates whether
   157                          to interpret logical types as the corresponding BigQuery
   158                          data type (for example, TIMESTAMP), instead of using the
   159                          raw type (for example, INTEGER).
   160                        type: boolean
   161                    required:
   162                    - useAvroLogicalTypes
   163                    type: object
   164                  compression:
   165                    description: The compression type of the data source. Valid values
   166                      are "NONE" or "GZIP".
   167                    type: string
   168                  connectionId:
   169                    description: The connection specifying the credentials to be used
   170                      to read external storage, such as Azure Blob, Cloud Storage,
   171                      or S3. The connectionId can have the form "{{project}}.{{location}}.{{connection_id}}"
   172                      or "projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/connections/{{connection_id}}".
   173                    type: string
   174                  csvOptions:
   175                    description: Additional properties to set if source_format is
   176                      set to "CSV".
   177                    properties:
   178                      allowJaggedRows:
   179                        description: Indicates if BigQuery should accept rows that
   180                          are missing trailing optional columns.
   181                        type: boolean
   182                      allowQuotedNewlines:
   183                        description: Indicates if BigQuery should allow quoted data
   184                          sections that contain newline characters in a CSV file.
   185                          The default value is false.
   186                        type: boolean
   187                      encoding:
   188                        description: The character encoding of the data. The supported
   189                          values are UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1.
   190                        type: string
   191                      fieldDelimiter:
   192                        description: The separator for fields in a CSV file.
   193                        type: string
   194                      quote:
   195                        type: string
   196                      skipLeadingRows:
   197                        description: The number of rows at the top of a CSV file that
   198                          BigQuery will skip when reading the data.
   199                        type: integer
   200                    required:
   201                    - quote
   202                    type: object
   203                  googleSheetsOptions:
   204                    description: Additional options if source_format is set to "GOOGLE_SHEETS".
   205                    properties:
   206                      range:
   207                        description: 'Range of a sheet to query from. Only used when
   208                          non-empty. At least one of range or skip_leading_rows must
   209                          be set. Typical format: "sheet_name!top_left_cell_id:bottom_right_cell_id"
   210                          For example: "sheet1!A1:B20".'
   211                        type: string
   212                      skipLeadingRows:
   213                        description: The number of rows at the top of the sheet that
   214                          BigQuery will skip when reading the data. At least one of
   215                          range or skip_leading_rows must be set.
   216                        type: integer
   217                    type: object
   218                  hivePartitioningOptions:
   219                    description: When set, configures hive partitioning support. Not
   220                      all storage formats support hive partitioning -- requesting
   221                      hive partitioning on an unsupported format will lead to an error,
   222                      as will providing an invalid specification.
   223                    properties:
   224                      mode:
   225                        description: When set, what mode of hive partitioning to use
   226                          when reading data.
   227                        type: string
   228                      requirePartitionFilter:
   229                        description: If set to true, queries over this table require
   230                          a partition filter that can be used for partition elimination
   231                          to be specified.
   232                        type: boolean
   233                      sourceUriPrefix:
   234                        description: When hive partition detection is requested, a
   235                          common for all source uris must be required. The prefix
   236                          must end immediately before the partition key encoding begins.
   237                        type: string
   238                    type: object
   239                  ignoreUnknownValues:
   240                    description: Indicates if BigQuery should allow extra values that
   241                      are not represented in the table schema. If true, the extra
   242                      values are ignored. If false, records with extra columns are
   243                      treated as bad records, and if there are too many bad records,
   244                      an invalid error is returned in the job result. The default
   245                      value is false.
   246                    type: boolean
   247                  maxBadRecords:
   248                    description: The maximum number of bad records that BigQuery can
   249                      ignore when reading data.
   250                    type: integer
   251                  referenceFileSchemaUri:
   252                    description: 'When creating an external table, the user can provide
   253                      a reference file with the table schema. This is enabled for
   254                      the following formats: AVRO, PARQUET, ORC.'
   255                    type: string
   256                  schema:
   257                    description: Immutable. A JSON schema for the external table.
   258                      Schema is required for CSV and JSON formats and is disallowed
   259                      for Google Cloud Bigtable, Cloud Datastore backups, and Avro
   260                      formats when using external tables.
   261                    type: string
   262                  sourceFormat:
   263                    description: ' Please see sourceFormat under ExternalDataConfiguration
   264                      in Bigquery''s public API documentation (https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/tables#externaldataconfiguration)
   265                      for supported formats. To use "GOOGLE_SHEETS" the scopes must
   266                      include "googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly".'
   267                    type: string
   268                  sourceUris:
   269                    description: A list of the fully-qualified URIs that point to
   270                      your data in Google Cloud.
   271                    items:
   272                      type: string
   273                    type: array
   274                required:
   275                - autodetect
   276                - sourceFormat
   277                - sourceUris
   278                type: object
   279              friendlyName:
   280                description: A descriptive name for the table.
   281                type: string
   282              materializedView:
   283                description: If specified, configures this table as a materialized
   284                  view.
   285                properties:
   286                  enableRefresh:
   287                    description: Specifies if BigQuery should automatically refresh
   288                      materialized view when the base table is updated. The default
   289                      is true.
   290                    type: boolean
   291                  query:
   292                    description: Immutable. A query whose result is persisted.
   293                    type: string
   294                  refreshIntervalMs:
   295                    description: Specifies maximum frequency at which this materialized
   296                      view will be refreshed. The default is 1800000.
   297                    type: integer
   298                required:
   299                - query
   300                type: object
   301              rangePartitioning:
   302                description: If specified, configures range-based partitioning for
   303                  this table.
   304                properties:
   305                  field:
   306                    description: Immutable. The field used to determine how to create
   307                      a range-based partition.
   308                    type: string
   309                  range:
   310                    description: Information required to partition based on ranges.
   311                      Structure is documented below.
   312                    properties:
   313                      end:
   314                        description: End of the range partitioning, exclusive.
   315                        type: integer
   316                      interval:
   317                        description: The width of each range within the partition.
   318                        type: integer
   319                      start:
   320                        description: Start of the range partitioning, inclusive.
   321                        type: integer
   322                    required:
   323                    - end
   324                    - interval
   325                    - start
   326                    type: object
   327                required:
   328                - field
   329                - range
   330                type: object
   331              resourceID:
   332                description: Immutable. Optional. The tableId of the resource. Used
   333                  for creation and acquisition. When unset, the value of `metadata.name`
   334                  is used as the default.
   335                type: string
   336              schema:
   337                description: A JSON schema for the table.
   338                type: string
   339              timePartitioning:
   340                description: If specified, configures time-based partitioning for
   341                  this table.
   342                properties:
   343                  expirationMs:
   344                    description: Number of milliseconds for which to keep the storage
   345                      for a partition.
   346                    type: integer
   347                  field:
   348                    description: Immutable. The field used to determine how to create
   349                      a time-based partition. If time-based partitioning is enabled
   350                      without this value, the table is partitioned based on the load
   351                      time.
   352                    type: string
   353                  requirePartitionFilter:
   354                    description: If set to true, queries over this table require a
   355                      partition filter that can be used for partition elimination
   356                      to be specified.
   357                    type: boolean
   358                  type:
   359                    description: The supported types are DAY, HOUR, MONTH, and YEAR,
   360                      which will generate one partition per day, hour, month, and
   361                      year, respectively.
   362                    type: string
   363                required:
   364                - type
   365                type: object
   366              view:
   367                description: If specified, configures this table as a view.
   368                properties:
   369                  query:
   370                    description: A query that BigQuery executes when the view is referenced.
   371                    type: string
   372                  useLegacySql:
   373                    description: Specifies whether to use BigQuery's legacy SQL for
   374                      this view. The default value is true. If set to false, the view
   375                      will use BigQuery's standard SQL.
   376                    type: boolean
   377                required:
   378                - query
   379                type: object
   380            required:
   381            - datasetRef
   382            type: object
   383          status:
   384            properties:
   385              conditions:
   386                description: Conditions represent the latest available observation
   387                  of the resource's current state.
   388                items:
   389                  properties:
   390                    lastTransitionTime:
   391                      description: Last time the condition transitioned from one status
   392                        to another.
   393                      type: string
   394                    message:
   395                      description: Human-readable message indicating details about
   396                        last transition.
   397                      type: string
   398                    reason:
   399                      description: Unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's
   400                        last transition.
   401                      type: string
   402                    status:
   403                      description: Status is the status of the condition. Can be True,
   404                        False, Unknown.
   405                      type: string
   406                    type:
   407                      description: Type is the type of the condition.
   408                      type: string
   409                  type: object
   410                type: array
   411              creationTime:
   412                description: The time when this table was created, in milliseconds
   413                  since the epoch.
   414                type: integer
   415              etag:
   416                description: A hash of the resource.
   417                type: string
   418              lastModifiedTime:
   419                description: The time when this table was last modified, in milliseconds
   420                  since the epoch.
   421                type: integer
   422              location:
   423                description: The geographic location where the table resides. This
   424                  value is inherited from the dataset.
   425                type: string
   426              numBytes:
   427                description: The geographic location where the table resides. This
   428                  value is inherited from the dataset.
   429                type: integer
   430              numLongTermBytes:
   431                description: The number of bytes in the table that are considered
   432                  "long-term storage".
   433                type: integer
   434              numRows:
   435                description: The number of rows of data in this table, excluding any
   436                  data in the streaming buffer.
   437                type: integer
   438              observedGeneration:
   439                description: ObservedGeneration is the generation of the resource
   440                  that was most recently observed by the Config Connector controller.
   441                  If this is equal to metadata.generation, then that means that the
   442                  current reported status reflects the most recent desired state of
   443                  the resource.
   444                type: integer
   445              selfLink:
   446                description: The URI of the created resource.
   447                type: string
   448              type:
   449                description: Describes the table type.
   450                type: string
   451            type: object
   452        required:
   453        - spec
   454        type: object
   455    served: true
   456    storage: true
   457    subresources:
   458      status: {}
   460  acceptedNames:
   461    kind: ""
   462    plural: ""
   463  conditions: []
   464  storedVersions: []

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