
Text file src/github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/crds/resources/apiextensions.k8s.io_v1_customresourcedefinition_bigqueryjobs.bigquery.cnrm.cloud.google.com.yaml

Documentation: github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/crds/resources

     1apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
     2kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     4  annotations:
     5    cnrm.cloud.google.com/version: 0.0.0-dev
     6  creationTimestamp: null
     7  labels:
     8    cnrm.cloud.google.com/managed-by-kcc: "true"
     9    cnrm.cloud.google.com/stability-level: stable
    10    cnrm.cloud.google.com/system: "true"
    11    cnrm.cloud.google.com/tf2crd: "true"
    12  name: bigqueryjobs.bigquery.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    14  group: bigquery.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    15  names:
    16    categories:
    17    - gcp
    18    kind: BigQueryJob
    19    plural: bigqueryjobs
    20    shortNames:
    21    - gcpbigqueryjob
    22    - gcpbigqueryjobs
    23    singular: bigqueryjob
    24  preserveUnknownFields: false
    25  scope: Namespaced
    26  versions:
    27  - additionalPrinterColumns:
    28    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
    29      name: Age
    30      type: date
    31    - description: When 'True', the most recent reconcile of the resource succeeded
    32      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].status
    33      name: Ready
    34      type: string
    35    - description: The reason for the value in 'Ready'
    36      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].reason
    37      name: Status
    38      type: string
    39    - description: The last transition time for the value in 'Status'
    40      jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].lastTransitionTime
    41      name: Status Age
    42      type: date
    43    name: v1beta1
    44    schema:
    45      openAPIV3Schema:
    46        properties:
    47          apiVersion:
    48            description: 'apiVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
    49              of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
    50              internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#resources'
    51            type: string
    52          kind:
    53            description: 'kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
    54              object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
    55              submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
    56            type: string
    57          metadata:
    58            type: object
    59          spec:
    60            properties:
    61              copy:
    62                description: Immutable. Copies a table.
    63                properties:
    64                  createDisposition:
    65                    description: |-
    66                      Immutable. Specifies whether the job is allowed to create new tables. The following values are supported:
    67                      CREATE_IF_NEEDED: If the table does not exist, BigQuery creates the table.
    68                      CREATE_NEVER: The table must already exist. If it does not, a 'notFound' error is returned in the job result.
    69                      Creation, truncation and append actions occur as one atomic update upon job completion Default value: "CREATE_NEVER" Possible values: ["CREATE_IF_NEEDED", "CREATE_NEVER"].
    70                    type: string
    71                  destinationEncryptionConfiguration:
    72                    description: Immutable. Custom encryption configuration (e.g.,
    73                      Cloud KMS keys).
    74                    properties:
    75                      kmsKeyRef:
    76                        description: |-
    77                          Describes the Cloud KMS encryption key that will be used to protect
    78                          destination BigQuery table. The BigQuery Service Account associated
    79                          with your project requires access to this encryption key.
    80                        oneOf:
    81                        - not:
    82                            required:
    83                            - external
    84                          required:
    85                          - name
    86                        - not:
    87                            anyOf:
    88                            - required:
    89                              - name
    90                            - required:
    91                              - namespace
    92                          required:
    93                          - external
    94                        properties:
    95                          external:
    96                            description: 'Allowed value: The `selfLink` field of a
    97                              `KMSCryptoKey` resource.'
    98                            type: string
    99                          name:
   100                            description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   101                            type: string
   102                          namespace:
   103                            description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   104                            type: string
   105                        type: object
   106                      kmsKeyVersion:
   107                        description: Describes the Cloud KMS encryption key version
   108                          used to protect destination BigQuery table.
   109                        type: string
   110                    required:
   111                    - kmsKeyRef
   112                    type: object
   113                  destinationTable:
   114                    description: Immutable. The destination table.
   115                    properties:
   116                      tableRef:
   117                        description: A reference to the table.
   118                        oneOf:
   119                        - not:
   120                            required:
   121                            - external
   122                          required:
   123                          - name
   124                        - not:
   125                            anyOf:
   126                            - required:
   127                              - name
   128                            - required:
   129                              - namespace
   130                          required:
   131                          - external
   132                        properties:
   133                          external:
   134                            description: 'Allowed value: The `selfLink` field of a
   135                              `BigQueryTable` resource.'
   136                            type: string
   137                          name:
   138                            description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   139                            type: string
   140                          namespace:
   141                            description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   142                            type: string
   143                        type: object
   144                    required:
   145                    - tableRef
   146                    type: object
   147                  sourceTables:
   148                    description: Immutable. Source tables to copy.
   149                    items:
   150                      properties:
   151                        tableRef:
   152                          description: A reference to the table.
   153                          oneOf:
   154                          - not:
   155                              required:
   156                              - external
   157                            required:
   158                            - name
   159                          - not:
   160                              anyOf:
   161                              - required:
   162                                - name
   163                              - required:
   164                                - namespace
   165                            required:
   166                            - external
   167                          properties:
   168                            external:
   169                              description: 'Allowed value: The `selfLink` field of
   170                                a `BigQueryTable` resource.'
   171                              type: string
   172                            name:
   173                              description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   174                              type: string
   175                            namespace:
   176                              description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info:
   177                                https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   178                              type: string
   179                          type: object
   180                      required:
   181                      - tableRef
   182                      type: object
   183                    type: array
   184                  writeDisposition:
   185                    description: |-
   186                      Immutable. Specifies the action that occurs if the destination table already exists. The following values are supported:
   187                      WRITE_TRUNCATE: If the table already exists, BigQuery overwrites the table data and uses the schema from the query result.
   188                      WRITE_APPEND: If the table already exists, BigQuery appends the data to the table.
   189                      WRITE_EMPTY: If the table already exists and contains data, a 'duplicate' error is returned in the job result.
   190                      Each action is atomic and only occurs if BigQuery is able to complete the job successfully.
   191                      Creation, truncation and append actions occur as one atomic update upon job completion. Default value: "WRITE_EMPTY" Possible values: ["WRITE_TRUNCATE", "WRITE_APPEND", "WRITE_EMPTY"].
   192                    type: string
   193                required:
   194                - sourceTables
   195                type: object
   196              extract:
   197                description: Immutable. Configures an extract job.
   198                properties:
   199                  compression:
   200                    description: |-
   201                      Immutable. The compression type to use for exported files. Possible values include GZIP, DEFLATE, SNAPPY, and NONE.
   202                      The default value is NONE. DEFLATE and SNAPPY are only supported for Avro.
   203                    type: string
   204                  destinationFormat:
   205                    description: |-
   206                      Immutable. The exported file format. Possible values include CSV, NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON and AVRO for tables and SAVED_MODEL for models.
   207                      The default value for tables is CSV. Tables with nested or repeated fields cannot be exported as CSV.
   208                      The default value for models is SAVED_MODEL.
   209                    type: string
   210                  destinationUris:
   211                    description: Immutable. A list of fully-qualified Google Cloud
   212                      Storage URIs where the extracted table should be written.
   213                    items:
   214                      type: string
   215                    type: array
   216                  fieldDelimiter:
   217                    description: |-
   218                      Immutable. When extracting data in CSV format, this defines the delimiter to use between fields in the exported data.
   219                      Default is ','.
   220                    type: string
   221                  printHeader:
   222                    description: Immutable. Whether to print out a header row in the
   223                      results. Default is true.
   224                    type: boolean
   225                  sourceTable:
   226                    description: Immutable. A reference to the table being exported.
   227                    properties:
   228                      tableRef:
   229                        description: A reference to the table.
   230                        oneOf:
   231                        - not:
   232                            required:
   233                            - external
   234                          required:
   235                          - name
   236                        - not:
   237                            anyOf:
   238                            - required:
   239                              - name
   240                            - required:
   241                              - namespace
   242                          required:
   243                          - external
   244                        properties:
   245                          external:
   246                            description: 'Allowed value: The `selfLink` field of a
   247                              `BigQueryTable` resource.'
   248                            type: string
   249                          name:
   250                            description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   251                            type: string
   252                          namespace:
   253                            description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   254                            type: string
   255                        type: object
   256                    required:
   257                    - tableRef
   258                    type: object
   259                  useAvroLogicalTypes:
   260                    description: Immutable. Whether to use logical types when extracting
   261                      to AVRO format.
   262                    type: boolean
   263                required:
   264                - destinationUris
   265                type: object
   266              jobTimeoutMs:
   267                description: Immutable. Job timeout in milliseconds. If this time
   268                  limit is exceeded, BigQuery may attempt to terminate the job.
   269                type: string
   270              load:
   271                description: Immutable. Configures a load job.
   272                properties:
   273                  allowJaggedRows:
   274                    description: |-
   275                      Immutable. Accept rows that are missing trailing optional columns. The missing values are treated as nulls.
   276                      If false, records with missing trailing columns are treated as bad records, and if there are too many bad records,
   277                      an invalid error is returned in the job result. The default value is false. Only applicable to CSV, ignored for other formats.
   278                    type: boolean
   279                  allowQuotedNewlines:
   280                    description: |-
   281                      Immutable. Indicates if BigQuery should allow quoted data sections that contain newline characters in a CSV file.
   282                      The default value is false.
   283                    type: boolean
   284                  autodetect:
   285                    description: Immutable. Indicates if we should automatically infer
   286                      the options and schema for CSV and JSON sources.
   287                    type: boolean
   288                  createDisposition:
   289                    description: |-
   290                      Immutable. Specifies whether the job is allowed to create new tables. The following values are supported:
   291                      CREATE_IF_NEEDED: If the table does not exist, BigQuery creates the table.
   292                      CREATE_NEVER: The table must already exist. If it does not, a 'notFound' error is returned in the job result.
   293                      Creation, truncation and append actions occur as one atomic update upon job completion Default value: "CREATE_NEVER" Possible values: ["CREATE_IF_NEEDED", "CREATE_NEVER"].
   294                    type: string
   295                  destinationEncryptionConfiguration:
   296                    description: Immutable. Custom encryption configuration (e.g.,
   297                      Cloud KMS keys).
   298                    properties:
   299                      kmsKeyRef:
   300                        description: |-
   301                          Describes the Cloud KMS encryption key that will be used to protect
   302                          destination BigQuery table. The BigQuery Service Account associated
   303                          with your project requires access to this encryption key.
   304                        oneOf:
   305                        - not:
   306                            required:
   307                            - external
   308                          required:
   309                          - name
   310                        - not:
   311                            anyOf:
   312                            - required:
   313                              - name
   314                            - required:
   315                              - namespace
   316                          required:
   317                          - external
   318                        properties:
   319                          external:
   320                            description: 'Allowed value: The `selfLink` field of a
   321                              `KMSCryptoKey` resource.'
   322                            type: string
   323                          name:
   324                            description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   325                            type: string
   326                          namespace:
   327                            description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   328                            type: string
   329                        type: object
   330                      kmsKeyVersion:
   331                        description: Describes the Cloud KMS encryption key version
   332                          used to protect destination BigQuery table.
   333                        type: string
   334                    required:
   335                    - kmsKeyRef
   336                    type: object
   337                  destinationTable:
   338                    description: Immutable. The destination table to load the data
   339                      into.
   340                    properties:
   341                      tableRef:
   342                        description: A reference to the table.
   343                        oneOf:
   344                        - not:
   345                            required:
   346                            - external
   347                          required:
   348                          - name
   349                        - not:
   350                            anyOf:
   351                            - required:
   352                              - name
   353                            - required:
   354                              - namespace
   355                          required:
   356                          - external
   357                        properties:
   358                          external:
   359                            description: 'Allowed value: The `selfLink` field of a
   360                              `BigQueryTable` resource.'
   361                            type: string
   362                          name:
   363                            description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   364                            type: string
   365                          namespace:
   366                            description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   367                            type: string
   368                        type: object
   369                    required:
   370                    - tableRef
   371                    type: object
   372                  encoding:
   373                    description: |-
   374                      Immutable. The character encoding of the data. The supported values are UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1.
   375                      The default value is UTF-8. BigQuery decodes the data after the raw, binary data
   376                      has been split using the values of the quote and fieldDelimiter properties.
   377                    type: string
   378                  fieldDelimiter:
   379                    description: |-
   380                      Immutable. The separator for fields in a CSV file. The separator can be any ISO-8859-1 single-byte character.
   381                      To use a character in the range 128-255, you must encode the character as UTF8. BigQuery converts
   382                      the string to ISO-8859-1 encoding, and then uses the first byte of the encoded string to split the
   383                      data in its raw, binary state. BigQuery also supports the escape sequence "\t" to specify a tab separator.
   384                      The default value is a comma (',').
   385                    type: string
   386                  ignoreUnknownValues:
   387                    description: |-
   388                      Immutable. Indicates if BigQuery should allow extra values that are not represented in the table schema.
   389                      If true, the extra values are ignored. If false, records with extra columns are treated as bad records,
   390                      and if there are too many bad records, an invalid error is returned in the job result.
   391                      The default value is false. The sourceFormat property determines what BigQuery treats as an extra value:
   392                      CSV: Trailing columns
   393                      JSON: Named values that don't match any column names.
   394                    type: boolean
   395                  jsonExtension:
   396                    description: |-
   397                      Immutable. If sourceFormat is set to newline-delimited JSON, indicates whether it should be processed as a JSON variant such as GeoJSON.
   398                      For a sourceFormat other than JSON, omit this field. If the sourceFormat is newline-delimited JSON: - for newline-delimited
   399                      GeoJSON: set to GEOJSON.
   400                    type: string
   401                  maxBadRecords:
   402                    description: |-
   403                      Immutable. The maximum number of bad records that BigQuery can ignore when running the job. If the number of bad records exceeds this value,
   404                      an invalid error is returned in the job result. The default value is 0, which requires that all records are valid.
   405                    type: integer
   406                  nullMarker:
   407                    description: |-
   408                      Immutable. Specifies a string that represents a null value in a CSV file. For example, if you specify "\N", BigQuery interprets "\N" as a null value
   409                      when loading a CSV file. The default value is the empty string. If you set this property to a custom value, BigQuery throws an error if an
   410                      empty string is present for all data types except for STRING and BYTE. For STRING and BYTE columns, BigQuery interprets the empty string as
   411                      an empty value.
   412                    type: string
   413                  parquetOptions:
   414                    description: Immutable. Parquet Options for load and make external
   415                      tables.
   416                    properties:
   417                      enableListInference:
   418                        description: Immutable. If sourceFormat is set to PARQUET,
   419                          indicates whether to use schema inference specifically for
   420                          Parquet LIST logical type.
   421                        type: boolean
   422                      enumAsString:
   423                        description: Immutable. If sourceFormat is set to PARQUET,
   424                          indicates whether to infer Parquet ENUM logical type as
   425                          STRING instead of BYTES by default.
   426                        type: boolean
   427                    type: object
   428                  projectionFields:
   429                    description: |-
   430                      Immutable. If sourceFormat is set to "DATASTORE_BACKUP", indicates which entity properties to load into BigQuery from a Cloud Datastore backup.
   431                      Property names are case sensitive and must be top-level properties. If no properties are specified, BigQuery loads all properties.
   432                      If any named property isn't found in the Cloud Datastore backup, an invalid error is returned in the job result.
   433                    items:
   434                      type: string
   435                    type: array
   436                  quote:
   437                    description: |-
   438                      Immutable. The value that is used to quote data sections in a CSV file. BigQuery converts the string to ISO-8859-1 encoding,
   439                      and then uses the first byte of the encoded string to split the data in its raw, binary state.
   440                      The default value is a double-quote ('"'). If your data does not contain quoted sections, set the property value to an empty string.
   441                      If your data contains quoted newline characters, you must also set the allowQuotedNewlines property to true.
   442                    type: string
   443                  schemaUpdateOptions:
   444                    description: |-
   445                      Immutable. Allows the schema of the destination table to be updated as a side effect of the load job if a schema is autodetected or
   446                      supplied in the job configuration. Schema update options are supported in two cases: when writeDisposition is WRITE_APPEND;
   447                      when writeDisposition is WRITE_TRUNCATE and the destination table is a partition of a table, specified by partition decorators.
   448                      For normal tables, WRITE_TRUNCATE will always overwrite the schema. One or more of the following values are specified:
   449                      ALLOW_FIELD_ADDITION: allow adding a nullable field to the schema.
   450                      ALLOW_FIELD_RELAXATION: allow relaxing a required field in the original schema to nullable.
   451                    items:
   452                      type: string
   453                    type: array
   454                  skipLeadingRows:
   455                    description: |-
   456                      Immutable. The number of rows at the top of a CSV file that BigQuery will skip when loading the data.
   457                      The default value is 0. This property is useful if you have header rows in the file that should be skipped.
   458                      When autodetect is on, the behavior is the following:
   459                      skipLeadingRows unspecified - Autodetect tries to detect headers in the first row. If they are not detected,
   460                      the row is read as data. Otherwise data is read starting from the second row.
   461                      skipLeadingRows is 0 - Instructs autodetect that there are no headers and data should be read starting from the first row.
   462                      skipLeadingRows = N > 0 - Autodetect skips N-1 rows and tries to detect headers in row N. If headers are not detected,
   463                      row N is just skipped. Otherwise row N is used to extract column names for the detected schema.
   464                    type: integer
   465                  sourceFormat:
   466                    description: |-
   467                      Immutable. The format of the data files. For CSV files, specify "CSV". For datastore backups, specify "DATASTORE_BACKUP".
   468                      For newline-delimited JSON, specify "NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON". For Avro, specify "AVRO". For parquet, specify "PARQUET".
   469                      For orc, specify "ORC". [Beta] For Bigtable, specify "BIGTABLE".
   470                      The default value is CSV.
   471                    type: string
   472                  sourceUris:
   473                    description: |-
   474                      Immutable. The fully-qualified URIs that point to your data in Google Cloud.
   475                      For Google Cloud Storage URIs: Each URI can contain one '\*' wildcard character
   476                      and it must come after the 'bucket' name. Size limits related to load jobs apply
   477                      to external data sources. For Google Cloud Bigtable URIs: Exactly one URI can be
   478                      specified and it has be a fully specified and valid HTTPS URL for a Google Cloud Bigtable table.
   479                      For Google Cloud Datastore backups: Exactly one URI can be specified. Also, the '\*' wildcard character is not allowed.
   480                    items:
   481                      type: string
   482                    type: array
   483                  timePartitioning:
   484                    description: Immutable. Time-based partitioning specification
   485                      for the destination table.
   486                    properties:
   487                      expirationMs:
   488                        description: Immutable. Number of milliseconds for which to
   489                          keep the storage for a partition. A wrapper is used here
   490                          because 0 is an invalid value.
   491                        type: string
   492                      field:
   493                        description: |-
   494                          Immutable. If not set, the table is partitioned by pseudo column '_PARTITIONTIME'; if set, the table is partitioned by this field.
   495                          The field must be a top-level TIMESTAMP or DATE field. Its mode must be NULLABLE or REQUIRED.
   496                          A wrapper is used here because an empty string is an invalid value.
   497                        type: string
   498                      type:
   499                        description: |-
   500                          Immutable. The only type supported is DAY, which will generate one partition per day. Providing an empty string used to cause an error,
   501                          but in OnePlatform the field will be treated as unset.
   502                        type: string
   503                    required:
   504                    - type
   505                    type: object
   506                  writeDisposition:
   507                    description: |-
   508                      Immutable. Specifies the action that occurs if the destination table already exists. The following values are supported:
   509                      WRITE_TRUNCATE: If the table already exists, BigQuery overwrites the table data and uses the schema from the query result.
   510                      WRITE_APPEND: If the table already exists, BigQuery appends the data to the table.
   511                      WRITE_EMPTY: If the table already exists and contains data, a 'duplicate' error is returned in the job result.
   512                      Each action is atomic and only occurs if BigQuery is able to complete the job successfully.
   513                      Creation, truncation and append actions occur as one atomic update upon job completion. Default value: "WRITE_EMPTY" Possible values: ["WRITE_TRUNCATE", "WRITE_APPEND", "WRITE_EMPTY"].
   514                    type: string
   515                required:
   516                - destinationTable
   517                - sourceUris
   518                type: object
   519              location:
   520                description: Immutable. The geographic location of the job. The default
   521                  value is US.
   522                type: string
   523              query:
   524                description: Immutable. Configures a query job.
   525                properties:
   526                  allowLargeResults:
   527                    description: |-
   528                      Immutable. If true and query uses legacy SQL dialect, allows the query to produce arbitrarily large result tables at a slight cost in performance.
   529                      Requires destinationTable to be set. For standard SQL queries, this flag is ignored and large results are always allowed.
   530                      However, you must still set destinationTable when result size exceeds the allowed maximum response size.
   531                    type: boolean
   532                  createDisposition:
   533                    description: |-
   534                      Immutable. Specifies whether the job is allowed to create new tables. The following values are supported:
   535                      CREATE_IF_NEEDED: If the table does not exist, BigQuery creates the table.
   536                      CREATE_NEVER: The table must already exist. If it does not, a 'notFound' error is returned in the job result.
   537                      Creation, truncation and append actions occur as one atomic update upon job completion Default value: "CREATE_NEVER" Possible values: ["CREATE_IF_NEEDED", "CREATE_NEVER"].
   538                    type: string
   539                  defaultDataset:
   540                    description: Immutable. Specifies the default dataset to use for
   541                      unqualified table names in the query. Note that this does not
   542                      alter behavior of unqualified dataset names.
   543                    properties:
   544                      datasetRef:
   545                        description: A reference to the dataset.
   546                        oneOf:
   547                        - not:
   548                            required:
   549                            - external
   550                          required:
   551                          - name
   552                        - not:
   553                            anyOf:
   554                            - required:
   555                              - name
   556                            - required:
   557                              - namespace
   558                          required:
   559                          - external
   560                        properties:
   561                          external:
   562                            description: 'Allowed value: The `selfLink` field of a
   563                              `BigQueryDataset` resource.'
   564                            type: string
   565                          name:
   566                            description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   567                            type: string
   568                          namespace:
   569                            description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   570                            type: string
   571                        type: object
   572                    required:
   573                    - datasetRef
   574                    type: object
   575                  destinationEncryptionConfiguration:
   576                    description: Immutable. Custom encryption configuration (e.g.,
   577                      Cloud KMS keys).
   578                    properties:
   579                      kmsKeyRef:
   580                        description: |-
   581                          Describes the Cloud KMS encryption key that will be used to protect
   582                          destination BigQuery table. The BigQuery Service Account associated
   583                          with your project requires access to this encryption key.
   584                        oneOf:
   585                        - not:
   586                            required:
   587                            - external
   588                          required:
   589                          - name
   590                        - not:
   591                            anyOf:
   592                            - required:
   593                              - name
   594                            - required:
   595                              - namespace
   596                          required:
   597                          - external
   598                        properties:
   599                          external:
   600                            description: 'Allowed value: The `selfLink` field of a
   601                              `KMSCryptoKey` resource.'
   602                            type: string
   603                          name:
   604                            description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   605                            type: string
   606                          namespace:
   607                            description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   608                            type: string
   609                        type: object
   610                      kmsKeyVersion:
   611                        description: Describes the Cloud KMS encryption key version
   612                          used to protect destination BigQuery table.
   613                        type: string
   614                    required:
   615                    - kmsKeyRef
   616                    type: object
   617                  destinationTable:
   618                    description: |-
   619                      Immutable. Describes the table where the query results should be stored.
   620                      This property must be set for large results that exceed the maximum response size.
   621                      For queries that produce anonymous (cached) results, this field will be populated by BigQuery.
   622                    properties:
   623                      tableRef:
   624                        description: A reference to the table.
   625                        oneOf:
   626                        - not:
   627                            required:
   628                            - external
   629                          required:
   630                          - name
   631                        - not:
   632                            anyOf:
   633                            - required:
   634                              - name
   635                            - required:
   636                              - namespace
   637                          required:
   638                          - external
   639                        properties:
   640                          external:
   641                            description: 'Allowed value: The `selfLink` field of a
   642                              `BigQueryTable` resource.'
   643                            type: string
   644                          name:
   645                            description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   646                            type: string
   647                          namespace:
   648                            description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   649                            type: string
   650                        type: object
   651                    required:
   652                    - tableRef
   653                    type: object
   654                  flattenResults:
   655                    description: |-
   656                      Immutable. If true and query uses legacy SQL dialect, flattens all nested and repeated fields in the query results.
   657                      allowLargeResults must be true if this is set to false. For standard SQL queries, this flag is ignored and results are never flattened.
   658                    type: boolean
   659                  maximumBillingTier:
   660                    description: |-
   661                      Immutable. Limits the billing tier for this job. Queries that have resource usage beyond this tier will fail (without incurring a charge).
   662                      If unspecified, this will be set to your project default.
   663                    type: integer
   664                  maximumBytesBilled:
   665                    description: |-
   666                      Immutable. Limits the bytes billed for this job. Queries that will have bytes billed beyond this limit will fail (without incurring a charge).
   667                      If unspecified, this will be set to your project default.
   668                    type: string
   669                  parameterMode:
   670                    description: Immutable. Standard SQL only. Set to POSITIONAL to
   671                      use positional (?) query parameters or to NAMED to use named
   672                      (@myparam) query parameters in this query.
   673                    type: string
   674                  priority:
   675                    description: 'Immutable. Specifies a priority for the query. Default
   676                      value: "INTERACTIVE" Possible values: ["INTERACTIVE", "BATCH"].'
   677                    type: string
   678                  query:
   679                    description: |-
   680                      Immutable. SQL query text to execute. The useLegacySql field can be used to indicate whether the query uses legacy SQL or standard SQL.
   681                      *NOTE*: queries containing [DML language](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-manipulation-language)
   682                      ('DELETE', 'UPDATE', 'MERGE', 'INSERT') must specify 'create_disposition = ""' and 'write_disposition = ""'.
   683                    type: string
   684                  schemaUpdateOptions:
   685                    description: |-
   686                      Immutable. Allows the schema of the destination table to be updated as a side effect of the query job.
   687                      Schema update options are supported in two cases: when writeDisposition is WRITE_APPEND;
   688                      when writeDisposition is WRITE_TRUNCATE and the destination table is a partition of a table,
   689                      specified by partition decorators. For normal tables, WRITE_TRUNCATE will always overwrite the schema.
   690                      One or more of the following values are specified:
   691                      ALLOW_FIELD_ADDITION: allow adding a nullable field to the schema.
   692                      ALLOW_FIELD_RELAXATION: allow relaxing a required field in the original schema to nullable.
   693                    items:
   694                      type: string
   695                    type: array
   696                  scriptOptions:
   697                    description: Immutable. Options controlling the execution of scripts.
   698                    properties:
   699                      keyResultStatement:
   700                        description: |-
   701                          Immutable. Determines which statement in the script represents the "key result",
   702                          used to populate the schema and query results of the script job. Possible values: ["LAST", "FIRST_SELECT"].
   703                        type: string
   704                      statementByteBudget:
   705                        description: Immutable. Limit on the number of bytes billed
   706                          per statement. Exceeding this budget results in an error.
   707                        type: string
   708                      statementTimeoutMs:
   709                        description: Immutable. Timeout period for each statement
   710                          in a script.
   711                        type: string
   712                    type: object
   713                  useLegacySql:
   714                    description: |-
   715                      Immutable. Specifies whether to use BigQuery's legacy SQL dialect for this query. The default value is true.
   716                      If set to false, the query will use BigQuery's standard SQL.
   717                    type: boolean
   718                  useQueryCache:
   719                    description: |-
   720                      Immutable. Whether to look for the result in the query cache. The query cache is a best-effort cache that will be flushed whenever
   721                      tables in the query are modified. Moreover, the query cache is only available when a query does not have a destination table specified.
   722                      The default value is true.
   723                    type: boolean
   724                  userDefinedFunctionResources:
   725                    description: Immutable. Describes user-defined function resources
   726                      used in the query.
   727                    items:
   728                      properties:
   729                        inlineCode:
   730                          description: |-
   731                            Immutable. An inline resource that contains code for a user-defined function (UDF).
   732                            Providing a inline code resource is equivalent to providing a URI for a file containing the same code.
   733                          type: string
   734                        resourceUri:
   735                          description: Immutable. A code resource to load from a Google
   736                            Cloud Storage URI (gs://bucket/path).
   737                          type: string
   738                      type: object
   739                    type: array
   740                  writeDisposition:
   741                    description: |-
   742                      Immutable. Specifies the action that occurs if the destination table already exists. The following values are supported:
   743                      WRITE_TRUNCATE: If the table already exists, BigQuery overwrites the table data and uses the schema from the query result.
   744                      WRITE_APPEND: If the table already exists, BigQuery appends the data to the table.
   745                      WRITE_EMPTY: If the table already exists and contains data, a 'duplicate' error is returned in the job result.
   746                      Each action is atomic and only occurs if BigQuery is able to complete the job successfully.
   747                      Creation, truncation and append actions occur as one atomic update upon job completion. Default value: "WRITE_EMPTY" Possible values: ["WRITE_TRUNCATE", "WRITE_APPEND", "WRITE_EMPTY"].
   748                    type: string
   749                required:
   750                - query
   751                type: object
   752              resourceID:
   753                description: Immutable. Optional. The jobId of the resource. Used
   754                  for creation and acquisition. When unset, the value of `metadata.name`
   755                  is used as the default.
   756                type: string
   757            type: object
   758          status:
   759            properties:
   760              conditions:
   761                description: Conditions represent the latest available observation
   762                  of the resource's current state.
   763                items:
   764                  properties:
   765                    lastTransitionTime:
   766                      description: Last time the condition transitioned from one status
   767                        to another.
   768                      type: string
   769                    message:
   770                      description: Human-readable message indicating details about
   771                        last transition.
   772                      type: string
   773                    reason:
   774                      description: Unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's
   775                        last transition.
   776                      type: string
   777                    status:
   778                      description: Status is the status of the condition. Can be True,
   779                        False, Unknown.
   780                      type: string
   781                    type:
   782                      description: Type is the type of the condition.
   783                      type: string
   784                  type: object
   785                type: array
   786              jobType:
   787                description: The type of the job.
   788                type: string
   789              observedGeneration:
   790                description: ObservedGeneration is the generation of the resource
   791                  that was most recently observed by the Config Connector controller.
   792                  If this is equal to metadata.generation, then that means that the
   793                  current reported status reflects the most recent desired state of
   794                  the resource.
   795                type: integer
   796              status:
   797                description: The status of this job. Examine this value when polling
   798                  an asynchronous job to see if the job is complete.
   799                items:
   800                  properties:
   801                    errorResult:
   802                      description: Final error result of the job. If present, indicates
   803                        that the job has completed and was unsuccessful.
   804                      items:
   805                        properties:
   806                          location:
   807                            description: Specifies where the error occurred, if present.
   808                            type: string
   809                          message:
   810                            description: A human-readable description of the error.
   811                            type: string
   812                          reason:
   813                            description: A short error code that summarizes the error.
   814                            type: string
   815                        type: object
   816                      type: array
   817                    errors:
   818                      description: |-
   819                        The first errors encountered during the running of the job. The final message
   820                        includes the number of errors that caused the process to stop. Errors here do
   821                        not necessarily mean that the job has not completed or was unsuccessful.
   822                      items:
   823                        properties:
   824                          location:
   825                            description: Specifies where the error occurred, if present.
   826                            type: string
   827                          message:
   828                            description: A human-readable description of the error.
   829                            type: string
   830                          reason:
   831                            description: A short error code that summarizes the error.
   832                            type: string
   833                        type: object
   834                      type: array
   835                    state:
   836                      description: Running state of the job. Valid states include
   837                        'PENDING', 'RUNNING', and 'DONE'.
   838                      type: string
   839                  type: object
   840                type: array
   841              userEmail:
   842                description: Email address of the user who ran the job.
   843                type: string
   844            type: object
   845        type: object
   846    served: true
   847    storage: true
   848    subresources:
   849      status: {}
   851  acceptedNames:
   852    kind: ""
   853    plural: ""
   854  conditions: []
   855  storedVersions: []

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