1label: Config Connector LoggingLogMetric
2markdownDescription: Creates yaml for a LoggingLogMetric resource
3insertText: |
4 apiVersion: logging.cnrm.cloud.google.com/v1beta1
5 kind: LoggingLogMetric
6 metadata:
7 name: \${1:logginglogmetric-name}
8 spec:
9 description: \${2:A sample log metric}
10 filter: \${3:resource.type=gae_app AND severity<=ERROR}
11 disabled: \${4:false}
12 metricDescriptor:
13 labels:
14 - key: \${5:mass}
15 valueType: \${6:STRING}
16 description: \${7:amount of matter}
17 - key: \${8:sku}
18 valueType: \${9:INT64}
19 description: \${10:identifying number for item}
20 metricKind: \${11:DELTA}
21 valueType: \${12:DISTRIBUTION}
22 unit: \${13:bit}
23 displayName: \${14:sample-descriptor}
24 metadata:
25 samplePeriod: \${15:5s}
26 ingestDelay: \${16:2s}
27 launchStage: \${17:UNIMPLEMENTED}
28 valueExtractor: \${18:EXTRACT(jsonPayload.request)}
29 labelExtractors:
30 mass: \${19:EXTRACT(jsonPayload.request)}
31 sku: \${20:EXTRACT(jsonPayload.id)}
32 bucketOptions:
33 linearBuckets:
34 numFiniteBuckets: \${21:3}
35 width: \${22:3.5}
36 offset: \${23:1.5}
37 projectRef:
38 external: \${24:projects/[PROJECT_ID?]}
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