
Text file src/github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/cloudcodesnippets/compute_v1beta1_computesecuritypolicy.yaml

Documentation: github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector/config/cloudcodesnippets

     1label: Config Connector ComputeSecurityPolicy
     2markdownDescription: Creates yaml for a ComputeSecurityPolicy resource
     3insertText: |
     4  apiVersion: compute.cnrm.cloud.google.com/v1beta1
     5  kind: ComputeSecurityPolicy
     6  metadata:
     7    name: \${1:computesecuritypolicy-name}
     8  spec:
     9    description: \${2:A generally permissive policy that locks out a large block of
    10      untrusted IPs, except for some allowed trusted IP ranges within them, and never
    11      allows IPs from a denylist.}
    12    rule:
    13    - action: \${3:allow}
    14      priority: \${4:2147483647}
    15      match:
    16        versionedExpr: \${5:SRC_IPS_V1}
    17        config:
    18          srcIpRanges:
    19          - \${6:*}
    20      description: \${7:This rule must be included in any rule array. Action can change.}
    21    - action: \${8:deny(502)}
    22      priority: \${9:111111111}
    23      match:
    24        versionedExpr: \${10:SRC_IPS_V1}
    25        config:
    26          srcIpRanges:
    27          - \${11:}
    28      description: \${12:Untrusted range. Block IPs and return 502.}
    29    - action: \${13:allow}
    30      priority: \${14:555}
    31      match:
    32        versionedExpr: \${15:SRC_IPS_V1}
    33        config:
    34          srcIpRanges:
    35          - \${16:}
    36          - \${17:}
    37      description: \${18:Even though they're in an untrusted block, these ranges are
    38        OK.}
    39    - action: \${19:deny(403)}
    40      priority: \${20:0}
    41      match:
    42        versionedExpr: \${21:SRC_IPS_V1}
    43        config:
    44          srcIpRanges:
    45          - \${22:}
    46          - \${23:}
    47          - \${24:}
    48      description: \${25:Never allow these denylisted IP ranges.}

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