1label: Config Connector ComputeBackendService
2markdownDescription: Creates yaml for a ComputeBackendService resource
3insertText: |
4 apiVersion: compute.cnrm.cloud.google.com/v1beta1
5 kind: ComputeBackendService
6 metadata:
7 name: \${1:computebackendservice-name}
8 spec:
9 description: \${2:External backend service with cookie-based session affinity.}
10 portName: \${3:cookie-cloud}
11 timeoutSec: \${4:30}
12 healthChecks:
13 - healthCheckRef:
14 name: \${5:computebackendservice-dep-externalloadbalancing}
15 loadBalancingScheme: \${6:EXTERNAL}
16 location: \${7:global}
17 protocol: \${8:HTTPS}
18 affinityCookieTtlSec: \${9:360}
19 connectionDrainingTimeoutSec: \${10:60}
20 securityPolicyRef:
21 name: \${11:computebackendservice-dep-externalloadbalancing}
22 sessionAffinity: \${12:GENERATED_COOKIE}
23 customRequestHeaders:
24 - '\${13:Trailer: custom-trailer}'
25 logConfig:
26 enable: \${14:true}
27 sampleRate: \${15:0.5}
28 backend:
29 - balancingMode: \${16:RATE}
30 capacityScaler: \${17:1}
31 description: \${18:A network endpoint group serving this backend with all its
32 available capacity, as calculated by number of simultaneous connections.}
33 maxRatePerEndpoint: \${19:10}
34 group:
35 networkEndpointGroupRef:
36 name: \${20:computebackendservice-dep-externalloadbalancing}
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