1label: Config Connector BigtableAppProfile
2markdownDescription: Creates yaml for a BigtableAppProfile resource
3insertText: |
4 apiVersion: bigtable.cnrm.cloud.google.com/v1beta1
5 kind: BigtableAppProfile
6 metadata:
7 name: \${1:bigtableappprofile-name}
8 spec:
9 description: \${2:Automatically routes requests to the nearest available cluster
10 in an instance.}
11 instanceRef:
12 name: \${3:bigtableappprofile-dep-multi}
13 multiClusterRoutingUseAny: \${4:true}
14 multiClusterRoutingClusterIds:
15 - \${5:bigtableappprofile-dep1-multi}
16 - \${6:bigtableappprofile-dep2-multi}
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