//go:generate ./gen-multi.py //go:build go1.16 // +build go1.16 package tomltest import ( "bytes" "embed" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io/fs" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "github.com/BurntSushi/toml" ) type testType uint8 const ( TypeValid testType = iota TypeInvalid ) //go:embed tests/* var embeddedTests embed.FS // EmbeddedTests are the tests embedded in toml-test, rooted to the "test/" // directory. func EmbeddedTests() fs.FS { f, err := fs.Sub(embeddedTests, "tests") if err != nil { panic(err) } return f } // Runner runs a set of tests. // // The validity of the parameters is not checked extensively; the caller should // verify this if need be. See ./cmd/toml-test for an example. type Runner struct { Files fs.FS // Test files. Encoder bool // Are we testing an encoder? RunTests []string // Tests to run; run all if blank. SkipTests []string // Tests to skip. Parser Parser // Send data to a parser. Version string // TOML version to run tests for. } // A Parser instance is used to call the TOML parser we test. // // By default this is done through an external command. type Parser interface { // Encode a JSON string to TOML. // // The output is the TOML string; if outputIsError is true then it's assumed // that an encoding error occurred. // // An error return should only be used in case an unrecoverable error // occurred; failing to encode to TOML is not an error, but the encoder // unexpectedly panicking is. Encode(jsonInput string) (output string, outputIsError bool, err error) // Decode a TOML string to JSON. The same semantics as Encode apply. Decode(tomlInput string) (output string, outputIsError bool, err error) } // CommandParser calls an external command. type CommandParser struct { fsys fs.FS cmd []string } // Tests are tests to run. type Tests struct { Tests []Test // Set when test are run. Skipped, Passed, Failed int } // Result is the result of a single test. type Test struct { Path string // Path of test, e.g. "valid/string-test" // Set when a test is run. Skipped bool // Skipped this test? Failure string // Failure message. Key string // TOML key the failure occured on; may be blank. Encoder bool // Encoder test? Input string // The test case that we sent to the external program. Output string // Output from the external program. Want string // The output we want. OutputFromStderr bool // The Output came from stderr, not stdout. } // List all tests in Files for the current TOML version. func (r Runner) List() ([]string, error) { if r.Version == "" { r.Version = "1.0.0" } if _, ok := versions[r.Version]; !ok { v := make([]string, 0, len(versions)) for k := range versions { v = append(v, k) } sort.Strings(v) return nil, fmt.Errorf("tomltest.Runner.Run: unknown version: %q (supported: \"%s\")", r.Version, strings.Join(v, `", "`)) } var ( v = versions[r.Version] exclude = make([]string, 0, 8) ) for { exclude = append(exclude, v.exclude...) if v.inherit == "" { break } v = versions[v.inherit] } ls := make([]string, 0, 256) if err := r.findTOML("valid", &ls, exclude); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading 'valid/' dir: %w", err) } d := "invalid" + map[bool]string{true: "-encoder", false: ""}[r.Encoder] if err := r.findTOML(d, &ls, exclude); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading %q dir: %w", d, err) } return ls, nil } // Run all tests listed in t.RunTests. // // TODO: give option to: // - Run all tests with \n replaced with \r\n // - Run all tests with EOL removed // - Run all tests with '# comment' appended to every line. func (r Runner) Run() (Tests, error) { skipped, err := r.findTests() if err != nil { return Tests{}, fmt.Errorf("tomltest.Runner.Run: %w", err) } tests := Tests{Tests: make([]Test, 0, len(r.RunTests)), Skipped: skipped} for _, p := range r.RunTests { if r.hasSkip(p) { tests.Skipped++ tests.Tests = append(tests.Tests, Test{Path: p, Skipped: true, Encoder: r.Encoder}) continue } t := Test{Path: p, Encoder: r.Encoder}.Run(r.Parser, r.Files) tests.Tests = append(tests.Tests, t) if t.Failed() { tests.Failed++ } else { tests.Passed++ } } return tests, nil } // find all TOML files in 'path' relative to the test directory. func (r Runner) findTOML(path string, appendTo *[]string, exclude []string) error { // It's okay if the directory doesn't exist. if _, err := fs.Stat(r.Files, path); errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) { return nil } return fs.WalkDir(r.Files, path, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error { if err != nil { return err } if d.IsDir() || !strings.HasSuffix(path, ".toml") { return nil } path = strings.TrimSuffix(path, ".toml") for _, e := range exclude { if ok, _ := filepath.Match(e, path); ok { return nil } } *appendTo = append(*appendTo, path) return nil }) } // Expand RunTest glob patterns, or return all tests if RunTests if empty. func (r *Runner) findTests() (int, error) { ls, err := r.List() if err != nil { return 0, err } var skip int if len(r.RunTests) == 0 { r.RunTests = ls } else { run := make([]string, 0, len(r.RunTests)) for _, l := range ls { for _, r := range r.RunTests { if m, _ := filepath.Match(r, l); m { run = append(run, l) break } } } r.RunTests, skip = run, len(ls)-len(run) } // Expand invalid tests ending in ".multi.toml" expanded := make([]string, 0, len(r.RunTests)) for _, path := range r.RunTests { if !strings.HasSuffix(path, ".multi") { expanded = append(expanded, path) continue } d, err := fs.ReadFile(r.Files, path+".toml") if err != nil { return 0, err } fmt.Println(string(d)) } r.RunTests = expanded return skip, nil } func (r Runner) hasSkip(path string) bool { for _, s := range r.SkipTests { if m, _ := filepath.Match(s, path); m { return true } } return false } func (c CommandParser) Encode(input string) (output string, outputIsError bool, err error) { stdout, stderr := new(bytes.Buffer), new(bytes.Buffer) cmd := exec.Command(c.cmd[0]) cmd.Args = c.cmd cmd.Stdin, cmd.Stdout, cmd.Stderr = strings.NewReader(input), stdout, stderr err = cmd.Run() if err != nil { eErr := &exec.ExitError{} if errors.As(err, &eErr) { fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "\nExit %d\n", eErr.ProcessState.ExitCode()) err = nil } } if stderr.Len() > 0 { return strings.TrimSpace(stderr.String()) + "\n", true, err } return strings.TrimSpace(stdout.String()) + "\n", false, err } func NewCommandParser(fsys fs.FS, cmd []string) CommandParser { return CommandParser{fsys, cmd} } func (c CommandParser) Decode(input string) (string, bool, error) { return c.Encode(input) } // Run this test. func (t Test) Run(p Parser, fsys fs.FS) Test { if t.Type() == TypeInvalid { return t.runInvalid(p, fsys) } return t.runValid(p, fsys) } func (t Test) runInvalid(p Parser, fsys fs.FS) Test { var err error _, t.Input, err = t.ReadInput(fsys) if err != nil { return t.bug(err.Error()) } if t.Encoder { t.Output, t.OutputFromStderr, err = p.Encode(t.Input) } else { t.Output, t.OutputFromStderr, err = p.Decode(t.Input) } if err != nil { return t.fail(err.Error()) } if !t.OutputFromStderr { return t.fail("Expected an error, but no error was reported.") } return t } func (t Test) runValid(p Parser, fsys fs.FS) Test { var err error _, t.Input, err = t.ReadInput(fsys) if err != nil { return t.bug(err.Error()) } if t.Encoder { t.Output, t.OutputFromStderr, err = p.Encode(t.Input) } else { t.Output, t.OutputFromStderr, err = p.Decode(t.Input) } if err != nil { return t.fail(err.Error()) } if t.OutputFromStderr { return t.fail(t.Output) } if t.Output == "" { // Special case: we expect an empty output here. if t.Path != "valid/empty-file" { return t.fail("stdout is empty") } } // Compare for encoder test if t.Encoder { want, err := t.ReadWantTOML(fsys) if err != nil { return t.bug(err.Error()) } var have interface{} if _, err := toml.Decode(t.Output, &have); err != nil { //return t.fail("decode TOML from encoder %q:\n %s", cmd, err) return t.fail("decode TOML from encoder:\n %s", err) } return t.CompareTOML(want, have) } // Compare for decoder test want, err := t.ReadWantJSON(fsys) if err != nil { return t.fail(err.Error()) } var have interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(t.Output), &have); err != nil { return t.fail("decode JSON output from parser:\n %s", err) } return t.CompareJSON(want, have) } // ReadInput reads the file sent to the encoder. func (t Test) ReadInput(fsys fs.FS) (path, data string, err error) { path = t.Path + map[bool]string{true: ".json", false: ".toml"}[t.Encoder] d, err := fs.ReadFile(fsys, path) if err != nil { return path, "", err } return path, string(d), nil } func (t Test) ReadWant(fsys fs.FS) (path, data string, err error) { if t.Type() == TypeInvalid { panic("testoml.Test.ReadWant: invalid tests do not have a 'correct' version") } path = t.Path + map[bool]string{true: ".toml", false: ".json"}[t.Encoder] d, err := fs.ReadFile(fsys, path) if err != nil { return path, "", err } return path, string(d), nil } func (t *Test) ReadWantJSON(fsys fs.FS) (v interface{}, err error) { var path string path, t.Want, err = t.ReadWant(fsys) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(t.Want), &v); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("decode JSON file %q:\n %s", path, err) } return v, nil } func (t *Test) ReadWantTOML(fsys fs.FS) (v interface{}, err error) { var path string path, t.Want, err = t.ReadWant(fsys) if err != nil { return nil, err } _, err = toml.Decode(t.Want, &v) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not decode TOML file %q:\n %s", path, err) } return v, nil } // Test type: "valid", "invalid" func (t Test) Type() testType { if strings.HasPrefix(t.Path, "invalid") { return TypeInvalid } return TypeValid } func (t Test) fail(format string, v ...interface{}) Test { t.Failure = fmt.Sprintf(format, v...) return t } func (t Test) bug(format string, v ...interface{}) Test { return t.fail("BUG IN TEST CASE: "+format, v...) } func (t Test) Failed() bool { return t.Failure != "" }