
Source file src/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/datalake/store/mgmt/2016-11-01/account/models.go

Documentation: github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/datalake/store/mgmt/2016-11-01/account

     1  package account
     3  // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
     4  // Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
     5  //
     6  // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
     7  // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
     9  import (
    10  	"context"
    11  	"encoding/json"
    12  	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest"
    13  	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure"
    14  	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/date"
    15  	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/to"
    16  	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/tracing"
    17  	"github.com/gofrs/uuid"
    18  	"net/http"
    19  )
    21  // The package's fully qualified name.
    22  const fqdn = "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/datalake/store/mgmt/2016-11-01/account"
    24  // AccountsCreateFutureType an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running
    25  // operation.
    26  type AccountsCreateFutureType struct {
    27  	azure.FutureAPI
    28  	// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
    29  	// If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
    30  	Result func(AccountsClient) (DataLakeStoreAccount, error)
    31  }
    33  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture.
    34  func (future *AccountsCreateFutureType) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
    35  	var azFuture azure.Future
    36  	if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil {
    37  		return err
    38  	}
    39  	future.FutureAPI = &azFuture
    40  	future.Result = future.result
    41  	return nil
    42  }
    44  // result is the default implementation for AccountsCreateFutureType.Result.
    45  func (future *AccountsCreateFutureType) result(client AccountsClient) (dlsa DataLakeStoreAccount, err error) {
    46  	var done bool
    47  	done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client)
    48  	if err != nil {
    49  		err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "account.AccountsCreateFutureType", "Result", future.Response(), "Polling failure")
    50  		return
    51  	}
    52  	if !done {
    53  		dlsa.Response.Response = future.Response()
    54  		err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("account.AccountsCreateFutureType")
    55  		return
    56  	}
    57  	sender := autorest.DecorateSender(client, autorest.DoRetryForStatusCodes(client.RetryAttempts, client.RetryDuration, autorest.StatusCodesForRetry...))
    58  	if dlsa.Response.Response, err = future.GetResult(sender); err == nil && dlsa.Response.Response.StatusCode != http.StatusNoContent {
    59  		dlsa, err = client.CreateResponder(dlsa.Response.Response)
    60  		if err != nil {
    61  			err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "account.AccountsCreateFutureType", "Result", dlsa.Response.Response, "Failure responding to request")
    62  		}
    63  	}
    64  	return
    65  }
    67  // AccountsDeleteFutureType an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running
    68  // operation.
    69  type AccountsDeleteFutureType struct {
    70  	azure.FutureAPI
    71  	// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
    72  	// If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
    73  	Result func(AccountsClient) (autorest.Response, error)
    74  }
    76  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture.
    77  func (future *AccountsDeleteFutureType) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
    78  	var azFuture azure.Future
    79  	if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil {
    80  		return err
    81  	}
    82  	future.FutureAPI = &azFuture
    83  	future.Result = future.result
    84  	return nil
    85  }
    87  // result is the default implementation for AccountsDeleteFutureType.Result.
    88  func (future *AccountsDeleteFutureType) result(client AccountsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) {
    89  	var done bool
    90  	done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client)
    91  	if err != nil {
    92  		err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "account.AccountsDeleteFutureType", "Result", future.Response(), "Polling failure")
    93  		return
    94  	}
    95  	if !done {
    96  		ar.Response = future.Response()
    97  		err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("account.AccountsDeleteFutureType")
    98  		return
    99  	}
   100  	ar.Response = future.Response()
   101  	return
   102  }
   104  // AccountsUpdateFutureType an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running
   105  // operation.
   106  type AccountsUpdateFutureType struct {
   107  	azure.FutureAPI
   108  	// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
   109  	// If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
   110  	Result func(AccountsClient) (DataLakeStoreAccount, error)
   111  }
   113  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture.
   114  func (future *AccountsUpdateFutureType) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
   115  	var azFuture azure.Future
   116  	if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil {
   117  		return err
   118  	}
   119  	future.FutureAPI = &azFuture
   120  	future.Result = future.result
   121  	return nil
   122  }
   124  // result is the default implementation for AccountsUpdateFutureType.Result.
   125  func (future *AccountsUpdateFutureType) result(client AccountsClient) (dlsa DataLakeStoreAccount, err error) {
   126  	var done bool
   127  	done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client)
   128  	if err != nil {
   129  		err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "account.AccountsUpdateFutureType", "Result", future.Response(), "Polling failure")
   130  		return
   131  	}
   132  	if !done {
   133  		dlsa.Response.Response = future.Response()
   134  		err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("account.AccountsUpdateFutureType")
   135  		return
   136  	}
   137  	sender := autorest.DecorateSender(client, autorest.DoRetryForStatusCodes(client.RetryAttempts, client.RetryDuration, autorest.StatusCodesForRetry...))
   138  	if dlsa.Response.Response, err = future.GetResult(sender); err == nil && dlsa.Response.Response.StatusCode != http.StatusNoContent {
   139  		dlsa, err = client.UpdateResponder(dlsa.Response.Response)
   140  		if err != nil {
   141  			err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "account.AccountsUpdateFutureType", "Result", dlsa.Response.Response, "Failure responding to request")
   142  		}
   143  	}
   144  	return
   145  }
   147  // CapabilityInformation subscription-level properties and limits for Data Lake Store.
   148  type CapabilityInformation struct {
   149  	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
   150  	// SubscriptionID - READ-ONLY; The subscription credentials that uniquely identifies the subscription.
   151  	SubscriptionID *uuid.UUID `json:"subscriptionId,omitempty"`
   152  	// State - READ-ONLY; The subscription state. Possible values include: 'SubscriptionStateRegistered', 'SubscriptionStateSuspended', 'SubscriptionStateDeleted', 'SubscriptionStateUnregistered', 'SubscriptionStateWarned'
   153  	State SubscriptionState `json:"state,omitempty"`
   154  	// MaxAccountCount - READ-ONLY; The maximum supported number of accounts under this subscription.
   155  	MaxAccountCount *int32 `json:"maxAccountCount,omitempty"`
   156  	// AccountCount - READ-ONLY; The current number of accounts under this subscription.
   157  	AccountCount *int32 `json:"accountCount,omitempty"`
   158  	// MigrationState - READ-ONLY; The Boolean value of true or false to indicate the maintenance state.
   159  	MigrationState *bool `json:"migrationState,omitempty"`
   160  }
   162  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for CapabilityInformation.
   163  func (ci CapabilityInformation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   164  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
   165  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
   166  }
   168  // CheckNameAvailabilityParameters data Lake Store account name availability check parameters.
   169  type CheckNameAvailabilityParameters struct {
   170  	// Name - The Data Lake Store name to check availability for.
   171  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
   172  	// Type - The resource type. Note: This should not be set by the user, as the constant value is Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts
   173  	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
   174  }
   176  // CreateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters ...
   177  type CreateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters struct {
   178  	// Location - The resource location.
   179  	Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"`
   180  	// Tags - The resource tags.
   181  	Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags"`
   182  	// Identity - The Key Vault encryption identity, if any.
   183  	Identity *EncryptionIdentity `json:"identity,omitempty"`
   184  	// CreateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties - The Data Lake Store account properties to use for creating.
   185  	*CreateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
   186  }
   188  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for CreateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters.
   189  func (cdlsap CreateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   190  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
   191  	if cdlsap.Location != nil {
   192  		objectMap["location"] = cdlsap.Location
   193  	}
   194  	if cdlsap.Tags != nil {
   195  		objectMap["tags"] = cdlsap.Tags
   196  	}
   197  	if cdlsap.Identity != nil {
   198  		objectMap["identity"] = cdlsap.Identity
   199  	}
   200  	if cdlsap.CreateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties != nil {
   201  		objectMap["properties"] = cdlsap.CreateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties
   202  	}
   203  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
   204  }
   206  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for CreateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters struct.
   207  func (cdlsap *CreateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
   208  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
   209  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
   210  	if err != nil {
   211  		return err
   212  	}
   213  	for k, v := range m {
   214  		switch k {
   215  		case "location":
   216  			if v != nil {
   217  				var location string
   218  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &location)
   219  				if err != nil {
   220  					return err
   221  				}
   222  				cdlsap.Location = &location
   223  			}
   224  		case "tags":
   225  			if v != nil {
   226  				var tags map[string]*string
   227  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &tags)
   228  				if err != nil {
   229  					return err
   230  				}
   231  				cdlsap.Tags = tags
   232  			}
   233  		case "identity":
   234  			if v != nil {
   235  				var identity EncryptionIdentity
   236  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &identity)
   237  				if err != nil {
   238  					return err
   239  				}
   240  				cdlsap.Identity = &identity
   241  			}
   242  		case "properties":
   243  			if v != nil {
   244  				var createDataLakeStoreAccountProperties CreateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties
   245  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &createDataLakeStoreAccountProperties)
   246  				if err != nil {
   247  					return err
   248  				}
   249  				cdlsap.CreateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties = &createDataLakeStoreAccountProperties
   250  			}
   251  		}
   252  	}
   254  	return nil
   255  }
   257  // CreateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties ...
   258  type CreateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties struct {
   259  	// DefaultGroup - The default owner group for all new folders and files created in the Data Lake Store account.
   260  	DefaultGroup *string `json:"defaultGroup,omitempty"`
   261  	// EncryptionConfig - The Key Vault encryption configuration.
   262  	EncryptionConfig *EncryptionConfig `json:"encryptionConfig,omitempty"`
   263  	// EncryptionState - The current state of encryption for this Data Lake Store account. Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'
   264  	EncryptionState EncryptionState `json:"encryptionState,omitempty"`
   265  	// FirewallRules - The list of firewall rules associated with this Data Lake Store account.
   266  	FirewallRules *[]CreateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters `json:"firewallRules,omitempty"`
   267  	// VirtualNetworkRules - The list of virtual network rules associated with this Data Lake Store account.
   268  	VirtualNetworkRules *[]CreateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters `json:"virtualNetworkRules,omitempty"`
   269  	// FirewallState - The current state of the IP address firewall for this Data Lake Store account. Possible values include: 'FirewallStateEnabled', 'FirewallStateDisabled'
   270  	FirewallState FirewallState `json:"firewallState,omitempty"`
   271  	// FirewallAllowAzureIps - The current state of allowing or disallowing IPs originating within Azure through the firewall. If the firewall is disabled, this is not enforced. Possible values include: 'FirewallAllowAzureIpsStateEnabled', 'FirewallAllowAzureIpsStateDisabled'
   272  	FirewallAllowAzureIps FirewallAllowAzureIpsState `json:"firewallAllowAzureIps,omitempty"`
   273  	// TrustedIDProviders - The list of trusted identity providers associated with this Data Lake Store account.
   274  	TrustedIDProviders *[]CreateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters `json:"trustedIdProviders,omitempty"`
   275  	// TrustedIDProviderState - The current state of the trusted identity provider feature for this Data Lake Store account. Possible values include: 'TrustedIDProviderStateEnabled', 'TrustedIDProviderStateDisabled'
   276  	TrustedIDProviderState TrustedIDProviderState `json:"trustedIdProviderState,omitempty"`
   277  	// NewTier - The commitment tier to use for next month. Possible values include: 'Consumption', 'Commitment1TB', 'Commitment10TB', 'Commitment100TB', 'Commitment500TB', 'Commitment1PB', 'Commitment5PB'
   278  	NewTier TierType `json:"newTier,omitempty"`
   279  }
   281  // CreateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters the parameters used to create a new firewall rule while creating
   282  // a new Data Lake Store account.
   283  type CreateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters struct {
   284  	// Name - The unique name of the firewall rule to create.
   285  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
   286  	// CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties - The firewall rule properties to use when creating a new firewall rule.
   287  	*CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
   288  }
   290  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for CreateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters.
   291  func (cfrwap CreateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   292  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
   293  	if cfrwap.Name != nil {
   294  		objectMap["name"] = cfrwap.Name
   295  	}
   296  	if cfrwap.CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties != nil {
   297  		objectMap["properties"] = cfrwap.CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties
   298  	}
   299  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
   300  }
   302  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for CreateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters struct.
   303  func (cfrwap *CreateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
   304  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
   305  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
   306  	if err != nil {
   307  		return err
   308  	}
   309  	for k, v := range m {
   310  		switch k {
   311  		case "name":
   312  			if v != nil {
   313  				var name string
   314  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
   315  				if err != nil {
   316  					return err
   317  				}
   318  				cfrwap.Name = &name
   319  			}
   320  		case "properties":
   321  			if v != nil {
   322  				var createOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties
   323  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &createOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties)
   324  				if err != nil {
   325  					return err
   326  				}
   327  				cfrwap.CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties = &createOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties
   328  			}
   329  		}
   330  	}
   332  	return nil
   333  }
   335  // CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleParameters the parameters used to create a new firewall rule.
   336  type CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleParameters struct {
   337  	// CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties - The firewall rule properties to use when creating a new firewall rule.
   338  	*CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
   339  }
   341  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleParameters.
   342  func (coufrp CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   343  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
   344  	if coufrp.CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties != nil {
   345  		objectMap["properties"] = coufrp.CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties
   346  	}
   347  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
   348  }
   350  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleParameters struct.
   351  func (coufrp *CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
   352  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
   353  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
   354  	if err != nil {
   355  		return err
   356  	}
   357  	for k, v := range m {
   358  		switch k {
   359  		case "properties":
   360  			if v != nil {
   361  				var createOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties
   362  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &createOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties)
   363  				if err != nil {
   364  					return err
   365  				}
   366  				coufrp.CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties = &createOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties
   367  			}
   368  		}
   369  	}
   371  	return nil
   372  }
   374  // CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties the firewall rule properties to use when creating a new firewall
   375  // rule.
   376  type CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleProperties struct {
   377  	// StartIPAddress - The start IP address for the firewall rule. This can be either ipv4 or ipv6. Start and End should be in the same protocol.
   378  	StartIPAddress *string `json:"startIpAddress,omitempty"`
   379  	// EndIPAddress - The end IP address for the firewall rule. This can be either ipv4 or ipv6. Start and End should be in the same protocol.
   380  	EndIPAddress *string `json:"endIpAddress,omitempty"`
   381  }
   383  // CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderParameters the parameters used to create a new trusted identity provider.
   384  type CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderParameters struct {
   385  	// CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties - The trusted identity provider properties to use when creating a new trusted identity provider.
   386  	*CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
   387  }
   389  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderParameters.
   390  func (coutipp CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   391  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
   392  	if coutipp.CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties != nil {
   393  		objectMap["properties"] = coutipp.CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties
   394  	}
   395  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
   396  }
   398  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderParameters struct.
   399  func (coutipp *CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
   400  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
   401  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
   402  	if err != nil {
   403  		return err
   404  	}
   405  	for k, v := range m {
   406  		switch k {
   407  		case "properties":
   408  			if v != nil {
   409  				var createOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties
   410  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &createOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties)
   411  				if err != nil {
   412  					return err
   413  				}
   414  				coutipp.CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties = &createOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties
   415  			}
   416  		}
   417  	}
   419  	return nil
   420  }
   422  // CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties the trusted identity provider properties to use when creating
   423  // a new trusted identity provider.
   424  type CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties struct {
   425  	// IDProvider - The URL of this trusted identity provider.
   426  	IDProvider *string `json:"idProvider,omitempty"`
   427  }
   429  // CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleParameters the parameters used to create a new virtual network rule.
   430  type CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleParameters struct {
   431  	// CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties - The virtual network rule properties to use when creating a new virtual network rule.
   432  	*CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
   433  }
   435  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleParameters.
   436  func (couvnrp CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   437  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
   438  	if couvnrp.CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties != nil {
   439  		objectMap["properties"] = couvnrp.CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties
   440  	}
   441  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
   442  }
   444  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleParameters struct.
   445  func (couvnrp *CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
   446  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
   447  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
   448  	if err != nil {
   449  		return err
   450  	}
   451  	for k, v := range m {
   452  		switch k {
   453  		case "properties":
   454  			if v != nil {
   455  				var createOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties
   456  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &createOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties)
   457  				if err != nil {
   458  					return err
   459  				}
   460  				couvnrp.CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties = &createOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties
   461  			}
   462  		}
   463  	}
   465  	return nil
   466  }
   468  // CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties the virtual network rule properties to use when creating a
   469  // new virtual network rule.
   470  type CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties struct {
   471  	// SubnetID - The resource identifier for the subnet.
   472  	SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"`
   473  }
   475  // CreateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters the parameters used to create a new trusted identity
   476  // provider while creating a new Data Lake Store account.
   477  type CreateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters struct {
   478  	// Name - The unique name of the trusted identity provider to create.
   479  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
   480  	// CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties - The trusted identity provider properties to use when creating a new trusted identity provider.
   481  	*CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
   482  }
   484  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for CreateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters.
   485  func (ctipwap CreateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   486  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
   487  	if ctipwap.Name != nil {
   488  		objectMap["name"] = ctipwap.Name
   489  	}
   490  	if ctipwap.CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties != nil {
   491  		objectMap["properties"] = ctipwap.CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties
   492  	}
   493  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
   494  }
   496  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for CreateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters struct.
   497  func (ctipwap *CreateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
   498  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
   499  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
   500  	if err != nil {
   501  		return err
   502  	}
   503  	for k, v := range m {
   504  		switch k {
   505  		case "name":
   506  			if v != nil {
   507  				var name string
   508  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
   509  				if err != nil {
   510  					return err
   511  				}
   512  				ctipwap.Name = &name
   513  			}
   514  		case "properties":
   515  			if v != nil {
   516  				var createOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties
   517  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &createOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties)
   518  				if err != nil {
   519  					return err
   520  				}
   521  				ctipwap.CreateOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties = &createOrUpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties
   522  			}
   523  		}
   524  	}
   526  	return nil
   527  }
   529  // CreateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters the parameters used to create a new virtual network rule
   530  // while creating a new Data Lake Store account.
   531  type CreateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters struct {
   532  	// Name - The unique name of the virtual network rule to create.
   533  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
   534  	// CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties - The virtual network rule properties to use when creating a new virtual network rule.
   535  	*CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
   536  }
   538  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for CreateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters.
   539  func (cvnrwap CreateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   540  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
   541  	if cvnrwap.Name != nil {
   542  		objectMap["name"] = cvnrwap.Name
   543  	}
   544  	if cvnrwap.CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties != nil {
   545  		objectMap["properties"] = cvnrwap.CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties
   546  	}
   547  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
   548  }
   550  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for CreateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters struct.
   551  func (cvnrwap *CreateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
   552  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
   553  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
   554  	if err != nil {
   555  		return err
   556  	}
   557  	for k, v := range m {
   558  		switch k {
   559  		case "name":
   560  			if v != nil {
   561  				var name string
   562  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
   563  				if err != nil {
   564  					return err
   565  				}
   566  				cvnrwap.Name = &name
   567  			}
   568  		case "properties":
   569  			if v != nil {
   570  				var createOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties
   571  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &createOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties)
   572  				if err != nil {
   573  					return err
   574  				}
   575  				cvnrwap.CreateOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties = &createOrUpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties
   576  			}
   577  		}
   578  	}
   580  	return nil
   581  }
   583  // DataLakeStoreAccount data Lake Store account information.
   584  type DataLakeStoreAccount struct {
   585  	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
   586  	// Identity - READ-ONLY; The Key Vault encryption identity, if any.
   587  	Identity *EncryptionIdentity `json:"identity,omitempty"`
   588  	// DataLakeStoreAccountProperties - READ-ONLY; The Data Lake Store account properties.
   589  	*DataLakeStoreAccountProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
   590  	// ID - READ-ONLY; The resource identifier.
   591  	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
   592  	// Name - READ-ONLY; The resource name.
   593  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
   594  	// Type - READ-ONLY; The resource type.
   595  	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
   596  	// Location - READ-ONLY; The resource location.
   597  	Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"`
   598  	// Tags - READ-ONLY; The resource tags.
   599  	Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags"`
   600  }
   602  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DataLakeStoreAccount.
   603  func (dlsa DataLakeStoreAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   604  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
   605  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
   606  }
   608  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for DataLakeStoreAccount struct.
   609  func (dlsa *DataLakeStoreAccount) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
   610  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
   611  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
   612  	if err != nil {
   613  		return err
   614  	}
   615  	for k, v := range m {
   616  		switch k {
   617  		case "identity":
   618  			if v != nil {
   619  				var identity EncryptionIdentity
   620  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &identity)
   621  				if err != nil {
   622  					return err
   623  				}
   624  				dlsa.Identity = &identity
   625  			}
   626  		case "properties":
   627  			if v != nil {
   628  				var dataLakeStoreAccountProperties DataLakeStoreAccountProperties
   629  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &dataLakeStoreAccountProperties)
   630  				if err != nil {
   631  					return err
   632  				}
   633  				dlsa.DataLakeStoreAccountProperties = &dataLakeStoreAccountProperties
   634  			}
   635  		case "id":
   636  			if v != nil {
   637  				var ID string
   638  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &ID)
   639  				if err != nil {
   640  					return err
   641  				}
   642  				dlsa.ID = &ID
   643  			}
   644  		case "name":
   645  			if v != nil {
   646  				var name string
   647  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
   648  				if err != nil {
   649  					return err
   650  				}
   651  				dlsa.Name = &name
   652  			}
   653  		case "type":
   654  			if v != nil {
   655  				var typeVar string
   656  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &typeVar)
   657  				if err != nil {
   658  					return err
   659  				}
   660  				dlsa.Type = &typeVar
   661  			}
   662  		case "location":
   663  			if v != nil {
   664  				var location string
   665  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &location)
   666  				if err != nil {
   667  					return err
   668  				}
   669  				dlsa.Location = &location
   670  			}
   671  		case "tags":
   672  			if v != nil {
   673  				var tags map[string]*string
   674  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &tags)
   675  				if err != nil {
   676  					return err
   677  				}
   678  				dlsa.Tags = tags
   679  			}
   680  		}
   681  	}
   683  	return nil
   684  }
   686  // DataLakeStoreAccountBasic basic Data Lake Store account information, returned on list calls.
   687  type DataLakeStoreAccountBasic struct {
   688  	// DataLakeStoreAccountPropertiesBasic - READ-ONLY; The basic Data Lake Store account properties.
   689  	*DataLakeStoreAccountPropertiesBasic `json:"properties,omitempty"`
   690  	// ID - READ-ONLY; The resource identifier.
   691  	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
   692  	// Name - READ-ONLY; The resource name.
   693  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
   694  	// Type - READ-ONLY; The resource type.
   695  	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
   696  	// Location - READ-ONLY; The resource location.
   697  	Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"`
   698  	// Tags - READ-ONLY; The resource tags.
   699  	Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags"`
   700  }
   702  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DataLakeStoreAccountBasic.
   703  func (dlsab DataLakeStoreAccountBasic) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   704  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
   705  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
   706  }
   708  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for DataLakeStoreAccountBasic struct.
   709  func (dlsab *DataLakeStoreAccountBasic) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
   710  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
   711  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
   712  	if err != nil {
   713  		return err
   714  	}
   715  	for k, v := range m {
   716  		switch k {
   717  		case "properties":
   718  			if v != nil {
   719  				var dataLakeStoreAccountPropertiesBasic DataLakeStoreAccountPropertiesBasic
   720  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &dataLakeStoreAccountPropertiesBasic)
   721  				if err != nil {
   722  					return err
   723  				}
   724  				dlsab.DataLakeStoreAccountPropertiesBasic = &dataLakeStoreAccountPropertiesBasic
   725  			}
   726  		case "id":
   727  			if v != nil {
   728  				var ID string
   729  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &ID)
   730  				if err != nil {
   731  					return err
   732  				}
   733  				dlsab.ID = &ID
   734  			}
   735  		case "name":
   736  			if v != nil {
   737  				var name string
   738  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
   739  				if err != nil {
   740  					return err
   741  				}
   742  				dlsab.Name = &name
   743  			}
   744  		case "type":
   745  			if v != nil {
   746  				var typeVar string
   747  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &typeVar)
   748  				if err != nil {
   749  					return err
   750  				}
   751  				dlsab.Type = &typeVar
   752  			}
   753  		case "location":
   754  			if v != nil {
   755  				var location string
   756  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &location)
   757  				if err != nil {
   758  					return err
   759  				}
   760  				dlsab.Location = &location
   761  			}
   762  		case "tags":
   763  			if v != nil {
   764  				var tags map[string]*string
   765  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &tags)
   766  				if err != nil {
   767  					return err
   768  				}
   769  				dlsab.Tags = tags
   770  			}
   771  		}
   772  	}
   774  	return nil
   775  }
   777  // DataLakeStoreAccountListResult data Lake Store account list information response.
   778  type DataLakeStoreAccountListResult struct {
   779  	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
   780  	// Value - READ-ONLY; The results of the list operation.
   781  	Value *[]DataLakeStoreAccountBasic `json:"value,omitempty"`
   782  	// NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
   783  	NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
   784  }
   786  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DataLakeStoreAccountListResult.
   787  func (dlsalr DataLakeStoreAccountListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   788  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
   789  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
   790  }
   792  // DataLakeStoreAccountListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of
   793  // DataLakeStoreAccountBasic values.
   794  type DataLakeStoreAccountListResultIterator struct {
   795  	i    int
   796  	page DataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage
   797  }
   799  // NextWithContext advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
   800  // the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
   801  func (iter *DataLakeStoreAccountListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
   802  	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
   803  		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/DataLakeStoreAccountListResultIterator.NextWithContext")
   804  		defer func() {
   805  			sc := -1
   806  			if iter.Response().Response.Response != nil {
   807  				sc = iter.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
   808  			}
   809  			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
   810  		}()
   811  	}
   812  	iter.i++
   813  	if iter.i < len(iter.page.Values()) {
   814  		return nil
   815  	}
   816  	err = iter.page.NextWithContext(ctx)
   817  	if err != nil {
   818  		iter.i--
   819  		return err
   820  	}
   821  	iter.i = 0
   822  	return nil
   823  }
   825  // Next advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
   826  // the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
   827  // Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
   828  func (iter *DataLakeStoreAccountListResultIterator) Next() error {
   829  	return iter.NextWithContext(context.Background())
   830  }
   832  // NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
   833  func (iter DataLakeStoreAccountListResultIterator) NotDone() bool {
   834  	return iter.page.NotDone() && iter.i < len(iter.page.Values())
   835  }
   837  // Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
   838  func (iter DataLakeStoreAccountListResultIterator) Response() DataLakeStoreAccountListResult {
   839  	return iter.page.Response()
   840  }
   842  // Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the
   843  // iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.
   844  func (iter DataLakeStoreAccountListResultIterator) Value() DataLakeStoreAccountBasic {
   845  	if !iter.page.NotDone() {
   846  		return DataLakeStoreAccountBasic{}
   847  	}
   848  	return iter.page.Values()[iter.i]
   849  }
   851  // Creates a new instance of the DataLakeStoreAccountListResultIterator type.
   852  func NewDataLakeStoreAccountListResultIterator(page DataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage) DataLakeStoreAccountListResultIterator {
   853  	return DataLakeStoreAccountListResultIterator{page: page}
   854  }
   856  // IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.
   857  func (dlsalr DataLakeStoreAccountListResult) IsEmpty() bool {
   858  	return dlsalr.Value == nil || len(*dlsalr.Value) == 0
   859  }
   861  // hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty.
   862  func (dlsalr DataLakeStoreAccountListResult) hasNextLink() bool {
   863  	return dlsalr.NextLink != nil && len(*dlsalr.NextLink) != 0
   864  }
   866  // dataLakeStoreAccountListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results.
   867  // It returns nil if no more results exist.
   868  func (dlsalr DataLakeStoreAccountListResult) dataLakeStoreAccountListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) {
   869  	if !dlsalr.hasNextLink() {
   870  		return nil, nil
   871  	}
   872  	return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx),
   873  		autorest.AsJSON(),
   874  		autorest.AsGet(),
   875  		autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(dlsalr.NextLink)))
   876  }
   878  // DataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage contains a page of DataLakeStoreAccountBasic values.
   879  type DataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage struct {
   880  	fn     func(context.Context, DataLakeStoreAccountListResult) (DataLakeStoreAccountListResult, error)
   881  	dlsalr DataLakeStoreAccountListResult
   882  }
   884  // NextWithContext advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
   885  // the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
   886  func (page *DataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
   887  	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
   888  		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/DataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage.NextWithContext")
   889  		defer func() {
   890  			sc := -1
   891  			if page.Response().Response.Response != nil {
   892  				sc = page.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
   893  			}
   894  			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
   895  		}()
   896  	}
   897  	for {
   898  		next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.dlsalr)
   899  		if err != nil {
   900  			return err
   901  		}
   902  		page.dlsalr = next
   903  		if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() {
   904  			break
   905  		}
   906  	}
   907  	return nil
   908  }
   910  // Next advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
   911  // the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
   912  // Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
   913  func (page *DataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage) Next() error {
   914  	return page.NextWithContext(context.Background())
   915  }
   917  // NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
   918  func (page DataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage) NotDone() bool {
   919  	return !page.dlsalr.IsEmpty()
   920  }
   922  // Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
   923  func (page DataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage) Response() DataLakeStoreAccountListResult {
   924  	return page.dlsalr
   925  }
   927  // Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.
   928  func (page DataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage) Values() []DataLakeStoreAccountBasic {
   929  	if page.dlsalr.IsEmpty() {
   930  		return nil
   931  	}
   932  	return *page.dlsalr.Value
   933  }
   935  // Creates a new instance of the DataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage type.
   936  func NewDataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage(cur DataLakeStoreAccountListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, DataLakeStoreAccountListResult) (DataLakeStoreAccountListResult, error)) DataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage {
   937  	return DataLakeStoreAccountListResultPage{
   938  		fn:     getNextPage,
   939  		dlsalr: cur,
   940  	}
   941  }
   943  // DataLakeStoreAccountProperties data Lake Store account properties information.
   944  type DataLakeStoreAccountProperties struct {
   945  	// DefaultGroup - READ-ONLY; The default owner group for all new folders and files created in the Data Lake Store account.
   946  	DefaultGroup *string `json:"defaultGroup,omitempty"`
   947  	// EncryptionConfig - READ-ONLY; The Key Vault encryption configuration.
   948  	EncryptionConfig *EncryptionConfig `json:"encryptionConfig,omitempty"`
   949  	// EncryptionState - READ-ONLY; The current state of encryption for this Data Lake Store account. Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'
   950  	EncryptionState EncryptionState `json:"encryptionState,omitempty"`
   951  	// EncryptionProvisioningState - READ-ONLY; The current state of encryption provisioning for this Data Lake Store account. Possible values include: 'EncryptionProvisioningStateCreating', 'EncryptionProvisioningStateSucceeded'
   952  	EncryptionProvisioningState EncryptionProvisioningState `json:"encryptionProvisioningState,omitempty"`
   953  	// FirewallRules - READ-ONLY; The list of firewall rules associated with this Data Lake Store account.
   954  	FirewallRules *[]FirewallRule `json:"firewallRules,omitempty"`
   955  	// VirtualNetworkRules - READ-ONLY; The list of virtual network rules associated with this Data Lake Store account.
   956  	VirtualNetworkRules *[]VirtualNetworkRule `json:"virtualNetworkRules,omitempty"`
   957  	// FirewallState - READ-ONLY; The current state of the IP address firewall for this Data Lake Store account. Possible values include: 'FirewallStateEnabled', 'FirewallStateDisabled'
   958  	FirewallState FirewallState `json:"firewallState,omitempty"`
   959  	// FirewallAllowAzureIps - READ-ONLY; The current state of allowing or disallowing IPs originating within Azure through the firewall. If the firewall is disabled, this is not enforced. Possible values include: 'FirewallAllowAzureIpsStateEnabled', 'FirewallAllowAzureIpsStateDisabled'
   960  	FirewallAllowAzureIps FirewallAllowAzureIpsState `json:"firewallAllowAzureIps,omitempty"`
   961  	// TrustedIDProviders - READ-ONLY; The list of trusted identity providers associated with this Data Lake Store account.
   962  	TrustedIDProviders *[]TrustedIDProvider `json:"trustedIdProviders,omitempty"`
   963  	// TrustedIDProviderState - READ-ONLY; The current state of the trusted identity provider feature for this Data Lake Store account. Possible values include: 'TrustedIDProviderStateEnabled', 'TrustedIDProviderStateDisabled'
   964  	TrustedIDProviderState TrustedIDProviderState `json:"trustedIdProviderState,omitempty"`
   965  	// NewTier - READ-ONLY; The commitment tier to use for next month. Possible values include: 'Consumption', 'Commitment1TB', 'Commitment10TB', 'Commitment100TB', 'Commitment500TB', 'Commitment1PB', 'Commitment5PB'
   966  	NewTier TierType `json:"newTier,omitempty"`
   967  	// CurrentTier - READ-ONLY; The commitment tier in use for the current month. Possible values include: 'Consumption', 'Commitment1TB', 'Commitment10TB', 'Commitment100TB', 'Commitment500TB', 'Commitment1PB', 'Commitment5PB'
   968  	CurrentTier TierType `json:"currentTier,omitempty"`
   969  	// AccountID - READ-ONLY; The unique identifier associated with this Data Lake Store account.
   970  	AccountID *uuid.UUID `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
   971  	// ProvisioningState - READ-ONLY; The provisioning status of the Data Lake Store account. Possible values include: 'Failed', 'Creating', 'Running', 'Succeeded', 'Patching', 'Suspending', 'Resuming', 'Deleting', 'Deleted', 'Undeleting', 'Canceled'
   972  	ProvisioningState DataLakeStoreAccountStatus `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"`
   973  	// State - READ-ONLY; The state of the Data Lake Store account. Possible values include: 'Active', 'Suspended'
   974  	State DataLakeStoreAccountState `json:"state,omitempty"`
   975  	// CreationTime - READ-ONLY; The account creation time.
   976  	CreationTime *date.Time `json:"creationTime,omitempty"`
   977  	// LastModifiedTime - READ-ONLY; The account last modified time.
   978  	LastModifiedTime *date.Time `json:"lastModifiedTime,omitempty"`
   979  	// Endpoint - READ-ONLY; The full CName endpoint for this account.
   980  	Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint,omitempty"`
   981  }
   983  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DataLakeStoreAccountProperties.
   984  func (dlsap DataLakeStoreAccountProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   985  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
   986  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
   987  }
   989  // DataLakeStoreAccountPropertiesBasic the basic account specific properties that are associated with an
   990  // underlying Data Lake Store account.
   991  type DataLakeStoreAccountPropertiesBasic struct {
   992  	// AccountID - READ-ONLY; The unique identifier associated with this Data Lake Store account.
   993  	AccountID *uuid.UUID `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
   994  	// ProvisioningState - READ-ONLY; The provisioning status of the Data Lake Store account. Possible values include: 'Failed', 'Creating', 'Running', 'Succeeded', 'Patching', 'Suspending', 'Resuming', 'Deleting', 'Deleted', 'Undeleting', 'Canceled'
   995  	ProvisioningState DataLakeStoreAccountStatus `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"`
   996  	// State - READ-ONLY; The state of the Data Lake Store account. Possible values include: 'Active', 'Suspended'
   997  	State DataLakeStoreAccountState `json:"state,omitempty"`
   998  	// CreationTime - READ-ONLY; The account creation time.
   999  	CreationTime *date.Time `json:"creationTime,omitempty"`
  1000  	// LastModifiedTime - READ-ONLY; The account last modified time.
  1001  	LastModifiedTime *date.Time `json:"lastModifiedTime,omitempty"`
  1002  	// Endpoint - READ-ONLY; The full CName endpoint for this account.
  1003  	Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint,omitempty"`
  1004  }
  1006  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DataLakeStoreAccountPropertiesBasic.
  1007  func (dlsapb DataLakeStoreAccountPropertiesBasic) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1008  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1009  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1010  }
  1012  // EncryptionConfig the encryption configuration for the account.
  1013  type EncryptionConfig struct {
  1014  	// Type - The type of encryption configuration being used. Currently the only supported types are 'UserManaged' and 'ServiceManaged'. Possible values include: 'UserManaged', 'ServiceManaged'
  1015  	Type EncryptionConfigType `json:"type,omitempty"`
  1016  	// KeyVaultMetaInfo - The Key Vault information for connecting to user managed encryption keys.
  1017  	KeyVaultMetaInfo *KeyVaultMetaInfo `json:"keyVaultMetaInfo,omitempty"`
  1018  }
  1020  // EncryptionIdentity the encryption identity properties.
  1021  type EncryptionIdentity struct {
  1022  	// Type - The type of encryption being used. Currently the only supported type is 'SystemAssigned'.
  1023  	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
  1024  	// PrincipalID - READ-ONLY; The principal identifier associated with the encryption.
  1025  	PrincipalID *uuid.UUID `json:"principalId,omitempty"`
  1026  	// TenantID - READ-ONLY; The tenant identifier associated with the encryption.
  1027  	TenantID *uuid.UUID `json:"tenantId,omitempty"`
  1028  }
  1030  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for EncryptionIdentity.
  1031  func (ei EncryptionIdentity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1032  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1033  	if ei.Type != nil {
  1034  		objectMap["type"] = ei.Type
  1035  	}
  1036  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1037  }
  1039  // FirewallRule data Lake Store firewall rule information.
  1040  type FirewallRule struct {
  1041  	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
  1042  	// FirewallRuleProperties - READ-ONLY; The firewall rule properties.
  1043  	*FirewallRuleProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
  1044  	// ID - READ-ONLY; The resource identifier.
  1045  	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
  1046  	// Name - READ-ONLY; The resource name.
  1047  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
  1048  	// Type - READ-ONLY; The resource type.
  1049  	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
  1050  }
  1052  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for FirewallRule.
  1053  func (fr FirewallRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1054  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1055  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1056  }
  1058  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for FirewallRule struct.
  1059  func (fr *FirewallRule) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
  1060  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
  1061  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
  1062  	if err != nil {
  1063  		return err
  1064  	}
  1065  	for k, v := range m {
  1066  		switch k {
  1067  		case "properties":
  1068  			if v != nil {
  1069  				var firewallRuleProperties FirewallRuleProperties
  1070  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &firewallRuleProperties)
  1071  				if err != nil {
  1072  					return err
  1073  				}
  1074  				fr.FirewallRuleProperties = &firewallRuleProperties
  1075  			}
  1076  		case "id":
  1077  			if v != nil {
  1078  				var ID string
  1079  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &ID)
  1080  				if err != nil {
  1081  					return err
  1082  				}
  1083  				fr.ID = &ID
  1084  			}
  1085  		case "name":
  1086  			if v != nil {
  1087  				var name string
  1088  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
  1089  				if err != nil {
  1090  					return err
  1091  				}
  1092  				fr.Name = &name
  1093  			}
  1094  		case "type":
  1095  			if v != nil {
  1096  				var typeVar string
  1097  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &typeVar)
  1098  				if err != nil {
  1099  					return err
  1100  				}
  1101  				fr.Type = &typeVar
  1102  			}
  1103  		}
  1104  	}
  1106  	return nil
  1107  }
  1109  // FirewallRuleListResult data Lake Store firewall rule list information.
  1110  type FirewallRuleListResult struct {
  1111  	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
  1112  	// Value - READ-ONLY; The results of the list operation.
  1113  	Value *[]FirewallRule `json:"value,omitempty"`
  1114  	// NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
  1115  	NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
  1116  }
  1118  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for FirewallRuleListResult.
  1119  func (frlr FirewallRuleListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1120  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1121  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1122  }
  1124  // FirewallRuleListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of FirewallRule values.
  1125  type FirewallRuleListResultIterator struct {
  1126  	i    int
  1127  	page FirewallRuleListResultPage
  1128  }
  1130  // NextWithContext advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
  1131  // the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
  1132  func (iter *FirewallRuleListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
  1133  	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
  1134  		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/FirewallRuleListResultIterator.NextWithContext")
  1135  		defer func() {
  1136  			sc := -1
  1137  			if iter.Response().Response.Response != nil {
  1138  				sc = iter.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
  1139  			}
  1140  			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
  1141  		}()
  1142  	}
  1143  	iter.i++
  1144  	if iter.i < len(iter.page.Values()) {
  1145  		return nil
  1146  	}
  1147  	err = iter.page.NextWithContext(ctx)
  1148  	if err != nil {
  1149  		iter.i--
  1150  		return err
  1151  	}
  1152  	iter.i = 0
  1153  	return nil
  1154  }
  1156  // Next advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
  1157  // the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
  1158  // Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
  1159  func (iter *FirewallRuleListResultIterator) Next() error {
  1160  	return iter.NextWithContext(context.Background())
  1161  }
  1163  // NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
  1164  func (iter FirewallRuleListResultIterator) NotDone() bool {
  1165  	return iter.page.NotDone() && iter.i < len(iter.page.Values())
  1166  }
  1168  // Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
  1169  func (iter FirewallRuleListResultIterator) Response() FirewallRuleListResult {
  1170  	return iter.page.Response()
  1171  }
  1173  // Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the
  1174  // iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.
  1175  func (iter FirewallRuleListResultIterator) Value() FirewallRule {
  1176  	if !iter.page.NotDone() {
  1177  		return FirewallRule{}
  1178  	}
  1179  	return iter.page.Values()[iter.i]
  1180  }
  1182  // Creates a new instance of the FirewallRuleListResultIterator type.
  1183  func NewFirewallRuleListResultIterator(page FirewallRuleListResultPage) FirewallRuleListResultIterator {
  1184  	return FirewallRuleListResultIterator{page: page}
  1185  }
  1187  // IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.
  1188  func (frlr FirewallRuleListResult) IsEmpty() bool {
  1189  	return frlr.Value == nil || len(*frlr.Value) == 0
  1190  }
  1192  // hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty.
  1193  func (frlr FirewallRuleListResult) hasNextLink() bool {
  1194  	return frlr.NextLink != nil && len(*frlr.NextLink) != 0
  1195  }
  1197  // firewallRuleListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results.
  1198  // It returns nil if no more results exist.
  1199  func (frlr FirewallRuleListResult) firewallRuleListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) {
  1200  	if !frlr.hasNextLink() {
  1201  		return nil, nil
  1202  	}
  1203  	return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx),
  1204  		autorest.AsJSON(),
  1205  		autorest.AsGet(),
  1206  		autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(frlr.NextLink)))
  1207  }
  1209  // FirewallRuleListResultPage contains a page of FirewallRule values.
  1210  type FirewallRuleListResultPage struct {
  1211  	fn   func(context.Context, FirewallRuleListResult) (FirewallRuleListResult, error)
  1212  	frlr FirewallRuleListResult
  1213  }
  1215  // NextWithContext advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
  1216  // the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
  1217  func (page *FirewallRuleListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
  1218  	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
  1219  		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/FirewallRuleListResultPage.NextWithContext")
  1220  		defer func() {
  1221  			sc := -1
  1222  			if page.Response().Response.Response != nil {
  1223  				sc = page.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
  1224  			}
  1225  			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
  1226  		}()
  1227  	}
  1228  	for {
  1229  		next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.frlr)
  1230  		if err != nil {
  1231  			return err
  1232  		}
  1233  		page.frlr = next
  1234  		if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() {
  1235  			break
  1236  		}
  1237  	}
  1238  	return nil
  1239  }
  1241  // Next advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
  1242  // the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
  1243  // Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
  1244  func (page *FirewallRuleListResultPage) Next() error {
  1245  	return page.NextWithContext(context.Background())
  1246  }
  1248  // NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
  1249  func (page FirewallRuleListResultPage) NotDone() bool {
  1250  	return !page.frlr.IsEmpty()
  1251  }
  1253  // Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
  1254  func (page FirewallRuleListResultPage) Response() FirewallRuleListResult {
  1255  	return page.frlr
  1256  }
  1258  // Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.
  1259  func (page FirewallRuleListResultPage) Values() []FirewallRule {
  1260  	if page.frlr.IsEmpty() {
  1261  		return nil
  1262  	}
  1263  	return *page.frlr.Value
  1264  }
  1266  // Creates a new instance of the FirewallRuleListResultPage type.
  1267  func NewFirewallRuleListResultPage(cur FirewallRuleListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, FirewallRuleListResult) (FirewallRuleListResult, error)) FirewallRuleListResultPage {
  1268  	return FirewallRuleListResultPage{
  1269  		fn:   getNextPage,
  1270  		frlr: cur,
  1271  	}
  1272  }
  1274  // FirewallRuleProperties the firewall rule properties.
  1275  type FirewallRuleProperties struct {
  1276  	// StartIPAddress - READ-ONLY; The start IP address for the firewall rule. This can be either ipv4 or ipv6. Start and End should be in the same protocol.
  1277  	StartIPAddress *string `json:"startIpAddress,omitempty"`
  1278  	// EndIPAddress - READ-ONLY; The end IP address for the firewall rule. This can be either ipv4 or ipv6. Start and End should be in the same protocol.
  1279  	EndIPAddress *string `json:"endIpAddress,omitempty"`
  1280  }
  1282  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for FirewallRuleProperties.
  1283  func (frp FirewallRuleProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1284  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1285  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1286  }
  1288  // KeyVaultMetaInfo metadata information used by account encryption.
  1289  type KeyVaultMetaInfo struct {
  1290  	// KeyVaultResourceID - The resource identifier for the user managed Key Vault being used to encrypt.
  1291  	KeyVaultResourceID *string `json:"keyVaultResourceId,omitempty"`
  1292  	// EncryptionKeyName - The name of the user managed encryption key.
  1293  	EncryptionKeyName *string `json:"encryptionKeyName,omitempty"`
  1294  	// EncryptionKeyVersion - The version of the user managed encryption key.
  1295  	EncryptionKeyVersion *string `json:"encryptionKeyVersion,omitempty"`
  1296  }
  1298  // NameAvailabilityInformation data Lake Store account name availability result information.
  1299  type NameAvailabilityInformation struct {
  1300  	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
  1301  	// NameAvailable - READ-ONLY; The Boolean value of true or false to indicate whether the Data Lake Store account name is available or not.
  1302  	NameAvailable *bool `json:"nameAvailable,omitempty"`
  1303  	// Reason - READ-ONLY; The reason why the Data Lake Store account name is not available, if nameAvailable is false.
  1304  	Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
  1305  	// Message - READ-ONLY; The message describing why the Data Lake Store account name is not available, if nameAvailable is false.
  1306  	Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
  1307  }
  1309  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for NameAvailabilityInformation.
  1310  func (nai NameAvailabilityInformation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1311  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1312  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1313  }
  1315  // Operation an available operation for Data Lake Store.
  1316  type Operation struct {
  1317  	// Name - READ-ONLY; The name of the operation.
  1318  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
  1319  	// Display - The display information for the operation.
  1320  	Display *OperationDisplay `json:"display,omitempty"`
  1321  	// Origin - READ-ONLY; The intended executor of the operation. Possible values include: 'User', 'System', 'Usersystem'
  1322  	Origin OperationOrigin `json:"origin,omitempty"`
  1323  }
  1325  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Operation.
  1326  func (o Operation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1327  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1328  	if o.Display != nil {
  1329  		objectMap["display"] = o.Display
  1330  	}
  1331  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1332  }
  1334  // OperationDisplay the display information for a particular operation.
  1335  type OperationDisplay struct {
  1336  	// Provider - READ-ONLY; The resource provider of the operation.
  1337  	Provider *string `json:"provider,omitempty"`
  1338  	// Resource - READ-ONLY; The resource type of the operation.
  1339  	Resource *string `json:"resource,omitempty"`
  1340  	// Operation - READ-ONLY; A friendly name of the operation.
  1341  	Operation *string `json:"operation,omitempty"`
  1342  	// Description - READ-ONLY; A friendly description of the operation.
  1343  	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
  1344  }
  1346  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for OperationDisplay.
  1347  func (od OperationDisplay) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1348  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1349  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1350  }
  1352  // OperationListResult the list of available operations for Data Lake Store.
  1353  type OperationListResult struct {
  1354  	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
  1355  	// Value - READ-ONLY; The results of the list operation.
  1356  	Value *[]Operation `json:"value,omitempty"`
  1357  	// NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
  1358  	NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
  1359  }
  1361  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for OperationListResult.
  1362  func (olr OperationListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1363  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1364  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1365  }
  1367  // Resource the resource model definition.
  1368  type Resource struct {
  1369  	// ID - READ-ONLY; The resource identifier.
  1370  	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
  1371  	// Name - READ-ONLY; The resource name.
  1372  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
  1373  	// Type - READ-ONLY; The resource type.
  1374  	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
  1375  	// Location - READ-ONLY; The resource location.
  1376  	Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"`
  1377  	// Tags - READ-ONLY; The resource tags.
  1378  	Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags"`
  1379  }
  1381  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Resource.
  1382  func (r Resource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1383  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1384  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1385  }
  1387  // SubResource the resource model definition for a nested resource.
  1388  type SubResource struct {
  1389  	// ID - READ-ONLY; The resource identifier.
  1390  	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
  1391  	// Name - READ-ONLY; The resource name.
  1392  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
  1393  	// Type - READ-ONLY; The resource type.
  1394  	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
  1395  }
  1397  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for SubResource.
  1398  func (sr SubResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1399  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1400  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1401  }
  1403  // TrustedIDProvider data Lake Store trusted identity provider information.
  1404  type TrustedIDProvider struct {
  1405  	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
  1406  	// TrustedIDProviderProperties - READ-ONLY; The trusted identity provider properties.
  1407  	*TrustedIDProviderProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
  1408  	// ID - READ-ONLY; The resource identifier.
  1409  	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
  1410  	// Name - READ-ONLY; The resource name.
  1411  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
  1412  	// Type - READ-ONLY; The resource type.
  1413  	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
  1414  }
  1416  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for TrustedIDProvider.
  1417  func (tip TrustedIDProvider) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1418  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1419  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1420  }
  1422  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for TrustedIDProvider struct.
  1423  func (tip *TrustedIDProvider) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
  1424  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
  1425  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
  1426  	if err != nil {
  1427  		return err
  1428  	}
  1429  	for k, v := range m {
  1430  		switch k {
  1431  		case "properties":
  1432  			if v != nil {
  1433  				var trustedIDProviderProperties TrustedIDProviderProperties
  1434  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &trustedIDProviderProperties)
  1435  				if err != nil {
  1436  					return err
  1437  				}
  1438  				tip.TrustedIDProviderProperties = &trustedIDProviderProperties
  1439  			}
  1440  		case "id":
  1441  			if v != nil {
  1442  				var ID string
  1443  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &ID)
  1444  				if err != nil {
  1445  					return err
  1446  				}
  1447  				tip.ID = &ID
  1448  			}
  1449  		case "name":
  1450  			if v != nil {
  1451  				var name string
  1452  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
  1453  				if err != nil {
  1454  					return err
  1455  				}
  1456  				tip.Name = &name
  1457  			}
  1458  		case "type":
  1459  			if v != nil {
  1460  				var typeVar string
  1461  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &typeVar)
  1462  				if err != nil {
  1463  					return err
  1464  				}
  1465  				tip.Type = &typeVar
  1466  			}
  1467  		}
  1468  	}
  1470  	return nil
  1471  }
  1473  // TrustedIDProviderListResult data Lake Store trusted identity provider list information.
  1474  type TrustedIDProviderListResult struct {
  1475  	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
  1476  	// Value - READ-ONLY; The results of the list operation.
  1477  	Value *[]TrustedIDProvider `json:"value,omitempty"`
  1478  	// NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
  1479  	NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
  1480  }
  1482  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for TrustedIDProviderListResult.
  1483  func (tiplr TrustedIDProviderListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1484  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1485  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1486  }
  1488  // TrustedIDProviderListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of TrustedIDProvider values.
  1489  type TrustedIDProviderListResultIterator struct {
  1490  	i    int
  1491  	page TrustedIDProviderListResultPage
  1492  }
  1494  // NextWithContext advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
  1495  // the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
  1496  func (iter *TrustedIDProviderListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
  1497  	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
  1498  		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/TrustedIDProviderListResultIterator.NextWithContext")
  1499  		defer func() {
  1500  			sc := -1
  1501  			if iter.Response().Response.Response != nil {
  1502  				sc = iter.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
  1503  			}
  1504  			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
  1505  		}()
  1506  	}
  1507  	iter.i++
  1508  	if iter.i < len(iter.page.Values()) {
  1509  		return nil
  1510  	}
  1511  	err = iter.page.NextWithContext(ctx)
  1512  	if err != nil {
  1513  		iter.i--
  1514  		return err
  1515  	}
  1516  	iter.i = 0
  1517  	return nil
  1518  }
  1520  // Next advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
  1521  // the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
  1522  // Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
  1523  func (iter *TrustedIDProviderListResultIterator) Next() error {
  1524  	return iter.NextWithContext(context.Background())
  1525  }
  1527  // NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
  1528  func (iter TrustedIDProviderListResultIterator) NotDone() bool {
  1529  	return iter.page.NotDone() && iter.i < len(iter.page.Values())
  1530  }
  1532  // Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
  1533  func (iter TrustedIDProviderListResultIterator) Response() TrustedIDProviderListResult {
  1534  	return iter.page.Response()
  1535  }
  1537  // Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the
  1538  // iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.
  1539  func (iter TrustedIDProviderListResultIterator) Value() TrustedIDProvider {
  1540  	if !iter.page.NotDone() {
  1541  		return TrustedIDProvider{}
  1542  	}
  1543  	return iter.page.Values()[iter.i]
  1544  }
  1546  // Creates a new instance of the TrustedIDProviderListResultIterator type.
  1547  func NewTrustedIDProviderListResultIterator(page TrustedIDProviderListResultPage) TrustedIDProviderListResultIterator {
  1548  	return TrustedIDProviderListResultIterator{page: page}
  1549  }
  1551  // IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.
  1552  func (tiplr TrustedIDProviderListResult) IsEmpty() bool {
  1553  	return tiplr.Value == nil || len(*tiplr.Value) == 0
  1554  }
  1556  // hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty.
  1557  func (tiplr TrustedIDProviderListResult) hasNextLink() bool {
  1558  	return tiplr.NextLink != nil && len(*tiplr.NextLink) != 0
  1559  }
  1561  // trustedIDProviderListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results.
  1562  // It returns nil if no more results exist.
  1563  func (tiplr TrustedIDProviderListResult) trustedIDProviderListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) {
  1564  	if !tiplr.hasNextLink() {
  1565  		return nil, nil
  1566  	}
  1567  	return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx),
  1568  		autorest.AsJSON(),
  1569  		autorest.AsGet(),
  1570  		autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(tiplr.NextLink)))
  1571  }
  1573  // TrustedIDProviderListResultPage contains a page of TrustedIDProvider values.
  1574  type TrustedIDProviderListResultPage struct {
  1575  	fn    func(context.Context, TrustedIDProviderListResult) (TrustedIDProviderListResult, error)
  1576  	tiplr TrustedIDProviderListResult
  1577  }
  1579  // NextWithContext advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
  1580  // the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
  1581  func (page *TrustedIDProviderListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
  1582  	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
  1583  		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/TrustedIDProviderListResultPage.NextWithContext")
  1584  		defer func() {
  1585  			sc := -1
  1586  			if page.Response().Response.Response != nil {
  1587  				sc = page.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
  1588  			}
  1589  			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
  1590  		}()
  1591  	}
  1592  	for {
  1593  		next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.tiplr)
  1594  		if err != nil {
  1595  			return err
  1596  		}
  1597  		page.tiplr = next
  1598  		if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() {
  1599  			break
  1600  		}
  1601  	}
  1602  	return nil
  1603  }
  1605  // Next advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
  1606  // the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
  1607  // Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
  1608  func (page *TrustedIDProviderListResultPage) Next() error {
  1609  	return page.NextWithContext(context.Background())
  1610  }
  1612  // NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
  1613  func (page TrustedIDProviderListResultPage) NotDone() bool {
  1614  	return !page.tiplr.IsEmpty()
  1615  }
  1617  // Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
  1618  func (page TrustedIDProviderListResultPage) Response() TrustedIDProviderListResult {
  1619  	return page.tiplr
  1620  }
  1622  // Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.
  1623  func (page TrustedIDProviderListResultPage) Values() []TrustedIDProvider {
  1624  	if page.tiplr.IsEmpty() {
  1625  		return nil
  1626  	}
  1627  	return *page.tiplr.Value
  1628  }
  1630  // Creates a new instance of the TrustedIDProviderListResultPage type.
  1631  func NewTrustedIDProviderListResultPage(cur TrustedIDProviderListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, TrustedIDProviderListResult) (TrustedIDProviderListResult, error)) TrustedIDProviderListResultPage {
  1632  	return TrustedIDProviderListResultPage{
  1633  		fn:    getNextPage,
  1634  		tiplr: cur,
  1635  	}
  1636  }
  1638  // TrustedIDProviderProperties the trusted identity provider properties.
  1639  type TrustedIDProviderProperties struct {
  1640  	// IDProvider - READ-ONLY; The URL of this trusted identity provider.
  1641  	IDProvider *string `json:"idProvider,omitempty"`
  1642  }
  1644  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for TrustedIDProviderProperties.
  1645  func (tipp TrustedIDProviderProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1646  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1647  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1648  }
  1650  // UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters data Lake Store account information to update.
  1651  type UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters struct {
  1652  	// Tags - Resource tags
  1653  	Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags"`
  1654  	// UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties - The Data Lake Store account properties to update.
  1655  	*UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
  1656  }
  1658  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters.
  1659  func (udlsap UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1660  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1661  	if udlsap.Tags != nil {
  1662  		objectMap["tags"] = udlsap.Tags
  1663  	}
  1664  	if udlsap.UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties != nil {
  1665  		objectMap["properties"] = udlsap.UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties
  1666  	}
  1667  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1668  }
  1670  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters struct.
  1671  func (udlsap *UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
  1672  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
  1673  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
  1674  	if err != nil {
  1675  		return err
  1676  	}
  1677  	for k, v := range m {
  1678  		switch k {
  1679  		case "tags":
  1680  			if v != nil {
  1681  				var tags map[string]*string
  1682  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &tags)
  1683  				if err != nil {
  1684  					return err
  1685  				}
  1686  				udlsap.Tags = tags
  1687  			}
  1688  		case "properties":
  1689  			if v != nil {
  1690  				var updateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties
  1691  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &updateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties)
  1692  				if err != nil {
  1693  					return err
  1694  				}
  1695  				udlsap.UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties = &updateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties
  1696  			}
  1697  		}
  1698  	}
  1700  	return nil
  1701  }
  1703  // UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties data Lake Store account properties information to be updated.
  1704  type UpdateDataLakeStoreAccountProperties struct {
  1705  	// DefaultGroup - The default owner group for all new folders and files created in the Data Lake Store account.
  1706  	DefaultGroup *string `json:"defaultGroup,omitempty"`
  1707  	// EncryptionConfig - Used for rotation of user managed Key Vault keys. Can only be used to rotate a user managed encryption Key Vault key.
  1708  	EncryptionConfig *UpdateEncryptionConfig `json:"encryptionConfig,omitempty"`
  1709  	// FirewallRules - The list of firewall rules associated with this Data Lake Store account.
  1710  	FirewallRules *[]UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters `json:"firewallRules,omitempty"`
  1711  	// VirtualNetworkRules - The list of virtual network rules associated with this Data Lake Store account.
  1712  	VirtualNetworkRules *[]UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters `json:"virtualNetworkRules,omitempty"`
  1713  	// FirewallState - The current state of the IP address firewall for this Data Lake Store account. Disabling the firewall does not remove existing rules, they will just be ignored until the firewall is re-enabled. Possible values include: 'FirewallStateEnabled', 'FirewallStateDisabled'
  1714  	FirewallState FirewallState `json:"firewallState,omitempty"`
  1715  	// FirewallAllowAzureIps - The current state of allowing or disallowing IPs originating within Azure through the firewall. If the firewall is disabled, this is not enforced. Possible values include: 'FirewallAllowAzureIpsStateEnabled', 'FirewallAllowAzureIpsStateDisabled'
  1716  	FirewallAllowAzureIps FirewallAllowAzureIpsState `json:"firewallAllowAzureIps,omitempty"`
  1717  	// TrustedIDProviders - The list of trusted identity providers associated with this Data Lake Store account.
  1718  	TrustedIDProviders *[]UpdateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters `json:"trustedIdProviders,omitempty"`
  1719  	// TrustedIDProviderState - The current state of the trusted identity provider feature for this Data Lake Store account. Disabling trusted identity provider functionality does not remove the providers, they will just be ignored until this feature is re-enabled. Possible values include: 'TrustedIDProviderStateEnabled', 'TrustedIDProviderStateDisabled'
  1720  	TrustedIDProviderState TrustedIDProviderState `json:"trustedIdProviderState,omitempty"`
  1721  	// NewTier - The commitment tier to use for next month. Possible values include: 'Consumption', 'Commitment1TB', 'Commitment10TB', 'Commitment100TB', 'Commitment500TB', 'Commitment1PB', 'Commitment5PB'
  1722  	NewTier TierType `json:"newTier,omitempty"`
  1723  }
  1725  // UpdateEncryptionConfig the encryption configuration used to update a user managed Key Vault key.
  1726  type UpdateEncryptionConfig struct {
  1727  	// KeyVaultMetaInfo - The updated Key Vault key to use in user managed key rotation.
  1728  	KeyVaultMetaInfo *UpdateKeyVaultMetaInfo `json:"keyVaultMetaInfo,omitempty"`
  1729  }
  1731  // UpdateFirewallRuleParameters the parameters used to update a firewall rule.
  1732  type UpdateFirewallRuleParameters struct {
  1733  	// UpdateFirewallRuleProperties - The firewall rule properties to use when updating a firewall rule.
  1734  	*UpdateFirewallRuleProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
  1735  }
  1737  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for UpdateFirewallRuleParameters.
  1738  func (ufrp UpdateFirewallRuleParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1739  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1740  	if ufrp.UpdateFirewallRuleProperties != nil {
  1741  		objectMap["properties"] = ufrp.UpdateFirewallRuleProperties
  1742  	}
  1743  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1744  }
  1746  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for UpdateFirewallRuleParameters struct.
  1747  func (ufrp *UpdateFirewallRuleParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
  1748  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
  1749  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
  1750  	if err != nil {
  1751  		return err
  1752  	}
  1753  	for k, v := range m {
  1754  		switch k {
  1755  		case "properties":
  1756  			if v != nil {
  1757  				var updateFirewallRuleProperties UpdateFirewallRuleProperties
  1758  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &updateFirewallRuleProperties)
  1759  				if err != nil {
  1760  					return err
  1761  				}
  1762  				ufrp.UpdateFirewallRuleProperties = &updateFirewallRuleProperties
  1763  			}
  1764  		}
  1765  	}
  1767  	return nil
  1768  }
  1770  // UpdateFirewallRuleProperties the firewall rule properties to use when updating a firewall rule.
  1771  type UpdateFirewallRuleProperties struct {
  1772  	// StartIPAddress - The start IP address for the firewall rule. This can be either ipv4 or ipv6. Start and End should be in the same protocol.
  1773  	StartIPAddress *string `json:"startIpAddress,omitempty"`
  1774  	// EndIPAddress - The end IP address for the firewall rule. This can be either ipv4 or ipv6. Start and End should be in the same protocol.
  1775  	EndIPAddress *string `json:"endIpAddress,omitempty"`
  1776  }
  1778  // UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters the parameters used to update a firewall rule while updating a
  1779  // Data Lake Store account.
  1780  type UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters struct {
  1781  	// Name - The unique name of the firewall rule to update.
  1782  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
  1783  	// UpdateFirewallRuleProperties - The firewall rule properties to use when updating a firewall rule.
  1784  	*UpdateFirewallRuleProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
  1785  }
  1787  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters.
  1788  func (ufrwap UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1789  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1790  	if ufrwap.Name != nil {
  1791  		objectMap["name"] = ufrwap.Name
  1792  	}
  1793  	if ufrwap.UpdateFirewallRuleProperties != nil {
  1794  		objectMap["properties"] = ufrwap.UpdateFirewallRuleProperties
  1795  	}
  1796  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1797  }
  1799  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters struct.
  1800  func (ufrwap *UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
  1801  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
  1802  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
  1803  	if err != nil {
  1804  		return err
  1805  	}
  1806  	for k, v := range m {
  1807  		switch k {
  1808  		case "name":
  1809  			if v != nil {
  1810  				var name string
  1811  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
  1812  				if err != nil {
  1813  					return err
  1814  				}
  1815  				ufrwap.Name = &name
  1816  			}
  1817  		case "properties":
  1818  			if v != nil {
  1819  				var updateFirewallRuleProperties UpdateFirewallRuleProperties
  1820  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &updateFirewallRuleProperties)
  1821  				if err != nil {
  1822  					return err
  1823  				}
  1824  				ufrwap.UpdateFirewallRuleProperties = &updateFirewallRuleProperties
  1825  			}
  1826  		}
  1827  	}
  1829  	return nil
  1830  }
  1832  // UpdateKeyVaultMetaInfo the Key Vault update information used for user managed key rotation.
  1833  type UpdateKeyVaultMetaInfo struct {
  1834  	// EncryptionKeyVersion - The version of the user managed encryption key to update through a key rotation.
  1835  	EncryptionKeyVersion *string `json:"encryptionKeyVersion,omitempty"`
  1836  }
  1838  // UpdateTrustedIDProviderParameters the parameters used to update a trusted identity provider.
  1839  type UpdateTrustedIDProviderParameters struct {
  1840  	// UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties - The trusted identity provider properties to use when updating a trusted identity provider.
  1841  	*UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
  1842  }
  1844  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for UpdateTrustedIDProviderParameters.
  1845  func (utipp UpdateTrustedIDProviderParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1846  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1847  	if utipp.UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties != nil {
  1848  		objectMap["properties"] = utipp.UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties
  1849  	}
  1850  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1851  }
  1853  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for UpdateTrustedIDProviderParameters struct.
  1854  func (utipp *UpdateTrustedIDProviderParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
  1855  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
  1856  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
  1857  	if err != nil {
  1858  		return err
  1859  	}
  1860  	for k, v := range m {
  1861  		switch k {
  1862  		case "properties":
  1863  			if v != nil {
  1864  				var updateTrustedIDProviderProperties UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties
  1865  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &updateTrustedIDProviderProperties)
  1866  				if err != nil {
  1867  					return err
  1868  				}
  1869  				utipp.UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties = &updateTrustedIDProviderProperties
  1870  			}
  1871  		}
  1872  	}
  1874  	return nil
  1875  }
  1877  // UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties the trusted identity provider properties to use when updating a
  1878  // trusted identity provider.
  1879  type UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties struct {
  1880  	// IDProvider - The URL of this trusted identity provider.
  1881  	IDProvider *string `json:"idProvider,omitempty"`
  1882  }
  1884  // UpdateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters the parameters used to update a trusted identity provider
  1885  // while updating a Data Lake Store account.
  1886  type UpdateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters struct {
  1887  	// Name - The unique name of the trusted identity provider to update.
  1888  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
  1889  	// UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties - The trusted identity provider properties to use when updating a trusted identity provider.
  1890  	*UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
  1891  }
  1893  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for UpdateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters.
  1894  func (utipwap UpdateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1895  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1896  	if utipwap.Name != nil {
  1897  		objectMap["name"] = utipwap.Name
  1898  	}
  1899  	if utipwap.UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties != nil {
  1900  		objectMap["properties"] = utipwap.UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties
  1901  	}
  1902  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1903  }
  1905  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for UpdateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters struct.
  1906  func (utipwap *UpdateTrustedIDProviderWithAccountParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
  1907  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
  1908  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
  1909  	if err != nil {
  1910  		return err
  1911  	}
  1912  	for k, v := range m {
  1913  		switch k {
  1914  		case "name":
  1915  			if v != nil {
  1916  				var name string
  1917  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
  1918  				if err != nil {
  1919  					return err
  1920  				}
  1921  				utipwap.Name = &name
  1922  			}
  1923  		case "properties":
  1924  			if v != nil {
  1925  				var updateTrustedIDProviderProperties UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties
  1926  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &updateTrustedIDProviderProperties)
  1927  				if err != nil {
  1928  					return err
  1929  				}
  1930  				utipwap.UpdateTrustedIDProviderProperties = &updateTrustedIDProviderProperties
  1931  			}
  1932  		}
  1933  	}
  1935  	return nil
  1936  }
  1938  // UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleParameters the parameters used to update a virtual network rule.
  1939  type UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleParameters struct {
  1940  	// UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties - The virtual network rule properties to use when updating a virtual network rule.
  1941  	*UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
  1942  }
  1944  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleParameters.
  1945  func (uvnrp UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1946  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1947  	if uvnrp.UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties != nil {
  1948  		objectMap["properties"] = uvnrp.UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties
  1949  	}
  1950  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  1951  }
  1953  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleParameters struct.
  1954  func (uvnrp *UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
  1955  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
  1956  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
  1957  	if err != nil {
  1958  		return err
  1959  	}
  1960  	for k, v := range m {
  1961  		switch k {
  1962  		case "properties":
  1963  			if v != nil {
  1964  				var updateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties
  1965  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &updateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties)
  1966  				if err != nil {
  1967  					return err
  1968  				}
  1969  				uvnrp.UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties = &updateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties
  1970  			}
  1971  		}
  1972  	}
  1974  	return nil
  1975  }
  1977  // UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties the virtual network rule properties to use when updating a virtual
  1978  // network rule.
  1979  type UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties struct {
  1980  	// SubnetID - The resource identifier for the subnet.
  1981  	SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"`
  1982  }
  1984  // UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters the parameters used to update a virtual network rule while
  1985  // updating a Data Lake Store account.
  1986  type UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters struct {
  1987  	// Name - The unique name of the virtual network rule to update.
  1988  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
  1989  	// UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties - The virtual network rule properties to use when updating a virtual network rule.
  1990  	*UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
  1991  }
  1993  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters.
  1994  func (uvnrwap UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1995  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  1996  	if uvnrwap.Name != nil {
  1997  		objectMap["name"] = uvnrwap.Name
  1998  	}
  1999  	if uvnrwap.UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties != nil {
  2000  		objectMap["properties"] = uvnrwap.UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties
  2001  	}
  2002  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  2003  }
  2005  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters struct.
  2006  func (uvnrwap *UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleWithAccountParameters) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
  2007  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
  2008  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
  2009  	if err != nil {
  2010  		return err
  2011  	}
  2012  	for k, v := range m {
  2013  		switch k {
  2014  		case "name":
  2015  			if v != nil {
  2016  				var name string
  2017  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
  2018  				if err != nil {
  2019  					return err
  2020  				}
  2021  				uvnrwap.Name = &name
  2022  			}
  2023  		case "properties":
  2024  			if v != nil {
  2025  				var updateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties
  2026  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &updateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties)
  2027  				if err != nil {
  2028  					return err
  2029  				}
  2030  				uvnrwap.UpdateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties = &updateVirtualNetworkRuleProperties
  2031  			}
  2032  		}
  2033  	}
  2035  	return nil
  2036  }
  2038  // Usage describes the Resource Usage.
  2039  type Usage struct {
  2040  	// Unit - READ-ONLY; Gets the unit of measurement. Possible values include: 'Count', 'Bytes', 'Seconds', 'Percent', 'CountsPerSecond', 'BytesPerSecond'
  2041  	Unit UsageUnit `json:"unit,omitempty"`
  2042  	// ID - READ-ONLY; Resource identifier.
  2043  	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
  2044  	// CurrentValue - READ-ONLY; Gets the current count of the allocated resources in the subscription.
  2045  	CurrentValue *int32 `json:"currentValue,omitempty"`
  2046  	// Limit - READ-ONLY; Gets the maximum count of the resources that can be allocated in the subscription.
  2047  	Limit *int32 `json:"limit,omitempty"`
  2048  	// Name - READ-ONLY; Gets the name of the type of usage.
  2049  	Name *UsageName `json:"name,omitempty"`
  2050  }
  2052  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Usage.
  2053  func (u Usage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  2054  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  2055  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  2056  }
  2058  // UsageListResult the response from the List Usages operation.
  2059  type UsageListResult struct {
  2060  	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
  2061  	// Value - Gets or sets the list of Storage Resource Usages.
  2062  	Value *[]Usage `json:"value,omitempty"`
  2063  }
  2065  // UsageName the usage names that can be used.
  2066  type UsageName struct {
  2067  	// Value - READ-ONLY; Gets a string describing the resource name.
  2068  	Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"`
  2069  	// LocalizedValue - READ-ONLY; Gets a localized string describing the resource name.
  2070  	LocalizedValue *string `json:"localizedValue,omitempty"`
  2071  }
  2073  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for UsageName.
  2074  func (un UsageName) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  2075  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  2076  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  2077  }
  2079  // VirtualNetworkRule data Lake Store virtual network rule information.
  2080  type VirtualNetworkRule struct {
  2081  	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
  2082  	// VirtualNetworkRuleProperties - READ-ONLY; The virtual network rule properties.
  2083  	*VirtualNetworkRuleProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
  2084  	// ID - READ-ONLY; The resource identifier.
  2085  	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
  2086  	// Name - READ-ONLY; The resource name.
  2087  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
  2088  	// Type - READ-ONLY; The resource type.
  2089  	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
  2090  }
  2092  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkRule.
  2093  func (vnr VirtualNetworkRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  2094  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  2095  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  2096  }
  2098  // UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for VirtualNetworkRule struct.
  2099  func (vnr *VirtualNetworkRule) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
  2100  	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
  2101  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
  2102  	if err != nil {
  2103  		return err
  2104  	}
  2105  	for k, v := range m {
  2106  		switch k {
  2107  		case "properties":
  2108  			if v != nil {
  2109  				var virtualNetworkRuleProperties VirtualNetworkRuleProperties
  2110  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &virtualNetworkRuleProperties)
  2111  				if err != nil {
  2112  					return err
  2113  				}
  2114  				vnr.VirtualNetworkRuleProperties = &virtualNetworkRuleProperties
  2115  			}
  2116  		case "id":
  2117  			if v != nil {
  2118  				var ID string
  2119  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &ID)
  2120  				if err != nil {
  2121  					return err
  2122  				}
  2123  				vnr.ID = &ID
  2124  			}
  2125  		case "name":
  2126  			if v != nil {
  2127  				var name string
  2128  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
  2129  				if err != nil {
  2130  					return err
  2131  				}
  2132  				vnr.Name = &name
  2133  			}
  2134  		case "type":
  2135  			if v != nil {
  2136  				var typeVar string
  2137  				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &typeVar)
  2138  				if err != nil {
  2139  					return err
  2140  				}
  2141  				vnr.Type = &typeVar
  2142  			}
  2143  		}
  2144  	}
  2146  	return nil
  2147  }
  2149  // VirtualNetworkRuleListResult data Lake Store virtual network rule list information.
  2150  type VirtualNetworkRuleListResult struct {
  2151  	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
  2152  	// Value - READ-ONLY; The results of the list operation.
  2153  	Value *[]VirtualNetworkRule `json:"value,omitempty"`
  2154  	// NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
  2155  	NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
  2156  }
  2158  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkRuleListResult.
  2159  func (vnrlr VirtualNetworkRuleListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  2160  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  2161  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  2162  }
  2164  // VirtualNetworkRuleListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of VirtualNetworkRule values.
  2165  type VirtualNetworkRuleListResultIterator struct {
  2166  	i    int
  2167  	page VirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage
  2168  }
  2170  // NextWithContext advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
  2171  // the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
  2172  func (iter *VirtualNetworkRuleListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
  2173  	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
  2174  		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkRuleListResultIterator.NextWithContext")
  2175  		defer func() {
  2176  			sc := -1
  2177  			if iter.Response().Response.Response != nil {
  2178  				sc = iter.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
  2179  			}
  2180  			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
  2181  		}()
  2182  	}
  2183  	iter.i++
  2184  	if iter.i < len(iter.page.Values()) {
  2185  		return nil
  2186  	}
  2187  	err = iter.page.NextWithContext(ctx)
  2188  	if err != nil {
  2189  		iter.i--
  2190  		return err
  2191  	}
  2192  	iter.i = 0
  2193  	return nil
  2194  }
  2196  // Next advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
  2197  // the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
  2198  // Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
  2199  func (iter *VirtualNetworkRuleListResultIterator) Next() error {
  2200  	return iter.NextWithContext(context.Background())
  2201  }
  2203  // NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
  2204  func (iter VirtualNetworkRuleListResultIterator) NotDone() bool {
  2205  	return iter.page.NotDone() && iter.i < len(iter.page.Values())
  2206  }
  2208  // Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
  2209  func (iter VirtualNetworkRuleListResultIterator) Response() VirtualNetworkRuleListResult {
  2210  	return iter.page.Response()
  2211  }
  2213  // Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the
  2214  // iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.
  2215  func (iter VirtualNetworkRuleListResultIterator) Value() VirtualNetworkRule {
  2216  	if !iter.page.NotDone() {
  2217  		return VirtualNetworkRule{}
  2218  	}
  2219  	return iter.page.Values()[iter.i]
  2220  }
  2222  // Creates a new instance of the VirtualNetworkRuleListResultIterator type.
  2223  func NewVirtualNetworkRuleListResultIterator(page VirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage) VirtualNetworkRuleListResultIterator {
  2224  	return VirtualNetworkRuleListResultIterator{page: page}
  2225  }
  2227  // IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.
  2228  func (vnrlr VirtualNetworkRuleListResult) IsEmpty() bool {
  2229  	return vnrlr.Value == nil || len(*vnrlr.Value) == 0
  2230  }
  2232  // hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty.
  2233  func (vnrlr VirtualNetworkRuleListResult) hasNextLink() bool {
  2234  	return vnrlr.NextLink != nil && len(*vnrlr.NextLink) != 0
  2235  }
  2237  // virtualNetworkRuleListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results.
  2238  // It returns nil if no more results exist.
  2239  func (vnrlr VirtualNetworkRuleListResult) virtualNetworkRuleListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) {
  2240  	if !vnrlr.hasNextLink() {
  2241  		return nil, nil
  2242  	}
  2243  	return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx),
  2244  		autorest.AsJSON(),
  2245  		autorest.AsGet(),
  2246  		autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(vnrlr.NextLink)))
  2247  }
  2249  // VirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage contains a page of VirtualNetworkRule values.
  2250  type VirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage struct {
  2251  	fn    func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkRuleListResult) (VirtualNetworkRuleListResult, error)
  2252  	vnrlr VirtualNetworkRuleListResult
  2253  }
  2255  // NextWithContext advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
  2256  // the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
  2257  func (page *VirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
  2258  	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
  2259  		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage.NextWithContext")
  2260  		defer func() {
  2261  			sc := -1
  2262  			if page.Response().Response.Response != nil {
  2263  				sc = page.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
  2264  			}
  2265  			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
  2266  		}()
  2267  	}
  2268  	for {
  2269  		next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vnrlr)
  2270  		if err != nil {
  2271  			return err
  2272  		}
  2273  		page.vnrlr = next
  2274  		if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() {
  2275  			break
  2276  		}
  2277  	}
  2278  	return nil
  2279  }
  2281  // Next advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
  2282  // the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
  2283  // Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
  2284  func (page *VirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage) Next() error {
  2285  	return page.NextWithContext(context.Background())
  2286  }
  2288  // NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
  2289  func (page VirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage) NotDone() bool {
  2290  	return !page.vnrlr.IsEmpty()
  2291  }
  2293  // Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
  2294  func (page VirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage) Response() VirtualNetworkRuleListResult {
  2295  	return page.vnrlr
  2296  }
  2298  // Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.
  2299  func (page VirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage) Values() []VirtualNetworkRule {
  2300  	if page.vnrlr.IsEmpty() {
  2301  		return nil
  2302  	}
  2303  	return *page.vnrlr.Value
  2304  }
  2306  // Creates a new instance of the VirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage type.
  2307  func NewVirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage(cur VirtualNetworkRuleListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkRuleListResult) (VirtualNetworkRuleListResult, error)) VirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage {
  2308  	return VirtualNetworkRuleListResultPage{
  2309  		fn:    getNextPage,
  2310  		vnrlr: cur,
  2311  	}
  2312  }
  2314  // VirtualNetworkRuleProperties the virtual network rule properties.
  2315  type VirtualNetworkRuleProperties struct {
  2316  	// SubnetID - READ-ONLY; The resource identifier for the subnet.
  2317  	SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"`
  2318  }
  2320  // MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkRuleProperties.
  2321  func (vnrp VirtualNetworkRuleProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  2322  	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
  2323  	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
  2324  }

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