1 package customimagesearch 2 3 // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 4 // Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. 5 // 6 // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. 7 // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. 8 9 import ( 10 "context" 11 "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest" 12 "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure" 13 "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/tracing" 14 "net/http" 15 ) 16 17 // CustomInstanceClient is the the Bing Custom Image Search API lets you send an image search query to Bing and get 18 // back image search results customized to meet your custom search definition. 19 type CustomInstanceClient struct { 20 BaseClient 21 } 22 23 // NewCustomInstanceClient creates an instance of the CustomInstanceClient client. 24 func NewCustomInstanceClient() CustomInstanceClient { 25 return CustomInstanceClient{New()} 26 } 27 28 // ImageSearch sends the image search request. 29 // Parameters: 30 // customConfig - the identifier for the custom search configuration 31 // query - the user's search query term. The term cannot be empty. The term may contain [Bing Advanced 32 // Operators](http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ff795620.aspx). For example, to limit images to a specific 33 // domain, use the [site:](http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ff795613.aspx) operator. To help improve relevance 34 // of an insights query (see 35 // [insightsToken](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#insightstoken)), 36 // you should always include the user's query term. Use this parameter only with the Image Search API.Do not 37 // specify this parameter when calling the Trending Images API. 38 // acceptLanguage - a comma-delimited list of one or more languages to use for user interface strings. The list 39 // is in decreasing order of preference. For additional information, including expected format, see 40 // [RFC2616](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html). This header and the 41 // [setLang](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#setlang) 42 // query parameter are mutually exclusive; do not specify both. If you set this header, you must also specify 43 // the [cc](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#cc) query 44 // parameter. To determine the market to return results for, Bing uses the first supported language it finds 45 // from the list and combines it with the cc parameter value. If the list does not include a supported 46 // language, Bing finds the closest language and market that supports the request or it uses an aggregated or 47 // default market for the results. To determine the market that Bing used, see the BingAPIs-Market header. Use 48 // this header and the cc query parameter only if you specify multiple languages. Otherwise, use the 49 // [mkt](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#mkt) and 50 // [setLang](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#setlang) 51 // query parameters. A user interface string is a string that's used as a label in a user interface. There are 52 // few user interface strings in the JSON response objects. Any links to Bing.com properties in the response 53 // objects apply the specified language. 54 // userAgent - the user agent originating the request. Bing uses the user agent to provide mobile users with an 55 // optimized experience. Although optional, you are encouraged to always specify this header. The user-agent 56 // should be the same string that any commonly used browser sends. For information about user agents, see [RFC 57 // 2616](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html). The following are examples of user-agent 58 // strings. Windows Phone: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows Phone 8.0; Trident/6.0; IEMobile/10.0; 59 // ARM; Touch; NOKIA; Lumia 822). Android: Mozilla / 5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.5; en - us; SCH - I500 Build / 60 // GINGERBREAD) AppleWebKit / 533.1 (KHTML; like Gecko) Version / 4.0 Mobile Safari / 533.1. iPhone: Mozilla / 61 // 5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit / 536.26 (KHTML; like Gecko) Mobile / 10B142 62 // iPhone4; 1 BingWeb / 3.03.1428.20120423. PC: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident / 7.0; Touch; 63 // rv:11.0) like Gecko. iPad: Mozilla / 5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit / 537.51.1 (KHTML, 64 // like Gecko) Version / 7.0 Mobile / 11A465 Safari / 9537.53 65 // clientID - bing uses this header to provide users with consistent behavior across Bing API calls. Bing often 66 // flights new features and improvements, and it uses the client ID as a key for assigning traffic on different 67 // flights. If you do not use the same client ID for a user across multiple requests, then Bing may assign the 68 // user to multiple conflicting flights. Being assigned to multiple conflicting flights can lead to an 69 // inconsistent user experience. For example, if the second request has a different flight assignment than the 70 // first, the experience may be unexpected. Also, Bing can use the client ID to tailor web results to that 71 // client ID’s search history, providing a richer experience for the user. Bing also uses this header to help 72 // improve result rankings by analyzing the activity generated by a client ID. The relevance improvements help 73 // with better quality of results delivered by Bing APIs and in turn enables higher click-through rates for the 74 // API consumer. IMPORTANT: Although optional, you should consider this header required. Persisting the client 75 // ID across multiple requests for the same end user and device combination enables 1) the API consumer to 76 // receive a consistent user experience, and 2) higher click-through rates via better quality of results from 77 // the Bing APIs. Each user that uses your application on the device must have a unique, Bing generated client 78 // ID. If you do not include this header in the request, Bing generates an ID and returns it in the 79 // X-MSEdge-ClientID response header. The only time that you should NOT include this header in a request is the 80 // first time the user uses your app on that device. Use the client ID for each Bing API request that your app 81 // makes for this user on the device. Persist the client ID. To persist the ID in a browser app, use a 82 // persistent HTTP cookie to ensure the ID is used across all sessions. Do not use a session cookie. For other 83 // apps such as mobile apps, use the device's persistent storage to persist the ID. The next time the user uses 84 // your app on that device, get the client ID that you persisted. Bing responses may or may not include this 85 // header. If the response includes this header, capture the client ID and use it for all subsequent Bing 86 // requests for the user on that device. If you include the X-MSEdge-ClientID, you must not include cookies in 87 // the request. 88 // clientIP - the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the client device. The IP address is used to discover the user's 89 // location. Bing uses the location information to determine safe search behavior. Although optional, you are 90 // encouraged to always specify this header and the X-Search-Location header. Do not obfuscate the address (for 91 // example, by changing the last octet to 0). Obfuscating the address results in the location not being 92 // anywhere near the device's actual location, which may result in Bing serving erroneous results. 93 // location - a semicolon-delimited list of key/value pairs that describe the client's geographical location. 94 // Bing uses the location information to determine safe search behavior and to return relevant local content. 95 // Specify the key/value pair as <key>:<value>. The following are the keys that you use to specify the user's 96 // location. lat (required): The latitude of the client's location, in degrees. The latitude must be greater 97 // than or equal to -90.0 and less than or equal to +90.0. Negative values indicate southern latitudes and 98 // positive values indicate northern latitudes. long (required): The longitude of the client's location, in 99 // degrees. The longitude must be greater than or equal to -180.0 and less than or equal to +180.0. Negative 100 // values indicate western longitudes and positive values indicate eastern longitudes. re (required): The 101 // radius, in meters, which specifies the horizontal accuracy of the coordinates. Pass the value returned by 102 // the device's location service. Typical values might be 22m for GPS/Wi-Fi, 380m for cell tower triangulation, 103 // and 18,000m for reverse IP lookup. ts (optional): The UTC UNIX timestamp of when the client was at the 104 // location. (The UNIX timestamp is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970.) head (optional): The client's 105 // relative heading or direction of travel. Specify the direction of travel as degrees from 0 through 360, 106 // counting clockwise relative to true north. Specify this key only if the sp key is nonzero. sp (optional): 107 // The horizontal velocity (speed), in meters per second, that the client device is traveling. alt (optional): 108 // The altitude of the client device, in meters. are (optional): The radius, in meters, that specifies the 109 // vertical accuracy of the coordinates. Specify this key only if you specify the alt key. Although many of the 110 // keys are optional, the more information that you provide, the more accurate the location results are. 111 // Although optional, you are encouraged to always specify the user's geographical location. Providing the 112 // location is especially important if the client's IP address does not accurately reflect the user's physical 113 // location (for example, if the client uses VPN). For optimal results, you should include this header and the 114 // X-MSEdge-ClientIP header, but at a minimum, you should include this header. 115 // aspect - filter images by the following aspect ratios. All: Do not filter by aspect.Specifying this value is 116 // the same as not specifying the aspect parameter. Square: Return images with standard aspect ratio. Wide: 117 // Return images with wide screen aspect ratio. Tall: Return images with tall aspect ratio. 118 // colorParameter - filter images by the following color options. ColorOnly: Return color images. Monochrome: 119 // Return black and white images. Return images with one of the following dominant colors: Black, Blue, Brown, 120 // Gray, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Teal, White, Yellow 121 // countryCode - a 2-character country code of the country where the results come from. For a list of possible 122 // values, see [Market 123 // Codes](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#market-codes). 124 // If you set this parameter, you must also specify the 125 // [Accept-Language](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#acceptlanguage) 126 // header. Bing uses the first supported language it finds from the languages list, and combine that language 127 // with the country code that you specify to determine the market to return results for. If the languages list 128 // does not include a supported language, Bing finds the closest language and market that supports the request, 129 // or it may use an aggregated or default market for the results instead of a specified one. You should use 130 // this query parameter and the Accept-Language query parameter only if you specify multiple languages; 131 // otherwise, you should use the mkt and setLang query parameters. This parameter and the 132 // [mkt](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#mkt) query 133 // parameter are mutually exclusive—do not specify both. 134 // count - the number of images to return in the response. The actual number delivered may be less than 135 // requested. The default is 35. The maximum value is 150. You use this parameter along with the offset 136 // parameter to page results.For example, if your user interface displays 20 images per page, set count to 20 137 // and offset to 0 to get the first page of results.For each subsequent page, increment offset by 20 (for 138 // example, 0, 20, 40). Use this parameter only with the Image Search API.Do not specify this parameter when 139 // calling the Insights, Trending Images, or Web Search APIs. 140 // freshness - filter images by the following discovery options. Day: Return images discovered by Bing within 141 // the last 24 hours. Week: Return images discovered by Bing within the last 7 days. Month: Return images 142 // discovered by Bing within the last 30 days. 143 // height - filter images that have the specified height, in pixels. You may use this filter with the size 144 // filter to return small images that have a height of 150 pixels. 145 // ID - an ID that uniquely identifies an image. Use this parameter to ensure that the specified image is the 146 // first image in the list of images that Bing returns. The 147 // [Image](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#image) 148 // object's imageId field contains the ID that you set this parameter to. 149 // imageContent - filter images by the following content types. Face: Return images that show only a person's 150 // face. Portrait: Return images that show only a person's head and shoulders. 151 // imageType - filter images by the following image types. AnimatedGif: Return only animated GIFs. Clipart: 152 // Return only clip art images. Line: Return only line drawings. Photo: Return only photographs(excluding line 153 // drawings, animated Gifs, and clip art). Shopping: Return only images that contain items where Bing knows of 154 // a merchant that is selling the items. This option is valid in the en - US market only.Transparent: Return 155 // only images with a transparent background. 156 // license - filter images by the following license types. All: Do not filter by license type.Specifying this 157 // value is the same as not specifying the license parameter. Any: Return images that are under any license 158 // type. The response doesn't include images that do not specify a license or the license is unknown. Public: 159 // Return images where the creator has waived their exclusive rights, to the fullest extent allowed by law. 160 // Share: Return images that may be shared with others. Changing or editing the image might not be allowed. 161 // Also, modifying, sharing, and using the image for commercial purposes might not be allowed. Typically, this 162 // option returns the most images. ShareCommercially: Return images that may be shared with others for personal 163 // or commercial purposes. Changing or editing the image might not be allowed. Modify: Return images that may 164 // be modified, shared, and used. Changing or editing the image might not be allowed. Modifying, sharing, and 165 // using the image for commercial purposes might not be allowed. ModifyCommercially: Return images that may be 166 // modified, shared, and used for personal or commercial purposes. Typically, this option returns the fewest 167 // images. For more information about these license types, see [Filter Images By License 168 // Type](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=309768). 169 // market - the market where the results come from. Typically, mkt is the country where the user is making the 170 // request from. However, it could be a different country if the user is not located in a country where Bing 171 // delivers results. The market must be in the form <language code>-<country code>. For example, en-US. The 172 // string is case insensitive. For a list of possible market values, see [Market 173 // Codes](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#market-codes). 174 // NOTE: If known, you are encouraged to always specify the market. Specifying the market helps Bing route the 175 // request and return an appropriate and optimal response. If you specify a market that is not listed in 176 // [Market 177 // Codes](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#market-codes), 178 // Bing uses a best fit market code based on an internal mapping that is subject to change. This parameter and 179 // the [cc](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#cc) query 180 // parameter are mutually exclusive—do not specify both. 181 // maxFileSize - filter images that are less than or equal to the specified file size. The maximum file size 182 // that you may specify is 520,192 bytes. If you specify a larger value, the API uses 520,192. It is possible 183 // that the response may include images that are slightly larger than the specified maximum. You may specify 184 // this filter and minFileSize to filter images within a range of file sizes. 185 // maxHeight - filter images that have a height that is less than or equal to the specified height. Specify the 186 // height in pixels. You may specify this filter and minHeight to filter images within a range of heights. This 187 // filter and the height filter are mutually exclusive. 188 // maxWidth - filter images that have a width that is less than or equal to the specified width. Specify the 189 // width in pixels. You may specify this filter and maxWidth to filter images within a range of widths. This 190 // filter and the width filter are mutually exclusive. 191 // minFileSize - filter images that are greater than or equal to the specified file size. The maximum file size 192 // that you may specify is 520,192 bytes. If you specify a larger value, the API uses 520,192. It is possible 193 // that the response may include images that are slightly smaller than the specified minimum. You may specify 194 // this filter and maxFileSize to filter images within a range of file sizes. 195 // minHeight - filter images that have a height that is greater than or equal to the specified height. Specify 196 // the height in pixels. You may specify this filter and maxHeight to filter images within a range of heights. 197 // This filter and the height filter are mutually exclusive. 198 // minWidth - filter images that have a width that is greater than or equal to the specified width. Specify the 199 // width in pixels. You may specify this filter and maxWidth to filter images within a range of widths. This 200 // filter and the width filter are mutually exclusive. 201 // offset - the zero-based offset that indicates the number of images to skip before returning images. The 202 // default is 0. The offset should be less than 203 // ([totalEstimatedMatches](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#totalestimatedmatches) 204 // - count). Use this parameter along with the count parameter to page results. For example, if your user 205 // interface displays 20 images per page, set count to 20 and offset to 0 to get the first page of results. For 206 // each subsequent page, increment offset by 20 (for example, 0, 20, 40). It is possible for multiple pages to 207 // include some overlap in results. To prevent duplicates, see 208 // [nextOffset](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#nextoffset). 209 // Use this parameter only with the Image API. Do not specify this parameter when calling the Trending Images 210 // API or the Web Search API. 211 // safeSearch - filter images for adult content. The following are the possible filter values. Off: May return 212 // images with adult content. If the request is through the Image Search API, the response includes thumbnail 213 // images that are clear (non-fuzzy). However, if the request is through the Web Search API, the response 214 // includes thumbnail images that are pixelated (fuzzy). Moderate: If the request is through the Image Search 215 // API, the response doesn't include images with adult content. If the request is through the Web Search API, 216 // the response may include images with adult content (the thumbnail images are pixelated (fuzzy)). Strict: Do 217 // not return images with adult content. The default is Moderate. If the request comes from a market that 218 // Bing's adult policy requires that safeSearch is set to Strict, Bing ignores the safeSearch value and uses 219 // Strict. If you use the site: query operator, there is the chance that the response may contain adult content 220 // regardless of what the safeSearch query parameter is set to. Use site: only if you are aware of the content 221 // on the site and your scenario supports the possibility of adult content. 222 // size - filter images by the following sizes. All: Do not filter by size. Specifying this value is the same 223 // as not specifying the size parameter. Small: Return images that are less than 200x200 pixels. Medium: Return 224 // images that are greater than or equal to 200x200 pixels but less than 500x500 pixels. Large: Return images 225 // that are 500x500 pixels or larger. Wallpaper: Return wallpaper images. You may use this parameter along with 226 // the height or width parameters. For example, you may use height and size to request small images that are 227 // 150 pixels tall. 228 // setLang - the language to use for user interface strings. Specify the language using the ISO 639-1 2-letter 229 // language code. For example, the language code for English is EN. The default is EN (English). Although 230 // optional, you should always specify the language. Typically, you set setLang to the same language specified 231 // by mkt unless the user wants the user interface strings displayed in a different language. This parameter 232 // and the 233 // [Accept-Language](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cognitiveservices/bing-images-api-v7-reference#acceptlanguage) 234 // header are mutually exclusive; do not specify both. A user interface string is a string that's used as a 235 // label in a user interface. There are few user interface strings in the JSON response objects. Also, any 236 // links to Bing.com properties in the response objects apply the specified language. 237 // width - filter images that have the specified width, in pixels. You may use this filter with the size filter 238 // to return small images that have a width of 150 pixels. 239 func (client CustomInstanceClient) ImageSearch(ctx context.Context, customConfig string, query string, acceptLanguage string, userAgent string, clientID string, clientIP string, location string, aspect ImageAspect, colorParameter ImageColor, countryCode string, count *int32, freshness Freshness, height *int32, ID string, imageContent ImageContent, imageType ImageType, license ImageLicense, market string, maxFileSize *int64, maxHeight *int64, maxWidth *int64, minFileSize *int64, minHeight *int64, minWidth *int64, offset *int64, safeSearch SafeSearch, size ImageSize, setLang string, width *int32) (result Images, err error) { 240 if tracing.IsEnabled() { 241 ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/CustomInstanceClient.ImageSearch") 242 defer func() { 243 sc := -1 244 if result.Response.Response != nil { 245 sc = result.Response.Response.StatusCode 246 } 247 tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) 248 }() 249 } 250 req, err := client.ImageSearchPreparer(ctx, customConfig, query, acceptLanguage, userAgent, clientID, clientIP, location, aspect, colorParameter, countryCode, count, freshness, height, ID, imageContent, imageType, license, market, maxFileSize, maxHeight, maxWidth, minFileSize, minHeight, minWidth, offset, safeSearch, size, setLang, width) 251 if err != nil { 252 err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "customimagesearch.CustomInstanceClient", "ImageSearch", nil, "Failure preparing request") 253 return 254 } 255 256 resp, err := client.ImageSearchSender(req) 257 if err != nil { 258 result.Response = autorest.Response{Response: resp} 259 err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "customimagesearch.CustomInstanceClient", "ImageSearch", resp, "Failure sending request") 260 return 261 } 262 263 result, err = client.ImageSearchResponder(resp) 264 if err != nil { 265 err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "customimagesearch.CustomInstanceClient", "ImageSearch", resp, "Failure responding to request") 266 return 267 } 268 269 return 270 } 271 272 // ImageSearchPreparer prepares the ImageSearch request. 273 func (client CustomInstanceClient) ImageSearchPreparer(ctx context.Context, customConfig string, query string, acceptLanguage string, userAgent string, clientID string, clientIP string, location string, aspect ImageAspect, colorParameter ImageColor, countryCode string, count *int32, freshness Freshness, height *int32, ID string, imageContent ImageContent, imageType ImageType, license ImageLicense, market string, maxFileSize *int64, maxHeight *int64, maxWidth *int64, minFileSize *int64, minHeight *int64, minWidth *int64, offset *int64, safeSearch SafeSearch, size ImageSize, setLang string, width *int32) (*http.Request, error) { 274 urlParameters := map[string]interface{}{ 275 "Endpoint": client.Endpoint, 276 } 277 278 queryParameters := map[string]interface{}{ 279 "customConfig": autorest.Encode("query", customConfig), 280 "q": autorest.Encode("query", query), 281 } 282 if len(string(aspect)) > 0 { 283 queryParameters["aspect"] = autorest.Encode("query", aspect) 284 } 285 if len(string(colorParameter)) > 0 { 286 queryParameters["color"] = autorest.Encode("query", colorParameter) 287 } 288 if len(countryCode) > 0 { 289 queryParameters["cc"] = autorest.Encode("query", countryCode) 290 } 291 if count != nil { 292 queryParameters["count"] = autorest.Encode("query", *count) 293 } 294 if len(string(freshness)) > 0 { 295 queryParameters["freshness"] = autorest.Encode("query", freshness) 296 } 297 if height != nil { 298 queryParameters["height"] = autorest.Encode("query", *height) 299 } 300 if len(ID) > 0 { 301 queryParameters["id"] = autorest.Encode("query", ID) 302 } 303 if len(string(imageContent)) > 0 { 304 queryParameters["imageContent"] = autorest.Encode("query", imageContent) 305 } 306 if len(string(imageType)) > 0 { 307 queryParameters["imageType"] = autorest.Encode("query", imageType) 308 } 309 if len(string(license)) > 0 { 310 queryParameters["license"] = autorest.Encode("query", license) 311 } 312 if len(market) > 0 { 313 queryParameters["mkt"] = autorest.Encode("query", market) 314 } 315 if maxFileSize != nil { 316 queryParameters["maxFileSize"] = autorest.Encode("query", *maxFileSize) 317 } 318 if maxHeight != nil { 319 queryParameters["maxHeight"] = autorest.Encode("query", *maxHeight) 320 } 321 if maxWidth != nil { 322 queryParameters["maxWidth"] = autorest.Encode("query", *maxWidth) 323 } 324 if minFileSize != nil { 325 queryParameters["minFileSize"] = autorest.Encode("query", *minFileSize) 326 } 327 if minHeight != nil { 328 queryParameters["minHeight"] = autorest.Encode("query", *minHeight) 329 } 330 if minWidth != nil { 331 queryParameters["minWidth"] = autorest.Encode("query", *minWidth) 332 } 333 if offset != nil { 334 queryParameters["offset"] = autorest.Encode("query", *offset) 335 } 336 if len(string(safeSearch)) > 0 { 337 queryParameters["safeSearch"] = autorest.Encode("query", safeSearch) 338 } 339 if len(string(size)) > 0 { 340 queryParameters["size"] = autorest.Encode("query", size) 341 } 342 if len(setLang) > 0 { 343 queryParameters["setLang"] = autorest.Encode("query", setLang) 344 } 345 if width != nil { 346 queryParameters["width"] = autorest.Encode("query", *width) 347 } 348 349 preparer := autorest.CreatePreparer( 350 autorest.AsGet(), 351 autorest.WithCustomBaseURL("{Endpoint}/bingcustomsearch/v7.0", urlParameters), 352 autorest.WithPath("/images/search"), 353 autorest.WithQueryParameters(queryParameters), 354 autorest.WithHeader("X-BingApis-SDK", "true")) 355 if len(acceptLanguage) > 0 { 356 preparer = autorest.DecoratePreparer(preparer, 357 autorest.WithHeader("Accept-Language", autorest.String(acceptLanguage))) 358 } 359 if len(userAgent) > 0 { 360 preparer = autorest.DecoratePreparer(preparer, 361 autorest.WithHeader("User-Agent", autorest.String(userAgent))) 362 } 363 if len(clientID) > 0 { 364 preparer = autorest.DecoratePreparer(preparer, 365 autorest.WithHeader("X-MSEdge-ClientID", autorest.String(clientID))) 366 } 367 if len(clientIP) > 0 { 368 preparer = autorest.DecoratePreparer(preparer, 369 autorest.WithHeader("X-MSEdge-ClientIP", autorest.String(clientIP))) 370 } 371 if len(location) > 0 { 372 preparer = autorest.DecoratePreparer(preparer, 373 autorest.WithHeader("X-Search-Location", autorest.String(location))) 374 } 375 return preparer.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx)) 376 } 377 378 // ImageSearchSender sends the ImageSearch request. The method will close the 379 // http.Response Body if it receives an error. 380 func (client CustomInstanceClient) ImageSearchSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { 381 return client.Send(req, autorest.DoRetryForStatusCodes(client.RetryAttempts, client.RetryDuration, autorest.StatusCodesForRetry...)) 382 } 383 384 // ImageSearchResponder handles the response to the ImageSearch request. The method always 385 // closes the http.Response Body. 386 func (client CustomInstanceClient) ImageSearchResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Images, err error) { 387 err = autorest.Respond( 388 resp, 389 azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), 390 autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), 391 autorest.ByClosing()) 392 result.Response = autorest.Response{Response: resp} 393 return 394 } 395