//go:build go1.9 // +build go1.9 // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. // This code was auto-generated by: // github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/eng/tools/profileBuilder package imagesearch import original "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/cognitiveservices/v1.0/imagesearch" const ( DefaultEndpoint = original.DefaultEndpoint ) type Currency = original.Currency const ( AED Currency = original.AED AFN Currency = original.AFN ALL Currency = original.ALL AMD Currency = original.AMD ANG Currency = original.ANG AOA Currency = original.AOA ARS Currency = original.ARS AUD Currency = original.AUD AWG Currency = original.AWG AZN Currency = original.AZN BAM Currency = original.BAM BBD Currency = original.BBD BDT Currency = original.BDT BGN Currency = original.BGN BHD Currency = original.BHD BIF Currency = original.BIF BMD Currency = original.BMD BND Currency = original.BND BOB Currency = original.BOB BOV Currency = original.BOV BRL Currency = original.BRL BSD Currency = original.BSD BTN Currency = original.BTN BWP Currency = original.BWP BYR Currency = original.BYR BZD Currency = original.BZD CAD Currency = original.CAD CDF Currency = original.CDF CHE Currency = original.CHE CHF Currency = original.CHF CHW Currency = original.CHW CLF Currency = original.CLF CLP Currency = original.CLP CNY Currency = original.CNY COP Currency = original.COP COU Currency = original.COU CRC Currency = original.CRC CUC Currency = original.CUC CUP Currency = original.CUP CVE Currency = original.CVE CZK Currency = original.CZK DJF Currency = original.DJF DKK Currency = original.DKK DOP Currency = original.DOP DZD Currency = original.DZD EGP Currency = original.EGP ERN Currency = original.ERN ETB Currency = original.ETB EUR Currency = original.EUR FJD Currency = original.FJD FKP Currency = original.FKP GBP Currency = original.GBP GEL Currency = original.GEL GHS Currency = original.GHS GIP Currency = original.GIP GMD Currency = original.GMD GNF Currency = original.GNF GTQ Currency = original.GTQ GYD Currency = original.GYD HKD Currency = original.HKD HNL Currency = original.HNL HRK Currency = original.HRK HTG Currency = original.HTG HUF Currency = original.HUF IDR Currency = original.IDR ILS Currency = original.ILS INR Currency = original.INR IQD Currency = original.IQD IRR Currency = original.IRR ISK Currency = original.ISK JMD Currency = original.JMD JOD Currency = original.JOD JPY Currency = original.JPY KES Currency = original.KES KGS Currency = original.KGS KHR Currency = original.KHR KMF Currency = original.KMF KPW Currency = original.KPW KRW Currency = original.KRW KWD Currency = original.KWD KYD Currency = original.KYD KZT Currency = original.KZT LAK Currency = original.LAK LBP Currency = original.LBP LKR Currency = original.LKR LRD Currency = original.LRD LSL Currency = original.LSL LYD Currency = original.LYD MAD Currency = original.MAD MDL Currency = original.MDL MGA Currency = original.MGA MKD Currency = original.MKD MMK Currency = original.MMK MNT Currency = original.MNT MOP Currency = original.MOP MRO Currency = original.MRO MUR Currency = original.MUR MVR Currency = original.MVR MWK Currency = original.MWK MXN Currency = original.MXN MXV Currency = original.MXV MYR Currency = original.MYR MZN Currency = original.MZN NAD Currency = original.NAD NGN Currency = original.NGN NIO Currency = original.NIO NOK Currency = original.NOK NPR Currency = original.NPR NZD Currency = original.NZD OMR Currency = original.OMR PAB Currency = original.PAB PEN Currency = original.PEN PGK Currency = original.PGK PHP Currency = original.PHP PKR Currency = original.PKR PLN Currency = original.PLN PYG Currency = original.PYG QAR Currency = original.QAR RON Currency = original.RON RSD Currency = original.RSD RUB Currency = original.RUB RWF Currency = original.RWF SAR Currency = original.SAR SBD Currency = original.SBD SCR Currency = original.SCR SDG Currency = original.SDG SEK Currency = original.SEK SGD Currency = original.SGD SHP Currency = original.SHP SLL Currency = original.SLL SOS Currency = original.SOS SRD Currency = original.SRD SSP Currency = original.SSP STD Currency = original.STD SYP Currency = original.SYP SZL Currency = original.SZL THB Currency = original.THB TJS Currency = original.TJS TMT Currency = original.TMT TND Currency = original.TND TOP Currency = original.TOP TRY Currency = original.TRY TTD Currency = original.TTD TWD Currency = original.TWD TZS Currency = original.TZS UAH Currency = original.UAH UGX Currency = original.UGX USD Currency = original.USD UYU Currency = original.UYU UZS Currency = original.UZS VEF Currency = original.VEF VND Currency = original.VND VUV Currency = original.VUV WST Currency = original.WST XAF Currency = original.XAF XCD Currency = original.XCD XOF Currency = original.XOF XPF Currency = original.XPF YER Currency = original.YER ZAR Currency = original.ZAR ZMW Currency = original.ZMW ) type ErrorCode = original.ErrorCode const ( InsufficientAuthorization ErrorCode = original.InsufficientAuthorization InvalidAuthorization ErrorCode = original.InvalidAuthorization InvalidRequest ErrorCode = original.InvalidRequest None ErrorCode = original.None RateLimitExceeded ErrorCode = original.RateLimitExceeded ServerError ErrorCode = original.ServerError ) type ErrorSubCode = original.ErrorSubCode const ( AuthorizationDisabled ErrorSubCode = original.AuthorizationDisabled AuthorizationExpired ErrorSubCode = original.AuthorizationExpired AuthorizationMissing ErrorSubCode = original.AuthorizationMissing AuthorizationRedundancy ErrorSubCode = original.AuthorizationRedundancy Blocked ErrorSubCode = original.Blocked HTTPNotAllowed ErrorSubCode = original.HTTPNotAllowed NotImplemented ErrorSubCode = original.NotImplemented ParameterInvalidValue ErrorSubCode = original.ParameterInvalidValue ParameterMissing ErrorSubCode = original.ParameterMissing ResourceError ErrorSubCode = original.ResourceError UnexpectedError ErrorSubCode = original.UnexpectedError ) type Freshness = original.Freshness const ( Day Freshness = original.Day Month Freshness = original.Month Week Freshness = original.Week ) type ImageAspect = original.ImageAspect const ( All ImageAspect = original.All Square ImageAspect = original.Square Tall ImageAspect = original.Tall Wide ImageAspect = original.Wide ) type ImageColor = original.ImageColor const ( Black ImageColor = original.Black Blue ImageColor = original.Blue Brown ImageColor = original.Brown ColorOnly ImageColor = original.ColorOnly Gray ImageColor = original.Gray Green ImageColor = original.Green Monochrome ImageColor = original.Monochrome Orange ImageColor = original.Orange Pink ImageColor = original.Pink Purple ImageColor = original.Purple Red ImageColor = original.Red Teal ImageColor = original.Teal White ImageColor = original.White Yellow ImageColor = original.Yellow ) type ImageContent = original.ImageContent const ( Face ImageContent = original.Face Portrait ImageContent = original.Portrait ) type ImageCropType = original.ImageCropType const ( Rectangular ImageCropType = original.Rectangular ) type ImageInsightModule = original.ImageInsightModule const ( ImageInsightModuleAll ImageInsightModule = original.ImageInsightModuleAll ImageInsightModuleBRQ ImageInsightModule = original.ImageInsightModuleBRQ ImageInsightModuleCaption ImageInsightModule = original.ImageInsightModuleCaption ImageInsightModuleCollections ImageInsightModule = original.ImageInsightModuleCollections ImageInsightModulePagesIncluding ImageInsightModule = original.ImageInsightModulePagesIncluding ImageInsightModuleRecipes ImageInsightModule = original.ImageInsightModuleRecipes ImageInsightModuleRecognizedEntities ImageInsightModule = original.ImageInsightModuleRecognizedEntities ImageInsightModuleRelatedSearches ImageInsightModule = original.ImageInsightModuleRelatedSearches ImageInsightModuleShoppingSources ImageInsightModule = original.ImageInsightModuleShoppingSources ImageInsightModuleSimilarImages ImageInsightModule = original.ImageInsightModuleSimilarImages ImageInsightModuleSimilarProducts ImageInsightModule = original.ImageInsightModuleSimilarProducts ImageInsightModuleTags ImageInsightModule = original.ImageInsightModuleTags ) type ImageLicense = original.ImageLicense const ( ImageLicenseAll ImageLicense = original.ImageLicenseAll ImageLicenseAny ImageLicense = original.ImageLicenseAny ImageLicenseModify ImageLicense = original.ImageLicenseModify ImageLicenseModifyCommercially ImageLicense = original.ImageLicenseModifyCommercially ImageLicensePublic ImageLicense = original.ImageLicensePublic ImageLicenseShare ImageLicense = original.ImageLicenseShare ImageLicenseShareCommercially ImageLicense = original.ImageLicenseShareCommercially ) type ImageSize = original.ImageSize const ( ImageSizeAll ImageSize = original.ImageSizeAll ImageSizeLarge ImageSize = original.ImageSizeLarge ImageSizeMedium ImageSize = original.ImageSizeMedium ImageSizeSmall ImageSize = original.ImageSizeSmall ImageSizeWallpaper ImageSize = original.ImageSizeWallpaper ) type ImageType = original.ImageType const ( AnimatedGif ImageType = original.AnimatedGif Clipart ImageType = original.Clipart Line ImageType = original.Line Photo ImageType = original.Photo Shopping ImageType = original.Shopping Transparent ImageType = original.Transparent ) type ItemAvailability = original.ItemAvailability const ( Discontinued ItemAvailability = original.Discontinued InStock ItemAvailability = original.InStock InStoreOnly ItemAvailability = original.InStoreOnly LimitedAvailability ItemAvailability = original.LimitedAvailability OnlineOnly ItemAvailability = original.OnlineOnly OutOfStock ItemAvailability = original.OutOfStock PreOrder ItemAvailability = original.PreOrder SoldOut ItemAvailability = original.SoldOut ) type SafeSearch = original.SafeSearch const ( Moderate SafeSearch = original.Moderate Off SafeSearch = original.Off Strict SafeSearch = original.Strict ) type Type = original.Type const ( TypeAggregateRating Type = original.TypeAggregateRating TypePropertiesItem Type = original.TypePropertiesItem TypeRating Type = original.TypeRating ) type TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeBasicResponseBase const ( TypeAggregateOffer TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeAggregateOffer TypeAnswer TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeAnswer TypeCollectionPage TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeCollectionPage TypeCreativeWork TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeCreativeWork TypeErrorResponse TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeErrorResponse TypeIdentifiable TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeIdentifiable TypeImageGallery TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeImageGallery TypeImageInsights TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeImageInsights TypeImageObject TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeImageObject TypeImages TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeImages TypeIntangible TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeIntangible TypeMediaObject TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeMediaObject TypeNormalizedRectangle TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeNormalizedRectangle TypeOffer TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeOffer TypeOrganization TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeOrganization TypePerson TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypePerson TypeRecipe TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeRecipe TypeRecognizedEntity TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeRecognizedEntity TypeRecognizedEntityRegion TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeRecognizedEntityRegion TypeResponse TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeResponse TypeResponseBase TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeResponseBase TypeSearchResultsAnswer TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeSearchResultsAnswer TypeStructuredValue TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeStructuredValue TypeThing TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeThing TypeTrendingImages TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeTrendingImages TypeWebPage TypeBasicResponseBase = original.TypeWebPage ) type AggregateOffer = original.AggregateOffer type AggregateRating = original.AggregateRating type Answer = original.Answer type BaseClient = original.BaseClient type BasicAnswer = original.BasicAnswer type BasicCollectionPage = original.BasicCollectionPage type BasicCreativeWork = original.BasicCreativeWork type BasicIdentifiable = original.BasicIdentifiable type BasicIntangible = original.BasicIntangible type BasicMediaObject = original.BasicMediaObject type BasicOffer = original.BasicOffer type BasicPropertiesItem = original.BasicPropertiesItem type BasicRating = original.BasicRating type BasicResponse = original.BasicResponse type BasicResponseBase = original.BasicResponseBase type BasicSearchResultsAnswer = original.BasicSearchResultsAnswer type BasicStructuredValue = original.BasicStructuredValue type BasicThing = original.BasicThing type BasicWebPage = original.BasicWebPage type CollectionPage = original.CollectionPage type CreativeWork = original.CreativeWork type Error = original.Error type ErrorResponse = original.ErrorResponse type Identifiable = original.Identifiable type ImageGallery = original.ImageGallery type ImageInsights = original.ImageInsights type ImageInsightsImageCaption = original.ImageInsightsImageCaption type ImageObject = original.ImageObject type ImageTagsModule = original.ImageTagsModule type Images = original.Images type ImagesClient = original.ImagesClient type ImagesImageMetadata = original.ImagesImageMetadata type ImagesModule = original.ImagesModule type InsightsTag = original.InsightsTag type Intangible = original.Intangible type MediaObject = original.MediaObject type NormalizedRectangle = original.NormalizedRectangle type Offer = original.Offer type Organization = original.Organization type Person = original.Person type PivotSuggestions = original.PivotSuggestions type PropertiesItem = original.PropertiesItem type Query = original.Query type Rating = original.Rating type Recipe = original.Recipe type RecipesModule = original.RecipesModule type RecognizedEntitiesModule = original.RecognizedEntitiesModule type RecognizedEntity = original.RecognizedEntity type RecognizedEntityGroup = original.RecognizedEntityGroup type RecognizedEntityRegion = original.RecognizedEntityRegion type RelatedCollectionsModule = original.RelatedCollectionsModule type RelatedSearchesModule = original.RelatedSearchesModule type Response = original.Response type ResponseBase = original.ResponseBase type SearchResultsAnswer = original.SearchResultsAnswer type StructuredValue = original.StructuredValue type Thing = original.Thing type TrendingImages = original.TrendingImages type TrendingImagesCategory = original.TrendingImagesCategory type TrendingImagesTile = original.TrendingImagesTile type WebPage = original.WebPage func New() BaseClient { return original.New() } func NewImagesClient() ImagesClient { return original.NewImagesClient() } func NewWithoutDefaults(endpoint string) BaseClient { return original.NewWithoutDefaults(endpoint) } func PossibleCurrencyValues() []Currency { return original.PossibleCurrencyValues() } func PossibleErrorCodeValues() []ErrorCode { return original.PossibleErrorCodeValues() } func PossibleErrorSubCodeValues() []ErrorSubCode { return original.PossibleErrorSubCodeValues() } func PossibleFreshnessValues() []Freshness { return original.PossibleFreshnessValues() } func PossibleImageAspectValues() []ImageAspect { return original.PossibleImageAspectValues() } func PossibleImageColorValues() []ImageColor { return original.PossibleImageColorValues() } func PossibleImageContentValues() []ImageContent { return original.PossibleImageContentValues() } func PossibleImageCropTypeValues() []ImageCropType { return original.PossibleImageCropTypeValues() } func PossibleImageInsightModuleValues() []ImageInsightModule { return original.PossibleImageInsightModuleValues() } func PossibleImageLicenseValues() []ImageLicense { return original.PossibleImageLicenseValues() } func PossibleImageSizeValues() []ImageSize { return original.PossibleImageSizeValues() } func PossibleImageTypeValues() []ImageType { return original.PossibleImageTypeValues() } func PossibleItemAvailabilityValues() []ItemAvailability { return original.PossibleItemAvailabilityValues() } func PossibleSafeSearchValues() []SafeSearch { return original.PossibleSafeSearchValues() } func PossibleTypeBasicResponseBaseValues() []TypeBasicResponseBase { return original.PossibleTypeBasicResponseBaseValues() } func PossibleTypeValues() []Type { return original.PossibleTypeValues() } func UserAgent() string { return original.UserAgent() + " profiles/preview" } func Version() string { return original.Version() }