
Source file src/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/profiles/latest/cognitiveservices/qnamaker/models.go

Documentation: github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/profiles/latest/cognitiveservices/qnamaker

     1  //go:build go1.9
     2  // +build go1.9
     4  // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
     5  // Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
     7  // This code was auto-generated by:
     8  // github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/eng/tools/profileBuilder
    10  package qnamaker
    12  import original "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/cognitiveservices/v4.0/qnamaker"
    14  type EnvironmentType = original.EnvironmentType
    16  const (
    17  	Prod EnvironmentType = original.Prod
    18  	Test EnvironmentType = original.Test
    19  )
    21  type ErrorCodeType = original.ErrorCodeType
    23  const (
    24  	BadArgument       ErrorCodeType = original.BadArgument
    25  	EndpointKeysError ErrorCodeType = original.EndpointKeysError
    26  	ExtractionFailure ErrorCodeType = original.ExtractionFailure
    27  	Forbidden         ErrorCodeType = original.Forbidden
    28  	KbNotFound        ErrorCodeType = original.KbNotFound
    29  	NotFound          ErrorCodeType = original.NotFound
    30  	OperationNotFound ErrorCodeType = original.OperationNotFound
    31  	QnaRuntimeError   ErrorCodeType = original.QnaRuntimeError
    32  	QuotaExceeded     ErrorCodeType = original.QuotaExceeded
    33  	ServiceError      ErrorCodeType = original.ServiceError
    34  	SKULimitExceeded  ErrorCodeType = original.SKULimitExceeded
    35  	Unauthorized      ErrorCodeType = original.Unauthorized
    36  	Unspecified       ErrorCodeType = original.Unspecified
    37  	ValidationFailure ErrorCodeType = original.ValidationFailure
    38  )
    40  type OperationStateType = original.OperationStateType
    42  const (
    43  	Failed     OperationStateType = original.Failed
    44  	NotStarted OperationStateType = original.NotStarted
    45  	Running    OperationStateType = original.Running
    46  	Succeeded  OperationStateType = original.Succeeded
    47  )
    49  type ActiveLearningSettingsDTO = original.ActiveLearningSettingsDTO
    50  type AlterationsClient = original.AlterationsClient
    51  type AlterationsDTO = original.AlterationsDTO
    52  type BaseClient = original.BaseClient
    53  type ContextDTO = original.ContextDTO
    54  type CreateKbDTO = original.CreateKbDTO
    55  type CreateKbInputDTO = original.CreateKbInputDTO
    56  type DeleteKbContentsDTO = original.DeleteKbContentsDTO
    57  type EndpointKeysClient = original.EndpointKeysClient
    58  type EndpointKeysDTO = original.EndpointKeysDTO
    59  type EndpointSettingsClient = original.EndpointSettingsClient
    60  type EndpointSettingsDTO = original.EndpointSettingsDTO
    61  type EndpointSettingsDTOActiveLearning = original.EndpointSettingsDTOActiveLearning
    62  type Error = original.Error
    63  type ErrorResponse = original.ErrorResponse
    64  type ErrorResponseError = original.ErrorResponseError
    65  type FileDTO = original.FileDTO
    66  type InnerErrorModel = original.InnerErrorModel
    67  type KnowledgebaseClient = original.KnowledgebaseClient
    68  type KnowledgebaseDTO = original.KnowledgebaseDTO
    69  type KnowledgebasesDTO = original.KnowledgebasesDTO
    70  type MetadataDTO = original.MetadataDTO
    71  type Operation = original.Operation
    72  type OperationsClient = original.OperationsClient
    73  type PromptDTO = original.PromptDTO
    74  type PromptDTOQna = original.PromptDTOQna
    75  type QnADTO = original.QnADTO
    76  type QnADTOContext = original.QnADTOContext
    77  type QnADocumentsDTO = original.QnADocumentsDTO
    78  type ReplaceKbDTO = original.ReplaceKbDTO
    79  type UpdateContextDTO = original.UpdateContextDTO
    80  type UpdateKbContentsDTO = original.UpdateKbContentsDTO
    81  type UpdateKbOperationDTO = original.UpdateKbOperationDTO
    82  type UpdateKbOperationDTOAdd = original.UpdateKbOperationDTOAdd
    83  type UpdateKbOperationDTODelete = original.UpdateKbOperationDTODelete
    84  type UpdateKbOperationDTOUpdate = original.UpdateKbOperationDTOUpdate
    85  type UpdateMetadataDTO = original.UpdateMetadataDTO
    86  type UpdateQnaDTO = original.UpdateQnaDTO
    87  type UpdateQnaDTOContext = original.UpdateQnaDTOContext
    88  type UpdateQnaDTOMetadata = original.UpdateQnaDTOMetadata
    89  type UpdateQnaDTOQuestions = original.UpdateQnaDTOQuestions
    90  type UpdateQuestionsDTO = original.UpdateQuestionsDTO
    91  type WordAlterationsDTO = original.WordAlterationsDTO
    93  func New(endpoint string) BaseClient {
    94  	return original.New(endpoint)
    95  }
    96  func NewAlterationsClient(endpoint string) AlterationsClient {
    97  	return original.NewAlterationsClient(endpoint)
    98  }
    99  func NewEndpointKeysClient(endpoint string) EndpointKeysClient {
   100  	return original.NewEndpointKeysClient(endpoint)
   101  }
   102  func NewEndpointSettingsClient(endpoint string) EndpointSettingsClient {
   103  	return original.NewEndpointSettingsClient(endpoint)
   104  }
   105  func NewKnowledgebaseClient(endpoint string) KnowledgebaseClient {
   106  	return original.NewKnowledgebaseClient(endpoint)
   107  }
   108  func NewOperationsClient(endpoint string) OperationsClient {
   109  	return original.NewOperationsClient(endpoint)
   110  }
   111  func NewWithoutDefaults(endpoint string) BaseClient {
   112  	return original.NewWithoutDefaults(endpoint)
   113  }
   114  func PossibleEnvironmentTypeValues() []EnvironmentType {
   115  	return original.PossibleEnvironmentTypeValues()
   116  }
   117  func PossibleErrorCodeTypeValues() []ErrorCodeType {
   118  	return original.PossibleErrorCodeTypeValues()
   119  }
   120  func PossibleOperationStateTypeValues() []OperationStateType {
   121  	return original.PossibleOperationStateTypeValues()
   122  }
   123  func UserAgent() string {
   124  	return original.UserAgent() + " profiles/latest"
   125  }
   126  func Version() string {
   127  	return original.Version()
   128  }

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