Import-Module Pester BeforeAll { . $PSScriptRoot/../job-matrix-functions.ps1 $matrixConfig = @" { "displayNames": { "--enableFoo": "withfoo" }, "matrix": { "operatingSystem": [ "windows-2019", "ubuntu-18.04", "macOS-10.15" ], "framework": [ "net461", "netcoreapp2.1" ], "additionalArguments": [ "", "--enableFoo" ] }, "include": [ { "operatingSystem": "windows-2019", "framework": ["net461", "netcoreapp2.1", "net50"], "additionalArguments": "--enableWindowsFoo" } ], "exclude": [ { "operatingSystem": "windows-2019", "framework": "net461" }, { "operatingSystem": "macOS-10.15", "framework": "netcoreapp2.1" }, { "operatingSystem": ["macOS-10.15", "ubuntu-18.04"], "additionalArguments": "--enableFoo" } ] } "@ } Describe "Matrix-Lookup" -Tag "lookup" { It "Should navigate a 2d matrix: " -TestCases @( @{ row = 0; col = 0; expected = 1 }, @{ row = 0; col = 1; expected = 2 }, @{ row = 1; col = 0; expected = 3 }, @{ row = 1; col = 1; expected = 4 } ) { $dimensions = @(2, 2) $matrix = @( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) GetNdMatrixElement @($row, $col) $matrix $dimensions | Should -Be $expected } It "Should navigate a 3d matrix: " -TestCases @( @{ z = 0; row = 0; col = 0; expected = 1 } @{ z = 0; row = 0; col = 1; expected = 2 } @{ z = 0; row = 1; col = 0; expected = 3 } @{ z = 0; row = 1; col = 1; expected = 4 } @{ z = 1; row = 0; col = 0; expected = 5 } @{ z = 1; row = 0; col = 1; expected = 6 } @{ z = 1; row = 1; col = 0; expected = 7 } @{ z = 1; row = 1; col = 1; expected = 8 } ) { $dimensions = @(2, 2, 2) $matrix = @( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ) GetNdMatrixElement @($z, $row, $col) $matrix $dimensions | Should -Be $expected } It "Should navigate a 4d matrix: " -TestCases @( @{ t = 0; z = 0; row = 0; col = 0; expected = 1 } @{ t = 0; z = 0; row = 0; col = 1; expected = 2 } @{ t = 0; z = 0; row = 1; col = 0; expected = 3 } @{ t = 0; z = 0; row = 1; col = 1; expected = 4 } @{ t = 0; z = 1; row = 0; col = 0; expected = 5 } @{ t = 0; z = 1; row = 0; col = 1; expected = 6 } @{ t = 0; z = 1; row = 1; col = 0; expected = 7 } @{ t = 0; z = 1; row = 1; col = 1; expected = 8 } @{ t = 1; z = 0; row = 0; col = 0; expected = 9 } @{ t = 1; z = 0; row = 0; col = 1; expected = 10 } @{ t = 1; z = 0; row = 1; col = 0; expected = 11 } @{ t = 1; z = 0; row = 1; col = 1; expected = 12 } @{ t = 1; z = 1; row = 0; col = 0; expected = 13 } @{ t = 1; z = 1; row = 0; col = 1; expected = 14 } @{ t = 1; z = 1; row = 1; col = 0; expected = 15 } @{ t = 1; z = 1; row = 1; col = 1; expected = 16 } ) { $dimensions = @(2, 2, 2, 2) $matrix = @( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ) GetNdMatrixElement @($t, $z, $row, $col) $matrix $dimensions | Should -Be $expected } It "Should navigate a 4d matrix: " -TestCases @( @{ t = 0; z = 0; row = 0; col = 0; expected = 1 } @{ t = 0; z = 0; row = 0; col = 1; expected = 2 } @{ t = 0; z = 0; row = 0; col = 2; expected = 3 } @{ t = 0; z = 0; row = 0; col = 3; expected = 4 } @{ t = 0; z = 0; row = 1; col = 0; expected = 5 } @{ t = 0; z = 0; row = 1; col = 1; expected = 6 } @{ t = 0; z = 0; row = 1; col = 2; expected = 7 } @{ t = 0; z = 0; row = 1; col = 3; expected = 8 } @{ t = 0; z = 1; row = 0; col = 0; expected = 9 } @{ t = 0; z = 1; row = 0; col = 1; expected = 10 } @{ t = 0; z = 1; row = 0; col = 2; expected = 11 } @{ t = 0; z = 1; row = 0; col = 3; expected = 12 } @{ t = 0; z = 1; row = 1; col = 0; expected = 13 } @{ t = 0; z = 1; row = 1; col = 1; expected = 14 } @{ t = 0; z = 1; row = 1; col = 2; expected = 15 } @{ t = 0; z = 1; row = 1; col = 3; expected = 16 } ) { $dimensions = @(1, 2, 2, 4) $matrix = @( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ) GetNdMatrixElement @($t, $z, $row, $col) $matrix $dimensions | Should -Be $expected } # Skipping since by default wrapping behavior on indexing is disabled. # Keeping here in case we want to enable it. It -Skip "Should handle index wrapping: " -TestCases @( @{ row = 2; col = 2; expected = 1 } @{ row = 2; col = 3; expected = 2 } @{ row = 4; col = 4; expected = 1 } @{ row = 4; col = 5; expected = 2 } ) { $dimensions = @(2, 2) $matrix = @( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) GetNdMatrixElement @($row, $col) $matrix $dimensions | Should -Be $expected } } Describe "Matrix-Reverse-Lookup" -Tag "lookup" { It "Should lookup a 2d matrix index: " -TestCases @( @{ index = 0; expected = @(0,0) } @{ index = 1; expected = @(0,1) } @{ index = 2; expected = @(1,0) } @{ index = 3; expected = @(1,1) } ) { $dimensions = @(2, 2) $matrix = @(1, 2, 3, 4) GetNdMatrixElement $expected $matrix $dimensions | Should -Be $matrix[$index] GetNdMatrixIndex $index $dimensions | Should -Be $expected } It "Should lookup a 3d matrix index: " -TestCases @( @{ index = 0; expected = @(0,0,0) } @{ index = 1; expected = @(0,0,1) } @{ index = 2; expected = @(0,1,0) } @{ index = 3; expected = @(0,1,1) } @{ index = 4; expected = @(1,0,0) } @{ index = 5; expected = @(1,0,1) } @{ index = 6; expected = @(1,1,0) } @{ index = 7; expected = @(1,1,1) } ) { $dimensions = @(2, 2, 2) $matrix = @(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) GetNdMatrixElement $expected $matrix $dimensions | Should -Be $matrix[$index] GetNdMatrixIndex $index $dimensions | Should -Be $expected } It "Should lookup a 3d matrix index: " -TestCases @( @{ index = 0; expected = @(0,0,0) } @{ index = 1; expected = @(0,0,1) } @{ index = 2; expected = @(0,0,2) } @{ index = 3; expected = @(0,1,0) } @{ index = 4; expected = @(0,1,1) } @{ index = 5; expected = @(0,1,2) } @{ index = 6; expected = @(1,0,0) } @{ index = 7; expected = @(1,0,1) } @{ index = 8; expected = @(1,0,2) } @{ index = 9; expected = @(1,1,0) } @{ index = 10; expected = @(1,1,1) } @{ index = 11; expected = @(1,1,2) } ) { $dimensions = @(2, 2, 3) $matrix = @(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) GetNdMatrixElement $expected $matrix $dimensions | Should -Be $matrix[$index] GetNdMatrixIndex $index $dimensions | Should -Be $expected } It "Should lookup a 3d matrix index: " -TestCases @( @{ index = 0; expected = @(0,0,0) } @{ index = 1; expected = @(0,0,1) } @{ index = 2; expected = @(0,1,0) } @{ index = 3; expected = @(0,1,1) } @{ index = 4; expected = @(1,0,0) } @{ index = 5; expected = @(1,0,1) } @{ index = 6; expected = @(1,1,0) } @{ index = 7; expected = @(1,1,1) } @{ index = 8; expected = @(2,0,0) } @{ index = 9; expected = @(2,0,1) } @{ index = 10; expected = @(2,1,0) } @{ index = 11; expected = @(2,1,1) } ) { $dimensions = @(3, 2, 2) $matrix = @(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) GetNdMatrixElement $expected $matrix $dimensions | Should -Be $matrix[$index] GetNdMatrixIndex $index $dimensions | Should -Be $expected } It "Should lookup a 4d matrix index: " -TestCases @( @{ index = 0; expected = @(0,0,0,0) } @{ index = 1; expected = @(0,0,0,1) } @{ index = 2; expected = @(0,0,0,2) } @{ index = 3; expected = @(0,0,0,3) } @{ index = 4; expected = @(0,0,1,0) } @{ index = 5; expected = @(0,0,1,1) } @{ index = 6; expected = @(0,0,1,2) } @{ index = 7; expected = @(0,0,1,3) } @{ index = 8; expected = @(0,1,0,0) } @{ index = 9; expected = @(0,1,0,1) } @{ index = 10; expected = @(0,1,0,2) } @{ index = 11; expected = @(0,1,0,3) } @{ index = 12; expected = @(0,1,1,0) } @{ index = 13; expected = @(0,1,1,1) } @{ index = 14; expected = @(0,1,1,2) } @{ index = 15; expected = @(0,1,1,3) } ) { $dimensions = @(1, 2, 2, 4) $matrix = @(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) GetNdMatrixElement $expected $matrix $dimensions | Should -Be $matrix[$index] GetNdMatrixIndex $index $dimensions | Should -Be $expected } } Describe 'Matrix-Set' -Tag "set" { It "Should set a matrix element" -TestCases @( @{ value = "set"; index = @(0,0,0,0); arrayIndex = 0 } @{ value = "ones"; index = @(0,1,1,1); arrayIndex = 13 } ) { $dimensions = @(1, 2, 2, 4) $matrix = @(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) SetNdMatrixElement $value $index $matrix $dimensions $matrix[$arrayIndex] | Should -Be $value } } Describe "Platform Matrix Generation" -Tag "generate" { BeforeEach { $matrixConfigForGenerate = @" { "displayNames": { "--enableFoo": "withfoo" }, "matrix": { "operatingSystem": [ "windows-2019", "ubuntu-18.04", "macOS-10.15" ], "framework": [ "net461", "netcoreapp2.1" ], "additionalArguments": [ "", "--enableFoo" ] }, "include": [ { "operatingSystem": "windows-2019", "framework": "net461", "additionalTestArguments": "/p:UseProjectReferenceToAzureClients=true" } ], "exclude": [ { "foo": "bar" }, { "foo2": "bar2" } ] } "@ $generateConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixConfigForGenerate } It "Should get matrix dimensions from Nd parameters" { GetMatrixDimensions $generateConfig.matrixParameters | Should -Be 3, 2, 2 } It "Should use name overrides from displayNames" { $dimensions = GetMatrixDimensions $generateConfig.matrixParameters $matrix = GenerateFullMatrix $generateConfig.matrixParameters $generateconfig.displayNamesLookup $element = GetNdMatrixElement @(0, 0, 0) $matrix $dimensions $ | Should -Be "windows2019_net461" $element = GetNdMatrixElement @(1, 1, 1) $matrix $dimensions $ | Should -Be "ubuntu1804_netcoreapp21_withFoo" $element = GetNdMatrixElement @(2, 1, 1) $matrix $dimensions $ | Should -Be "macOS1015_netcoreapp21_withFoo" } It "Should initialize an N-dimensional matrix from all parameter permutations" { $dimensions = GetMatrixDimensions $generateConfig.matrixParameters $matrix = GenerateFullMatrix $generateConfig.matrixParameters $generateConfig.displayNamesLookup $matrix.Count | Should -Be 12 $element = $matrix[0].parameters $element.operatingSystem | Should -Be "windows-2019" $element.framework | Should -Be "net461" $element.additionalArguments | Should -Be "" $element = GetNdMatrixElement @(1, 1, 1) $matrix $dimensions $element.parameters.operatingSystem | Should -Be "ubuntu-18.04" $element.parameters.framework | Should -Be "netcoreapp2.1" $element.parameters.additionalArguments | Should -Be "--enableFoo" $element = GetNdMatrixElement @(2, 1, 1) $matrix $dimensions $element.parameters.operatingSystem | Should -Be "macOS-10.15" $element.parameters.framework | Should -Be "netcoreapp2.1" $element.parameters.additionalArguments | Should -Be "--enableFoo" } It "Should initialize a sparse matrix from an N-dimensional matrix" -TestCases @( @{ i = 0; name = "windows2019_net461"; operatingSystem = "windows-2019"; framework = "net461"; additionalArguments = ""; } @{ i = 1; name = "ubuntu1804_netcoreapp21_withfoo"; operatingSystem = "ubuntu-18.04"; framework = "netcoreapp2.1"; additionalArguments = "--enableFoo"; } @{ i = 2; name = "macOS1015_net461"; operatingSystem = "macOS-10.15"; framework = "net461"; additionalArguments = ""; } ) { $sparseMatrix = GenerateSparseMatrix $generateConfig.matrixParameters $generateConfig.displayNamesLookup $dimensions = GetMatrixDimensions $generateConfig.matrixParameters $size = ($dimensions | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum $sparseMatrix.Count | Should -Be $size $sparseMatrix[$i].name | Should -Be $name $element = $sparseMatrix[$i].parameters $element.operatingSystem | Should -Be $operatingSystem $element.framework | Should -Be $framework $element.additionalArguments | Should -Be $additionalArguments } It "Should generate a sparse matrix from an N-dimensional matrix config" { $sparseMatrix = GenerateMatrix $generateConfig "sparse" $sparseMatrix.Length | Should -Be 4 } It "Should initialize a full matrix from an N-dimensional matrix config" { $matrix = GenerateMatrix $generateConfig "all" $matrix.Length | Should -Be 13 } } Describe "Config File Object Conversion" -Tag "convert" { BeforeEach { $config = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixConfig } It "Should convert a matrix config" { $config.matrixParameters[0].Name | Should -Be "operatingSystem" $config.matrixParameters[0].Flatten()[0].Value | Should -Be "windows-2019" $config.displayNamesLookup | Should -BeOfType [Hashtable] $config.displayNamesLookup["--enableFoo"] | Should -Be "withFoo" $config.include.Length | Should -Be 1 $config.exclude.Length | Should -Be 3 } } Describe "Platform Matrix Post Transformation" -Tag "transform" { BeforeEach { $config = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixConfig } It "Should match partial matrix elements" -TestCases @( @{ source = [Ordered]@{ a = 1; b = 2; }; target = [Ordered]@{ a = 1 }; expected = $true } @{ source = [Ordered]@{ a = 1; b = 2; }; target = [Ordered]@{ a = 1; b = 2 }; expected = $true } @{ source = [Ordered]@{ a = 1; b = 2; }; target = [Ordered]@{ a = 1; b = 2; c = 3 }; expected = $false } @{ source = [Ordered]@{ a = 1; b = 2; }; target = [Ordered]@{ }; expected = $false } @{ source = [Ordered]@{ }; target = [Ordered]@{ a = 1; b = 2; }; expected = $false } ) { MatrixElementMatch $source $target | Should -Be $expected } It "Should remove matrix elements based on exclude filters" { $matrix = GenerateFullMatrix $config.matrixParameters $config.displayNamesLookup $withExclusion = ProcessExcludes $matrix $config.exclude $withExclusion.Length | Should -Be 5 $matrix = GenerateSparseMatrix $config.matrixParameters $config.displayNamesLookup [array]$withExclusion = ProcessExcludes $matrix $config.exclude $withExclusion.Length | Should -Be 1 } It "Should add matrix elements based on include elements" { $matrix = GenerateFullMatrix $config.matrixParameters $config.displayNamesLookup $withInclusion = ProcessIncludes $config $matrix "all" $withInclusion.Length | Should -Be 15 } It "Should include and exclude values with a matrix" { [Array]$matrix = GenerateMatrix $config "all" $matrix.Length | Should -Be 8 $matrix[0].name | Should -Be "windows2019_netcoreapp21" $matrix[0].parameters.operatingSystem | Should -Be "windows-2019" $matrix[0].parameters.framework | Should -Be "netcoreapp2.1" $matrix[0].parameters.additionalArguments | Should -Be "" $matrix[1].name | Should -Be "windows2019_netcoreapp21_withfoo" $matrix[1].parameters.operatingSystem | Should -Be "windows-2019" $matrix[1].parameters.framework | Should -Be "netcoreapp2.1" $matrix[1].parameters.additionalArguments | Should -Be "--enableFoo" $matrix[2].name | Should -Be "ubuntu1804_net461" $matrix[2].parameters.framework | Should -Be "net461" $matrix[2].parameters.operatingSystem | Should -Be "ubuntu-18.04" $matrix[2].parameters.additionalArguments | Should -Be "" $matrix[4].name | Should -Be "macOS1015_net461" $matrix[4].parameters.framework | Should -Be "net461" $matrix[4].parameters.operatingSystem | Should -Be "macOS-10.15" $matrix[4].parameters.additionalArguments | Should -Be "" $matrix[7].name | Should -Be "windows2019_net50_enableWindowsFoo" $matrix[7].parameters.framework | Should -Be "net50" $matrix[7].parameters.operatingSystem | Should -Be "windows-2019" $matrix[7].parameters.additionalArguments | Should -Be "--enableWindowsFoo" } It "Should parse a config with an empty base matrix" { $matrixConfigForIncludeOnly = @" { "include": [ { "operatingSystem": "windows-2019", "framework": "net461" } ] } "@ $config = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixConfigForIncludeOnly [Array]$matrix = GenerateMatrix $config "all" $matrix.Length | Should -Be 1 $matrix[0].name | Should -Be "windows2019_net461" } It "Should parse a config with an empty include" { $matrixConfigForIncludeOnly = @" { "matrix": { "operatingSystem": "windows-2019", "framework": "net461" } } "@ $config = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixConfigForIncludeOnly [Array]$matrix = GenerateMatrix $config "all" $matrix.Length | Should -Be 1 $matrix[0].name | Should -Be "windows2019_net461" } } Describe "Platform Matrix Generation With Object Fields" -Tag "objectfields" { BeforeEach { $matrixConfigForObject = @" { "matrix": { "testObject": { "testObjectName1": { "testObject1Value1": "1", "testObject1Value2": "2" }, "testObjectName2": { "testObject2Value1": "1", "testObject2Value2": "2" } }, "secondTestObject": { "secondTestObjectName1": { "secondTestObject1Value1": "1", "secondTestObject1Value2": "2" } }, "testField": [ "footest", "bartest" ] }, "include": [ { "testObjectInclude": { "testObjectIncludeName": { "testObjectValue1": "1", "testObjectValue2": "2" } }, "testField": "footest" } ] } "@ $objectFieldConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixConfigForObject } It "Should parse dimensions properly" { [Array]$dimensions = GetMatrixDimensions $objectFieldConfig.matrixParameters $dimensions.Length | Should -Be 3 $dimensions[0] | Should -Be 2 $dimensions[1] | Should -Be 1 $dimensions[2] | Should -Be 2 } It "Should populate a sparse matrix dimensions properly" { [Array]$matrix = GenerateMatrix $objectFieldConfig "sparse" $matrix.Length | Should -Be 3 $matrix[0].name | Should -Be "testObjectName1_secondTestObjectName1_footest" $matrix[0].parameters.testField | Should -Be "footest" $matrix[0].parameters.testObject1Value1 | Should -Be "1" $matrix[0].parameters.testObject1Value2 | Should -Be "2" $matrix[0].parameters.secondTestObject1Value1 | Should -Be "1" $matrix[0].parameters.Count | Should -Be 5 $matrix[1].name | Should -Be "testObjectName2_secondTestObjectName1_bartest" $matrix[1].parameters.testField | Should -Be "bartest" $matrix[1].parameters.testObject2Value1 | Should -Be "1" $matrix[1].parameters.testObject2Value2 | Should -Be "2" $matrix[1].parameters.secondTestObject1Value1 | Should -Be "1" $matrix[1].parameters.Count | Should -Be 5 $matrix[2].name | Should -Be "testObjectIncludeName_footest" $matrix[2].parameters.testField | Should -Be "footest" $matrix[2].parameters.testObjectValue1 | Should -Be "1" $matrix[2].parameters.testObjectValue2 | Should -Be "2" $matrix[2].parameters.Count | Should -Be 3 } It "Should splat matrix entries that are objects into key/values" { [Array]$matrix = GenerateMatrix $objectFieldConfig "all" $matrix.Length | Should -Be 5 $matrix[0].name | Should -Be "testObjectName1_secondTestObjectName1_footest" $matrix[0].parameters.testField | Should -Be "footest" $matrix[0].parameters.testObject1Value1 | Should -Be "1" $matrix[0].parameters.testObject1Value2 | Should -Be "2" $matrix[0].parameters.secondTestObject1Value1 | Should -Be "1" $matrix[0].parameters.Count | Should -Be 5 $matrix[3].name | Should -Be "testObjectName2_secondTestObjectName1_bartest" $matrix[3].parameters.testField | Should -Be "bartest" $matrix[3].parameters.testObject2Value1 | Should -Be "1" $matrix[3].parameters.testObject2Value2 | Should -Be "2" $matrix[3].parameters.secondTestObject1Value1 | Should -Be "1" $matrix[3].parameters.Count | Should -Be 5 $matrix[4].name | Should -Be "testObjectIncludeName_footest" $matrix[4].parameters.testField | Should -Be "footest" $matrix[4].parameters.testObjectValue1 | Should -Be "1" $matrix[4].parameters.testObjectValue2 | Should -Be "2" $matrix[4].parameters.Count | Should -Be 3 } } Describe "Platform Matrix Job and Display Names" -Tag "displaynames" { BeforeEach { $matrixConfigForGenerate = @" { "displayNames": { "--enableFoo": "withfoo" }, "matrix": { "operatingSystem": "ubuntu-18.04", "framework": [ "net461", "netcoreapp2.1" ], "TestNullField": null, "TestObjectField": { "TestObjectValueName": { "foo": "bar", "baz": "qux" } } } } "@ $generateConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixConfigForGenerate } It "Should enforce valid display name format" { $generateconfig.displayNamesLookup["net461"] = '123.Some.456.Invalid_format-name$(foo)' $generateconfig.displayNamesLookup["netcoreapp2.1"] = (New-Object string[] 150) -join "a" $matrix = GenerateFullMatrix $generateconfig.matrixParameters $generateconfig.displayNamesLookup $matrix[0].name | Should -Be "ubuntu1804_123some456invalid_formatnamefoo_TestObjectValueName" $matrix[1].name.Length | Should -Be 100 # The withfoo part of the argument gets cut off at the character limit $matrix[1].name | Should -BeLike "ubuntu1804_aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*" } It "Should create a valid display name when there are leading numbers" { $generateconfig.displayNamesLookup["ubuntu-18.04"] = '123_ubuntu1804' $matrix = GenerateFullMatrix $generateconfig.matrixParameters $generateconfig.displayNamesLookup $matrix[0].name | Should -Be "job_123_ubuntu1804_net461_TestObjectValueName" } It "Should create a valid job name when there are leading numbers" { $matrixConfigForGenerate = @" { "matrix": { "numField1": [1, 2, 3], "letterField": ["a", "b", "c"] } } "@ $generateConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixConfigForGenerate $matrix = GenerateFullMatrix $generateconfig.matrixParameters $generateconfig.displayNamesLookup $matrix[0].name | Should -Be "job_1_a" } It "Should create a valid job name when parameter values are all numbers" { $matrixConfigForGenerate = @" { "matrix": { "numField1": ["1", "2", "3"], "numField2": [4, 5, 6] } } "@ $generateConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixConfigForGenerate $matrix = GenerateSparseMatrix $generateconfig.matrixParameters $generateconfig.displayNamesLookup $matrix[0].name | Should -Be "job_1_4" $matrix[1].name | Should -Be "job_2_5" $matrix[2].name | Should -Be "job_3_6" } It "Should generate a display name with null and object values" { $matrix = GenerateMatrix $generateConfig "sparse" $matrix[0].name | Should -Be "ubuntu1804_net461_TestObjectValueName" } }