Import-Module Pester BeforeAll { . $PSScriptRoot/../job-matrix-functions.ps1 function CompareMatrices([Array]$matrix, [Array]$expected) { $matrix.Length | Should -Be $expected.Length for ($i = 0; $i -lt $matrix.Length; $i++) { foreach ($entry in $matrix[$i]) { $ | Should -Be $expected[$i].name foreach ($param in $entry.parameters.GetEnumerator()) { $param.Value | Should -Be $expected[$i].parameters[$param.Name] } } } } } Describe "Platform Matrix nonSparse" -Tag "nonsparse" { BeforeEach { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "testField1": [ 1, 2 ], "testField2": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "testField3": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], } } '@ $config = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson } It "Should process nonSparse parameters" { $parameters, $nonSparse = ProcessNonSparseParameters $config.matrixParameters "testField1","testField3" $parameters.Count | Should -Be 1 $parameters[0].Name | Should -Be "testField2" $parameters[0].Value | Should -Be 1,2,3 $nonSparse.Count | Should -Be 2 $nonSparse[0].Name | Should -Be "testField1" $nonSparse[0].Value | Should -Be 1,2 $nonSparse[1].Name | Should -Be "testField3" $nonSparse[1].Value | Should -Be 1,2,3,4 $parameters, $nonSparse = ProcessNonSparseParameters $config.matrixParameters "testField3" $parameters.Count | Should -Be 2 ($parameters).Name -match "testField3" | Should -Be $null $nonSparse.Count | Should -Be 1 $nonSparse[0].Name | Should -Be "testField3" $nonSparse[0].Value | Should -Be 1,2,3,4 } It "Should ignore nonSparse with all selection" { $matrix = GenerateMatrix $config "all" -nonSparseParameters "testField3" $matrix.Length | Should -Be 24 } It "Should combine sparse matrix with nonSparse parameters" { $matrix = GenerateMatrix $config "sparse" -nonSparseParameters "testField3" $matrix.Length | Should -Be 12 } It "Should combine with multiple nonSparse fields" { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "testField1": [ 1, 2 ], "testField2": [ 1, 2 ], "testField3": [ 31, 32 ], "testField4": [ 41, 42 ] } } '@ $config = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson $matrix = GenerateMatrix $config "all" -nonSparseParameters "testField3","testField4" $matrix.Length | Should -Be 16 $matrix = GenerateMatrix $config "sparse" -nonSparseParameters "testField3","testField4" $matrix.Length | Should -Be 8 } It "Should apply nonSparseParameters to an imported matrix" { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "$IMPORT": "./test-import-matrix.json", "TestField1": "test1" }, "exclude": [ { "Baz": "importedBaz" } ] } '@ $expectedMatrix = @' [ { "parameters": { "TestField1": "test1", "Foo": "foo1", "Bar": "bar1" }, "name": "test1_foo1_bar1" }, { "parameters": { "TestField1": "test1", "Foo": "foo1", "Bar": "bar2" }, "name": "test1_foo1_bar2" }, { "parameters": { "TestField1": "test1", "Foo": "foo2", "Bar": "bar1" }, "name": "test1_foo2_bar1" }, { "parameters": { "TestField1": "test1", "Foo": "foo2", "Bar": "bar2" }, "name": "test1_foo2_bar2" } ] '@ $importConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson $matrix = GenerateMatrix $importConfig "sparse" -nonSparseParameters "Foo" $expected = $expectedMatrix | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable $matrix.Length | Should -Be 4 CompareMatrices $matrix $expected } } Describe "Platform Matrix Import" -Tag "import" { It "Should generate a sparse matrix where the entire base matrix is imported" { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "$IMPORT": "./test-import-matrix.json" }, "include": [ { "fooinclude": "fooinclude" } ] } '@ $expectedMatrix = @' [ { "parameters": { "Foo": "foo1", "Bar": "bar1" }, "name": "foo1_bar1" }, { "parameters": { "Foo": "foo2", "Bar": "bar2" }, "name": "foo2_bar2" }, { "parameters": { "Baz": "importedBaz" }, "name": "importedBazName" }, { "parameters": { "fooinclude": "fooinclude" }, "name": "fooinclude" }, ] '@ $importConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson $matrix = GenerateMatrix $importConfig "sparse" $expected = $expectedMatrix | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable $matrix.Length | Should -Be 4 CompareMatrices $matrix $expected } It "Should import a matrix and combine with length=1 vectors" { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "$IMPORT": "./test-import-matrix.json", "TestField1": "test1", "TestField2": "test2" }, "exclude": [ { "Baz": "importedBaz" } ] } '@ $expectedMatrix = @' [ { "parameters": { "TestField1": "test1", "TestField2": "test2", "Foo": "foo1", "Bar": "bar1" }, "name": "test1_test2_foo1_bar1" }, { "parameters": { "TestField1": "test1", "TestField2": "test2", "Foo": "foo2", "Bar": "bar2" }, "name": "test1_test2_foo2_bar2" } ] '@ $importConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson $matrix = GenerateMatrix $importConfig "sparse" $expected = $expectedMatrix | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable $matrix.Length | Should -Be 2 CompareMatrices $matrix $expected } It "Should generate a matrix with nonSparseParameters and an imported sparse matrix" { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "$IMPORT": "./test-import-matrix.json", "testField": [ "test1", "test2" ] } } '@ $importConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson $matrix = GenerateMatrix $importConfig "sparse" -nonSparseParameters "testField" $matrix.Length | Should -Be 6 $matrix[0].name | Should -Be test1_foo1_bar1 $matrix[0].parameters.testField | Should -Be "test1" $matrix[0].parameters.Foo | Should -Be "foo1" $matrix[2].name | Should -Be test1_importedBazName $matrix[2].parameters.testField | Should -Be "test1" $matrix[2].parameters.Baz | Should -Be "importedBaz" $matrix[4].name | Should -Be test2_foo2_bar2 $matrix[4].parameters.testField | Should -Be "test2" $matrix[4].parameters.Foo | Should -Be "foo2" } It "Should source imported display name lookups" { $matrixJson = @' { "displayNames": { "test1": "test1DisplayName", "importedBaz": "importedBazNameOverride" }, "matrix": { "$IMPORT": "./test-import-matrix.json", "testField": [ "test1", "test2" ] } } '@ $importConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson $matrix = GenerateMatrix $importConfig "sparse" -nonSparseParameters "testField" $matrix[0].name | Should -Be test1DisplayName_foo1_bar1 $matrix[2].name | Should -Be test1DisplayName_importedBazNameOverride } It "Should generate a sparse matrix with an imported sparse matrix" { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "$IMPORT": "./test-import-matrix.json", "testField1": [ "test11", "test12" ], "testField2": [ "test21", "test22" ] } } '@ $expectedMatrix = @' [ { "parameters": { "testField1": "test11", "testField2": "test21", "Foo": "foo1", "Bar": "bar1" }, "name": "test11_test21_foo1_bar1" }, { "parameters": { "testField1": "test11", "testField2": "test21", "Foo": "foo2", "Bar": "bar2" }, "name": "test11_test21_foo2_bar2" }, { "parameters": { "testField1": "test11", "testField2": "test21", "Baz": "importedBaz" }, "name": "test11_test21_importedBazName" }, { "parameters": { "testField1": "test12", "testField2": "test22", "Foo": "foo1", "Bar": "bar1" }, "name": "test12_test22_foo1_bar1" }, { "parameters": { "testField1": "test12", "testField2": "test22", "Foo": "foo2", "Bar": "bar2" }, "name": "test12_test22_foo2_bar2" }, { "parameters": { "testField1": "test12", "testField2": "test22", "Baz": "importedBaz" }, "name": "test12_test22_importedBazName" } ] '@ $importConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson $matrix = GenerateMatrix $importConfig "sparse" $expected = $expectedMatrix | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable $matrix.Length | Should -Be 6 CompareMatrices $matrix $expected } It "Should import a sparse matrix with import, include, and exclude" { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "$IMPORT": "./test-import-matrix.json", "testField": [ "test1", "test2", "test3" ], }, "include": [ { "testImportIncludeName": [ "testInclude1", "testInclude2" ] } ], "exclude": [ { "testField": "test1" }, { "testField": "test3", "Baz": "importedBaz" } ] } '@ $expectedMatrix = @' [ { "parameters": { "testField": "test2", "Foo": "foo1", "Bar": "bar1" }, "name": "test2_foo1_bar1" }, { "parameters": { "testField": "test2", "Foo": "foo2", "Bar": "bar2" }, "name": "test2_foo2_bar2" }, { "parameters": { "testField": "test2", "Baz": "importedBaz" }, "name": "test2_importedBazName" }, { "parameters": { "testField": "test3", "Foo": "foo1", "Bar": "bar1" }, "name": "test3_foo1_bar1" }, { "parameters": { "testField": "test3", "Foo": "foo2", "Bar": "bar2" }, "name": "test3_foo2_bar2" }, { "parameters": { "testImportIncludeName": "testInclude1" }, "name": "testInclude1" }, { "parameters": { "testImportIncludeName": "testInclude2" }, "name": "testInclude2" } ] '@ $importConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson $matrix = GenerateMatrix $importConfig "sparse" $expected = $expectedMatrix | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable $matrix.Length | Should -Be 7 CompareMatrices $matrix $expected } It "Should not combine matrices with duplicate keys" { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "$IMPORT": "./test-import-matrix.json", "Foo": [ "fooOverride1", "fooOverride2" ], } } '@ $importConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson { GenerateMatrix $importConfig "sparse" } | Should -Throw } } Describe "Platform Matrix Replace" -Tag "replace" { It "Should parse replacement syntax" -TestCases @( @{ query = 'foo=bar/baz'; key = '^foo$'; value = '^bar$'; replace = 'baz' }, @{ query = 'foo=\/p:bar/\/p:baz'; key = '^foo$'; value = '^\/p:bar$'; replace = '/p:baz' }, @{ query = 'f\=o\/o=\/p:b\=ar/\/p:b\=az'; key = '^f\=o\/o$'; value = '^\/p:b\=ar$'; replace = '/p:b=az' }, @{ query = 'foo=bar/'; key = '^foo$'; value = '^bar$'; replace = '' }, @{ query = 'foo=/baz'; key = '^foo$'; value = '^$'; replace = 'baz' } ) { $parsed = ParseReplacement $query $parsed.key | Should -Be $key $parsed.value | Should -Be $value $parsed.replace | Should -Be $replace } It "Should fail for invalid replacement syntax" -TestCases @( @{ query = '' }, @{ query = 'asdf' }, @{ query = 'asdf=foo/bar/baz' }, @{ query = 'asdf=foo=bar/baz' }, @{ query = 'asdf=foo' } ) { { $parsed = ParseReplacement $query } | Should -Throw { $parsed = ParseReplacement $query } | Should -Throw { $parsed = ParseReplacement $query } | Should -Throw { $parsed = ParseReplacement $query } | Should -Throw { $parsed = ParseReplacement $query } | Should -Throw } It "Should replace values in a matrix" { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "Foo": [ "foo1", "foo2" ], "Bar": [ "bar1", "bar2" ] }, "include": [ { "Baz": "baz1" } ] } '@ $expectedMatrix = @' [ { "parameters": { "Foo": "foo1Replaced", "Bar": "bar1" }, "name": "foo1Replaced_bar1" }, { "parameters": { "Foo": "fooDefaultReplaced", "Bar": "bar2" }, "name": "fooDefaultReplaced_bar2" }, { "parameters": { "Baz": "bazReplaced" }, "name": "bazReplaced" } ] '@ $replace = @( "Foo=foo1/foo1Replaced", "Foo=foo.*/fooDefaultReplaced", ".*=B.z\d/bazReplaced" ) $importConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson $matrix = GenerateMatrix -config $importConfig -selectFromMatrixType "sparse" -replace $replace $expected = $expectedMatrix | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable $matrix.Length | Should -Be 3 CompareMatrices $matrix $expected } It "Should replace values in a matrix with import and nonSparseParameters" { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "$IMPORT": "./test-import-matrix.json", "testField": [ "test1", "test2" ] } } '@ $importConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson $matrix = GenerateMatrix $importConfig "sparse" -nonSparseParameters "testField" -replace @("testField=test1/testReplaced", "Baz=.*/bazReplaced") $matrix.Length | Should -Be 6 $matrix[0].name | Should -Be testReplaced_foo1_bar1 $matrix[0].parameters.testField | Should -Be "testReplaced" $matrix[0].parameters.Foo | Should -Be "foo1" $matrix[2].name | Should -Be testReplaced_bazReplaced $matrix[2].parameters.testField | Should -Be "testReplaced" $matrix[2].parameters.Baz | Should -Be "bazReplaced" $matrix[4].name | Should -Be test2_foo2_bar2 $matrix[4].parameters.testField | Should -Be "test2" $matrix[4].parameters.Foo | Should -Be "foo2" } It "Should replace values in groupings" { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "Agent": { "ubuntu-1804": { "OSVmImage": "MMSUbuntu18.04", "Pool": "azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-1804-general" } }, "JavaTestVersion": [ "1.8", "1.11" ] } } '@ $importConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson $matrix = GenerateMatrix $importConfig "all" -replace @("JavaTestVersion=1.8/2.0", "Pool=.*ubuntu.*/custom-ubuntu-pool") $matrix.Length | Should -Be 2 # Replacements of inner values will preserve the grouping name $matrix[0].name | Should -Be "ubuntu1804_20" $matrix[0].parameters.JavaTestVersion | Should -Be "2.0" $matrix[0].parameters.Pool | Should -Be "custom-ubuntu-pool" $matrix[0].parameters.OSVmImage | Should -Be "MMSUbuntu18.04" # Make sure non-literal keys still replace under the hood $matrix = GenerateMatrix $importConfig "all" -replace ".*=.*ubuntu.*/custom-ubuntu-pool" $matrix.Length | Should -Be 2 $matrix[0].name | Should -Be "ubuntu1804_18" $matrix[0].parameters.Pool | Should -Be "custom-ubuntu-pool" } It "Should replace values and apply regex capture groups" { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "Foo": [ "foo1", "foo2" ], "Bar": [ "bar1", "bar2" ] } } '@ $importConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson $replace = 'Foo=(foo)1/$1ReplacedFoo1', 'B.*=(.*)2/$1ReplacedBar2' $matrix = GenerateMatrix $importConfig "sparse" -replace $replace $matrix.Length | Should -Be 2 $matrix[0].name | Should -Be "fooReplacedFoo1_bar1" $matrix[0].parameters.Foo | Should -Be "fooReplacedFoo1" $matrix[1].name | Should -Be "foo2_barReplacedBar2" $matrix[1].parameters.Bar | Should -Be "barReplacedBar2" } It "Should only fully match a string for replace" { $matrixJson = @' { "matrix": { "Foo": [ "foo1", "foo2" ], "Bar": "bar1" } } '@ $importConfig = GetMatrixConfigFromJson $matrixJson $replace = @("Foo=foo/shouldNotReplaceFoo", "B=bar1/shouldNotReplaceBar") $matrix = GenerateMatrix -config $importConfig -selectFromMatrixType "sparse" -replace $replace $matrix.Length | Should -Be 2 $matrix[0].parameters.Foo | Should -Be "foo1" $matrix[0].parameters.Bar | Should -Be "bar1" $matrix[1].parameters.Foo | Should -Be "foo2" $matrix[1].parameters.Bar | Should -Be "bar1" } }