param ( [string]$TargetDirectory = "", # Code path to code owners. e.g sdk/core/azure-amqp [string]$CodeOwnerFileLocation = (Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot/../../../.github/CODEOWNERS), # The absolute path of CODEOWNERS file. [string]$ToolVersion = "1.0.0-dev.20220121.1", [string]$ToolPath = (Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) "codeowners-tool-path"), # The place to check the tool existence. Put temp path as default [string]$DevOpsFeed = "", # DevOp tool feeds. [string]$VsoVariable = "", # Option of write code owners into devop variable [switch]$IncludeNonUserAliases, # Option to filter out the team alias in code owner list. e.g. Azure/azure-sdk-team [switch]$Test #Run test functions against the script logic ) function Get-CodeOwnersTool() { $command = Join-Path $ToolPath "retrieve-codeowners" # Check if the retrieve-codeowners tool exsits or not. if (Get-Command $command -errorAction SilentlyContinue) { return $command } if (!(Test-Path $ToolPath)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ToolPath | Out-Null } Write-Host "Installing the retrieve-codeowners tool under $ToolPath... " # Run command under tool path to avoid dotnet tool install command checking .csproj files. # This is a bug for dotnet tool command. Issue: Push-Location $ToolPath dotnet tool install --tool-path $ToolPath --add-source $DevOpsFeed --version $ToolVersion "Azure.Sdk.Tools.RetrieveCodeOwners" | Out-Null Pop-Location # Test to see if the tool properly installed. if (!(Get-Command $command -errorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Error "The retrieve-codeowners tool is not properly installed. Please check your tool path. $ToolPath" return } return $command } function Get-CodeOwners ([string]$targetDirectory, [string]$codeOwnerFileLocation, [bool]$includeNonUserAliases = $false) { $command = Get-CodeOwnersTool # Filter out the non user alias from code owner list. if($includeNonUserAliases) { $codeOwnersString = & $command --target-directory $targetDirectory --code-owner-file-path $codeOwnerFileLocation 2>&1 } else { $codeOwnersString = & $command --target-directory $targetDirectory --code-owner-file-path $codeOwnerFileLocation --filter-out-non-user-aliases 2>&1 } # Failed at the command of fetching code owners. if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Host $codeOwnersString return ,@() } $codeOwnersJson = $codeOwnersString | ConvertFrom-Json if (!$codeOwnersJson) { Write-Host "No code owners returned from the path: $targetDirectory" return ,@() } if ($VsoVariable) { $codeOwners = $codeOwnersJson.Owners -join "," Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=$VsoVariable;]$codeOwners" } return ,@($codeOwnersJson.Owners) } function TestGetCodeOwner([string]$targetDirectory, [string]$codeOwnerFileLocation, [bool]$includeNonUserAliases = $false, [string[]]$expectReturn) { Write-Host "Testing on $targetDirectory..." $actualReturn = Get-CodeOwners -targetDirectory $targetDirectory -codeOwnerFileLocation $codeOwnerFileLocation -includeNonUserAliases $IncludeNonUserAliases if ($actualReturn.Count -ne $expectReturn.Count) { Write-Error "The length of actual result is not as expected. Expected length: $($expectReturn.Count), Actual length: $($actualReturn.Count)." exit 1 } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $expectReturn.Count; $i++) { if ($expectReturn[$i] -ne $actualReturn[$i]) { Write-Error "Expect result $expectReturn[$i] is different than actual result $actualReturn[$i]." exit 1 } } } if($Test) { $testFile = (Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot/../../../tools/code-owners-parser/Azure.Sdk.Tools.RetrieveCodeOwners.Tests/CODEOWNERS) TestGetCodeOwner -targetDirectory "sdk" -codeOwnerFileLocation $testFile -includeNonUserAliases $true -expectReturn @("person1", "person2") TestGetCodeOwner -targetDirectory "sdk/noPath" -codeOwnerFileLocation $testFile -includeNonUserAliases $true -expectReturn @("person1", "person2") TestGetCodeOwner -targetDirectory "/sdk/azconfig" -codeOwnerFileLocation $testFile -includeNonUserAliases $true -expectReturn @("person3", "person4") TestGetCodeOwner -targetDirectory "/sdk/azconfig/package" -codeOwnerFileLocation $testFile -includeNonUserAliases $true $testFile -expectReturn @("person3", "person4") TestGetCodeOwner -targetDirectory "/sd" -codeOwnerFileLocation $testFile -includeNonUserAliases $true -expectReturn @() TestGetCodeOwner -targetDirectory "/sdk/testUser/" -codeOwnerFileLocation $testFile -expectReturn @("azure-sdk") exit 0 } else { return Get-CodeOwners -targetDirectory $TargetDirectory -codeOwnerFileLocation $CodeOwnerFileLocation -includeNonUserAliases $IncludeNonUserAliases }